>we want the 13 year old american obsessive masturbators
I lost all respect I had for capcom
>we want the 13 year old american obsessive masturbators
I lost all respect I had for capcom
Other urls found in this thread:
oh god my PENIS
my penis doesn't get hard for trannies.
What's wrong with her butt?
she lacks one
only straight up men.
DMC has always pandered to middle schoolers, this is nothing new
>This game that was cool when I was 14 because it's aimed towards 14 year olds isn't cool anymore now that I'm a jaded 26 year old
>slight love handles
oh my
but this is a new low
I can already imagine those 15 year old with green hair youtubers saying how much they will masturbate to her in the next weekend
you mean hips?
Jokes on you. I'm a 31yo Eastern European masturbator and I love this game.
looks like the sun really shines out of her ass.
>think edgy behavior is "cool"
>probably sucks cock for muslims
>Likes DMC5
who could have thought
That'a Judgment Nut.
Where the fuck is her ass? This isn’t even a matter of size, it’s just not even there. There’s no cheeks or anything. The light clearly isn’t covering THAT much.
would you like them to add terrorist attacks for the europoors?
Why are you imagining underage boys masturbating user? I think we have deeper psychological issues to deal with at hand.
it's censored
You mean her fucking pelvic bone?
I imagine they spending 2 hours on youtube faking reactions videos similar to lostpause
lliac crest
T. Incel
There is no middle ground. There is either a man or a woman
Traps are men, not some weird grey area
is this all you get to see?
Dammit I thought she was getting fully nude in front of Dante for a minute because I was trying to see her ass and didn't even see Nico
Lady is a woman you fucking nigger
How are people playing it already?
Thats everyone.
So, there is a nude model already made? There was custom nude models for RE2 in less than a month on the same engine. Get ready to play as nude Lady within a week probably.
Is that model going to be ripped for porn?
Is that supposed to be spicy? Quantic Dream did more, years ago, in Heavy Rain
That's one flat ass.
Why the fuck would you have respect for a company, let alone a shitty one like Capcom, to begin with? Are you autistic?
>oh no the series aimed at 15 year olds is now no longer as appealing to me since I am a jaded 26 year old how could this happen
Capcom have been redeeming themselves hard in the last few years if you dont count their fighting games.
Even more so if her penis is feminine.
Not even sure anymore is this is ironic or actual resetera posting.
Well it's not like Europeans are even allowed to masturbate, so why not?
I think there's a shadow being cast over it as well which is why the inside thigh line looks fucking weird
>tfw OP posted this in the middle of eating so I have to wait several minutes to beat it to Lady
God damn it, the shit I put up with.
imagine having this little understanding of anatomy
Goddamn, now you're making me realize that there will be a thread there talking about this scene (and more), and screencaps of it will be spammed here on Yea Forums for at least a week
May allah allow this to be uncensored on PC/Xbone
If it's not ironic then I hope they realize how non-inclusive they are being.
>Video gaems must appeal to everyone EXCEPT chronic masturbators because they're icky or something
They will never do this. And it's better.
Dante tried to fill her dark soul with light, but put it into the wrong hole.
I disagree.
>We want the people who actually buy and play games audience
Oh the horror!
Goddamn I miss DMC3 Lady
I do not understand the rationale between censoring Lady butt but not censoring Trish butt
Maybe one was pc and one was ps4?
>light ray censor
wtf i thought japs were based
Ah man that's probably it
Why did you have respect for them in the first place?
>Adding in game advertisments to the shit SF V
>Broken MHW on launch
>MHW is shit
>Microtransactions in DMC
There's your answer. I sorta think this was more tasteful though since Lady dropping her cloth seems unnecessary.
Are you ready for BUTT NAKED LADY ASS on PC?
I just want it to be tomorrow already man
I can't spare the cash for the game this month so I gotta have this at least
I'm going to pirate it and buy it if it's at least almost on dmc3 level, which I fucking DOUBT because no game devs have that much soul today. Especially after they had the fucking gull to make that shit DmC reboot. If it's at least better than 4 I'll buy it. I already know it won't be anything like 1 (my favorite) since that was mostly just Dante and barely Trish/Virgil/Mundus. Meanwhile V has like 8 characters lmfao.
1 was like that because it started as RE4 and mutated into DMC
You can easily swap Dante for Leon and the puppets with zombies
I just want to know if it'll run as well on toasters as 4 did
8 characters with multiple combat styles is a good thing for replayability, chalange runs and STYLE
The RE is an upgraded MT Frameworks
The new Resident Evil games run really well even on old systems so DMC5 is probably also gonna run on black magic
yeah double jumping, throwing enemies into the air with a sword and slicing them midair and flying thru another dimension shooting at a giant god head sounds like resident evil. not sure if you just played the first 2 missions or something.
you don't like it? I didn't like all the cutscenes, the cringe as fuck joker character that almost ruined the whole game for me, and the unbelievably over the top shit that fucking made the game feel completely different than 1. It wasn't bad though, and definitely was a lot better than 4.
Right, because clearly ALL of those things were present in the original build of RE4 before being renamed to Devil May Cry.
No, you literal fucking retard, it was because of a bug that was discovered during the original RE4's development that allowed you to juggle enemies with your guns. They just kind of rolled with it from there and built an entire game around stuff like that. DMC1 having some of RE's quirks such as fixed camera angles and the horror atmosphere were all part of it.
It was fun sure but has massive flaws. Barely any good boss fights, enemy design is fucking awful, stupid grinding bullshit for styles, somewhat unbalanced ranking system, absolutely fucking awful level design, only 3 good songs on the OST.
Jumping was originally not a feature in the game but one of the programmers convinced Kamiya that being able to launch and juggle enemies and not jump yourself was silly
Kamiya was amazed when he saw what jumping added to the game and demanded a double jump feature since that would mean double the amazement
The level designers hated it because they had to remake a lot of levels twice to allow for jumping and double jumping
I know that you blabbering autist, but you just fucking said:
>You can easily swap Dante for Leon and the puppets with zombies
Dmc3 had fixed angles too...sure you could slightly move the camera sometimes but there were so many parts where you can't even do that so I never even bothered to do it at all.
>we must defeat the male gaze
Fuck off.
yeah the Nero fights were basically the only good ones.
Also, Mallet Island is the most Resident Evil place name of all time.
The gameplay change to RE3's style of slow shooting is assumed, of course.
Not my fault you have the IQ if a shoebox.
No, I didn't. is my first post in this thread, I just jumped in because you're an idiot.
Dante's wife is lookin' pretty fine. He needs to get started on making his own little Nero before its too late, afterall.
Mind controlling bedbugs used by a religious cult with a high-ranking member being a child-sized 20-year-old with the skin of an old man who also has a giant statue of himself that walks and Leon roundhouse kicking Spaniards to get gold coins to pay a random guy for some gun upgrades sure does sound like the original Resident Evil
openwide Yea Forums its time for big tranny penis dessert
ok guess I should read your mind when all you said was swap it for leon, who you don't even fucking play as in re3 by the way. I'm the retarded one though.
>DMC 3
its ok to be gay
you faggot
Is Nico gay?
no one believes there are 2 different people as fucking retarded as you in the thread, sorry.
If she is, she never said it, only gave impression she is sciencesexual.
Why do you say that?
shit I meant Virgil
The guy was saying you can literally just replace Dante with Leon in DMC1. That is just irrefutably completely batshit retarded to the point that there's no fucking way he even played the game. Then you came in and said, for no fucking reason, that dmc1 started out as re4, which is true and everybody already knows that, but it has nothing to do with the conversation whatsoever. Yet you're calling ME fucking stupid when you can't follow 2 posts. Faggot.
what game is this, my penis wants to know
The dude who initially responded to you is clearly talking about characters only, not the gameplay. You originally stated that DMC1 is pretty much all Dante and the rest of the cast doesn't have much of presence. That guy:
>That's because it was originally going to be an RE game so it would have been mostly just Leon vs zombies for the majority of the game
I don't think this was that hard to understand.
probably new DMC
t. fat fuck
Still makes no sense. So you could swap Dante for Leon if it was a completely different game than what it was and was Resident Evil. Okay then I agree.
Why is she so fat? That is disgusting.
>No ass
It's fucking over, 11 years of waiting for this...
He means "Most of the game is just Dante vs monsters because it was going to be like that when it was an RE game and they kept that basic setup. Replace Dante with Leon and monsters with zombies and you get the idea."
Just use the 'incel' word, so I can filter you out autimatically, faggot.
ok and there are other characters. like idk, it's a pretty big part how you have a glowing blue demon sword battle. the fact is you're now saying if you completely changed the game and everything in it, then yes you would be right. which is very fucking retarded. now kill yourself.
vergil and lady. I suddenly need this shit in my life. fuck you itsuno ,haha
isn't "Lady" a TRAP>
>the ironical name + short hair
Yeah, she'd have to be at least half that age to be for the 40 something British immigrant audience!
She's called Lady because she didn't want to tell Dante her name in 3 because her father gave it to her and he started doing demon magic so the name's tainted in her opinion
So Dante goes "okay... Lady." and calls her that for the rest of the game/series
>Lady is now Nero's stepmom
>suddenly that time he saw her naked becomes extra awkward
LMAO just look at this pathetic low effort contrarianism, pretty much Yea Forums in a nutshell.
>tfw you will never rename your tsundere tomboy demon slaying waifu
but i wanted to see the other one naked
it's true, the left really can't meme
I saw a picture of Virgil smiling and thought Nero slicked his hair back like his dad and lol'd
So Yea Forums bitches about MK "removing" tits and ass, and Yea Forums bitches about tits and ass in a game that always had tits and ass to begin with. Good job. How I fucking hate this place.
It's kind of passable I guess. But why is Lady's face so fucked compared to past games?
Jesus, that's awful
This is much better
these antifa st edits are equally the worst and best thing I've seen in years
Not sure if you're pretending to think this is actual resetera posting, or just retarded.
>mystic beam of light on the ass
Snoy strikes again!
It's almost like there are different people posting
>Facts are contrarian
Shitposters never change
Uh, cool I guess.
Here’s the real question though, are we going to see Nico naked?
You're fucking retarded, dude. Try reading what other people say a couple of times and then turn it over in the ol' brainbox before you respond next time.
But in the end, that is not even true. It is no matter what a game does, Yea Forums hates it.
You literally can not fap to this bland shit. you may aswell fap to a plank of wood.
Not until mods start coming out.
>Vergil sincerely laughing
I hate this
>X is a nazi
>in current day and age
why do Americans do this?
You'd be laughing too, if you just realized your son might as well change the last letter of his name into d.
Also, that's an edit.
>you may as well fap to a plank of wood
seeing your "mommy" naked it's like the main tradition of DMC.
>eurofags hate this
You had respect for Capcom?
What do you want, tentacle rape?
>before placing her into a demon, Urizen had a little fun with Lady
>Vergil still remembers that after the fusion
You're two fucking retards sucking each other off while responding at the same fucking time and saying it would be a resident evil game if it was a resident evil game LOL
I don't think you meant to quote me senpai. But I'll disagree with you regardless even though I did not even follow your discussion with that other guy.
If you don't go see Captain Marvel this Friday, you are not a man.
I don't particularly care for your respect.
Personally I like to masturbate to this, and I can respect other people who do the same.
Let us masturbate in peace in between enjoying our action game.
Brie Larson has absolutely no charisma and Captain Marvel looks mediocre at best
I'm more excited for the real Captain Marvel
misogynist pig
and proud
*proceeds to make fun of some guy's small dick*
the micro dicked should be rightfully scorned for their malformity
where the fuck do you think we are
zoomer-Yea Forums would lick boyholes all eternity long
So should the beef-cunts. What about it?
you don't have to justify pirating it to us, user
yes they should
>that lens flare censoring
just like my animes
yeah, kinda. But guys have low standards or being actually considerate when meeting woman in person. You cant really say anything wrong about female body, its really rude, but also really destroys woman who hears it.
Should I gamble and buy the game from Kinguin for 36 eurodollars?
lol these faggots
What's with the anus flashlight?
Yeah heaven forbid women should show skin, ever. Digital or otherwise. You tell em my American friend.
> not knowing when Dante has filled someone's dark soul with LIGHT
>we want the 13 year old american obsessive masturbators
First DMC game bud?
this is peak "haha" posting but uniroic
hey so listen
recommend me a good DMC doujin
>we want the 13 year old american obsessive masturbators
>I lost all respect I had for capcom
Jealous land-whales, omega males and trannies! Leave this board at once!
Only 13-year-olds use 'cringe' anyway so OP probably just read something about masturbation being bad and now that's his identity
He's right, Honoka and Marie Rose ruined the series. That's what happens when you pander to pedos
That's more tasteful than some games from when I was your age, like the original God of War where you fuck Aphrodite. That part was embarrassing to play around adults.
>pedo for fictional girls
>conveniently sidesteps Marie Rose
you need help
>pedo for fictional girls
I didn't sidestep shit and you need a lot of help.
>13 year old american obsessive masturbators
Where do you think you're posting this?
Oh wait, they don't.
Marie Rose is sexy
you can't deny this fact
Lady is used to be seen naked by everyone anyway
that ship has sailed long ago my friend
crazy how pedos are quick to justify themselves like it is a court hearing
no one brought up rights, you retards needs to shut the fuck up
He said Eastern Europe, you faggot. There are no mudslimes there.
I would stick my big ol dick straight up her puss right then and there and flood her uterus with my hot jizz
I didn't bring up rights you useless fuckstick
I just stated the objective fact that Marie Rose is sexy
why does it keep happening?
>just being a pedo lands you in court
might want to check out the law again dear
We're posting pics of our pizzas and drinks tonight right?
Recomend me some good alcoholic mixes bros. I've only drank 4 times before
>women cant help it stop making fun
>ew look how short he is i would never date him
>why is series aiming at teenagers not aimed at me
dont drink user
you need to be at peak performance for doing crazy combos
I thought he looked like Christ Angel.
You can make fun of anything.
27 and married and that hasn't stopped me from jacking it at least daily. You might just have a low libido.
>not absolutely destroyed demographically
Enjoy the next few years.
>game has gratuitous nudity
>"reee american pervets"
>game has little to no nudity
>"reee american protestants"
Article 13 can't come soon enough
>ewwww naked girls are icky yucky
Is it because she is also a man?
if you take it slow and drink 1 or 2 every few hours it should be fine. It just sucks when you're drinking nonstop and get to the point where you can't do shit. That might just be alcoholism though.
>Article 13
What do you think it would've done? because i don't think it does what you think it does. Also it got BTFO'd already.
>its really rude, but also really destroys woman who hears it.
you can't spell hypocrite without woman
Say what you will about the faces in RE Engine but the bodies are on-point
Are you implying they don't keep voting until it passes?
They might do, but not any time soon.
>conveniently sidesteps an 18 year-old
What's the problem here?
that's when you stop playing, turn some sad songs on and browse old photos while crying
being attracted to fictional girls is soooo problematic user
>Dad walks in
I forgot the game is almost out and the sperging will be 100x the amount anytime soon. Its gonna be a chaos
yikes, it's like when a creep no one admits to inviting says something at a party
I'm a lightweight so it just takes a few shots of vodka
a faggot
i dont see how a bit of tit even annoys any guy of any age unless they're a faggot
even if you're asexual you just kinda go "oh, ok. smashin." then move on. why does everybody get so fucking pissed
There's other nude scenes
cope harder incel
Streamer privilege
What's there to cope with? You being a faggot doesn't affect my life. Amazing vocabulary, by the way guess you just started speaking the past year or so.
The user you're replying to most likely meant that there will be many bait threads and the newfags will most likely fill every single one of them to bump limit.
Russia is over 10% mooselimb.
Theres a lot of yaoi incest dj so I dont know what are you looking for specifically user
And this ugly ass is supposed to somehow fix the ugly face. So much retardation.
Read between the lines. OP just wanted to post tits.
shaddap fag
Maybe her butt hurts.
>no pubes
what is this zoomer monstrosity
It's called being shaved and has been a thing for at least since the early 1900.
> Not liking a tranny makes you a fag.
it's rated M you fucking mongol.
if the parents buy the game, they're to blame.
Me trying to kiss the other girl
what does this even mean?
why is she naked?
t. american
Her Real name is Mary
though his now lady thanks to her asshole satanist father in DMC3, so you can thank dante and vergil for her new name
The zombies tore off her clothes. She barely got away
me on the left
Swede actually.
the dream man of a dick coaster bitch that she can't attain cause she rode the dick coaster.
How does it feel to be a nation indoctrinated by Gillette into believing fully shaven is some sort of norm you absolute cuck of a nation, there isn't a single day that doens't go by where I learn something new to laugh at the feminized swedish men. You might as well make it mandate to castrate all the men at birth.
Americans can’t masturbate due to being circumcised
In general, swedes are like any other people.
>Gillette into believing fully shaven is some sort of norm
Maybe in the bigger cities. Outside of them we vary from being shaved or not shaved.
You should stop reading news, since they focus on Stockholm.
Video Games.
ibn4 the cutscene for this specific scene was prerendered
God bless Japan
Are people really so young that they don't know dmc 1 started as a biohazard game?
>Nico blatantly giving her a once-over
that's not the point you fucking retarded nigger. he said put leon in dmc1 and it's resident evil. LOL IT ISN'T! THAT'S THE POINT! KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!! FUCKING DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL YOURSELF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING KILL YOURSELF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING DO IT KILL YOURSELF FUCKING KILL YOURSELF FUCKING KILL YOURSE SELF FUCKING KILL YOURSELF FUCKING KILL YOURSELF FUCKING KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!
lmao, this guy is so furious
She looks like Olivia Wilde with a smaller head.
>Hand in glove
>The sun shines out of our behinds
>No, it's not like any other love
>This one is different, because it's us
why would it be rated M for Mature, then?
SJW bullshit made her breasts 2 times smaller
they were originally small before they bimbofied her in 4 for some reason
>getting this triggered by women
And i thought i was the misogynist.
Dude unless you are a degenerate that slices his own dick off, males were born with a dick.
It goes up when they see an attractive woman, no matter what the social moral code is. Your DNA is telling you to stick it into something of the opposite sex and reproduce.
If that gets you so uptight that you have to rant against it, you might be a fucking pussywhipped faggot or having withdrawal symptoms. Either way, figure it out with your shrink and don't bother us with your fucking BS.
this is the The Room of edits
Fuck! dude I always knew him as Nero Angelo all these years
because I played 3 for the first time yesterday
i like big booby bidya games.
based and checked. DMC Lady can get pregnant, trannies can't.
ha, you're a complete poofter
>no ass whatsoever
as a Ladyfag this makes me want to jump off a building and die
And let you control the character while she was topless
Someone please the rip the model, I need to see if she has nipples
>still masturbating to games or softcore shit when pornhub is free in the year of our lord 2019
I literally can't comprehend why anyone would pay money for porn
Posting that word really should be awarded with a 30-day or longer ban. It's the absolute depth of low-quality posting.
>you now realize modders will swap naked Lady and Trish for regular models
Feels good to own this on PC
Oh god, I wish
also yikes and oof and cope
are you scared or intimidated over a naked womans body? Thats pretty pathetic.
hmm that's one shiny buttplug
For someone like OP that wants to have a body like that but cant, probably both.
We get it, you're gay.
why, do you have a problem with birthday suit ?
this guy massages
one side of her ass fell off
Anyone with an Xbone gotten to this part? Is it censored on the bone too? No one fucking knows?
>gay cowboy Vergil dance instead of Dante
Feels fucking fabulous, bros!
What a lady
Wonder how hard the new reddit-tier fanbase they've garnered is seething over this.
People who think they can substitute family using friends are fools.
Depends on the friends and the family my dude.
Not really. If you start your own family, those bonds will inexorably be stronger than those of friends. Friends rarely if ever will sacrifice themselves for you if shit gets real. Family members are more likely to take care of you. Even if you come from a bad family, you can just start your own.
You find friends who will do shit for you when shit gets real too you know
>even when you come from a bad family you could start your own
If you come from a bad family there’s a good chance you’re not going to be good at starting one or even want to start one
as an actual pedo i feel insulted
the absolute state of snoy
I know it might be a stretch. But do any of you guys know models/actresses with this body type? The tall pelvis with somewhat protruding liliac kind of hips/waist.
Preferably ones that pose naked or are featured in porn videos.
From what?
sex with me
and you guys know whats the best part about this?
this is the actual body of Andrea Tivadar
>I'm not a pedo guys h-honest!
We know you fapped to marie
>No ass
Why did they make Lady and Trish so ugly?
>t. I love gorilla bush and like to use pubes as dental floss because I have such poor dental hygiene that the vagina is cleaner than my mouth
Lady is fucking pretty and I love her breasts in DMC5. She animates really cute too. Probably female animators to make her come to life with a woman's touch. Never really liked Trish so can't comment on her.
Imagine being this much of a sexually repressed prude.
Your respect doesn't mean much
Her face is jank.
>make characters ugly as fuck to appeal to sjws
>still make nude scenes
>now no one is happy
Is her naked body ripped from the game yet?
Trish was always ugly.
Her movements were all mocapped
So they look feminine because a woman actually did the moves
It's an incel cope.
>haha they're having sex now but surely they're going to want me one day because I'm such an upstanding guy and when that happens I'll say no and ultimately get my revenge for them sleeping with men who aren't me.
>you can just start your own
Yeah, usually with someone who was your friend at one point. Family has a head start on bonds for sure, but it all comes down to how good or shit those people are.
>enemy design is fucking awful
The fantasy is being able to reject them when they've finally got enough money to be financially stable. That's implying they work hard enough to get past the "30 at a dead end job" phase.
>Resetera sony trannys don't like this and prefer male genitalia instead.
hahaahaha fucking sony trannies, man.
It's really clean
Problematic scene.
Resetera discord trannies prefer underage girls in the Last of Us 2 PS4 making out because power to gays or something.
This rays of light is fucking bullshit.
mods will fix it
AND add dicks
Is this pre-rendered or does that model exist and can be extracted?
I don't really like how in that one Michael Jackson dance cutscene Nico is cheering Dante on afterwards. Dante is supposed to come across as goofy to everyone else, not cool. It's like Rush Hour 3 where suddenly all the ladies find Chris Tucker attractive instead of a pig like the first two movies. Anyway that's my judgement of the tone of DMC5 based on one cutscene, thanks for reading
Trish is a demon, so she might be immortal, but why does Lady look so much younger than Dante and Vergil?
damn trish looks like a coke fiend
Nico is just as goofy though, that's why she loves it and Trish no sells it
Half-demon semen is good for the skin
I want a HD remake of 3
Why can Vergil even fight Dante as an equal? Dante exceeded him when they were nineteen and only got better afterwards, and Vergil spent all of the intervening time dead.
With the sheer power of anger
informed and based
He got the power of Urizen AND V
I thought as a white cis male I was forbidden to watch it?
Jesus christ Trish had it worst
every other character in 5 look great
He's not *dead* as Nelo Angelo though, right? Just "corrupted" or whatever
These retards need to read more than 1 book in their lives. I've seen women in their 30s still obsessed with Rowling's tripe.
What did the autist mean by this?
>Is censored in pc too
>What's wrong with her butt?
my penis isn't in it.
Why is it that SJWs always jump to the 12-13 year old insult anytime they see anything sexual? It makes them come of as legit pedos or something.
BEcause Americans are scared of being called racist more than anything. We're educated at a very young age that
>"You killed all the Indians and you personally enslaved black people and whipped them when they didn't do anything."
>"Oh you also are the Nazis even though your grandparents and great grandparents fought them."
>"Now don't let me hear you talk about the border wall again you RACIST!"
just finish your anatomy 1 practical last semester?
Me too.
Yeah...like only 13 year-old americans like half-naked sexy women. Typical 10 year-old degenerated gender-fluid Americunt SJW mindest and bait.
>t. racist
She get's wet for Nero, she's bi maximum
For some reason Japan always makes it so everyone has no asscrack, even though the rest of the ass is big. Probably because Japanese women have Holocaust asses and they don't know anything else.
>he sits down
No. Fuck off, faggot.
If educating yourself about history makes you racist then the west is doomed.
>t. racist SJW
does she have any?
>Yea Forums thinks this looks like a man
lmao @ yall fags
Trish looks like she's been hitting the crack pipe. I like the way her tiny titties don't even fill out her corset anymore. What the fuck happened? Lady looks like a retard but damn Trish got it bad.
One thing that always makes me laugh is when they try to model individual teeth with spaces between them it just makes characters look like fucking mongoloids.
She's cute but she does have a pretty wide jaw. Lady also barely looks like her. Same thing that happened to Claire and her face model.
Capcom just has fucking garbage face scanning tech.
>she does have a pretty wide jaw
GOOD. So our children will not look like a jawlet incel.
>Having such a weak chin that you need your wife to provide one
You'd have to be retarded to think that's only a few millimeters of bone. That's about an inch of combined boned for the nose/forehead and chin combined. Major plastic surgery.
Is this advanced bait or are you mentally ill?
I don't got a weak chin, but i got to insure my kids won't have their mothers weak jawline
Just fuck a nigger and your kids will be like Usain Bolt. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
We need to kick these people out
tfw no university offers anatomy unless you're in medical school
I can't jerk off to this until someone mods out that blue flashlight covering her butt.
Imagine her taunting your tiny white "penis" while sucking a thick black cock that would be so humiliating haha...
me top right
There's nothing wrong with naked people or sex in any form of entertainment.
Look at all those (you)'s, the left is making the comic good and doesn't need to force memes like the right.
When was Sony allowed to meddle in this game?
>No nipples
Trish should have stayed as Gloria. They could have made up some sort of excuse.
Kamiya sounds like a pretty terrible designer, if he was opposed against a basic game feature like jumping.
I think he got him
Did they lynch that one guy?
You still fucking trannies Sessler?
Not really surprising since the whole thing spawned from fucking around with RE. Plus there's stuff like Onimusha where you can't jump either.
And it's clearly obvious jumping was an afterthought in DMC1. All the platforming segments in it are complete trash.
>Not really surprising since the whole thing spawned from fucking around with RE. Plus there's stuff like Onimusha where you can't jump either.
And? There's no reason why a game like RE or Onimusha couldn't have jumping either.
>And it's clearly obvious jumping was an afterthought in DMC1. All the platforming segments in it are complete trash.
Because of the fixed camera angles, not because there's anything inherently wrong with jumping.
>And? There's no reason why a game like RE or Onimusha couldn't have jumping either.
Was there a reason they should have had it?
This kills the discord tranny
How does Lady still look so good? Shouldn't she be in her 40s?
A lot of streamers are playing it on pc on twitch
Someone do a MGS5 edit.
Why would it be uncensored specifically on PC?
daily reminder to not be a moutbreather and mew
It's not censored on Xbox
I have to agree. It's not anything. It's not particularly sexy so it fails as fan service, it's not raw in the least so you can't argue realism and it adds nothing to the character, the tone of the game or the story so it's pointless. It's meh. Yeah, there's a naked chick but she's so straightforward and sort of standing there, very business like. She didn't even strike a feminine pose.
I'm glad they didn't shy away from nudity but it's also so bland and uninteresting it might been sexier to suggest than to show.
ironic considering people complained about pedophilia when Ayane and Kasumi were 16
Late 30s i think, but the timeline is vague, so it's impossible to tell for sure
Why are men so handsome but women are so fucking disgusting
A man's butt
>What the fuck happened?
muh realism
Everyone looks like fucking dorky cosplayers now.
Was Lady raped by the demon who took her body?
>tfw Gloria could have been an actual character but since dmc4 was so rushed she's just LOL TRISH IN DISGUISE
>>we want the 25-35 year old american incel obsessive nostalgiafagging masturbators.
I can’t believe Nero’s getting siblings.
No, Lady is pure.
This is a nice picture taken by her husband, Vergil.
>braps pure light
She's the chosen one
Actually it was her husband, Dante. I know it can get confusing sometimes, since they are identical? twins.
Prove it bud
We get it, you've got issues with your peen, go fuck off to Yea Forums.
I wish I had the cash for pritza
It attempts to affirm that women who chase promiscuity and "bad" men will end up unhappy having missed out on the chance to land a secure, "boring" man. Notice the guy she is fucking is tatted and chained while the dream husband is clean cut.
>short hair
ew, no thanks I'm straight.
>I'm straight
>doesn't like short haired women
im not so sure about that buddy
Has there ever been a game that's made such a 180 spin with Yea Forums? People first hated it on reveal because of the ugly people, then they memed it, then they loved it, now they shill it.
I want to insert the benis!!
Into the vagina!!!!!
Same thing with RE2. Are Capcom shills at work is this truly a Capcom renaissance?
DMC fans were hyped from the first trailer and onwards
Shitposters gave up in waves when their recycled OH NO NO NO posting didn't deter anyone and DMC threads continued being nice
Capcom also just happens to be having a redemption arc going and CAPCOM IS BACK YEAH
>discount olivia wilde but with toe fungus and a hatred for white men
Yeah, I'm thinking I'll pass.
That's what normally happens, except the guys are dumb enough to take them in, have kids, and live an awful life.
you guys realize a lot of young kids who get hyped at scenes like this play these games right? Not to mention in Japanese culture they have public baths and some times mixed. Nudity is not an issue for them.
Go play some other other game if you want to be grumpy 20 or 30 year old.
that one dude making all the DMC threads have been shilling it since day 1. It's basically a general now.
>getting triggered by the female form
Seek help.
These anti fa edits are almost on the level where I can't tell if they're parodies of the actual Reddit edits anymore.
>Blood good
>Boob bad
Someone hasn't heard of tile user.
The cope is unreal, next you'll say " the 10 million people who bought this are sheep!"
That's just the boy who plays the Flash in the DC movies, but with prosthetic tits and long hair
Did you not play the re2 game or DMCV demo? It's real.
Its 2019
They dont exist anymore you fag
Kids starting by fapping to actual porn nowadays
Why did you post this in a video game thread?
That diseased slut cope. Men don't want used up cum rags, honey. All men, period.
Anti-woman bigot incel
they changed her character from trannie to roastie
the veil is being torn down, user. many people no longer care if leftists call them racist, i for one wear it as a badge of honour, knowing that i am in fact not a racist
Kind of fast to jump aren't you? Has it become a reflex?
your face is jank
do her eyes still have heterochromia or did they forget that?
I'm gonna masturbate to that right now even though I'm a lot older and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Based and redpilled
>Gameplay involves juggling non-threatening, passive enemies
>Ugly westernized character designs
>"Epic memes look dante is dancing this is cuhhraaazzyy!!!!"
>This is what Yea Forums is hyped up for
I'd like to blame nu-Yea Forums but unfortunately this place has always had an infatuation with this braindead, autopilot beatem up.
Nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice
There is no wrong hole.
>badmouthing Bass and claiming he is some kind of bad person
Eat razor blades.
Literally the touchy babysitter type
easy and dumb enough for "journalists" to play
I approve, thoroughly, but that is kind of a dumb camera angle and sequence.
It's just kind of fucking lazy ain't it? Nothing real clever to the way she is shown and the way it angles to her ass. The fucking need for a glaring light as a censor is jarring.
It makes the dick happy but my mind knows we could do better. Sexier.
I, too, hate popular things
Snape was never described as good looking in the novels.
Don't know why women make up shit when Genuine Chads in Harry Potter are canonically Harry's father and also his godfather.
Why make a loser like Snape some fake good looking guy in fanfics?
If Snape was good looking, he would have been naturally popular even if he did have a beta personality.
>literally no ass
OP is likely some tranny
If you win the lottery, this logic goes out the window though because friends and family can turn on you.
The context of bonds drastically changes in every scenario.
For example, the Hollywood entertainment business seems like every actor has horrible parents or horrible family members.
I'm just saying there are times a friendship could be stronger than a family bond and vice versa and sometimes both are equally shit tier.
the Switch version won't be censored
She's alright.
Frig off Cyrus
>liking goblina over this
Yea Forums's standards have fallen so low
>discount Kylo Ren
>good looking
Someone post uncensored already
This. Cygames invested in face scanning tech but you never hear what Capcom does.
>people find this hot
in the end, all that matters is that all humans are flawed, no bond of family, love or friendship is strong enough to guarantee 100% trust.
it's stupid to throw your parents under the bus for petty reasons just because you're self sustainable now, or because your friends are way cooler and you feel it's more fun to be around them instead of being with your family, but that also doesn't mean they aren't guaranteed 100% to start shit because things turned around in life. also, there'as a difference between a fight with your dad to become a decent adult and a pointless shitshow with your drunk uncle Cletus.
there are bad parents, there are bad friends and there are scum ungrateful sons
I'm 29 and didnt even masturbate until I was 18. I masturbate WAY more now than I ever did when I was early 20s or late teens. Around 24 or 25 I had a massive increase in hornyness that didnt go away and I get more horny every year.
>Friends rarely if ever will sacrifice themselves for you if shit gets real.
You just have some shitty friends and/or shallow friendships.
I'm 29 actually. I was 18 when 4 came out. Loved 4. It all seems so cringe now though
They should have altered the series to appeal to me as I got older
>>we want the 13 year old american obsessive masturbators
are you saying that after we hit 14 we stop liking women visually? or are you saying that only in america men like women visually? what did he mean by this?
Being annoyed and angry is the only time I feel alive anymore
>Nu Lara
>Nu Claire
>Nu Lady
What do people who like these goblins all have in common?
It's very funny that this bait post got so many actually serious replies but would someone hurry up and post the uncensored version of this that I am praying exists
When did I mention anything Russian, you fucking retard?
frig off cyrus you dirty bitch
>respect I had for capcom
knock knock cyrus
Does he really say that to her?
Congrats, you grew up. Theres nothing wrong with making cringy shit for cringy kids. Let them have their fun
Give me the links NOW
it doesn't have one yet, hold your horses
I'm more interested in seeing how they can make Trish sexy, she looks a bit past her prime.
Don't like don't play
But I want to have fun. Nothing is targeted at giving me fun anymore
>it doesn't have one yet, hold your horses
brother I'm not living for much else right now don't tell me to hold nothing
who's there?
yeah once you get older you don't really have fun anymore, it's how it works
good SFM takes time, otherwise we're gonna have Ride To Hell Retribution sex scenes
That's not true. You just don't give anything fun any chances because Yea Forums has made you care more about meta shit like agendas than about the actual games themselves.
When Rowling wrote Snape she had Rickman in her head and Rickman was popular with the women.
You can say what you want about her body, but the one thing that sticks out to me is honestly not that. That level of confidence is simply sexy as fuck.
I don't want none of that I can only blow it to official stuff
considering this scene and that RE2 almost certainly had claire fully modeled nude, just give it a few days for people on PC to comb through the files.
I thought the juggling came from Kamiya playing an alpha build of Onimusha
>using the word 'cringe'
imagine being a grown man and talking like a fucking 16 year old
can't tell about you guys but I don't have the hots for Barbie doll bodies without nipples and ass/pussy.
I'm pretty sure she's all flat if you just rip the model straight up from these scenes
Oh nooooooooo
Big black shape with eyes of fire. Telling people their desire.
"yikes" became an ironic meme for this exact reason
What shit schools have you been looking at?
I'm very sensitive. Don't hurt my feelings please.
V does.
>Wah wah pay attention to me daddy
You have not grown up at all faggot
shame we will never see her again desu. I would prefer her to still be a Trish alt though,
>Trish tells V "I'm not your mommy"
yeah, she's definitely banging Dante
I don't need to pretend to be grown up online. I do that irl already
considering how she became one in DMC4SE, and how Trish got her color schemes as alt in 5, I wouldn't put it past Capcom to include her in 5SE.
>He replied
Do your homework, kiddo
>tfw Capcom gave us a free nude model for modders
Based Japs don't give a fuck about prude West. Can't wait to play DMCV on PC.