He kinda has a point
He kinda has a point
Archive it.
shut the fuck up faggot
give me a tl;dr
How I can make stupid bullshit and white people would feel guilty
Alberto Barbosa
Inserting politics where they don't belong is part of the reason why your mother is going to die in her sleep within the next 24 hours
Videogames are whitewashing nazis because they look cool
it's the entire entertainment industry not just games
>you wished me back, so I need to fulfill my responsibility, ja?
Persona 2 was a game made twenty years too early
>whitewashing nazis
I thought whitewashing means making character white for no reason
>Clickbait with buzzwords
No thanks
It's an ad for their game.
Fuck off kike.
I bet I know what this article says without even reading it
>people aren't hard enough on fascism because I cant think for myself and fascism has become a catch all phrase used by the left and the right to describe each other
>This is problematic in a few ways, he argued.
>This is problematic.
Nope, I'm out.
>Soft, bespectacled balding white male with sad eyes writes news article, Yea Forums goes wild
Can I get an actual rundown on what the fuck this schmuck is saying? Because there isn't a chance in hell I'm giving him a page view for this clickbait-y as shit title.
nah, that is the meme definition usually used in quotation later on
the original meaning of the word mean : a deliberate concealment of someone's mistakes or faults in order to clear their name
We need to portray Nazis as a socio economic force rather than just the baddy shooty guys.
From what I can gather it's something along the lines of "Games should point out the horrors and no nos of racism and nazi past times more than focusing on the fun aspects of the gameplay." But I wouldn't know for sure, I just skimped through it.
nazis are making us feel bad for being white but white means things and we arent meaning nothing. im racist. im not racist. i just was racist right now, then. This was on accident.
Naturally I was the anti-nazi guy because 50 wwii sims and not jumping over fences and going in doors for the rape but one woman complains and we have every game the same for like 5 years and then no games. Just die. I like the sabotage of that, then. Like in saboteur or pink panther.
why do these people never complain about Communism or it's death count?
And how the hell is anyone whitewashing nazis then in that case?
The group that has pretty much been universally made the wholly evil "indiscriminately kill them by the thousands" fodder enemy in countless games?
So basically because every game with Nazis doesn't take several hours out of the action to drag on about the Holocaust was?
Because stalin had a nicer mustache.
Hitler was a black man. They know that in his home town.
>So basically because every game with Nazis doesn't take several hours out of the action to drag on about the Holocaust was?
That's what happens when you have an industry controlled by a group of people who use their victim complex to make money.
>merchant writer
Sasuga Zionist Israel. Keep trying to push that stupid narrative just like the holocausters and gas chambers.
>Giving radical sunglasses to fucking Hitler for censoring
What did they mean by this?
I mean there are holocaust deniers
devs simplied too much shit and often conceal the actual horror of what happened, more than often lead to a cleanier version of nazi
they also often focus on a lot of the more heroic hollywood version of battles like D-day or anything allied related, instead of showing the full scope of what going on like in the eastern front
It's an interesting read but he even says in the article, nazis did not invent the concept of an ubermensch. It has been around for centuries, like the greek heroes also mentioned in the article. Humans love tales of heroes because they are inspiring, romantic and something we desire to be. This wasn't something that nazis or even germany had exclusive rights to. Sure, they styled their entire country around it for a while, but who cares? They fell in love with an idea that humans the world over fall in love with every day. It doesn't make them special, if anything it makes nazis slightly more boring than they were yesterday. A bunch of tryhards with strong opinions and big guns.
I bet they looked real cool dying in those uniforms.
the hatred of Jews transcends race, did people not already know this?
I haven't seen a single WWII game where the Nazis were portrayed as even slightly sympathetic. I know BF5 got some shit for having playable Nazis, but I don't think anyone has been "whitewashing" America's favorite stock badguy.
make some games then we can talk about it
Imagine the butthurt between journos
It's also hard to whitewash the whitest motherfuckers in existence. Albino men look at nazis from their side of the firing squad lineup and are all like 'daaaaaamn they white' as they are riddled with holes.
I think most WW2 vidya tends to be a lot more like the post-WW2 patriotic hollywood war movies. Thematically they tend to focus on action and heroism and rarely brush the more uncomfortable, real historical sides of the events they depict. This is probably the fault of a few different reasons, its difficult to fit this stuff in between sections of mowing down hundreds of enemy soldiers as you rush to raise a flag on a building or bomb a submarine. Although supposedly things have changed, the perception of video games being for kids or at least being cheap pop entertainment still exists so having challenging themes or brushing content that would make some players have a negative reaction, or cause unwanted controversy isn't really desirable. Thirdly, I think there is a legacy of video games having really bad writing, something that is kind of hard to disagree with when you look at it in comparison to the great works in other mediums. I think this has conditioned gamers to have less faith in videogame writing, and to perhaps not treat it as seriously. There are obviously some games which are exceptional but I find myself skeptical of big releases and I imagine that is the case for a lot of other people as well.
>Of course, the lonesome hero is not a trope entirely owned by Nazism, but it was propagated during Hitler's regime to the exclusion of almost all other artistic expression
So why bring it up then, the lone hero has been around for a few several centuries before Nazis Germany.
>devs simplied too much shit and often conceal the actual horror of what happened, more than often lead to a cleanier version of nazi
That's because they're fucking videogames and nobody wants to bring the actual game part to a standstill so we can all go back to history class and learn about how the Nazis are evil. If anything it sounds like this is vastly oversimplifying things and trying to paint every single German soldier as a mustache-twirling villain who personally spent time in Auschwitz torturing Jews, when things were infinitely more gray than that.
>they also often focus on a lot of the more heroic hollywood version of battles like D-day or anything allied related, instead of showing the full scope of what going on like in the eastern front
And they can blame the general ungabunga American public for that because as far as they're concerned that's the only stuff worth caring about because WW2 was all about how the US kicked Germany's doors down and won the fight by themselves.
What the fuck is he on about nazis have been cannon fodder since the 90s, if they look cool it's because they did
Since OP is a faggot
>strong/powerful characters in video games are connected of the fascist idea of "Übermensch", therefore connected to them
>nazis are oversimplified in games as they are reduced to enemies without addressing the horrors of the Nazi regime
>games are contributing to the myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" when you can play Nazis in games, justifying the characters you play as people who didn't know anything and just followed orders
>games help recruit neo-nazis by not showing the full picture of WW2, example being COD: WW2
2 quotes from the last part of the article
>Internet and gaming culture have become fruitful ground for neo-Nazi and fascist movements
>We should not avoid controversy and at the same time whitewash World War II and war crimes
It doesn't help that he's pretty much advertising his game about Nazis as he's addressing these points and the fact that he's German is just the cherry on top.
>Haydn Taylor
Is it Welsh or Jewish?
She forgot to say "fat"
This article's alright, for sure.
>name is intentionally misspelled version of male name
>dyke haircut
>small frame to head ratio
>shoulder pads
Take your propaganda back to reeeeeddit, tranny.