What is the last game that gave you this feel?

What is the last game that gave you this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Breath of the Wild.

Sad thing is I can't remember ever getting that feeling from a game to begin with.

A Hat in Time. Alcoholism and depression had been kicking my ass real hard for a long time, but that game brightened everything up for me. I urge anyone who is tired of the current game market to give it a whirl, it's tremendously refreshing.

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Smash ultimate

Hollow Knight

Just rewatched this movie. Pretty underrated desu.

Odyssey, reminded me playing sunshine with my little brother.

I miss those days like you wouldn't believe

Mario Odyssey.

I kept having flashbacks to playing Mario 3 with my little brother.

The very ending of Outlast 2. Emerging from the fallout of apocalypse intertwined with the scenes of Jessica.
Prior to that I had been hating the game, but that ending was kino as fuck.

How did the rat know exactly what to cook for him?

Dragon Quest 11

Someone made a good image with this a while back. What was it?

DESU, there's been a ton recently. Ass Creed Odyssey might not be a perfect game, or even a good game, in fact it is pretty average, but I enjoy the world it made, the step away from the stupid evil people narrative that made me hate the majority of the franchise, and gave me a decent open world game to romp around in. Similarly to that, I hated Mario for years after NSMB for the DS, until I tried out Odyssey and that game immediately reminded me that his games are supposed to be pointless and fun. I recently rolled a new character on WoW and had fun up until Wrath snorefest content, and Path of Exile pretty much ruined any need to hope for a good Diablo 4 I had.

A Hat in Time.

Reminded me how much I love 3d platformers.

Dota 2

I'd been sick of games for a while, mostly because I was in a rut of playing easy single-player shit. Finding out competitive games exist where you could easily still suck after 2000 hours kicked my ass into gear. It got me in the mood to improve in other aspects of my life too, like staying neat around the house and losing weight. That game seriously turned around my life.

I can only see this happening in single player modes.

relearning multiplayer in 4 and Ultimate was a headache until you except the new mechanics for what they are and you got over the changes you didn't like given to your mains.

Sick filter

God of War

It was praised as fuck on release though.

Fucking your mom

Breath of the Wild. Same feelings I had playing OoT as a kid.

Team Fortress 2, this game... this game reminded me of me when I was young and I was always laughing when I was playing games.

Unironically Apex
I get excited playing and think about it a lot

I don't really see people talk about it nowadays.

I thought it was just that any dish could work but Remi innovating rather than just using the same recipe was what got on the critic's good side if his mom innovated on his own as well.

Halo 3

Unironically Deltarune

> gave you this feel
You mean nostalgic too the point were it reminds me of my childhood?
Hollow knight.

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How about games with this feel?

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titanfall 2 and doom brightened up my day for a bit.

Soul Calibur 6 when I realized how trash it was.

Ratatouille is a traditional French food that most people ate at some point when they were kids. Remy picked it probably exactly because of that, it was an ordinary food that he could make better by experimenting/innovating it, thereby impress and surprise the critic the most.

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He knew the critic was expecting fancy, high class food, so he went the other direction and made home cooking instead. It's tough to argue with well executed nostalgia.

>Nostalgia sells
That rat was pretty smart.

Hotline miami, shadow warrior 2 and a hat in time

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Playing Minecraft and then hearing Sweden play after a while.
Take me back, bros......

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No shit, he was literally the best cook in the world.

Shadow of rome back on ps2, played it when it was relativley new.

Doom 2016

I think the world has forgotten that things this innocent exist.

Ace Combat 7. I never had a PS2, so I never got to experience the other Ace Combat games. But playing it reminded me of how I used to fuck around in European Air War back when I was like 9 with the infinite ammo setting on.

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Mah niggas

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You are bad and u should feel bad

This guy looks like my grandfather

For fucking what? It's not Shad it's a fucking riff of a Nonon reaction image

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Why does every other board spam their memes here?

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That's why.

Because Yea Forums is the trash can of Yea Forums.
Even /trash/, the literal trashcan, has more structure.

But it's hat kid now

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Breath of the Wild
I haven't played a game where I end up wandering around for the sake of wandering around for hours upon hours like that since I got membership in RS in 05.

Post more of my daughter please

>This is Scout! Rainbows make me cry!
>Scotland is not a real country! You are an Englishman in a skirt!
Everytime I think about any of the domination lines I get a chuckle.

She's all of ours

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It makes me feel bad that people feel this way about Apex considering it's essentially a more boring version of the game that actually made me feel this way, Titanfall 2

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Nobody cares about what you think. Dont post again

Now she is infected with the Nani Sore virus and must be put down.

This is a christian board. Please refrain fr9m posting “japanese animation”

Hat Kid isn't anime, pleb

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Reminder that he got picked on as a kid because he was a German living in occupied France.

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Unironically League of Legends back when I first started playing it in season 3, the addictiveness of going into a game and trying out the champions and seeing how they all work and interact with one another, farming for gold and saving up for those power spike items, the steady ramp in improvement, discovering / creating a new trick for your favorite champ, getting into the theory crafting with a group of friends and staying up all night perfecting out team comps, item builds and macro strategies and meta tactics.

I remember staying up all night with a group of 4 other friends, playing nothing but summoners rift and being wide eyed novices with nothing but thrill and excitement for every new discovery, every outplay and unlikely scenario that would set us off into a fit of laughs.

But like everything else, all good things must come to an end. I got too experienced with the game, most of my friends moved onto bigger and better things, what used to excite and surprise me now seems generic and expected. I wish I could relive those times of bright eyed inexperience again, but I'm smart enough to realize that it's just that; wishful thinking.

My nigga

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West of Loathing, KoL was good times and that was good times but I don't have to be enslaved to a daily routine.


Witcher 3 was the last one I think.
Don't think I've really enjoyed a game since playing Minecraft with the gang back in 2011.

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>implying I watch nu-Simpsons

Ocarina of time Randomizer though I'm not sure if thats really the same situation

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Pokemon B&W, when the music changes when a gym leader is down to their last pokemon. I got this huge rush of nostalgia, imagining myself with my pokemon shouting over the screaming crowds. It was like I was ten years old again.


Persona 5

Had a couple of crusty bits, but damn...

I honestly can't remember.

never got into pokemon but I remember looking up black and white and wondering why the fuck they didn't have music for low hp in every game after

I've saved the MP map me and my friends used to play on back in 2011. God that's a long time away now

yakuza 0

A recent one, Etrian Odyssey Nexus. Hoping Devil May Cry 5 can do it too, I skipped the demo.

Unironically Undertale

I forgot

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Sonic Mania.

Spyro HD remake

Jesus fuck, treetops was a bitch to 100%, just like I remember.

Crosscode. The combination of me spending countless hours of my teenage years playing Maplestory and other MMOs with friends and binging on isekai novels/manga made playing this game a tremendous joy. I can't wait for the post-game episode to come out.

Hollow knight. It was the feeling of "fuck, there is MORE" that struck me. Not that HK is gigantic compared to open world AAA stuff but it's because so much of it is hidden that makes finding new stuff all that special. If anything is killing AAA games it's the need to show everything it has to offer to every player.

The PS4 release of ace combat 5
it made me feel like a kid again
RIP Chopper

Witcher 3. Especially when you go back to Kaer Mohren.

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have you SEEN Yea Forums

because you're too young to experience such nostalgia

symphony of the night

maybe psychonauts.
God I just wanna feel that feeling dude.

Nier Automata's prologue
I remembered games used to have actual Soundtracks

The liar princess and the blind prince. I loved fairy tale shit as a kid so everything except the gameplay really hit home with me, even though I absolutely hate puzzle platformers.

A shame that as in Skyrim, TW3's end-of-the-world main story made you feel guilty for taking time to explore

You’ve got to be the only person who’s live has improved after Dota 2. More than 1500 hours here, and I regret spending si much time in a single video game.

I think the witness yesterday. I still think the game is a bit pretentious but the second I went up the mountain and did the line puzzle and moved to the side a bit, my jaw fucking dropped. All of a sudden the full game felt like it was full of conspiracy theories my poor brain will never understand. Luckily PS plus also gave out an old favorite, cod 4 to soothe my brainlet boomer self.

Spider-Man PS4



Had memories of playing Luigi's Mansion sweeping through my mind.

It has rat in the name and he is a rat. It's flawless logic.

Literally the cure for depression right here

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I miss being a NEET.

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Hollow Knight. No joke.


Demon Souls

Fuck this shitty game.
I forgot it existed.

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>wow this shootie... it just like OOOL' times aye

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Snake Pass

Genuine, wholehearted childlike joy to the very end.

When some good user recommend me Recettear last year during a sale

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hollow knight

Hat in Time unironically because I played Jak and Daxter a lot when I was younger.
Also wipeout (the newest one) because they give you a retro-hud option which sent me right back.

Also because the early pilot where Benedict cumberbatch sat on people's head steering them to make poached eggs and a mediocre sauce wasn't hitting targeted audiences well.

Are A Hat in Time and Hollow Knight fun?I thought I'd enjoy Mario Odyssey, but it honestly felt tedious due to the way they did the Moons because they took the stupid fucking Korok Seeds from BotW and made it the primary reward of Odyssey. Plus, Cappy felt like a pain in the ass to use and it didn't feel like it flowed well with Mario's overall mobility (jumping, running, rolling, etc).

Odyssey to old 2D Mario (never played much of Nintendo between, missed SNES, N64, NGC) and BOTW to classic Zelda.

Also Shovel Knight, all of it, to the NES era of platformers.

Night in the Woods




i was going to say this

it feels so much like shadow of the colossus, too bad the towns destroy that feeling a bit

Ditto. One of the best games this gen

Gravity Rush 2.

Unironically cave story and binding of issac.

Pussy. I don't tackle the main story until there's absolutely nothing else to do in the world


Why did this make me kek

The Spyro Reignited Trilogy.

>What is the last game that feel like a classic?

ma vaffanculo! Ma andate in mona tutti quanti, pezzenti bastardi

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I don't watch disney shit, what is this feel supposed to be?

What feel is this supposed to be

Hollow Knight? Probably Hollow Knight.

Glittermitten Grove for me.

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>Mfw the first time that music hits when the gym leader is down to their last pokemon
I loved B/W for all the things it did. My personal favourite was the personalised gym themes and I'm pretty upset that we'll probably never get anything like it again.

Also the village bridge theme that gets added vocals/instruments when you speak to certain NPCs in the area.

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unexpected nostalgia

I was convinced that I didn't enjoy games because I had gotten older until I played that for those 5 or 6 days before it got microshilled. I had so much dumb genuine fun I don't know what to think anymore, but I'm sure I'm not the problem.

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This thread has convinced me to play A Hat in Time. I hope it's as good as the Star Trek novel A Stitch in Time, of which it has absolutely nothing in common with apart from similar sounding names.

Sonic Colors on the Wii. Played it for the first time last year, felt like the kind of game I'd be playing on Christmas morning when I was a kid.

and Ace Combat 7

What about Accumula Town?

The way the towers are handled is nothing like the ones in ubisoft games. I refuse to believe anyone who states this criticism has actually played the game.

Metal Gear Rising
and i want a sequel to experience this feeling again.

Just try actually playing the game before having strong opinions on it dude. I got bored of it quickly but even I can tell where people are coming from

probably pokemon black
hate to say it, but dark souls gave a more faithful classic zelda feel

metal gear solid 5

never played mgs before but now i'm a kojimbo fan

>"What is the last game that gave you this feel?"
>Not only not some bullshit ass post but a pic expressing a genuine mindset
You're a good guy OP.
Honestly haven't felt that way since Warcraft 3 Frozen throne.
I put that gameplay in my mouth and suddenly one day was Hero Line Wars while the next was Tower Defence.
If only DOTA wasn't the game Blizzard threw money at. Then came Wind Waker in 04 but according to Yea Forums that's just my taste and ignoring the limitations of that era is stupid. I know the GC had limited software. Fuck you I had fun.

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That game was good but man does it fall apart after a few hours

I played it a lot when it started, the game was canceled? it seem you can still download it...

Go see it yourself. It's rather self-explanatory

Metal Gear Solid 3 when I replayed for the third time.

The most recent release would be Breath of the Wild.

user MGSV is the worst entry point and the worst MG (and even the worst Kojima game in general).

Bloodborne/Dark Souls 3

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They got cnd'd and can't "officially" download it

what would these games make you nostalgic for that the first 3 games didn'?

Nier Automata, specifically the start of Route C/D


Shut up, the fanbase is ass but the ending made me grin

Well fuck, i'm never uninstalling it then.
are some servers still active?

Oh, we're talking about nostalgia?

The first time I cleared SoC.
First time playing Half Life and Half Life 2.
The most recent one is Witcher 3 Blood and Wine.

Hollow Knight

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This has got to be the cringiest video ever.
Physically hurts me everytime I see it.

Best pixar movie by far

Klonoa 2. I figured I'd try it after we had a klonoa thread a few weeks back and my God I'd forgotten how much I used to love platformers. Now I have a whole backlog of platformers I need to burn through

Theres less than 100 players, and bugs that can never get fixed

Probably Grandia, which I just finished for the first time a couple of months ago. I've been a fan of Skies of Arcadia since it came out, but I never had a PS1 so I missed this. It's very similar in its tone and atmosphere, and I've never played another JRPG that's in quite the same class as these two. There were a lot of moments that just completely transported me back to what it felt like being a kid playing a good RPG for the first time, although it probably helps that it's genuinely a 20-year-old game.

And something about the main theme gives me chills. One of my favorite video game tunes of all time.

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Been playing platformers my entire life.

There will never be another game quite like Klonoa 2. It has a magical quality to it, from it's amazing soundtrack to stage design and both fights.

Fuck...I hope the MCC will be ported on PC then.

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Yeah I had the same experience with dota 2

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This, but only because I start remembering the MW1-2 days when the respawn guys were killing it at infinity ward and COD was respectable and the shit

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Minecraft. 20 or 40 years from now I'll still be coming back every now and then to make a shitty dirt hut and live out my farmer fantasy

The intro/prologue to Destiny 2. I had negative interest in this series until a friend got it for me on the sale. I'm enjoying the game pretty good but the whole Journey bit actually wowed me.

he looked at the title of the movie duh

Yea Forums is just Yea Forums with tits and dicks

>MW1-2 days
>respectable and the shit
Yea Forums sure has changed

>tfw lost my first SP map due to the sudden death of my hard drive

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Win10 store

This right fucking here.

Super Mario Odyssey, especially reaching that painting that teased Mushroom Kingdom.

Yakuza 0

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That sucks, thought about that and I've put it up on two different google drives that I use.

Don't want to ever loose that, spent a whole summer building our little town.

Most recent would be kh3
Next one would dmc5 tomorrow

The 'fuck you' difficulty and learning curve made me feel like I was playing Dark Souls for the first time again

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Gravity Rush 2
Collecting gems and the colorful design remind me when i played Spyro (PS1) for the first time.

Unironically this, all shitposting aside.

Before that it was Xenoblade X, at multiple points
>seeing primordia for the first time
>getting the flight module after 80 hours and going straight to the top of talon rock
Hell, all the Xenoblades have had a moment like that
>seeing satorl marsh at night in the original
>getting to the world tree in 2

My niggas. Played Klonoa 2 for the first time a few years back and its magical. It has this sort of surreal, dreamlike atmosphere that I've only seen somewhat in the original game and Kirby 64.

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Breath of the Wild, Original Sin 2, Bloodborne, Symphony of the Night. Played them all for the first time relatively recently and they all made me feel that way.

Breath of the Wild, the exploration specifically.

Dk tropical freeze

RE2 Remake



Breath of the Wild.


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Kingdom hearts 3. Actually felt like a kid playing kh2 for the first time again.


Hollow Knight


why are you here then? get the fuck out and stay gone faggot, no one will miss any of your faggot shit. fuck the fuck off nigger.

This one

>Zoomer nostalgia

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ATOM rpg
I expected boring jank like Age of Decadance but it was a solid successor of Fallout 1/2

Resident Evil 4.

I am not going to lie. This did it for me. I didn't love every aspect of the game but it really felt very nostalgic.

Gravity Rush games reminded me of playing Spyro the Dragon as a kid even though they basically have nothing in common.

Unironically Skyrim. It's one of those things where I know it's flawed and other games in the genre up it in many ways, but I fucking love it and still play it regularly years later. I had high hopes FO4 would do the same as NV gave me similar feels, but it was such a let down. I'm genuinely afraid of ESVI release day

There is a theory that the old lady's house Remy was in is the same house of the mother of the food critic as many of the old lady house's features were the same as the house in the food critics's flashback.

Ys: Oath of Felghana


I was straight up giddy the entire play through

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This is the closest I can think of off the top of my head.

this one

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What game?

The idea of instantly going back to your childhood despite that not being a part of it? The beautiful feeling of returning to a state of childlike wonder?

ZeroRanger. Beautiful piece of work, really.

Unironically, Celeste.

Just about to post that game

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This for sure: unlocking everyone again was so hype. Legit yelled when trainer’s silhouette appeared

I don’t know now why, but playing bloodborne made me feel the same way I did when I played monkey island and kings quest with my dad when he was around while I was a kid.
>I, I want to go back, bros..

Sven coop

le Yea Forums upvote xD

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Yakuza 0

Was going to say this.
I can't wait for the next mainline Zelda, I really hope they keep the focus on exploration but improve shrines/temples, and replace the koroks with something better. Also, a dark world/lorule would be amazing, or do an OoT and have a before/after apocalypse. It creates such awesome possibilities for meaningful side quests.

Holy shit a BotW-type zelda with a dark world or time travel mechanic or some other overworld swapping gimmick would be fucking amazing.

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Revisited FO:NV recently. I played it before years ago but not nearly all the way through and never fully appreciated it.

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shut the fuck up... faggot
gonna upvote ur mummys asshole

Detroit: Become Human

>What is the last game that gave you this feel?
>I've been searching for that feel for some time and haven't found it yet

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Sensible chuckle my dude

Not everyone wants to play as some little fucking girl. Just fucking nasty.

Lord of the Rings

Best trilogy ever created with the best third movie made by humankind
I literally start crying Everytime
1. When they start charging
2. When Sam start carrying frodo
3. When Everybody is kneeing before the hobits
4 when frodo is Leasing

It was a couple years ago but Odin Sphere Leifthrasir stunned me because of how beautiful it looked, and how fluid the gameplay was. The story was good but it felt like it went on a bit too long and rehashed assets too much.

Ace Combat 7, it brought me back

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Old game but I just started playing Professor Layton and the Unwound Future and I love it

dota definitely changed my life as well. i started playing back in 2011, got really into it at around 2013-2015 which got me into a competitive and hardworking mindset. eventually i didn't like the way the game got changed and quit, but my yearning for competitiveness never left, so i started channeling that into my normal life and now i'm achieving a lot more in general

halo 3 was released 12 years ago

Symphony of the Night. I had only played it for the first time last year.

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Yup, this and Oddysey actually took me back and were surprisingly good. First games in a while where I would play them all night because of addiction since New Vegas.

What? What feel? What is that image trying to convey?

Crash Bandicoot remastered

If it could makes you better, Apex made me bought TF2 to play online

>This nigga never watched the best pixar movie ever made

Arms. It brought me back to a simpler time of playing Wii Boxing

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It really brought me back to playing assassins creed in 2007. It's been ages since an open world ubisoft game came out.

Fuck games, what foods give this feel?

took me right back to playing my first ps2 game in 2001

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shut the fuck up faggot

For me, it's Calbrian Chicken. Thank you based Olive Garden.


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The McChicken


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That Christmas level always does it for me.

For me, it's the McChicken


>thigh highs
>not fishnet patyhose
Why would someone ruin her design like that?


Sypro Reignited and to a lesser extent KH3

Titanfall 2, made me feel like the first time I felt playing HL2

Unironically this. Specially the fights with the divine beasts and the blights. The cutscenes were masterfully done too.

I started the Resident Evil series recently and OG RE2 gave me that feeling pretty much instantly.

It really is. It feels like something out of the n64 or psx era. Its extremely good and this is not shilling. Play until you reach the train level and tell me you didnt enjoy it even a little bit.



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Melty Blood hits me hard since it used to be the main fighting game I'd play with the boys over summer.

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It did it to me so hard, I ended up dedicating the longest gaming session in my life to it.
36+ hours in the row without any brakes for anything other than toilet and food. And I could go even longer, the only reason I ended up stopping is because I was literally afraid to just fucking die like one of those Korean/Chinese guys. The second longest was me playing KOTOR for like 22 hours straight back when I was a kid and my parents left me alone for 3 days straight.

Wasn't even excited for it either. Thought it's just Nintendo jumping on the ubisoft/skyrim bandwagon way too late and the only reason I started playing it in the first place was to test out CFW on WiiU.

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breath of the wild, bloodborne and undertale
those games felt special again like playing mario galaxy for the first time

>This thread
It's nice seeing Yea Forums being positive for once.
For me it's Super Mario Odyssey, the New Donk festival with Jump Up Superstar playing and everyone cheering you on was just so joyful it brought me right back to all the fun I had playing Mario as a kid.

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Dark Souls

Dark Souls. I only got into it by the time the third was about a month away from being released, but that game made me remember why I ever started to give a shit about games. It had been so long.

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Yeah, this

I know Odyssey might technically be the better game but this one really stuck out to me and is one of the more memorable games I've played.

Shadow of the colossus. Kept blasting me back to when I was a kid playing the demo at my dad's friend's house

Nier: Automata

ratatouille was pure kino

Deus Ex. Played it last year. So much fun

Breath of the wild, Mario Odyssey and Dark Souls. The games have their flaws and all, but the way they send you on an adventure and let you have your fun whatever way you choose really taked me back to when I was a kid playing and trying everything on games. I remember the same feeling the first time playing kirby superstar and remembering the nes game.

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Titanfall 2's campaign

Dirt Rally

>assassin's creed ubisoft template is new experience to Nintendo fans

Yeah, A Hat in Time is a great example of mixing the old with the new. Making me remember what I loved about colorful 3D platformers, but not wallowing purely in their early flaws for the sake of nostalgia either.

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What feel is that?
t.autist who doesn't watch mouse cartoons

DMC5 demo

wew FUCKING lad

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It was more than just "oh he got nostalgic about a dish he had as a kid"

Ego loved food, yes, but he was so self-centered and focused on only trying the best of the best and being so overly critic about food that he lost sight of what motivated him to be a food critic in the first place.
He didn't believe in Gusteau's motto that "anyone can cook" because he thought only skilled chefs and so could cook the most delicious food.
Then he tried the ratatouille, a mundane and common dish, that made him remember about his mother's cooking. He remembered that even such a simple dish cooked by anyone (his mother in this case) could be exquisite. It completely shattered everything he believed in about food in that instant and made him remember what enjoying food was truly about.

One gets so caught up in their field of interest about only trying the best of the best that they forget about the common and simple things in life that can be just as, if not, more enjoyable than those at the very top.

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Probably Nier Automata. The niche character driven story, the god-tier music, the world being just big enough to explore for secrets, but not so huge that it felt empty and copy-paste, etc.

I loved Drakengard and the first Nier, and it just felt really good to get into that world again.

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Gravity Rush was a weird delight for me. It felt like I was getting back into a classic PS2 title, before everyone was afraid of experimenting with visuals and mechanics and colorful characters.

Just flying around was a simple pleasure.

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Gravity Rush

>2007 cartoon movie, meaning the children who watched it are still underage or borderline
This thread is proof that Nintendo and indie shit (hollow knight fags) should be purged from this board.

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Precisely this. Ego is Yea Forums.

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I'm 26 and watched it for the first time two days ago with my gf (male). Regardless of when it came out, did you not enjoy it? I thought it was the best Pixar movie I'd ever seen.

Sonic Mania

So long as the rest of the game lives up to the demo, DMCV could easily be this.

Besides that I dunno, REmake 2? As a 31 year old boomer it's easy to be cynical and jaded about everything else but games have been surprisingly good recently. Only part that sucks is my backlog keeps getting bigger.

m8 it was 12 years ago

evil within 2

it felt like going back to a simpler time where you would simply fight to save who you love instead of being some messianic hero sent to save the world, it's an X-files meets silent hill kind of game with a disgruntled old man overcoming his inner fears LITERALLY thanks to where he is and is helped by morally grey individuals that feel believable and relatable


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Super Mario Odyssey.

source on this

The finale of Little Inferno

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absolutely based

Suprisingly, Dark souls. Seeing the gate to sens fortress very early into the game, And wondering about what could be inside, And looking at all the distant lands that i might end up exploring took me back to when i played banjo kazooie and stared in awe at the empty click clock woods puzzle near the beginning of the game, Wondering when i would ever get to that mysterious world and what it would be like.

After you beat the game you can go back and do everything. Including the 100 hours of DLC content.

Having the whole main game be only the new 150 was a great move too.

yep nintendo still king baby

Breath of the Wild. Wasn't exactly the same thing, but it gave me the exact same feeling as when I bought TP for GC one summer and hid in my room playing on a small CRT during summer vacation. I had a similar experience with BotW, no game has consumed me like that since TP.

I would say Minecraft as well, but that was a first for me two years ago. So it wasn't really revisiting any building games of old I would have played.

how is the game with mouse and keyboard?
I would play it i don't feel like fighting with the controls

I've played way over 4000 hours and honestly im burned out, the game is just not fun for me anymore. But well that might also be because I was always playing with friends and they basically quit dota and vidya altogether a while ago

FFXIV: Heavensward's main story and final boss had me thinking that maybe MMORPGs could be good again. It's a shame it's gotten worse every patch since then, but I still think the potential is there.
Odyssey was also great.

Persona 4. I played it for the first time last year

Dropped gaming as a whole back in 2013. Brother got an PS4, and told me I was to ass to beat this game. I spent the week straight doing nothing but playing the game, dlc included. It was actually fun, something I wasn’t having with video games before.


Hello fellow hunters Bloodbonre was definitely old school goodness

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Seconding this. This game is 100% soul and something I'd recommend to anyone.

My friend who played it with M+KB swears by it, so I guess it works just fine.

Katawa Shoujo, more precisely the Rin route

Funnily enough not the games i've enjoyed/played the most.
Odyssey for sure.
Dead cells briefly.
And unfortunately Quake champions gave me that feel, the simplicity of shootan lots and jumpan fast was such a rush of nostalgia it had me excited for a few days. But of course a game with great core gameplay has to have utter shit netcode, menu startup, bugs and no playerbase.

i haven't bought kh 3 but it will be this,

otherwise re2 remake i'm playing it giggling out of happiness when lickers and mr x gangbang me to red caution and i have low ammo

life sure gets boring sometimes, some other times it's just plain hard to keep on going forward, fuck i don't know why that scene hits me so hard, stay safe anons, i love you all

Ratatouille is one of those movies I don't want a sequel to, had a pretty good ending as it is

It's the last time I had fun playing a videogame

I think we're so used to sequels or remakes that we forgot that some movies never get any of those

Yeah I'm not really looking forward to Toy Story 4 because 3 had a pretty perfect ending and send off.
But guess they just had to milk it for more monies.

Dark Souls