game sucks
>Graphics from 2007 in 2019
Nice bro. I like old games too
No, you play on a fucking toaster poor fag.
is that the robot mount with the shield i've seen everyone run around with? maybe if it was actually rare i'd think about being jealous.
can you sell it?
>SA name
>potato PC
please don't play classic, peppergut
wait what
why is lady Jaina a bad boss?
I'd rather be playing Gmod
I don't even know what that is. I mean i see it's WoW and a mount, but i stopped in WOTLK so i have no clue how much value that thing has
she is corrupted by an olgod and she runs away back to her master at the end of the encounter.
What game is this?
Based on your settings you are running the game on the lowest fucking settings. You are also a lfr baby.
There is fucking nothing to be jealous of... Oh you got a rare mount?
OK great everyone and their mother has some 1% mount you don't have also. This is just another in a game with over 500 mounts. Maybe focus on upgrading your pc instead of running lfr faggot.
zoomer pls go
MMOs are meant to be played on old systems. Every MMO we know still has dx9 support except for FFXIV, but it was like that for 6 years and only recently went dx11 only.
itt seething faggots
really you should upgrade that toaster though
FFXIV is the better MMO in every way.
WoW has been a clusterfuck since before Pandalands.
>literally everything bad that happens is the old god's faults now
Blizzard writing was a mistake
As someone with 3 120 characters. Going into lfr is not worth the fucking trouble or gear.
It drops shit gear that world quest negate. It takes 30 minutes as a dps to que or longer. It takes another 45 minutes to get every retard to finish it.
I can't be fucked to spend a fucking hour at a 1% mount chance. I'm not that pathetic.
pissado is infesting Yea Forums
mysterious creatures that haunt evil dungeons or even scare spider monsters
Le corruptor tentacle fnagjblarf xD
stay away from classic pls
Nah, not really. Try a rare FFXIV mount and come back, casual
I am not a transsexual tho.
More trannies play WoW than XIV though, oddly enough.
Then actually play the game instead of playing dress up everyone does
>Play the game
>Play even more dumbed down wow
>when not having my brain eaten out by tranny pills and mental issues
No thanks!
Brainlets can't handle not having a ton of tools play their cartoony ancient shit MMO for them!
No skill at all
>More dumbed down than WoW
WoW is literally 3 button rotations for every class and every boss telegraphs every move
Doesn't help that that's Pesado, he lowers the graphics on purpose so he can get more attention
>faggot tells lies without any proof
>dumbass retard believes like the dumb sheep he is
>Tab Bar games MMOs
Average wowboomer or xivtranny.
Play a real game like RTS or Fightan.
My prot warrior has over fucking 20 spells I use in a fight every time faggot.
5 of them is just for keeping threat and dps.
As someone that plays FF14 also you are a fucking faggot to compare them. There is no comparison to how brain dead FF14 in comparison for gameplay.
And XIV is the same except you have to press 8 buttons one after another!
So deep!
I moved out of the red spot while pressing 1-2-3-4-5 instead of 1 and 2 when that lights up!
So deep!
So hardcore!
Nerf soon fellow screaming retard!
Also people have this delusion rotations are deep or engaging.
>braindead WoWfaggots can't handle XIV as per usual
Move along
Based and cutepilled :3c
and my bdk has 4 lmao
It has no value because it can’t be sold. You would think that only the best players can get it, meaning it would measure skill, but this mount is giving at low percentage to even the worst players. It’s a measure of luck.
OP, “Pezado”, is an annoying fucking tranny from Brazil who clearly isn’t getting enough attention in the containment board
>Pressing Challenging Shout
Damn hard game bro.
I used to play Prot Pally and it was literally Righteous Fury and Judgement and you have threat.
If you're having problems with threat 2019, you should probably get good
Bitch I know I'm cute
Hey how hard was it to get this? As in, how skilled did you have to be to achieve this mount that not many people have?
Oh, you mean the game just gave it to you for free at random? That doesn't sound like much to be jealous of someone for, honestly.
nah, I feel kinda sad for you actually
>WoW's GCD is nearly twice as fast
>half the specs still do less apm than XIV's jobs
how does this even happen lmaoooo
>Impressed DK aka stand around doing nothing the class has little to no buttons
It didn’t have that many in wrath either.
Rune, blood, icebound, rune weapon, summon ghoul and eat him. Lich+spam coil on yourself if talented.
Apply aids (2 skills repeat each 30s), heart strike, DnD, deathstrike, rune spender (either tunic or coil). Blood boil to spread aids if needed.
By being a shit game. XIV is more engaging and has a higher skill ceiling.
He’s polack.
Half the specs in the game stand around doing nothing now, some more than others.
pretty cool mount
i still like my mimirons more though
>challenging shout
ProtWarrior uses:
Shield slam on cd, clap on cd, avatar on cd, demoshout on cd, revenge if free or need dump.
IP and SB as needed.
Devastate if nothing else can be done.
Wall, fear, shockwave, last stand as required.
Paladin on the other hand is a non gcdlocked proc based spec you nonce.
If you're still playing WoW at all you're a loser
If you're still playing to collect vanity items, I pity your existence.
That's likely something like 80% of the playerbase
Po-post picture~?
Fast forward to the next new mount you get and you completely forget about the last one.
Remember the Sparkle Pony people bought for $20? I wonder how many of them still use it.
sorry m8 but wow somehow still manages to have the most solid engine on the market
Yes, but BDK is a shit example, Dk in general is because of runes it always has been pretty stand around do Nothing when you have no rune.
Should have said Fdk But fdk is And will always be the spec everyone points at to laugh. So maybe shadow priest? Or shaman?idk I don’t play much dps.
Jealous of someone playing WoW in 2019 and collects vanity items ?
lmfao, you wish
OH i forgot i even made this thread when i wanted to upload the picture again
well bros it sure smells like strawberry jelly in here and i have to go for now to fuck my smoking hot 10/10 japanese boyfirned
based redflag post
Haven't played WoW since downing Heroic G'hunn a few weeks after that raid came out. Kinda curious to see how the game is doing, any reason to avoid the game right now? At least compared to early in the expansion, I know there's more than enough reason to avoid WoW these days.
>Play wow
>Half of the raid leaves because the game sucks
>other half has to take care of their kids
>Play xiv
>Half the raid hasn’t come online in a week after some drama or someshit
>Other half needs constant pauses to dilate
Why can’t mmos be good again bros??
How is BDK a shit example when it's a top performing tank and frost a better one when it's literally a 20 apm trashcan spec?
The point is that non GCD bound specs are total fucking ass and BfA isn't lacking in that department.
>Other half needs constant pauses to dilate
>not using Glad mount
to be fair, blizzard writing is usually retarded enough for it to be believable
You seem attracted to trans
Because it has always been a stand around do nothing spec.
And frost is always a fucking trashcan where it either does nothing but you press tons of crap or it has 20 apm and does 60494 billion damage.
Final Faggots on suicide watch
Only 40% of them!
hey you got the same name as that guy who posts overwatch webms