>incel babyraging at you in a video game when you are higher ranked than him
>report his steam profile cause he has an offensive name
>get this message the very next day
Is there a better feeling in all of gaming?
Incel babyraging at you in a video game when you are higher ranked than him
Other urls found in this thread:
nothing better than helping improve a community. I wish 4channel would message me telling me when one of my reports leads to a ban.
Get enough people to ask for it and it might just happen
I'm a hacker and if you did that to me you'd regret it bucko
What is babyraging
>some kid throws a tantrum
>op is salty as fuck and feels emasculated, so he reports kid over nothing
>op feels so proud of his achievement that he brags about it on Yea Forums
This place is literally a daycare center. Why do I still come here?
oh did he offend you? do you need a safe space?
>reporting people for offensive names
How beta are you?
I just wanna say you're a fucked in the head white faggot
Sounds like people who get salty and make autistic screeches in videogames and then cry when they get owned by people abusing the system
Because you are secretly gay
because we're here forever
No user that's me
wanna see my pics sucking dick?
Yes, post them.
These threads are always hilarious to me. anons actually cry about the ultimate back troll. They think its ok for someone to act like the biggest asshole but reeeeeee super hard at the idea that someone can use a system to do it back to them. If you get reported and IT WORKS you were probably asking for it anyway, who gives a fuck what you think you are banned lol.
I honestly don't even know if people like OP are baiting anymore. It used to be the case 100% of the times, nowadays...
This guy gets it.
There's nothing wrong with popping off on some fag, but if you're going to get butthurt when they fuck you over, you're just being a little bitch.
It's like going up to somebody IRL and screaming insults at them, then whining when they punch you in your stupid face. Getting somebody banned in the internet equivalent of socking them in the face.
using a report button should instantly ban whoever uses it for faggotry
>It's like going up to somebody IRL and screaming insults at them, then whining when they punch you in your stupid face.
GOD this! And you just know the plebs who dont like what you just said are actually the people irl who say "violence ia not an argument! I can stand right in your face and scream FAGGOT CUNT and you are gonna take it because its my right to free speech and if you put a hand on me i will sue you so you had better like it!"
You mean as in a false report?
Haha, hello Nate Higgers, still mad that I reported your Steam profile?
People who have a strong hatred of snitches are usually worthless people like criminals and thugs. And ironically the same people who get "snitches get stitches" tattoos are the same people who will sell out all their friends to the cops the instant they get in trouble
Aww, little retard who can't control his emotions when losing at a video game gets in trouble for raging like the pathetic incel he is.
>report TF2 hackers with video evidence
>no response from Valve
>offensive name gets banned the next day though
U mad bro?
A Twitch emote that is used when people are acting like babies and crying over video games.
it's a different time
reported have a nice ban
>OP thinks he got an epic win when all that happened is the kid got a forced name change
>mods deleted my anti snitch post
what the fuck is this website anymore whos punk ass mods are these
This is a problem in Dota 2 at the moment too. A group of the most popular streamers were playing battlecup (a weekly tournament thing in the Dota client) together and played against a bunch of people cheating, who then admitted to cheating on their Twitter and saying using all the publicity to sell more cheats, basically taunting the streamers and saying Valve won't do anything. 2 weeks later and none of the cheaters are banned despite over 10k people watching them cheat and admit to it live.
>announcing a report even as a joke
Vacation time
>that picture
We can't have that sort of thing on 4channel user.
Nah faggot, there is a reasonable amount of swearing allowed on Steam games. It's when retards like you start afking because you're raging in all chat so much that it leads to bans.
>announcing a report
You're not allowed to do that on 4channel. I'm not reporting you, just letting you know the rules :) (hehe I cant be banned for this post)
>play Overwatch
>someone tells me to do something
>report them for harassment
>guaranteed “we have taken action on one of your reports” message the next day
This shit happens like 50 times a week. Feels pretty good muting /pol/tards
reported for toxic behavior bye bye sweatie :^)
I'll report every single one of you fags for being fags. Then I'll report myself for being a fag as well.
the amount of swearing allowed depends on the specific game. Steam doesn't deal with that sort of thing. If you got banned for swearing it was the devs of that game specifically doing it. The exception being your steam username, of course.
>>some kid throws a tantrum
>>op is salty as fuck and feels emasculated
I'm not sure I'm understanding how we get from the first point to the second. How does a kid throwing a tantrum make someone feel emasculated?
somebody reported him once when he was having an autistic meltdown so he tried to make himself feel better by imagining that everybody who reports him are really mad or something. The reality though is that most people just report for the cathartic pleasure of fucking somebody over who they don't like
cuz ops getting pwned
>How does a kid throwing a tantrum make someone feel emasculated?
Someone says something mean to you online and you are so deeply hurt that you go out of your way to visit their profile, look for completely unrelated things just for the sake of getting back at them. It's pathetic, honestly.
It's basically this:
what really happened is some guy called OP a faggot and OP couldn't come up with a comeback for such a basic insult. then OP literally couldn't stop thinking about him and decided to report him, because OP is indeed a faggot. then he posts it on muh anonymous Sri Lankan stone chiseling board for le sekret club reddit karma and you all indulged him instead of calling him out for the faggot he is
Based and authoritypilled
>It's basically this:
This is the world we now live in.
Yeah, it's really gone full circle in all honesty.
That is a win. Forcing some prick to have to do that is all that matters. Who cares if its a small change or a perma ban, he has to choke on it and do a thing he doesn't want to. Should have followed the rules.
No fool but if people report you anyway and they see you did file a report yhe implication is enough. Wht else would people report you for it, and then it shows you did indeed report ITT?
Real life isn't your video games though and you broke the rules. Lmaoing at you spinning this as you are the victim though.
Thanks I suggested it. 4theplayers
Please remember, if you're ever feeling sad, at least you're not op
>going online in multiplayer games
Not even once
man can't wait till we can start killing incels, i just want to bash their head in with a hammer and cut their balls off
Kid spraying insults hit a nerve of truth and OP got mad. But instead of vocalizing it on the spot like an alpha his was passive aggressive like a beta
Butthurt amerimutts making steam a safespace too, who would have thought?
No I was continuing to play the game because I don't sperg out. Just got a nice little bonus when I got him banned afterwards.
Imagine the smell of OP's chair as he furiously made that report haha
I'm actually Muslim, so either write an apology post or I'll be requesting your information to turn in to the police.
You still aren't a victim.
Getting that message in league after reporting a faggot, oooooh feels amazing
I wasn't furious, I was content knowing that I was helping to improve the community. Sure, I was a little peeved that the rager was ruining an otherwise fun game, but knowing that I could report him after the game balances that out. I continue to play the match level headed and enjoyed it.
Okay, I tried to help you.
>I'm a dumb curry on legs
>I love dog curry and cat Cock soup! With a hint of crusty spunk!
Using the word "incel" doesn't make you less of a soiboi.
that sounds pretty beta desu
Unbased sandcurry nigger
>not mad
lol sissy
Is this spamming?
>there's nothing wrong with being a snitch!
>but I think people who hate snitches are actually snitches because I need to cope for some reason!!
I report everyone. No matter if they do anything wrong.
I'm part of the problem. Trying to make the system flawed.
My old info on my smurf account got reported and deleted but it was really good, any tips on how I could make it better to tilt players?
>Is there a better feeling in all of gaming?
I'd say not being a thin skinned pussy that resorts to literally "you're going to the teachers" because he's too afraid/dumb to come up with comebacks on the spot feels much better.
If you have ever reported anyone because of literal words over the internet, you're a gigantic faggot.
> I'm a underage zoomy zoom, be my personal army because I'm a baby fiddler!
that's my steam account, it got reported the old info said it was a KKK supporter just wondering why the info got deleted by a steam moderator I'm just asking if this seems safe
Checking trannies suicide rates.
you should add yourself to the that rate
I once got one of these even though I've never reported anybody. Why is that?
is this the hip new reddit word? shit bait
I haven't reported anyone ingame or in here for years. Fucking snitch piece of shit.
Seems like Steam is flawed.
I can't realistically complain about abusing the system to be a troll.
What I'm more worried worried about is that a lot of people who abuse the system in this way don't think they're trolling, they think they're being the harbingers of a glorious new age ruled over by niggers, faggots and roasties.
You might think this is just playing the Long Game. Troll all of western civilization by getting it to buckle in on itself like a house of cards, then laugh at everyone who thought the system was stable, much like laughing at everyone who thinks a game is stable when it turns out there's an exploit to crash it.
No, this isn't sadism or doing it for the lulz, these are people who actually think a future of roasties, faggots and niggers is an enlightened and positive thing.
That's what worries me. Not that the world will burn, but that the people who'll burn it believe fire is a myth.
>because he's too afraid/dumb to come up with comebacks on the spot feels much better.
No, I'm great at coming up with comebacks and BTFOing people but in a team game that doesn't help. They will just double down on their retarded logic. Instead I just ignore and report them now.
>is this the hip new reddit word?
it's been the hip new reddit word for like 3 years
Did Valve outsource their moderation to the UK's police force?
What actually happened to him though?
Yes I like improving the games I play by getting toxic players banned. It's a good feeling to improve things. Why would I be mad? I'm not mad when I take the trash out, I'm not mad when I mow the lawn. These things needs to get done and the feeling of accomplishment when you do them is a good thing.
Then just mute them you fucking retard, who cares what some dumb fuck is saying? Is he playing well? Mute him and win, is he feeding? Then report, that's why the function is there, not to catter to your special standards for proper communication.
Im sure you don't mute them and take their bullshit for the whole game just to justify your retarded behaviour.
Fucking faggots like you are the ones who enabled all this thought police in videogames and endless censorships.
>that time a tf2 "pro" got community banned for having furfag erotica on his profile
been a while. best part was his name getting force-changed to a "default sounding" one for the duration of the ban
>tf2 player is a furry
Who would have thought!
>lol if you dont start afking and having a flame war with every retard who starts sperging out in an online game u are a sissy
You're an angry incel who spends all their time watching porn or playing competitive games. Your hormones are completely out of whack if you can't control yourself and just mute him and enjoy the game. No one queues for a game and thinks "hmmm,, I sure hope I spend the next 20 minutes arguining with some other retard I'm never goign to run into again", you queue because you hope to have a fun game. Your lack of self control ends up making you mad and ruining the game for everyone else.
Well it sure isn't hate crimes.
>no-scalpel vasectomy
So what, they use lasers? That shit does more damage and hurts more than a scalpel.
Instead of focusing on the snitches, focus on the system.
>when you get called an incel before you had the chance to call him an incel
The only time I've ever recieved a headpat message from Gabe was after reporting a profile that had a real picture of a horsecock as their avatar.
Yet to hear of any of the ones with furry porn avatars get banned though, guess less people report them.
Reminder that anyone in this thread being offended that other people report other people probably got a penalty or a ban at some point.
And are buttmad that they cant use the niger or fagot anymore and genuinely believe acting as spoiled baby retard is what trash talking is.
Its the equivalent of zoomers who think acing like a sociopath and insulting evrione is acualy trolling and not just being a asswhole.
Semi-AFKing (or pretending to semi-AFK) a game and reporting anyone who gets mad at you is a good way to power level your ban counter.
Be realistic though. Controlling your anger is a rare skill, considering a lot of the people who play videogames nowadays are children, women, brazilians, russians, niggers, or other people whose behaviour-regulating higher brain functions are stunted.
While I agree with you that a tax or penalty on people who can't control themselves is a good idea, that's going to affect a LOT of your customers, and they are physically not capable of following your rules because their brain doesn't have the mechanisms to override/suppress their amygdala.
Expecting people to not chimp out, while a nice ideal, is not feasible in practice.
Is there a solution to your average video-game player being a ball of rage that gets [TRIGGERED] over things outside of their control, such as someone going Tank or Carry instead of Support, someone being AFK, or someone saying "Debt free virgins without tattoos"?
There might be, but I sure as fuck can't think of one, and neither can the people who implement systems of punishment.
Hell, even in this thread, we see the ban system be used as a means TO express anger, not as a means to prevent it.
Every attempt thus far to suppress the rage of the general population has only resulted in picking an acceptable target for the general population to rage at, though considering (((who))) is implementing those systems it might be deliberate.
Expressions of anger are inevitable. Best you can do is segregate them.
Based? Yes. Redpilled? Yes
There's a lack of games where you run a program on your own machine and direct-connect to someone else's IP, and a 3rd party can't stop you from doing that.
I.e. you don't need Steam or any other launcher, and the company who made the game doesn't control who you can (or can't) connect to.
I know Minecraft, Terraria, and versions of Counter-Strike BEFORE 1.6 let you do it. Are there any others?