This is your GOTY, say something nice about it
This is your GOTY, say something nice about it
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Im super excited! Ganbatte, sekiro-san!
Seems pretty boring. Do you just stealth around and do the same insta-kill animation on samurai the entire fucking game?
i wish you all would die so from could go back to making mech games for awhile.
On lowly enemies, sure. You can't do the same to bigger enemies
Mecha-soulsborne-otogi-like with King's Field elements
I'm sure there's gonna be a bunch of enemy variety. You will wander around, get killed by bullshit you had no way of knowing how to deal with before getting killed by it, backtrack a lot, be somewhat intrigued by the mysterious lore, probably fight a creepy female boss
movement looks a little clunky but i'll have to play it to judge, grappling hook always has potential to make for a fun game. I will try this game and i do hope it's different from previous From games
>another lame dark souls game
Thought it would be great since its reveal, and now I think it might be genuinely outstanding
Is this like a reenvisioned Tenchu? Seems pretty cool.
Where's my stamina bar?
Absolute pleb
No stamina bar or stats you can level up. It got rid of most rpg aspects in favor of a pure arpg
it's like a slow, shitty version of Ninja Blade
No it's nothing like that
It very clearly has better gameplay than any other ninja/samurai game ever before
Whoa, is that one of those videogame console things?
Marketing, previews and generally anything from Activision or Fromsoft on this have been pretty slim. I hope they just don't want to spoil the game.
Is there any progression?
Considering the mystique of Dark Souls and Bloodborne is a big part of its identity I wouldn't be surprised
looks like a slower, less strategic ninja gaiden to me famalam
People have said there's a talent/skill tree, and you also get these prosthetic tools that do all kinds of different shit. I wouldn't be surprised if those had an upgraded state as well.
You get experience points to spend in skill tree.
Yes. This information has been floating around for months now
I'm legit hype as fuck. Only played Bloodborne and the old Tenchu games (need to go back to Dork Souls someday), and I have a hard on for Japanese maples in the autumn.
i hope they nerf katana fags.
>This is your game of the year.
But we already got Nioh a few years ago, why are we getting a clone now?
They needed to do something new because they are being told by reviewers and game journalist "man, your games are all the samey repetitive action games and being made in abusing the same old mechanics, how about making something fresh, huh" and they did this. It seems like they are running out of the ideas. I still remember the first time when I played Demos Souls, which was surely something like revelation to me. MIyazaki was genius at the time, but now he is just falling in stubbornness that can only makes the same over and over.
i'm into it
Nioh is mediocre. The loot system and focus on gear undercuts a lot of the potential challenge that comes from the game. I was doing all the side quests as I was playing through the game and it resulted in me being able to roll through most levels and bosses with very little thought. Also it was damn repetitive due to the low enemy variety and recycled levels for side content.
but both games have samurais and demons checkmate
I hope Sekiro has different skins for your character.
after it tanks, ill pick it up on sale
spoil the game
there's basically zero chance it'll tank. It may not be a big success (probably will desu) but it definitely won't do poorly
use fire on the ogre. the first boss is a test to show you your ds skllls wont work.
This. It'll sell a few million copies and get a Metascore in the high 80's/low 90's
That's not My Friend Pedro
>1 (ONE) weapon
I have no skills, I only played demons souls
wasn't interested in playing the same (and easier versions at that) game 5 times over
There's a fair few offhands to choose from though, I've seen a spear and an axe
Imagine being this absolutely wrong
the best weapon though
So far my only complaint
>No character creator
>Only one weapon
Fuck. You don't make a dark Japanese games like this without giving me the ability to make my character look full edge
Character creation isn't inherently better. With it you lose the ability to create a more focussed story. I'll reserve judgement until I've finished the game.
>the Chained Ogre is literally a reskinned DS3 Lycanthrope
>it appears to play and feel exactly the same as BB and DS3
facking crying
Yea I agree with you. If they're going with a set character , I hope it has a good story. I'm just glad the protagonist is a dude
It has no chance of being GOTY, it doesn't look good.
>it doesn't look good
Holy shit that was cool
I stand by what I just said. Every piece of gameplay footage looks like this, it looks boring and lacking in variety and depth at best. There's nothing special about this, looks generic.
>A-ateam at work
it better have HDR support too
Yes, it is not a button masher like Ninja Gaiden
>less strategic
It is very obviously far more strategic than Ninja Gaiden
How is it a Nioh clone when it has not a single thing in common with it except taking place in Japan? And Nioh was trying to clone Souls games (and miserably failed at making a good game in the process of it).
Should I play Ni-oh?
What the fuck are you dumbasses smoking, it will easily sell 15-20 million copies like DS3 did.
>looks boring and lacking in variety and depth at best.
are you retarded or blind?
Stop baiting already, everyone who has actaully looked at different videos of it knows there is tons of variety in combat
Gonna need a source on those numbers
just don't forget to block
> souls with qte combat
I remembered wrong, it sold 13 million copies. Just google "Dark Souls 3 sales" to find out.
Still that is really well, we can expect Sekiro to sell around as well since From is actually drastically improving their gameplay this time.
niggas don't know bout my world alignments
That's the Dark Souls franchise as a whole you retard
>Just google "Dark Souls 3 sales"
Do the same
Looks nothing like any enemys movesets from DS3 or BB, and it's clearly a different character model too than the tall freaks in DS3.
There are no QTEs. Do you not know what a quick time event is?
>it got rid of the rpg in favor of the rpg
Nioh is better samurai gameplay
Undercut by the shitty gear system and lack of enemy variety. Autists like yourself need to realise that core mechanics are the foundation, not the whole
Someone has clearly never touched the DLCs
>And Nioh was trying to clone Souls games
No it didn't, Soulsfags are always so shortsighted on game design even though they pretend they know everything about it
Oh so you're backpedaling, because we haven't seen all the enemies or all the systems in Sekiro, so it makes sense for me to talk about core mechanics.
>the thing that happens in every game also happens in this game!
>so you're backpedaling
I'm not the same user. I just find it amusing when Niohfags try and put it on a pedestal when it's actually not very good.
lol goty ok pal keep drreaming. First off we all wanted bloodborne 2 with that being said Sekiro is pro but fuck i'd rate Resident evil 2 remake way higher as a game of the year contender.
>Someone has clearly never touched the DLCs
If you need DLC to fix your game then it's not a good game
So I guess BB is not a good game then
It'l do well if it sells 1-2 million
BB's good. I don't think it's as spectacular as other people make it out to be and I don't really see what issues with the main game the DLC fixes. It's just more content with a couple more cool areas. It's not like the main game itself was lacking in cool areas.
Except BB DLC fixed nothing? It was just more of the same thing, still a top tier expansion but claiming that it changed anything about the game straight-up is misinformation.
TOH almost doubles the very low amount of weapons in the the base game, did you even play it?
enjoy your crying souls brainlets
I wonder how butthurt Nintenbros are that this won't be on Switch
This. The only complaint it could mitigate is if someone felt that the main game was a little on the shorter side, but even then the main game isn't exactly sparse on content when you take Chalice Dungeons and optional bosses/areas into account. When I finished the DLC I didn't suddenly love BB more, I just thought it was a good extra piece of content for a game I already liked.
i agree, SM64 and OoT would be much better games if you could create your own character and they have differant loadouts.
Actually, no, that's retarded. Nevermind that idea.
>more weapons
>best bosses
>best new enemies
I'm not really interested in using every single weapon and playstyle. I got the Platinum using three different weapons and that was enough for me. I guess if people really like the build variety and are into the PVP content then that's fair enough, but that's not really an issue that everyone is going to come across. Nioh's issues run deeper.
BB already had cool weapons, bosses and enemies. It's not like TOH was a quantum leap in quality. It was just more top quality content.
You're just proving us right, dumbass. Never really felt that vanilla BB had not enough weapons btw. I also highly doubt that you were using all of them by the time TOH dropped...
>pizza cutter
>moonlight sword
all bosess are much better than main shit fuck even shark-giant is harder than half mian game bosses....
Game looks amazing both visually and in gameplay
Stop being contrarian fuckers just for the sake of it. Its ok to hate on piece of shit cashgrabs like Anthem but proper games like this one are rarer each day