Looks like the removal of amplify inputs has an unintended consequence. Apparently MK 11 is now too casual even for casuals. It's slow, boring, too easy, and the combos are too short and not interesting. Between this and the ugly women, this game is done for.
Looks like the removal of amplify inputs has an unintended consequence...
MK is the most main-stream and casual fighting game so it makes sense to make it more easy to play. Go play something that's not casual if it annoys you, op.
MK 11 is gonna fuckin flop, callin it now
Did you even watch the video? Casuals are complaining now that the game is TOO casual for them. This game is going to flop and flop hard. It's boring as shit and way way too easy and dumbed down. There's a point where you can make a game too casual.
It's pretty much 3 button string into special move rinse and repeat, nothing too detailed, everything too basic.
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women
I already canceled my preorder, all the matches shown so far this game looks boring as hell
Casuals don't read up on whether or not the game is too casual. They buy the game, play for a week, and forget they own it afterwards. NRS is gonna make bank on this game like they always have.
i mean it was definitely never like that before but as it got bigger and more and more people voiced their casual opinions nrs started listening
Do I even need to call you out or can you do it yourself?
I wouldn't say the game is done for nor is max anyone you should be listening to but the game kinda is becoming more casual friendly. there's too many of them that can voice their opinions now and nrs is listening to them as if they don't just need features and content to hold them over until the next game
That's even worse, if they fail at least they learn their lesson, if this sells well this genre is as good as dead
suck my dick nrs shill
>the ugly women
nope get something more to cry about fag
>this genre is good as dead
that's completely false. even when their games are massive successes, nobody bothers with copying them or their formula. NRS games make their money in the short term while every other company tries to keep it alive for the competitive scene as long as possible.
Surely you jest.
Frost is bald, Kronika is bald, that new female character is also ugly as shit. Give it up.
I think the game looks like shit and I'm pretty sure it's gonna play like shit just like Injustass and MKX. You're pathetic if you had to self-bump that many times to keep your shit thread up.
look at the retards trying as hard as they can
nice try nrs shill
fucking retard
nice try nrs shill
this faggot hyped up sf x tekken. he can eat a fat dick
I remember reading something about shills being taught how to false-flag in order to give out more exposure. I wouldn't be surprised if you ip was one of Neatherealm's offices.
also kill yourself if this is what you thought of doing on a thursday night, go ask your supervisor for a break you seething cuck
nice try nrs shill
>thursday night
it's wednesday night/thursday morning dumbass
dont bother the retard is going to say the same shit over and over he is probably that crazy mortal kombat hater from /fgg/
Max is a retard desu, just looks up one flashy combo and tries to do it every match and then quits after two weeks when everyone better than him bodies him on stream. Happens in literally every game now, even the ones he supershills for.
>drops Infinite in a week
>drops 6 to play fucking COD Blackout after a week
nice try nrs shill
Has he ever been good or even a notable player in the scene? He's been nothing but a news source and hypebeast as long as I can remember.
so much this
OP is delusional if he thinks casuals cry online---before a game is even out---in places he will go to read
UMvC3 was the best he's ever been and it's still bad.
casuals follow max and listen to him because he is their king
casuals don't watch gaming youtubers
Wahhhh!! this nrs game is going to be like an nrs game!!! the thread
Fighting games are for toddlers , gtfo with this shit.