Why can't looter shooters figure out how to do end game correctly? Why is Division 2 the only game that is doing it right?
Why can't looter shooters figure out how to do end game correctly? Why is Division 2 the only game that is doing it right?
why do you have this pdf ready to go? Fuck off shill.
See you in the Dark Zone user!
Sent ;)
did Ubisoft purposedly plan to murder the shit out of Anthem?
No. Nubioware is just that shitty
I think Anthem would have still murdered itself despite the existence of Division 2. A better looter shooter coming out within a month is just salt in the wound at this point.
but whatabout the story campaign?
You can't murder something that already committed suicide.
why can't you add a fucking FoV slider?
>A better looter shooter
Compared to Anthem you mean? Cause that would be ANY looter shooter
>banned for using CineTools in D1 to take screenshots
>they refuse to overturn my ban
>add photo mode to D2
Kind of annoying but whatever I guess
>In order to advance World Tiers, Agents have to beat the WT challenge: two invaded main missions and an invaded stronghold
Ok so that's basically two missions and what? Like a TD1 raid? I mean at least this'll stratify the sweat from the new players
>For the stat/talent transfer to take place, the 2 stats/talents need to be from the same family (offensive, defensive, utility). Agents can only recalibrate 1 stat/talent per item, but this can then be switched out indefinitely
And this is sick.
Like if they literally just moved current TD1 over to the new engine and made the crafting changes I'd be playing for another 3 years
But you can fuck its corpse
In terms of gear progression and loot I really have no big issues with DIvision, just that I don't particularly like the cover shooting gameplay where everyone hides and potshots for hours.
>Like if they literally just moved current TD1 over to the new engine
i really wish retards like you would get automatically detected and banned
Honestly the Division 2 seems to be a real improvement from the first, my only issues are tiny shit like that little bit of move assist and, y'know, bugs. Seems like they're committing to making this work, so I'm hopeful.
I participated in the three alpha/beta sessions, enjoyed my time. I figure if they can just add content and a few QoL things regularly it'll work out just fine
did you try calling them jewniggers?
I think I'll buy when its 50% off and all specializations are out and known.
But assuming they don't forget what was done for the first game and keep to the game design they seem to have chosen for D2. it seems pretty good to me so far.
Why would you care about a story in an MMO?
because you're a nigger
I'm sad that they haven't given us any ideas of gear sets because sentry and reclaimer/caduceus were sick and I want a replacement
I see.
Apparently there's going to be some heavy carry over from TD1 involving first wave agents or agent
As long as the Nomad set returns I'm happy.
there probably will be but i liked the huge skill defining or gameplay changing sets
The only thing about TD2 in not super happy about are the changes to weapon mods. They weren't perfect in TD1 but the bonus/penalty combo on every single one seems dumb as hell
Enjoyed D1 when I picked it up for leas than 10 bucks. New setting sucks. I'll still get it when it is discounted.
I dunno, the snowy environment was a huge pulling factor for me. I'm not digging this twilight summer theme D2 has going.
You know I'm torn between liking the game's commitment to it's pseudo-realistic military setting and having a more memorable bosses then regular dude but with more health.
Stealing some of the bosses battles from Metal Gear might work. Characters like Psycho Mantis or bee man wouldnt make any sense in a Tom Clancy games battling some veteran sniper who is a master of camouflage would fit pretty well
You mean Borderlands?
TD2 has a Dark Zone too? Has it been unlocked yet or is it coming after beta?
it has 3 darkzones
I don't like the idea of spreading the DZ around into smaller chucks. I love the wild west feel of a huge singular DZ
How do people not get tired of looking at snow and having foggy weather? Any game where players can invest thousands of hours playing it needs a variety in environments.
and wardrobe
Seems there are a lot of it this time around. I hope they lift the outfits and such from Wildlands, as mediocre as it is you really can customize your operator a lot.
not being limited to winter jackets adds a lot
>finally get to wear t shirts and tank tops
>female agents actually have muscle
I like this
I dont get the appeal of the division. Abilities seem so boring
>Your created Agent from the first game is the villain
That would be kino as fuck
Is Yea Forums making death squads so we can go out and ruin peoples games in the dark zone?
nah my agent was a good guy
>ruin peoples games in the dark zone
That's just regular DZ content though.
>having this much hope for current year Yea Forums
Game will be shit posted into oblivion on release here. /vg/ autists might organize though, but it will be miserable fucking experience judging by all the /vg/ guild and communities.
Anyone who praises this trash is lying about playing the first game.
Skills are absolute shit and a total downgrade from the first game. Who the fuck wants to tell a seeker mine where to go rather than use a normal grenade.
Recalibration is a total downgrade from the first game because now you need to grind for a second item to sacrifice, and can only change 1 stat whereas in 1 you could change 2. And it was only for credits which are basically infinite at that point. They’ve still not fixed stash size which was a massive problem late game forcing you to use mule characters to hold all the extra stuff you don’t have room for.
Redpill me on this game bros, nothing is coming out so I need something to play. Did they fix the bullet sponges?
5 Ubicoins were deposited at your account
It is not as egregious as it was, but if you expect realistic TTK in looter shooter you are insane.
they're called club units dummy
You can trust Bioware's online focused games to self-destruct without you haveing to do anything, as the TORtanic has already indicated.
I don't understand how the wizards behind the snowdrop engine managed to make this game look better and run better as well.
I can't care about loot in The Division because there's no sci-fi or fantasy elements. Gearing up your character is just like going shopping at the mall. There's nothing really cool or exciting to work towards.
It's a loot shooter. Enough said
it's a lootershooter, if you don't like them then you don't like them.
Nope same shit as before and you have to wait like 10 minutes for your abilities to recharge
>No helmets, only masks
For what purpose?
>ebin launcher
I am sure there will be some tacticool helmets for headwear. They did look like shit in first one though.
There was literally no option for it in the outfit section. The beta was pretty much the complete game released early to test server stability. It looks like headgear has been cut completely.
Wut? Didn't they show baseball caps in promotion material? I refuse to believe those are tight to the hair if so.
based retardposter
Could be a hair option. But I know 100% there was no helmet tab.
>will be poor when the game comes out
I've embraced my casual status and just want an ezpz shooter with pals.
There is no end game to loot based games. It's just more and better loot so you can loot the things you just looted easier next time.
go away epic shill
With every tier of gear improving your builds by a whole 0.1% with drop rates that only get higher exponentially!
>Yea Forums actually looking forward to another piece of shit Ubishit game, especially Division out of all things
what the fuck has happened to this place
Because when you structure your core game around attempting to scaling up the player’s power, there can’t actually BE an “end-game”. Just more content treadmill with more upscaling power.
>Buying Ubisoft games anywhere but Uplay
It would be cool if the in-game weather reflected the time of year IRL, but most devs are too lazy to do that
Silly user, the endgame is cosmetics. No one give a shit about stats its all about how you look.
That actually would be pretty cool, cycle through the seasons.
>Buying Ubisoft games
Keener was the good guy.
How's it looking? I've got a friend trying to convince me to get it and I forgot to check the open beta.
I like Borderlands 2 for that matter, but I did mod it (also edited level to 72 after finishing UVHM), can't do that here.
No, Amherst was. Keener is just some edgy faggot that thinks he's 2deep4u.
So, is this an improvement over the first game? Cuz that one was boring and grindy with absurd bullet sponges.
Bullet sponges were fixed ages ago in balance patches. Ubisoft took a lot of feedback and acted on it.
they showed off in detail a video with the patriot set, red white and blue buffs and debuffs.
How bad does it feel to play this shit on PS4 over PC? I have a friend who wants to play and I really liked Div1, but they're playing on PS4 with other friends of theirs. I've always played fps/tps on PC with mouse and KB. Will I adjust?
Confirmed for not having paid attention to the story. Keener is a patriot who realized the Division didn't care about the agents or civilians, but rather containing the outbreak in order to preserve the government. He was betrayed and left for dead and now seeks vengeance against the people responsible. His methods may be questionable, but he's unironically in the right.
yeah you would adjust, I am in the same train. played div 1 on pc but my friends only have a ps4 now, so switching to that
>but rather containing the outbreak in order to preserve the government
This is the mission of the division from the get go, he would know that even before joining the division.
>Pre order the game with groups of friends to play on release day
>Somehow my eyesight got fucked and need a surgery on the 13th
>Probably won't be able to see for 2 weeks or more
Welp, that was a killjoy.