Why didn't you play Danganronpa But Good yet?

Why didn't you play Danganronpa But Good yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody's ever heard of whatever this is

>Jap only
>Ps4 exclusive, so you can't work on patches
Yeah, why?

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Redpill me on it and i'll give it a pirate. What's good about it?

The fuck is this even called?

The title is right there, in big letters even.

Thanks fag. Toasting in awesome bread right here.

>Why didn't you play Danganronpa But Good yet?
but I did play pic related

Attached: Danganronpa_V3-_Killing_Harmony_PS4_box_art.jpg (905x1135, 321K)

>"What the fuck is the name?"

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If you can't read the title, you won't be able to play the game itself.

Well then maybe that's why no one's played it, huh dipshit?


It's jap only and I don't know Japanese. What the fuck do you want me to do?

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Is this Exile Election?

Indeed. Written by Nishikawa Maoto, who also wrote Symphonic Rain.

I can't into muneroons
Please understand

>protagonist actually wants to win the game
Danganronpa team should have thought of this.

It's just a simulation.

man i loved this game

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>Go on a predominantly English speaking board
>Try to shill some JP only VN by claiming it's "Danganronpa but good"
>Provide no actual details or a translated title
>Get called out
>"Well, I suppose if you cannot read the title then you can't play the game."
Or hey faggot you could at least mention the title like instead of talking down.
Either way it was so good that it never got a localization nor sequels and died quietly with next to nobody talking about it.
From what I looked up it certainly is similar to Danganronpa but the gameplay is built around trying to figure out who to kill, not who killed and so you use a person's statements to throw them under the bus as opposed to investigating and using proof to punch holes in arguments. It's more like super edgy Survivor.

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Danganronpa is already good but I'll check it out if it comes Westward
Tsuihou Senkyo

Moe trash

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>woman nibbles on apple
>snake whispers into her ear
Embarrassingly babby-tier symbolism.

Am I wrong?

He probably will considering NISA is announcing new localizations in a few days

>2.7 on Amazon
No thanks.


I guess having to play localizations by NISA is what you get for to knowing Japanese.

I played it, it sucks.

More like divine retribution for being a disgusting weeb.

>for to knowing Japanese
for not knowing*

I dont know why this post is making me laugh so much. Thanks man.

About it being better than Danganronpa? Probably, can't really tell what with the whole language barrier but looking at it and reading about its playstyle I imagine Danganronpa's going to be more enjoyable as a whole, especially V3.

About not being able to play if you don't know Japanese?
Yeah, you have people there considering it's a fucking visual novel.

But if you wanna tell people about a game you like you don't start by being a douchebag as though we should be grateful that you posted a fucking box. This is a game that came out 2 goddamn years ago, user. It has about as much relevance at this time as Net High so you better at the very least tell people what the fuck it is if you're trying to shill it.

I guess having to repost to fix your sentences is what you get for being so retarded at using english. Go ask both your yellow dads to kiss you good night since its clearly past your bed time

I heard that it is a kuso game

>I guess having to play translations is what you get for not knowing Japanese.
Fixed that for you. You're implying that NISA is somehow noticeably worse than any of the other absolute fucking amateurs working in the industry for peanuts.

>>But if you wanna tell people about a game you like you don't start by being a douchebag as though we should be grateful that you posted a fucking box.
When people post Japanese games, they're generally not looking for input from EOPs, buddy. If you can't read the fucking title, then you don't belong in this thread. I'm sure there's an Anthem post or something you'd enjoy more elsewhere.

I think it's all bad.

Sorry dude, I'm not a native English speaker and often I don't check my sentences for typos and such. It's just Yea Forums after all.

It helps to have high meme tolerance. All you have to do is hope NISA didn't break the game accidentally and you're fine!

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>gacha player
opinion discarded

Right. That's why you specifically mentioned it being better than Danganronpa in order to entice replies on a board dominated by english speakers

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And yet there's maybe a whole two people here in the thread that knew about it, one who barely recognized it and another that said apparently it was shit.
If you weren't looking for "EOPs" then why the fuck didn't you post this in /jp/ or something?
It's an obscure as fuck game from 2017 nobody gave a shit about except you apparently and you expected people to flock to it not only knowing what you were talking about but agreeing with you.
On top of that, has a good point as well, you brought up a game you know damn well was localized and would have an English following for and used it to try and praise this game.
So, "buddy", what the fuck are you talking about belonging in this thread, because by your logic the only person here should be you jacking yourself off.

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I'm glad you just made a thread to show off your sick wapanese skills to the rest of the board, OP, and if you goal was to make people also dislike a game by trying to be THAT GUY, mission also accomplished

Best post

It's pretty embarassing to not know Japanese. It's the last year of Heisei already.

Please, help me tolerate V3. I loved the first two plus the spin off, spent hours upon hours playing, even staying awake till dawn sometimes, but I just can't fucking tolerate V3. I'm still at the prologue and find every character to be so one dimensional and insufferable, I can't stand even talking to them and the whole game feels like such a chore. One thing in particular that's greatly bothering me is that in DR1 and 2 they didn't shove you the student's talents. Asahina wasn't talking about how much she loved swimming every time she could, or Hiyoko about how often she dances, that stuff used to be reserved for FTEs or if it truly was needed to be mentioned plot wise. But here's it's "Oh god I love the piano, did I tell you I'm a pianist? I can't live without a piano, Alexa play pianicito. Oh cool a piano room, I love piano so much, I'm gonna love this piano room made for me, the pianist". At first I thought they were like that to push that idea of the imposed memories but holy shit, everyone speaks like that all the goddamn time. Who the hell wrote this game. The music also feels like a massive downgrade, so does the artstyle. I know it's all shiny and glossy and cleaner, but it feels so sterile, so monotone, it's so uninviting visually. Please, help me tolerate V3. Please.

It's pretty embarrassing the only thing you're using your Japanese for is trying to impress people on an anonymous image board


It is literally shit.
Out of all the Danganronpa clone you decided to shill this shit?

Imagine spending years learning a dying language just to be able to 'play' a book that even the people who natively speak that language didn't think was good.

That's not really true. I use it for various purposes in my daily life here in Japan.

I would if I didn't stop playing after the first trial. Also, Monokuma's voice sounds like Mickey Mouse, what the fuck.

Ok, ken-sama

Well here's the first thing to know, the music in the trials is pretty good. youtube.com/watch?v=32GWbQt_Zn4

Second thing is that you should at least finish Chapter 1 before casting judgement, there's an early twist that might help you deal with it a bit more at least in Piano Girl's case.

Finally, there's nothing I can do to help you get past the artstyle, but I will say the UI in the trials is pretty slick and there's a few cool moments here and there outside the usual executions.
Try your best, user.

Your mom's basement isn't Japan

I feel like you're making a big deal out of nothing in a lot of these cases and overreacting on a lot of your points.
Maybe try calming down and just getting farther in the game?

Don't project.

you have to pull through - cases 1, 4, 5 and 6 are some of the most emotional in the series
but if you aint here for the feels then you wont enjoy the game

That's nice.
Why not try finding some Japanese communities to discuss your Japan-only games with instead of trying to do that here?

I visit that one Japanese textboard about eroge, but honestly it's hard to just jump into it. Literally every thread there is a general that has been going on for like a decade and has its own inside rules and stuff.

I didn't make this thread, the game looks shit. The Amazon reviews all say the gameplay is boring and samey, and the twist is retarded.

It doesn't change the fact that EOPs are retarded, and constantly whine when they're confronted with even the most basic of problems. You know google image search would have told you what the game was, right? But instead you bitched an moaned, like all EOPs do when confronted with scary moonrunes.

>It's the last year of Heisei already.
Imagine "knowing" Japanese and still thinking we're in Heisei. The last year of Heisei was last year, buddy, this year is an as of now unnamed new era, to be decided in April, I think.

>EOPs will never get to experience Muramasa
Oh nonono

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Very embarassing to be you.

Protip: look also at the other eras. Every time the start of a new one is the same year as the end of the previous one.

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Fuck off Decade it's your fault Zi-O is fucking bad.

My bad, I figured the nips were sane. But hey, when you look back on it, nobody is going to remember 平成31, just like nobody remembers 昭和64. We're in ○○元年.


Assuming you aren't OP, yes Google Image Search would've worked but how the fuck is it the fault of EOPs that OP didn't even bother explaining the game and then proceeded to be a condescending prick when told to just fucking say the name instead of being a wiseass.
Did you notice the state of this thread? There's very little talking about this game here.
Also quite frankly fuck you and the other faggots like you that act like Japanese is some easy thing you learn overnight. Japanese may be an easier language than English in terms of complexity but being used to English means you have an entirely different rule set to figure out as well as learning at least three different alphabets and of course learning how to speak it without sounding like you've had a head injury.
Assholes like you don't actually care about knowing Japanese or even the fact that plenty of people probably want to learn it but can't for one reason or another, you just like to talk shit and jack off to yourself by looking at moonrunes and talking to anyone who needs an explanation like they're fucking retarded cavemen.

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>being used to English means you have an entirely different rule set to figure out as well as learning at least three different alphabets and of course learning how to speak it without sounding like you've had a head injury.
Fuck off. Language isn't rocket science, any retard can learn any language. It might take you a bit longer with Japanese instead of French, but who wants to learn French?

>even the fact that plenty of people probably want to learn it but can't for one reason or another,
There is no justifiable reason for being "unable" to learn a language. If you cared, you could find the 20 minutes a day needed, and if you're here, you absolutely could spare 20 times that. Keep posting reaction images and pretending you have a valid reason for being an EOP, though.

The only uses of Japanese in this thread that I've seen are to play a shit game and to shitpost at other people for not knowing Japanese

I'm considering French as my 4th.

sounds like the fucking rave music from Killer7

You can go "dem gross, nasty EOPs" all you want, but if the op can't even do so much as drop a title of a game, then he's not drumming up any interest in people to discuss what he's talking about.

>Assholes like you don't actually care about knowing Japanese or even the fact that plenty of people probably want to learn it but can't for one reason or another, you just like to talk shit and jack off to yourself by looking at moonrunes and talking to anyone who needs an explanation like they're fucking retarded cavemen.
Holy fucking BTFO

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Dude, I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but this is Yea Forums, not Reddit or ResetEra.

>if the op can't even do so much as drop a title of a game, then he's not drumming up any interest in people to discuss what he's talking about.
How the fuck can people who can't even read the title of the game discuss anything about it, other than translation begging?

This shit is "MOM SAID IT'S MY TURN TO PLAY" level insanity, and you're just going to cover the controller in snot and orange juice while mashing the buttons and crying that you can't understand anything.

>Comment that you're a piece of shit for being condescending to EOPs and acting like Japanese is the easiest thing to learn
>Proceeds to talk down to me and proclaim Japanese is the easiest thing to learn
Yeah, it's not rocket science but I highly fucking doubt 20 minutes a day is gonna lead to any results either.
Realistically it'd take maybe an hour or two a day for several months, and some people have jobs that might interfere, or they might just have trouble learning off a website alone.
Even assuming you're right, 20 minutes a day is going to take a lot of fucking days to get done so using that as your big reason to say nobody has an excuse isn't a valid fucking reason to belittle others either.
So feel free to continue proving my goddamn point so you can climax, you conceited dickhead.

>Even assuming you're right, 20 minutes a day is going to take a lot of fucking days to get done
Sure. I've been doing it for 4 years or so at this point, so that's what, over a thousand days? What did you accomplish over the past 4 years with the time you saved not learning Japanese? Did you look at some funny image macros? Watch an extra youtube video every day?

I pity you, honestly. You're so convinced that learning a language is some massive undertaking that you'll never even take the first step. And it's sad, because I've been there, I spent probably a decade being too lazy to start learning. But at least I didn't try and defend my ineptitude by convincing myself that there is even a single person on this planet who doesn't have enough free time to learn a language.

So yeah, my mother language is Spanish, have been learning English since I was four, and have been studying Japanese for the past 3 years. Which language should I go for next? My family is German and I'm the only one who doesn't speak it so I feel like I should go with that, but French sounds very appealing too, I'm just not too sure what I'll use it for. What do you recommend?

>look at me guys I know a thing that you don't!
what an embarassment of a thread, imagine having your head this far up your own ass

A very American outlook.

Did you get lost on the way to reddit or something? The strong have always bullied the weak here, it's why we don't have constant fucking FIFA and Fortnite threads.

The insult "EOP" would hold no power over you if you didn't know, deep down, that you're just a lazy cunt and there's no justification for being one.