I still can't believe it bros.
After over 10 years and shitposting, Capcom finally answered our wishes and gave us a proper DMC game.
Am I really alive?
Also how come no one has posted any webms yet?
I still can't believe it bros.
After over 10 years and shitposting, Capcom finally answered our wishes and gave us a proper DMC game.
Am I really alive?
Also how come no one has posted any webms yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's shit
The game sucks actually, i'll be waiting for Sekiro myself
>Also how come no one has posted any webms yet?
The games not even officially out so of course people haven't posted their own game play webms
Reviews don't matter when the game is casual as fuck
It's honestly fucking garbage, what the hell is wrong with Yea Forums lately?
Exact same situation as MGSV
Yea Forums always liked this trash it's just getting a sequel so now there are threads about it.
>The amount of samefagging ITT
Barry C'mon
It's alright. The previews have me worried. Expected more from the enemies when they buffed Nero and Dante.
>Yea Forums praised nu-RE2
>hates DMC5
This shithole keeps getting worse every minute.
I liked MGSV so no skin off my dick
Try again.
Both games have a group of faggots pretending to be "Le oldfag old guard" and accusing people that like it of being new when the people shitting on it are butthurt they don't get the direction everyone else disliked and shitposted to oblivion.
(DmC, RE4/5/6)
Stop falling for their jewish tricks
Because both are good and the fans love them
Imagine spending hours every day posting negative comments and hurling abuse at fans who are going to like and enjoy a game. How do your lives get that bad, please tell me.
I'm a huge fan if old REs, and I hated 2019 RE2.
Meanwhile, Dmc5 is nearly perfect.
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
Nico is cute.
>I can't believe there was a sixth game in this popular series
Nah, Trish is a cute too.
>I can't believe it came back after being rebooted
now this is a fucking equipment menu
Is it actually good? I literally just played dmc3 for the first time somehow, but dmc1 is still my favorite. I somehow went all this time having only played dmc1 when it came out and dmc4 when that came out as well. Dmc3 was a really good game, and I knew it was crazy, but I had no idea how fucking crazy and fucking RETARDEDLY HARD it was. And it's long as fuck. I played it for 13 hours straight til I beat it in one sitting lol. I still like dmc1 better because it's a LITTLE more serious, not as fucking bullshit, I think the enemies and areas are a lot cooler, and the setting in general of a haunted castle on an island, etc. 3 actually was a really great game though, I had no idea what I was missing all these years. It's a great sequel with tons of effort put in, but they kinda just made it have too many cutscenes and fucking retarded craziness for it to pass 1 for me because that one is just cool and a good length. Also, 3 makes 4 look like complete and utter dog shit on the ground. I dunno how anyone can defend that one especially after having played 3. Maybe I have to play 4 again, but I remember thinking it was mediocre even having only played dmc1 and I definitely don't want to play it again because it's like half a game that you do twice.
btw where was Lady during dmc1
lol it looks like when you're playing an mmo and you have a level 10 glove, a lv 20 glove then a lv 30 glove you don't want to sell because you're a noob and they're just different colors.
im obviously talking about the backdrop ya gaybo
getting fucked by me
Also cool.
>And it's long as fuck. I played it for 13 hours straight til I beat it in one sitting lol.
The new characters in this game are top tier, so much better than DMC4.
Nico is lovely. steal the scene everytime she appear.
Griffon is a piece of shit with a golden hearth.
V is just adorable, loved his moments with Trish.
hope this isn't the last we see of them
The first Virgil fight took me an hour alone because I'm a shitter and again it was my first time. A lot of other bosses fucked me up too. Also, I fucked up badly trying to figure out a bunch of puzzles. Most notably the invisible fucking stairs which pissed me off really badly. Also when you have to rotate the rooms or whatever I missed a spot forever like a fucking brainlet and other bullshit. I guess I could do it in half the time now at least.
Trickster makes ever bossfight a chore
I was trying to use Royalguard up til Beowulf, but when it leveled to 2 having to point towards the enemy and time the button press completely fucked me up and sometimes it just wouldn't even activate. So I spent a long time on him too until I gave up on that fucking shit style.
It leveled some time before that, but I was trying to stick with it and getting raped everywhere basically.
MGSV was also an excellent game you bitter fag
All those people tied in some way to demon magic and one who actually opened a portal, and yet no one is smart enough to get the brothers out? It's a conspiracy, I tell ya.
You think 4 is bad because you can't unlock every move until you've beaten it at least 3 more times.
So you're stuck playing with a gimped moveset for your first playthrough that never gets significantly better throughout by the end.
It's terrible how it levels, but it's a totally different game when you have Nero and Dante's full moveset to work with.
This must be some kind tradition
Nero angelo = vergil
Arkam = joker
Nero = son of vergil
V is Ver...
Well they should have not fucked that up somehow because I didn't want to play it 2 more times at all
playing the first DMC right now, was it that hard or the games nowadays are so hand holding? I don't remember fighting an almost immortal first boss in DMC3, I only defeated that magma scorpion with luck.
>V is Ver...
..ified badass in this game.
>Horizon Zero Fun has a higher score than DMC5
This better change soon. Also, why the higher scores on pc? Are all the shitty reviewers exclusive to sony?
Did they? Where is it?
Games now days are a lot more hand holding while retaining some level of challenge and creativity involved in combat. It's designed to be a less frustrating experience.
Who is Barry? Is it that Spider-brony cuck that shat on DMC V while claiming how much more superior Spiderman and God of War is??
MS promotion for Xbox one meaning more review diluted (DMC fanboys and muh naked lady and trish) for PS4 console journalism , for PC few but non console journalism.
>Australian,shitskin Autist
>Obsessed with FFXV
>Hates KH
>Tried to make DMC fanbase hate KH fanbase by falseflagging as both
>People saw through him and then he began shitposting DMC threads.
>Says Cope and Seething a lot as replies and 'counter arguments'
>proper DMC game
>Australian,shitskin Autist
Real incel
Barry, also known as XV-kun, is a shitposter with a hateboner for Tetsuya Nomura. He originally made his home in KH threads, where he would negatively compare the game to Final Fantasy XV in the hopes of causing a one-man TORtanic. Why would he be in DMC threads, you ask? Well, the dumbass also figured he could try and pit DMC's fanbase against KH's by falseflagging as a KHfag and saying it's a deeper, better action game than DMC ever was. He was promptly laughed out and he seems to have kept a grudge.
except DMC5 is obviously a completed game.
weird, I thought dmc 3 was a lot harder. lol and there were a few parts in dmc3 where the bosses were literally immortal until you did some gimmick like hit the lights/mirror/wheels
How are people playing v already?
Aside from no bloody palace of course.
If they're using the extra time to tweak for online co-op and adding vergil, tha'ts fucking fine by me
Imagine her in RE engine
Monster Hunter is fantastic and Capcom's best selling game ever. Resident Evil 2 is amazing and has great reviews. DMC HD collection was released on PC along with an updated DMC4 Special addition that included 3 new playable characters, years after release, for free. Mega Man 11 is the first Megaman in over 10 years and was well-reviewed. Now DMC5 has widespread normie hype (Nero's theme has over 22 million views on Youtube).
What's going on at Capcom? They hire a new CEO or someone who's not retarded? They're killing it.
So now that is out and good what will you all shitpost/spam about?
Dragons Dogma 2?
That also happened with Nightmare in 1 but whateva
crack when
I just realized this is what happens when you don't make games for normies. Their best selling games are marketed towards niche audiences. Monhun is dumbed down but still pretty autistic. Megaman is a straight up Megaman game, which is kinda hard. RE2 is "fuck you we're a horror-game first".
Death stranding probably
Also waiting for Bloody Palace
>red glowing eyes
This game is pure fanbase and memes
why is she fat
how do you get that? Beating SoS?
beat DMD. also using super costumes reduces your total style points by 80%
No, that's his dad, Nero just learned to read.
Show V
>reduces your total style points by 80%
but why?
wow air hike
At least Vergil seems to feel genuinely bad about not being there for Nero. Still doesn’t give a shit about the arm though.
I don't want any spoilers.
Just tell me if the dance shows up anywhere.
nero looks like he's in his mid 30s
user I hope you're being sarcastic
Alright so this confirms each character has a total of 3 costumes (EX, Super, and Super EX).
Post yfw capgod has returned
because you're using unlimited DT?
When will Capcom remove Denuvo from the PC versions?
I actually can't tell what that webm is trying to show and I beat 1, 3 and 4(a long time ago)
Oh well, then I understand, I though you just glow and shit.
>At least Vergil seems to feel genuinely bad about not being there for Nero.
LOL? Where'd you get that idea from? he couldn't care less, his autistic ass just sees Nero as a potential new rival
>I won't lose next time
>says if he beats Nero it counts as a win against Dante
Everyone needs to shut up and post my wife Nico
my guy he literally says he doesn't care about his son during his fight with Dante.
>spider web tattoo
so she was in jail a few years?
and later he didn't even know that Nero is his son until Dante tells him.
He probably though Dante was messing with him in the fight
>Griffon is adorable asshole
It is official, everything I love keeps dying and I should never get attached to anything in video games ever again
Inafune fucked off
What's the difference? I can't see any design changes
Glowing red eyes and they are in permanent DT. Which now makes me realize V should have white hair in that picture.
How does the speed with Dante feel
No turbo is a downer for. The delay for pause combos with turbo feels so long and I just feel like I’m not using the characters to their fullest potential with it off.
Nightmare isn't visible so it's fine
>wanted to replay 3 as Vergil before 5 comes out
>realized I shouldn't have
God the secret missions make me mad as fuck
No air hike was a mistake
don't listen to the shitposters, user
I didn't beat a single secret mission
>have a cold
>wake up lightheaded with neck and head feeling numb
>I think I wasent breathing for a sec
Holy fuck I think I nearly died. I feel fine now but jesus that was scary. Not going back to bed now.
So is DMD hard and do enemies get new moves?
Depending on how well it sells but usually in a year.
So any link for the secret ending?
I can't believe you. I thought you were cool Yea Forums. Modern games are shit, 2019 is shit, nu-Capcom is shit. You should already know this. Guess (((they))) have finally won
what did they mean by this? I laughed so hard when I heard the lyrics
>Said fuck it and bought the deluxe edition on PSN
I can't wait to start pulling my Devil Trigger
The combat missions are easy as Vergil since he's OP as fuck, the platforming ones though...
it fades to white and the credits roll, lmao its trash
Yes DMD is hard and enemy placements are completely changed. You get much harder enemies from the get go and each enemy can Devil Trigger which makes them very sturdy
Boss AI is changed and most bosses get completely new moves, although this is true for most of the difficulties. Vergil on human for example is missing a move that Vergil on Devil Hunter and SoS is doing, and his AI is also much less aggressive, his JCE is also much quicker on higher difficulties.
does anyone have a vid showing devil bringer moves? I saw in that dudes stream that there were tons of new abilities for it like double snatch, claw, and Also charge shot is back
>double snatch
Can you also.. Double Buster?
in DT only
That's disappointing.
idk, i just want a vid showing off all his moves.
Everyone get in here
wtf is this
>japanese humor
every time
>inb4 they announce something surprising
They need to sell those T-Shirts
Twitch version if you perfer
>blatantly white people speaking japanese
>V is one half of Vergil
>Whenever anyone complains to Itsuno about Vergil not being playable, he can just say that you TECHNICALLY are playing as him when you use V
This guy is an evil genius.
lol sweeeeeet
Do you never go outside?
I just want to say that opening slow mo shit is FUCKING COOL ! Thank you Itsuno sama
I now either have Angina or had a silent heart attack the other day. This happens literally 3 days from launch.
I'm not fucking dying before I beat this game bros, I'm too motivated.
Yeah I guess that's why I can see that she looks fucking fat
More like Mangina, heh.
Stay well.
>DMC5 would have a global 90 if that one pathetic soi eating retard didn't try to shove a bunch of SJW virtue signalling bullshit into his review
yeah dude
>S is Savage
Go outside.
>proper DMC game
>Dante isn’t the protagonist
yeah, nah, maybe next time
Frustration is getting bigger lads
lol you're fucking retarded.
so how’s the style announcers like in the deluxe edition? Who can I pick from? Also, anyone got videos of the deluxe edition devil arms in action?
It's showing Vergil casually blocking your rocket fist like it's nothing.
Just go outside, user.
Also a bit amusing that they're using 4SE's Lady and Trish icon.
Though those models in this engine would look really damn good desu
getting the game w/ amd rewards but then that means i will have to buy the deluxe dlc separately which is like 18 bucks (and there is no upgrade like matt said, at least on steam) AND probably won't get the preorder costumes fuck..
thinking about just preordering the deluxe but then what do i do w/ my amd key??
That's the tomboy devil breaker being used on blue rose. It lets you charge up incredibly powerful bullets. Supposed to look like a super heated railgun extension there.
You give it away on here or to a friend.
Turning Devil Trigger into a slow jam feels like a 'wat' kind of decision, but I like the theme itself.
>the live action cutscenes
>Nero gets Megaman's jump animation when he uses the buster
Dunno what kind of mental breakdown you're having here. People that go outside don't like like that obese piece of shit picture you made. She has a double chin, a tree trunk neck and her face is so fucking round she looks like she'd be about 300 pounds AT LEAST because your face is one of the first places to lose weight. So, if your face is that fucking fat, you are fucking huge. I don't know if you're fucking fat as shit, mad that your photoshop you made is shit, or both, but she looks fucking fat. Also, while I know that no one has glowing red eyes and green skin in real life, people with bright red hair usually don't have red eyebrows like that and try to keep them at a more natural color She doesn't even have eyebrows that color in the source image either. So that's another thing you fucked up. And she also doesn't look like a fucking landwhale in the source image. Also, this all shit you would know if you went outside. Anyway, your shoop looks like shit and you made her extremely fat, so go fuck yourself.
are there really no other alt colors/costumes except for the pre-order ones?
Super costumes, read the thread. Kinda lame DMC1 is the only one that doesn't penalize you for using it
How come nobody leaked the full live action cutscenes yet. I want to see the emotional ones with all the camp and hilarity it can bring.
Besides those we know of an unlockable color for V and of course Super Costumes with unlimited Devil Trigger
All that text for go outside?
yep, nothing else, they fucked with unlockables again
The stream going on. Just go back like 10 minutes.
>Faust cutscene
oh boy
Go outside.
Mhw is a normie game. Sorry dude.
So what is the reward gonna be for completing Bloody Palace?
I didn't get penalised for it in 3
Some of it was shown in the stream earlier.
Stream tidbit: Reuben apparently properly auditioned for DMC5 as well.
Morbidly obese.
Naked Vergil.
Yeah I wonder about that.
It also served as a test to see if he still remembers the character if I understood that correctly. Also apparently Dante isn't his only role, he also mocapped Goliath.
holy shit they just announced playable vergil in a free update a couple weeks after bloody palace
sure bud
Why am I so upset about an 88/100? Fuck's sake I was genuinely hoping this would be like a 91.
turbo mode
>caring this much about a fucking metacritic score
Fuck it dude, the only thing that brings it down is some literal who who doesn't know what he's talking about.
What the hell does Vergil look like in the pre vis cutscenes?
No but theres Lady and Trish being pimped out by Morrison while Dante and Vergil is still in hell playing around
How many missions does each character have
88 is dubs
88 is pachi pachi
pachi pachi is clapping
Except metacritic score for PC version is 91 if you care about it that much
Reuben needs to cut his fucking hair he looks better when it's a bit shorter
Didn't it get 91 or 90 on PC? it got 88 on Xbone. Quite a few places places gave it 9/10 too. also who gives a fuck about score that much unless it's atrociously low
20 missions in total across 3 characters.
>mfw Griffin and friends die
What a damn shame considering they became their own entity later on.
>mfw I found out inertia doesn't exist in DMC5
>mfw DMC4 style Dante combos where you zip around like a madman using royal guard to preserve speed from attacks and movement won't be possible anymore
RIP Donguri
Reuben on the Triumph collaboration bike.
Isn't anyone else as upset that they changed S rank from Stylish to Savage as I am?
>gave us a proper DMC game
lol, its ending is basically "fuck you buy dmc6 faggot"
Consider drinking bleach, my man.
And Reuben
Yourself, Yea Forums doesnt play games
>Vergil desired power not only for the sake of protecting others but also to become stronger then Dante due to a slight bitterness because he believe Eva didn't save him and only Dante out of choice
How much more different would the series have been if Eva found him?
have you played the climax battles in bayo 2 in co-op? they are fun as fuck.. same concept was in ninja gaiden 2 iirc
>they willingly die so Vergil can let go of his past
why did it have to come to this
Tbh good riddance, combo autisery in 4 was fucked. Adapt or die
Even as their own entity, they would forever be a burden to Vergil, as embodiment of his nightmares. It was pretty based of them to sacrifice themselves like that, they will forever be remembered as great friends, and Griffon's death is at least honorable this time.
Wait, is the motorcycle a DLC only thing? I'm so confused
>He doesn't wanna get crazy with his friends
Bayo 2 Co-op was fucking amazing and DMC would be no different
It's a cosmetic change
the fucking inertia bug on 4 spawned massive autistic """elitists""" that hated 5 just because they now won't be able to see their beloved combo mad japanese man execute flying demon on the screen moves. I bet my fucking ass these retards don't even know how to do inertia and only watch combo mad videos. Also donguri isn't the only living man who can execute these kind of combos.
Donte skin when?
Cavalier R gets an extra air move also.
Dante has his colors as his alt, and is rocking them better. That's as much as you will get.
Credo Nigger
>preordering ever
no thanks
Inertia doesn't take away from the game, it only adds
Inertia is a property of matter.
It's a BUG. Inertia in 4 is buggy as fuck and 5 has properly functioning inertia now. That's why shit like guardfly is impossible
Also 5 won't be needing any of that garbage since 5Dante isn't an unbalanced broken piece of shit that requires autistic bullshit just to make him fun
yeah I don't have problems with inertia itself. It's just the retards that keep saying "wtf I won't be buying 5 because muh inertia game is literally unplayable"
>Collector's Edition hasn't even been shipped out yet.
Should I just fucking double dip and pre-order the deluxe on Steam itself and then give the key from the collector's edition away?
No price is too much for me, this time.
The ending is unironically weak though. Granted I don't know what happens for 20 chapters, but that shit looked basic as all hell.
I just double dipped because my Steelbook deluxe edition wont make it until the 14th.
>tfw I will spent the next 2-3 weeks at my family's house
>which means i can't play DMC5 during this time
Is it really that good?
I spoil this shit early for myself because I won’t buy it until it’s on sale. What’s the name of the song that plays during Nero’s final boss
Silver Bullet
I know this is me just giving into hype, but is this going to be the best character action/stylish/whatever game? Will other games of its ilk be lesser by virtue of not being this game?
Silver Bullet
*stops journos from getting to the final boss*
Just double dip, Itsuno deserves it.
What's the difference from original cerberus? Is there gameplay?
Is this timer correct, or am i a retard?
unironically how the theme shouldve been
tfw I always beat the games by spamming the same 1 or 2 attacks over and over
this is on EZ mode but it shows it off. king cerb has lightning fire and ice
he looks shitty
That's the dlc soundtrack :^)
where's the crack bros
Capcom didn't do right by Monster Hunter fans at all, World is a MH game for non MH fans. Which doesn't mean it's a bad game but it was specifically NOT aimed at the fans
Nah, other games can still stand on their own just as well.
Looking forward to Astral Chain and Bayonetta 3 later this year.
The former for the 2 character action gimmick and the latter for more free form combo gimmick.
>Granted I don't know what happens for 20 chapters
My friend is bad at the video games and does the same thing, I'll never understand how he gets any enjoyment out of DMC that way.
Crack in a week, this is Capcom and latest Denuvo not Spike-Chun and Steamworks.
>It lets you charge up incredibly powerful bullets.
they do like 400 damage, or 2 red queen slashes.
Idk I don't do drugs XD
We're posting pics of our pizzas and drinks tonight right?
Recomend me some good alcoholic mixes bros. I've only drank 4 times before
>Beyond Hype
>Pre-order dispatched 2 days ago
>Hope it arrives today
>Gonna take the full 3 days to arrive
Royal Mail can go fuck itself
PST bros I'm not going to make it
How much do higher difficulties change enemy behavior in 5?
cum on me, sugar
just throw vodka in some shit you like
Are red orbs spent on new moves given back when upgrading a new character like in 4?
You got no idea how retarded normies are, I watched one in it's natural habitat trying to shoot the crossbow or whatever it is for over 5 minutes, he gave up after pressing every button on the controller
Even though the Vets love the game dispite it’s flaws. yeah right
>Morikawa and Reuben never on stage at the same time
That's what I've done previously. Might try to make a dirty shirley temple
Eh, they enjoy it with the assumption that high rank is always a joke and Iceborne will fix a lot of it. If Iceborne rolls around and monsters still get stunlocked to death in less than 2 minutes and mantles still trivialize every monster, I'm pretty sure the reception is going to be much less kind.
>World is a MH game for non MH fans
How wrong can you be
They literally said so in interviews though. When creating the game they deliberately disregarded feedback from fans and went primarily after people who hated the old games for feedback on how they could improve the game, because they felt that the game couldn't grow if they kept catering to the same playerbase.
You jest but I'm sure that's whats coming.
So V dosen’t have an alt color then, just a super?
free? never
He has one
It's green
it is green
and it is funny because he is basically Shaggy.
Why. Fuck this shit. I bet they used the same iconic voices for the Japanese track. It's like they don't give a fuck about the Western fans. Seen this same shit with RE2.
Vergil will be free, Lady and Trish missions will be paid
here faggot
Look for the part with the metacritic screenshot
I’m gonna miss you after the game comes out and the threads die.
I’ll eat my disc and stream it if Vergil is added for free. It’s not happening.
I hope none of you cucks are playing this game, Sony censored Lady and Trish nudes.
oh no, wherever will we find nudes of such new and obscure characters
>implying I won't jack off to the inevitable SFM/blender porn of them
>Capcom didn't do right by Monster Hunter fans at all,
Even though they did
stop being such a selective cunt.
RE2 got 90
DMC 88
MH got 90
if we take the console version with the most reviews. The PC review for DMC5 only has like 13 reviews compared to 48 of the xbox one.
So if we look at it objectively DMC is the only medium who didnt reach the 90 points.
Not really, I'd prefer a game where I actually have to try. World is braindead ezpz. Dropped the game after 50 hours and went back to practicing in MHFU.
Notice the lense flare? This is typical of SIE forcing Japanese devs to censor. You can thank California for that. Once again, Japanese games are being forced to self censor all because of Californian SJWs. If it was a man's ass it'd be fine.
He has, it's a fucking Joker V. He really has a duty to live in a society
>oh no the entire experience of playing DMC5 is detracted from because one scene with nudity has a lens flare, which is even a common gag in ecchi animes
Holy fuck, you people really need to go outside.
>one of the most iconic video game characters
>given as a free DLC by Capcom
shiggy diggy
How's the sony cock taste my dude?
>normies rate a to autists catered capcom ps2 style action title over 80
>that is somehow not a reason to celebrate
Any pictures I need to see Shaggy V, also meme magic gave us MJ Dante and Scooby gang DMC? It’s like the fucking game Blesssed
Lady definitely doesn't have enough good shit. There's some but c'mon your pic is kinda weird and too westerny.
Nice try, but I'm playing it on PC, and if I wanted nudity, I can just install a variety of nude mods in Skyrim.
why buy a game that Sony has forced to be censored on other platforms with their oppressive policies?
oh shock, oh horror, we don't get 2 frames of nude shots of characters that have been around for over a decade in a 40+ hour action game
I guess we'll never ever get to see Trish nude. What a travesty.
oh hey what's this to my left
>Complains about censorship
>Doesn't know that this isn't in the Xbox or PC version
Get out of here
because I'm over 13 years of age which means I don't give a shit "censorship" of shallow pop-media.
Maybe because they wanted a lighter rating? In some countrys its a big deal if you are able to see nipples or not. Like japan for example, or here in Germany. Higher age rating = less sales.
So can I have the PC uncensored version then? or is that also sony's fault?
You all now Vergil couldnt pass an opportunity to fill up a naked woman.
Next anatagonist is going to have the blood of Sparda and Mundus.
I'm a homo so I can't bring myself to care about this. I feel bad for you poor hetero bros though.
Gee I wonder who could be behind these posts
When will this game be accessible to the public (Pirates)
Crew-cut combat video tomorrow
It's already an M, 18+, CERO D.
They could have got away with it, but as we all know, Sony are embarrassed lately.
Never played DMC. Is the collection worth getting? I never got into the series when they were first released
>I still can't believe it bros.
It's pretty much the same situation with 2 and 3.
>Crack still not up
Go back to OneAngryGamer or KotakuInAction
It's on PC (and presumably Xbox) too, not that it matters because it's a fucking lens flare in a game that'll have nude mods in a matter of days.
1:15:40 for the shot, button prompts are right after.
>mfw they removed reverse attacks from the full release even though it was in the demo
What the fuck Capcom.
Pretty sure people will rip out the model on PC? or is the lens flare included in the model?
>be me
>interested in buying DMC5
>all the gameplay is fucking awful
>no interest
>finally find some good gameplay
i don't understand
That's some good shit
Haven't played the original since it came out. Never played any others. Figured I'd pick them all up and do a play but that means I'd need to get the HD collection for 1-3, 4 special edition (which is digital only I think), the reboot everyone hated, and eventually 5. Are they all worth playing?
Can someone please tell me when it's coming in Brazil timezone? Thanks.
But I still have some concers about Dante gameplay. Bought it already anyway..
>Finally get a good fucking game
>/pol/tards screeching about not being able to see an ass
Don't you fuck this up for me.
The reboot is kinda worth if you can snag the Definitive Edition. Otherwise, if you're on PC, skip both it and 2.
All others are worth a play.
Don't pay attention to them. You know well they just look for shit to be outraged at.
I think reboot is still fine on PC. You can mod in the turbo because its on unreal engine, its just a console command. You still wont have targeting or removal of color coded enemeis but eh
Reading through the synopsis of the DMCV prequel novel and I got to this part
>Rock gasps at seeing ‘.45 ART WARKS’ on the gun and says “Mommy” out loud.
So is Alyssa Roy Martin's kid with his new wife or with him and Nell but born after they split?
You're a fucking idiot, dude.
quick Yea Forums whats the first thing i should buy with 100.000 orbs? table hopper and max exceed sound like a must
Also he tried to pull the same shit with TWEWY threads.
He has gotten way more desperate little by little.
2 is not worth playing at all, DmC is only worth it if you have a console so you can buy DE
Ignore Barry posts.
>The reboot is kinda worth
Who the fuck is kagari
First off: Inafune fucked off. The guy who said he cares about what European and American audiences think of Capcom's at the time already very western image, who ultimately gave the Dead Rising franchise away to FUCKING LEAFS of all people to kill it. I don't doubt a lot of other decisions are influenced by his say too, since he holds both the positions of Research and Development in Consumer Games and Management.
Second, and this one i haven't seen enough people appreciate: The guy replacing him on those two position is actually competent. Pic related is Ryozo Tsujimoto, the guy behind Monster Hunter franchise and the sole fucking reason the series didn't underwent many changes under Inafune's era. Because Ryozo's the legitimate son of Capcom's CEO, Kenzo Tsujimoto. Which leads to any series under his backing receiving complete immunity to outside influencers, and look where that got Monster Hunter World now.
>new engines used
>tries to reach a new audience while still keeping the game's identity
>risky fucking moves that end up evolving the franchise
I'll be damned if those similarities between DMC5 and MH5 is purely coincidental.
Notice that I highlighted on the DE, given that it's at the very least playable. PC is still stuck with the shit release version.
My Dante arsenal will most be Dante+Balrog+Cerberus.
Cavaliere looks way too slow
Great, did they do the soulless shit all nu games do these days and give you tons of souls but also make everything cost more so it's pointless but it makes retards think dey have wots and wots of epin souls because theyre sooo pro?
What the fuck are you on about?
God dammit. I hated this wacky shit they started in 3.
nothing. Play like you didnt have +100.000 orbs.
>they started on 3
no it wasnt. There wasnt even a discount or upgrade option.
They're handing out gold orbs like candy in this game, I'm only at mission 4 but I already have 5 of them. Also, I'm not sure if V is just easier to play, but for some reason I could barely get an S rank with Nero, but I already got an SSS rank with V without too much struggle.
Wow an edited meme video. Looks like you really played the game. NOT
Realest of fucking talks lads. Call it falseflagging, call it virtue signaling, call me shitty DMC fan, etc.
But I not only fail to understand KH fans, I also think that treating KH story seriously is prime-tier autism. Because I've seen some fucking shit on DA back in the day. I've seen obese landwhales cosplaying as characters from KH and making real life videos where they imitated fights from the game.
I may be in the extreme minority here among people who, I guess, have nothing against treating a game based on some script from fanfiction.net like it's citizen kane of story and gameplay.
But that shit's STUPID. And people spamming "DMC and KH fans are bros!" in response to barryposting were also retarded.
Thank you for reading this blogpost.
Are you ok?
Sekiro shitposting already started. After that nothing big til e3, just thr usual dumb console war stuff
It is edited, user. In the original Dante just screams "Yeah! Woo-hoo!" as he does the barrel roll"
Reviews so far have said V is the worst of the bunch and the most newbie friendly because summons!lmao being delayed attacks and doing its own thing. But this could also mean they can't into micro and positioning them and V actually has a steep skill ceiling.
That video is when you complete the game on DMD, bro.
go outside bruh
Well if it's actually real then fuck me I guess.
wow you have to beat the game on the hardest difficulty to get 1 mildly funny and tame easter egg voice clip. really compares to dante dancing like michael jackson on stage with a bunch of over the top shit, joker constantly saying he's going to spank your ass or driving up the side of a 999999 foot tower on a motorcycle.
>he doesn't know.
All these casuls inside of my head
Sekiro. There's already a thread prior, bitching about the combat is not a literal souls clone.
This is your fault Yea Forums, if you didn't shitpost about XV so much until Barry has a mental breakdown, shit won't escalate this bad.
>Pic related is Ryozo Tsujimoto, the guy behind Monster Hunter franchise
The father of Monster Hunter is Kaname Fujioka, director of every main line Monster Hunter title between MH1 and MH4U. Ryozo didn't even get brought on as producer until MHF2 after the original producer got booted for the disaster that was Monster Hunter Dos.
Also, MHW doesn't use a new engine at all. In fact, MHGU on the Switch and MHW use the exact same engine. The main differences lie in visuals, the new movement mechanics and the articulation of the monsters and how they interact with terrain. Even then MHW could have had a ton more content if a large portion of the team wasn't solely working on Zorah Magdaros for a good part of development.
No problem.
I have never beaten any DMC game on a difficulty above hard/very hard
I'm the same way. I don't understand the hype for the RE2 remake, I think it's a downright annoying game to play. On the other hand DMCV is a fucking blast, but that's probably because they didn't break a great formula.
Why would we need a literal souls clone when journalists thing every game is literally a souls game ;)
>Which leads to any series under his backing receiving complete immunity to outside influencers, and look where that got Monster Hunter World now.
MHW was designed for western audiences with plenty of casualization, and cancerous "live game" elements like limited time event quests. How is that really any different from what they were doing before?
>bitching about how the combat is not a literal Souls clone
Even though I played and loved the Souls games, I genuinely do not fucking understand these people.
Thx user.
Souls combat isn't even good so deviating from it should be considered an improvement.
Then make this your first one.
No. Spent orbs stay spent but everyone shares the same pool.
E&I > DMC 5 Blue Rose > Summoned Swords > Luce & Ombra >>>>>>>>>>>> DMC 4 Blue Rose
DMC 5 Yamato > DMC 5 Red Queen > Rebellion > DMC 3/4 Yamato > Alastor > DMC 4 Red Queen > DMC 1 Yamato > Force Edge > Sparda > DS Dante
Change my mind.
protip: you can't
>tfw made that Douk drawing at 3AM after a few cans of beer
By the way, who's the mech above Kiryu/Kat?
Ausbro here, when I wake up in the morning I can get my copy. I can't fucking sleep, this feels like christmas eve as an 8 year old, fuck me.
Damn. Feels bad, but guess I'll cut Vs salary.
Lol he sounded like a nerd in 3 but now it's a completely different voice
Fuck off DMCuck, don't project your criminality.
Anyone have gameplay vid of the battle theme swapped with old music?
Anyone know whether the EX costumes are already in the game, since they don't seem to show up along with the Deluxe Edition DLC on Steam? Also, has anyone managed to download the update that the game seems to need, or will I have to download it once the game is unlocked? Right now it refuses to queue it up.
>shit story
Meh. Unlocking more story adds fun to gameplay.
Literal blunder.
kingdom hearts 3 is better
Go outside
>Reboot failed, time to go back to the original.
It's happening to Ghostbusters also.
New wife. Nico shares no blood relation with Nell Goldstein at all. She just idolizes her because she was cool
You guys should see Matt's twitter thread, shit's wholesome
How have I not heard about this?
>actually credits people even outside the dev team
Goddamn, how are they so pure?
Technically im fairly certain that 6million of those views are mine.
LOOK how fucking ROUND this is LOL. THAT'S NOT NORMAL. THAT'S F A T AS FUCK. You have to be fucking fat and in denial not to see that and projecting hard since you're too large to move so you can't leave the house. Look you piece of shit. That is soooooo sosososos sooooooo so fucking fat. Especially compared to the original, who was skinny. lmfao. not only did you give her more weight, but A LOT MORE. It's not even fat dude it's fucking obese.
go outside and look at a fucking skinny person then go look back at that fat piece of shit and you'll see she's fucking fat. you must be too used to looking at yourself in the mirror and think you're not fat for some delusional reason if you think that's skinny lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
was it autism?
Go outside
was it some fat delusional bitch that took a picture of herself or something? at first I thought the picture was just an edit of trish that somehow accidentally got made extremely fucking FAT while you were editing it because you suck dick at photoshop, but now i'm starting to believe some fucking FAT OBESE LAND WHALE took a picture of herself and tried to make it look like the SKINNY DMC3 character who is not FAT AS FUCK LIKE SHIT IS
obese pig
I agree that she looks fat but goddamn son, go outside
go outside so you stop telling me how wrong and fucking retarded I sound :(((
It's very clear her face is curving down, but sure, go off then. & go outside.
you're gay user
lol turn up the fucking brightness on your monitor or something there's a very fucking clear distinction of pitch black and skin where i drew the lines. I think the fuckin problem here is you have your fuckin brightness down abnormally low.
Don't know, my guess is either from Warframe or lost planet? Maybe Zone of the Enders? Nice touch with Sieg Warheit though with his legionaries behind him.
I dress to impress! :^)
Is there a more ungun enemy to fight in DMC?
I fuckinfg hate that they barely stagger and keep phasing into the wall.
I thought the ones in DMC3 were allright, but they are absolute ass in the others.
>Is there a more ungun enemy
A kino game that Yea Forums acts contrarian aboit it just because ?
They will keep on fighting anyways. Why not just leave them there fighting and killing demons until they get tired and just hug it out?
its retarded that they have a different score to begin with
How does the game run on base PS4? Deluxe edition on PS4 is only 50 euros here compared to 80 on PC.
Uh huh. Go outside.
Don’t forget Gloria = Trish
What difficulties does this game have? Just Human/Devil Hunter/SoS/DMD?
I imagine the game does get repetitive if you're just spamming basic attack over and over on human mode like these fucks do. Considering people played the demo over and over with limited moves etc i'm pretty sure people that actually appreciate devil may cry games will love it. The only thing that bored me about the demo was that there wasn't enough enemies and too much downtime between big groups of enemies.
>Reviews matter now when it's a game I like
Whatever homo
Dante's a walking corpse, V looks like shit, no turbo or LDK modes
what is CERO?
It has heaven and hell and hoh too
The only thing I disliked about the demo was that there's really only two fights where enemies are strong enough to take more than three hits. It's hard to style when you accidentally wipe out the entire encounter with a single EX streak
go outside
Steel a soul for a second chance
/mhg/ here, SAY IT WITH ME
What a time to be alive!
Hope crack is out by Sunday
Ready and waiting
DMCfags btfo, how will they ever recover!
Castlevaniafag here! I’m more than ready for DMCV. Bless these threads
Yeah that's basically what i'm saying, I would have played the demo far more if it was just endless enemies to fuck around with, so I don't see how the full game on a real difficulty setting could possibly be repetitive lol.
Have vergil always sounded like this? His voice in dmc5 is so boring while dante sounds more cool and heroic.
>stop being such a selective cunt.
>takes the console reviews with most reviews
Found the cunt
>caring about reviews at all
this fandom is the most spergy when it comes to vidya journos anyway, so you're all a buncha cunts by default. hypocritical cunts at that
A reminder that Dan Southbird had a cold while doing his DMC3 lines, which is why he sounds more nasally in DMC3.
SMTbro reporting in.
Forgot to post this
If I want to get into the series which ones should I skip? I still see people rage about dmc4 or whatever. Please dont use DMC or Dmc or whatever I wont know what you mean
go to mcdonalds
DMC 3 and 4. 1 is outdated, 2 is shit, DmC: Devil May Cry isn't DMC.
most definitely
And DMC5 has microtransactions. It's just not a very good franchise, even the nips who live and breath action games think its for babies
>, even the nips who live and breath action games
haha yea those gacha has much action
Start with 3 then play 4
If you really really must start with something else you can play 1 but it was a strange game that isn't representative of the main titles (3, 4, 5)
41.5 gigs? pc is only 30.5 gigs, I guess console bloat really is a real thing.
So we can save some money, smart ass.
KHfag here
When's the earliest I can unlock this using vpn?
41 is the console downloading uncompressed, pc ver is 30 gib download 40 total by the end of the uncompression
Only 2 and the reboot.
1 is close to its Resident Evil roots, but it's very competent in what it does. Smaller toolkit, less stylish, but a great starting point for the series and very different to the others
2 is irredeemable trash
3 is the best game
4 has the best renditions of the characters and their gameplay, but dogshit levels, bad enemies and is half finished
that doesnt even make sense
i will be looking forward to finding a DMC fan on Yea Forums that isnt a reddit refugee
they all open at the same time, 00:00GMT
So how's Barry fag?
people who can't enjoy farming red orbs and would rather pay for them deserve to be parted with their money.
Isn’t the story of dmc just inuyasha?
You've got shit for brains.
I'm so pissed off guys
I just preordered the game on ps4 thinking that it would have a download option to have it installed by Friday
Nope apparently xbox has exclusivity to the fucking preload
I have to leave town for the weekend tomorrow and was hoping to play the first few hours before I had to leave but now I have to dodge more spoilers
>defending microtransactions
look at this dude
Let me guess, you bought Anthem and Fallout 76 without knowing what a shitgames turned to be.
>I'm so pissed off guys
About vidya? Grow up you manchild.
Ok since I'm already spoiled (and don't really care I dont play this shit for the story), how exactly/why does Vergil come back?
I only trust chris carter and he gave it a 10 so sounds like a winner
>Linear "missions" instead of open paths
>Game is a straight line
>Forced lock on, no toggle
>No air dodge
>No dodge roll
>Archaic design
>No Block
I'm just running down hallways having slow as fuck combat. This feels like a PS2 game. Don't get all the hype. Yea Forums always bashes linear games that only have hallways yet this gets a pass? This has nothing on God of War or Horizon. Hard pass
The idea of them in general bothers me but i'm never going to buy shit like that, as long as they haven't changed the game to intentionally make buying stuff appealing for real players then I don't care if some zoomer wants to buy his way in a devil may cry game of all things.
>you probably bought these really garbage video games so watch me make this really cringe strawman
Well it ruined my whole plan for tomorrow
>Forced lock on, no toggle
? you can toggle while locked on
Wait, ps4 doesn't have preload? Even PC has it
At no point did Dante fall in love with Lady and the two end up killing each other because Arkham was originally a man the shrine maiden took care of but absorbed all the power of Sparda to become Mundus. It definitely didn't continue the story with Lady's reincarnation bringing Dante back to life and having to beat the shit out of him so hard his jewel shatters and the rest of the game is about him picking up the pieces in Feudal Fantasy Japan.
...Kind of want that now
Wtf are you talking about? I already preloaded it on PS4. Are you doing it right?
it does
Keep buying shit games.
t. no longer reading your replies
they're ok webmshare.com
no argument? I even agreed with you that mtx are bad but i'm not going to not play games for the next xx years until they're gone
How the option doesn't show up for me
Legit spectrum behavior
It's also funny how people forget Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru have different mothers, and one is living his life the demon way, cause he is indeed full demon.
I asked you to stop defending microtransaction and here you hare writing several paragraphs defending mi--
Barry it's time to stop posting.
DMC would've gotten the 90 if a couple of DmC cucks or SJWs hadn't try to push their retarded views into the game
When you're an adult with a job and some NEET cunt thinks him not playing being able to play vidya for a day is worthy of sympathy
>1 is outdated
Please don't give shit advice. 1 is the best one.
And people said DMC5 vergil was ugly.
Game is out on PSN asia
>Crying because your vidya review scores weren't marginally higher
This is some LoZ levels of fanbase retardation.
MGSV is a great game and only redditors that only play games for the story hate it
>everything I don't like is reddit
t. reddit
>visible confusion on nero's face when dante revealed that vergil is his father
Nero deserves a break
No More Heroesfag reporting in
Should Dan just hang out around a bunch of sick people a week before he records his lines?
here is your vegil bro
Nero deserves a father, but the deadbeat dad skipped human world again.
I've been watching streams and I dunnged something are the DLC arms like sweet surrender a one off or do you unlock the ability to find them in game ? I wouldn't imagine it's the former.
He is ugly as shit same as Dante, Jesus christ what the fuck was Capcom thinkin? they did a good job on RE2
>they did a good job on RE2