This is far and away the BEST video game ever made...

this is far and away the BEST video game ever made. If aliens ever landed on earth and asked for an example of the purest and most perfect video game in its purest, simplest and most perfect form, I'd give them this.

Attached: 3132923-l.jpg (474x600, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

*takes a shit on the floor and dabs*

fuck off. you haven't played let alone heard of enough games to make this conclusion. it's so asinine to hear this drivel from you faggots, regardless of franchise or platform, when your notion of games is shallower than the kiddy pool you call a discussion board.

Of the last 10 years? Yeah, probably. Of all time? That's a hard sell.


It's a good game

BB is seriously hella overrated on this board, I wish it was just a meme but you idiots are serious.

It's got a lot of great things but it's also one the biggest Examples of FromSoftware getting lazy with boss mechanics.

90% of boss fights is sweeping 180 degree attacks and the boss tracks your character mid swing

*AHEM* fucking retard

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I hope to god those aliens can see under 30fps, if not they're gonna freak

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Not when Sekiro comes out by the end of March

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Yea Forums hates it though
this is nintendo territory

There's two types of people on this board:
>Sony tards that think bloodborne is the best game ever when it's overrated as shit. Good but nowhere near the best game ever
>nintendies who pretend bloodborne is amazing in order to disguise themselves as people that are tolerant to videogames that aren't Nintendo ones

>best game ever made
>was made after 1999
Zoomins really itch my balls sometimes

If it's not on here, it's not relevant (Aside from the lone exception of BG&E)

Attached: MetaCritic Tops.png (2500x1800, 2.32M)

The base game is pretty boring but the DLC is honestly the best DLC ever made by any studio.

Literally zero games made before 2000 are worth going back to play

It's in my top 10, but Silent Hill 2 exists

>appeal to authority fallacy

double digit IQ post

Seething, if it was a masterpiece it would be on here. Unlike BG&E or other niche games it doesn't have the excuse of being under the radar since it's literally Sony's only worthwile game since SoTC

So what are your best games ever made?

That's because if it isn't the best game ever Sony console war shitposting has no bite.
Protip, it's the same reason people overblow how "shit" DaS III is.

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I can’t tell if this is bait or if Yea Forums has really stooped to this level of retardation.

Why is BB shilled so heavily? I think it's a great fucking game, but it seems like Yea Forums thinks it's god's gift to humanity.



Ive tried to love it, but i can only like it
Just beat the 3 hooded dudes
Accidentally did 2 chalice dungeons immediately after unlocking them so that kinda fucked the game for me. I have coolest armor set i could want (the witch lich looking set)
But the level getting to the 3 dudes I just fought was awful. Couldnt tell where i was going, and not because i didnt know where to go, but i wanted to pick up everything. It all looked the same tho.
Also everything dies in 1 or 2 hits cause im overleveled
And the cane/whip is the coolest weapon ever but the whip doesn't feel good to use, so big sword it is
I want to love the game because on paper it should be my favorite game ever, despite the low mobility
However, its just really good.
Not top 10 tho

i wish i could love SH2 as much as people on Yea Forums do but the corny voice acting really knocks the game down a few levels.

Literally the only worthwile exclusive Sony has had in the last two console gens & Snoygros need it to cope with Nintendo's double 97's

You mean DaS II

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Not bait. It's true. What game pre-2000 gives you an experience you can't get from a newer and better game that doesn't have it's design limited by old hardware?

Attached: BB1.jpg (4160x2340, 2.62M)

>And the cane/whip is the coolest weapon ever but the whip doesn't feel good to use, so big sword it is
Weird. I'm at about the same point in the game as you playing it for the first time and I'm pretty much only using the whip form.

> Before 1997 are worth playing aside from Mario, Zelda, Metroid, EarthBound, Chrono Trigger & FF6

It's just shitposting. Basically blabla ps4 is bloodborne machine, but it's the greatest game ever. just ignore it.

Not even the best Souls game

I'm definitely older than you.

Based Super Metroid being so high.

> Boring & souless pieces of shit
You got me there, maybe FF8 would be the closest to that

>buttblasted dark souls cope from 2016


Attached: BB2.jpg (1920x1080, 545K)

>old game soul new game soulless

That too, but DaS II is more because of the disappointment involved with its release and the announcement of BB at the time. DaS II actually has less hatred and more appreciation on Yea Forums now than it used to.
DaS III on the other hand, is shat on consistently and attacked for things other Souls games are guilty of if not a vague statement about a "bad game feel".
The reason being is nobody expected DaS III after BB being such as success and with a game that had more of a Miyazaki involvement (and also literally made with BB's engine) the NEVER EVER shitposting was under threat. DaS III HAD to be bad to keep people seething about BB.

>Uncharted 2
>Bioshock Infinite
>Skyward Sword
>MGS 4
Is this meant to prove metacritic scores are worthless?

I used it until i got big sword
It just feels like another normal weapon
He doesnt whip it, much less whip it good
If,you ever played paragon, the whip bitch in that felt great

>own both


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Boys I think I fucked up. On first play through so far at level 81 but I got 30 skill and 25 strength.

Will I ever be able to use any weapons besides Ludwig's Holy Blade?

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Skyward Sword is legit trash, I'll never understand why that game was so highly praised or how it even has fans.

I highly doubt that. Many 2D genres such as platformers, action platformers, shoot 'em ups, beat 'em ups, run 'n guns, and arguably JRPGs were in their heyday pre-2000. I like plenty of newer games but thinking there's nothing worth playing pre-2000 is the opinion of someone who hasn't played very many classic games.

Doom and Half Life are still worth playing and haven't been topped by modern hardware. not to meantion all of the classic CRPGs and RTSs from that era as well.

Not everything was lowest common denominator kiddie nintendo shit in the 90's.

They are worthless for games after 2006, but the fact that those made it & Bloodborne didn't is pretty pathetic. Unlike SoTC which had the excuse of releasing in the same year as San Andreas & freaking RE4, Bloodborne was a major 1st party game for Sony & released during a year when Undertale was the only worthwile title

> Crying about Nintendo
Opinion already invalidated, kill yourself

She was alright, I liked Steel more though, at least before they started changing him a bunch. Charging through bitches was the best.

The big sword is probably the second best weapon I've used but it just feels too slow compared to stunlocking with the whip.

You can have an emotional investment in a series that skews your bias towards things that seek to undermine the value of your investment. That's why it's a cope, and i haven't even mentioned all the ways that BB is just the superior game overall.

About to replay BB again, gimme me some character ideas. The funnier, the better.

the worst people on earth, are fags that have played bloodborne and no souls games. and you can tell that OP is one of them. the only people on bloodborne's dick this hard are people who havent played a single souls game

>thinking there's nothing worth playing pre-2000 is the opinion of someone who hasn't played very many classic games.
I grew up on all of those games and new games provide the same/similar experiences but better.

based. i see gaymers do this fucking shit all the time. it's like they get annoyed with a fanbase or something and then they go play the game with sour grapes so they can say "i played it and it was shit"

All pre-2000 single player shooters are superior to post 2000 shooters.

If you skimped out on the 4th and 5th console generation then you really shouldn't be here.

unironically if you haven't played every souls game and bloodborne you shouldn't be allowed to post in these threads

Old videogame review scores were literally weighted towards how good of a digital babysitter it was with no regard for quality of the game whatsoever, look it up. They only started changing the metric towards merit after the digital market started to take off.

Yep your seething, cope more & go back to Resetera

You can have a bias towards or against anything, including Bloodborne. What you said was completely meaningless.

I got this game for free with ps+ and still haven't even booted it once
souls shit is the most overrated garbage I've ever seen peddled on this board

>released during a year when undertale was the only worthwhile title

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Neither did games that are considered some of the best of all time like Doom, Deus Ex, Thief, Silent Hill, SOTN
Whatever point you're trying to make is retarded and you should kys

>They only started changing the metric towards merit

Explain Skyward Sword, Bioshock Infinite, and Half Life 2 then?

Steel was hella fun.
I just mean in the way the whip felt
The BB one feels like sword to me, just looks different
I want that castlevania whip feeling. Theres no whip crack, ya know?
That being said i still used it till i stopped playing and I'm sure will use it again

I guess I can understand that mindset if you don't enjoy 2D. I just played through Goemon 2 recently and couldn't think of a modern equivalent.

People online hate seeing other people having fun. They can't stand it.

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>never played it once


Name 5 good shooters from that era.

> Doom
Irrelevant meme garbage
> Deus Ex
Mediocre outside the amazing level design
> Thief
Irrelevant meme garbage
> Silent Hill 2
Amazing story, characters, soundtrack & presentation but the controls are insultingly horrible
Is already on the list you fucking retard

Dark Souls 1 was a fluke, the rest of miyacocki’s games are mediocre at best

steam release when

>but the corny voice acting

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I wanna say it feels like the Dark Souls whip but I never really used it since it always felt so weak. Also which Castlevania whip feeling are we talking here, Lament of Innocence, Lords of Shadow, 64 or just some sort of non-descript feeling you get from the classic games?

give me one reason why I should
the ps4 is the biggest waste of money I've ever spent in my life

I played it for like 1500 hours. Coop, chalice dungeon coop and pvp really extends the replay value. There is so much more of an incentive to work on builds if you can show them off to other players

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None of those games are relevant outside this board except Doom, SH2 & SOTN. Nobody ever mentions Thief as anything other then a footnote except for IGN, who is the only notable journalist that has always listed it as a top 100 game. But even then it was at the bottom

Why people felating this blatant nightmare creatures ripoff as teh best gaem evar?

No it isn't

Snoygerrs that have literally no other games on their console & are desperate to try and attack Nintendo

Dark Souls is just Demon's Souls with poise.

If anything DeS was a fluke, because the game the developers pitched to Sony was "dude what if kings field but 3rd person" and despite Miyazaki it was well received.

Doom, Quake, Half Life, Blood, Duke, Shadow Warrior, Soldier of Fortune is right on the border.

Single player shooters started becoming a lot more linear and way more cinematic post 2000.

0/10 bait

Actual retard. Deus Ex and Thief are literally some of the most influential games of all time.

This might be true if the ai wasn’t irreparably broken in DeS

Fuck it here's my list of souls games, guaranteed to cause mad.

DaSII > DeS > Nioh > Let It Die > DaS > BB=DaS III > Lords of the Fallen

Nah. BB was the last one I played and I like it the best by a wide margin.
If FROM wasn't lazy fucks and gave us a ps4 pro patch it'd be an even wider margin.

Miyazaki is literally keeping the company afloat. FROM is nothing without his vision.

DaS3 was a legit good, but flawed game. I haven't played BB but I'm sure it's a solid well made game. DaS1 has a ton of issues that people like to gloss over, like the last quarter of the game and the fact that the base game has like 1 good boss fight.

Because you already have the system and paid virtually no money for the game.

only 2 more play through are I have the plat


No they aren't, nobody cares about those irrelevant pieces of shit. Thief has always been literal who shit, the only Stealth game that has ever mattered is MGS. Most normies & journos don't even know Thief exists

that doesn't make me any more interested in it

Mario 64
Tony Hawk 2
Rocket League
The Long Dark
Madden 07
Everybodys Golf
Mario 3
ARK survival
Mario Kart Wii
No Mercy
Shining Soul
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Red Alert 2
Ogre Battle 64
Metroid Prime
Xmen Legends

You just dont like video games, it's okay though most posters here dont either.

> Mario 64, OOT, Mario 3, RE Shit, Metroid
These are the only good games here & they are amazing, but the rest are objectively trash

go to bed miyazaki. Stop making soulslikes and make 3D Dot Game Heroes 2 already

>tfw prefer DS3
everything about BB is better, right down to the aesthetics. Kill me.


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All of this bullshit and Bloodborne is apparently drivel.

But why would BB undermine the investment of another game? Or why would Souls undermine the investment of BB? You have spoken literal gibberish.

>don't like Yea Forums's most shilled meme game
>this means I don't like any video games
really convincing pal

"I haven't played [game]. But [game] is overrated garbage. I should know, Yea Forums likes [game], so I must dislike it."

You've never even tried it, lmao. Just stay here and be angry at people liking games.

What makes you prefer DS3?

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Demon's Chads anally vore BBcucks.

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I'm thinking more so the originals, but either way good observation
Like a typical whip. No hitbox direcrly close to the players person, (although a move using the rope like aspect may be cool) but a stronger outbox a certain distance doing solid damage. Its precise, though, and doesnt have a wide arc or anything of the sort. Just a snap in a spot in front of you, longer than even a big sword
That sounds simple, but the whip has multpile uses as a rope, disarming tool because the range and accuracy, etc.
Maybe not applicable to a soul's game, but i think ive shown where i feel a whip should stand in the vast collection of video game weaponry


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>Thief's influence has been recognized in other stealth games, such as Assassin's Creed, Hitman, Splinter Cell, and Tenchu. Marc Laidlaw, writer and designer on Half-Life, said that "Thief is the single most terrifying, immersive, and rewarding game I have played and the one single-player game I continue to replay. There are countless books I wish I had written; Thief is one of the few games I wish I had worked on."Laidlaw called Thief his favorite game, an opinion shared by Fallout 3 lead designer Emil Pagliarulo, and Michel Sabbagh of Bethesda Softworks]
>Thief: The Dark Project has been declared one of the greatest games of all time by several publications. Inducting it into its hall of fame, GameSpy writer Rich Carlson wrote: "With a tactical philosophy contrary to nearly every [fps] action game at that time, Thief rewarded stealth and sneaking over brazen frontal assault," continuing: "While inadvertently undermining the notion that all action games need be shooters, it carved a completely new niche in the same already glutted genre." GameSpot editor Greg Kasavin argued that, while Metal Gear Solid, Tenchu: Stealth Assassins and Thief all defined the stealth action genre, it was Thief that displayed "the purest depiction of what it might be like to slip from shadow to shadow" and "largely remains an unsurpassed achievement in gaming." In 2009, Thief was added to IGN's hall of fame. Sid Shuman, writing for GamePro, asserted that Thief "pioneered its own genre ... the stealth-action title."John Walker of Eurogamer wrote in a retrospective review: "Thief is an embarrassment to modern stealth games, each of which produces only a faded parody of this masterful original." In 2012, Mike Fahey of Kotaku called Thief "the best stealth game I've ever played", superior to modern games in the genre. That same year, Time named it one of the 100 greatest video games of all time.
Eat shit retard

you've yet to give me an actual reason why it would be worth my time over games I've actually thought were worth purchasing


I'd agree its the best game of the generation but not sure I'd agree with all time.

it's crazy how much of tower of latria was lazily copied by bloodborne

Like the castlevania netflix show, to a degree. Obviously the shit he does is nuts but yea, its versatile

why do DaSbabs always reveal their underage

Yeah you're right user, your time is much better served in threads hating on games you have in your library but will never boot up.

EDF 4.1 is the best game ever made. this means that bloodborne isn't even the best game on PS4 it's #2

> Wikipedia
Opinion invalidated, especially since those faggots had to remove their old & accurate best game list due to autistic fan complaints. Which Thief couldn't even make the top 140, whereas MGS1 was at the top with Zelda, Mario, Metroid, FF7 & RE4

I feel like it'd be a little too broken if it was like that. As it stands it's already probably the longest range melee weapon in the game, if you had it like a normal whip like that it'd probably be too efficient to just stay back and whip everything ever.

>Sekiro is right around the corner
>assblasted BBfags shill their game daily out of a delusional hope that BB2 is coming


Attached: Roach crying4.png (976x460, 104K)

Bloodborne fans are literal and actual braindead retards, just look at this thread. That's what happens when you throw everything that made DaS and DeS in the trash and start appealing to NPCs

Not every game is for everyone. I just tried playing Blood and people hold that up as one of the best FPS games made and I honestly cannot stand it. I also played Dead Rising and found it alright but fucking hated the ending section. I also legit dislike Super Mario Bros 3.

Some shit just ain't gonna resonate with some people. It doesn't make it bad, it just means it isn't for them. Games shouldn't be made to appeal to everyone.

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People place intrinsic values onto things all of the time, and this is always accompanied by an expectation of return on investment. When another abstract concept of value enters the market there is always a competition for finite resources. You only have a limited time to live, so your time literally embodies value that these concepts have to fight over.

In consumerism the same principle applies. You have finite amount of time to live, you place intrinsic value on a thing, and you feel threatened when your roi goes down. Just look at /biz/ and see how ballistic these people go when their crypto holdings aren't growing exponentially.

Nigga, wat?

fukken lel

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I'm not trying to. I'm just making fun of you. What kind of idiot tries to impress people with their third hand opinions? Who would respect, or listen to, such a shitty, waste of time, opinion?

>video game from the last 5 years

Attached: bd8.png (588x427, 230K)

you just have massive shit taste, dude. like, it's only video games so it isn't a problem, but i suspect it affects you IRL, too.

>What makes you prefer DS3?
Because it isn't baby's first souls game like bloodboring

you, apparently

I'll take wikipedia (that clearly is quoting from sources you can visit) over dumb opinions straight from your asshole you massive faggot

yeah, EDF 4.1. EDF 2025 if you want to be technical, but 4.1 is the much better version

are you kidding me?
>blood vials
>shittier bosses
>no shields
>shitty rally function

Name 3 things BB does superior to Souls.

That's the best you can do?

1. Sony
2. Always
3. Wins

hi redner group

Trick weapons
Different types of dodging for the situation

you're not going to make me play the shitty game

>bro if you don't like critically acclaimed thing then you're dumb

Must hurt to be such a brainlet that you can't even type coherent sentences.

This shit does seem to happen a lot. I'm not even a "OLD GAME GOOD" type of person, but it's laughable how these people thing they're even a decent judge of what the best game should be and by what merits.

It's exclusive

it's only playable on the PS4

PC roaches can't play it

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I don't want you to play the game, I just want to poke fun at the fact that you think a third hand opinion is good enough to judge something.

Had an honest giggle, thanks user.

1. Weapons
2. Atmosphere
3. DLC

I don't care about what anyone else thinks of something because I can't experience their viewpoint
if I'm not interested enough to play a game even when I get it for free then it is objectively shit

That's what I thought.
Oh so two things exclusive to Bloodborne got it, Dark Souls does magic better hahha XD also what does different types of dodging mean. There is only one dodge.

The Old Hunters tying up all of the lore of the base game is proof that they don't intend to ever make a sequel.

What would BB2 even be about if not about Yharnam, which we know everything about? A place which is basically the center of the universe in the game?

You mean Dark Souls 3?

Lock on dodges are side jumps, while unlocked dodges are rolls

Nigga I've never played BB but you're fucking dumb.

Don't have opinions on things you don't have experience on, that's a clear sign of someone with an intolerable personality.

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DS1 didn't need a sequel either but we got it

>roach crying4.png
>no roach crying 3, 2 ,or 1 in the archive

why did you add the 4 at the end?

You're actually just about to get to the good part of the game. Once you get to the area after the Shadows fight (the boss you just killed) shit gets really fucking good.

the alien eye can't see under 30fps

I'll do whatever the fuck I want, nigger
I've explained myself thoroughly

Yes...? Unique mechanics are generally cited as why something might be preferable to another. Also, the arcane items in Bloodborne are a lot more interesting than magic in Dark Souls.

But let's rephrase it to fit in your weird standards.
Trick weapons > boring straight sword copy pasted 10 times with slightly different damage values
Able to quickly correct a mistake or survive a challenging situation > dying because you got ganked without healing items

>of the last 10 years

Holy fuck I hate you faggot soulsfags

So the fact that there are two animations for the same action sells it for you huh

It's more than animations, they have different lengths, iframes, and follow ups.

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trick weapons are only superficially complex. It is functionally the same as two-handing, only with more polished animations.

I asked what BB did superior to to Souls. That means elements shared by both that can be compared. Weapons are valid, gimmicks are not.

My brotha.

I don't get the joke. Old Hunters is far and away the best DLC From made.

Fine you asked for it, here you go
And since 15 lists have been made since then, add 15 to the total of FF6, SOTN, FF7, Metroid, Trigger, OOT, ALTTP, Mario, MGS1, Zelda NES, SoTC & Prime since they were included in each one

There's a difference between not having an interest in playing a game and saying "this game is shit because reasons". One of them is a logical thing to do, the other is the actions of a retard.

>IGN middle east

why do blacks love weebshit so much?

I swear the only games they play is MvC, anime panty fighters or japanese action games.

For weapons like chikage sure, but threaded cane turning from a simple straight sword-ish weapon to a long range crowd control weapon is different than holding something in two hands.
Fair enough then. I'm a fan of both so I don't see much superiority outside of what the games do differently. They're mostly the same.

>best of X
literally marketing bullshit. just enjoy the game for its quality. only retarded faggots will try and compare video games of different genre gears toward different group of people to be "best" of anything
same shit with movie

neck yourself

if I don't have an interest in playing it that means the game is so shit I don't even want to try it
if it was really that good I would've at least been motivated to play it

>so your time literally embodies value that these concepts have to fight over.

Except you easily have enough time to fully play through every Souls game and BB within their release dates. What your saying is just a false narrative to try and explain away why some people hold different opinions than your own.

lol seething

Alright I'm just going to casually break out the food analogy here.
>Hey man, do you like mushrooms?
>Ew no, they're gross.
>Have you tried them?
>No, because they're gross.
>How did you come to that conclusion?
>They're just gross shut up nigger

you have shit taste, this is to be expected.

name your top 10 games

man of reason

> 1. Ocarina of Time
> 2. Panzer Dragoon Saga
> 3. Final Fantasy III (VI)
> 4. Chrono Cross
> 5. Chrono Trigger
> 6. A Link To The Past
> 7. Super Metroid
> 8. SoulCalibur
> 9. Metroid Prime
> 10. Mother 3
These are the best games ever made

I don't waste my time trying to arbitrarily rate the hundreds if not thousands of games I've played in my life against each other

why do think that's not exactly how I approach everything in my life and that it somehow isn't valid?
are you going to tell me I don't know that shit tastes like shit without trying it next?


Honestly, trying to rate things from best to worst is a genuinely autstic and childish fucking thing to do. It's like going "green is the best color". You rarely see people doing this shit with books or even movies, yet every fucking website has to have a "top 100 games made" list every so often.

Shit is genuinely awful, playing video games should be seen as embarrassing.

I still prefer dark souls 1 to bloodborne because no game gave me that feeling like dark souls did, but i can see why bloodborne can be objectively superior. I like ds 3 but the linear map and design literally killed the game. You can't deny that the game is extremely boring to replay especially at the beginning. It's just run to every area till you kill the boss. There is no replayability or free choice like it was with dark soul 1 where you can literally go everywhere. As soon as you beat asylum demon you can kill as second boss: taurus, quelaag,gargoyles,sif,pinwheel,moonlight butterfly, and if u want to have fun you can use some glitches and even kill the iron golem as second boss.

No, he's right. This is mostly how humans think and operate in regards to almost every aspect of their lives including what subjective opinions they hold. If you love DaS3, shitting on BB will make DaS3 seem even better by comparison, further justifying your love for it.
This is also why over a long period of time, people locked in a constant dialogue with people they don't agree with tend to become more and more extreme in their opinions, eventually withdrawing from any middle ground they once shared with their opponents. You can see this in modern American politics, in which the Republican and Democratic parties have become increasingly more right and left over the last 30-40 years respectively to the point where an R and D in 1950 had a lot more in common than an R and D today. Yea Forums is also an excellent place to observe this - why do you think people hold such extreme positions on here? You can even see it in this thread. Either Bloodborne is the greatest game of all time or its legitimate garbage that's literally not worth your time to play.
Another great example within Soulsborne opinions themselves is how DaS2 fans will mercilessly shit on DaS3 and DaS3 diehards will mercilessly shit on BB and DaS2. This isn't born of their genuine reaction to the games - it's by subconscious strategic design. As a DaS2 fan everyone hates you so you also become elitist to counter that but also you recognize DaS3 as the greatest threat to DaS2. You're not allowed to shit on DaS so the question becomes what is the better DaS sequel? For DaS3, BB is a great threat because it's another respected game From has made that has similar combat speed and design.

BB is one of the easiest soul game
the dungeans are great
pvp sucks
the dlc is just dissapointing

Attached: Micolash_Not_Abandon_The_Dream.jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

Old Hunters is objectively one of the best DLCs ever made. It fixes how easy the base game is.

Videogames are still going though their early growing phase, like the early film industry where film makers were obsessed with 'doing things the first time everrrrr' like adding color or sound or making the moon look like a face, gimmicky kind of shit. Once videogames as a medium perfect and age i expect to see top 100 lists start to disappear and metacritic scores becoming obsolete.

Attached: atriptothemoon.jpg (580x436, 60K)

> the DLC is hard enough
I bet you can't parry Maria after all

Everything you stated has literally nothing to do with the whole "time investment" meme he was spouting.

>This is also why over a long period of time, people locked in a constant dialogue with people they don't agree with tend to become more and more extreme in their opinions

Only if they're attacked over their opinions instead of having an open dialog. Even when someone things they're wrong they will double down on an opinion if they feel attacked over it. This is why everyone is so extreme in America, they feel personally attacked over their political stances and double down to defend their Id.

>You can even see it in this thread.

Because being extremely negative or positive gets you replies. This type of posting encourages people to flock to one extreme or the other in order to actually have a conversation. The more extreme they get the more (You)s they collect. That and a big chunk of Yea Forums posters are as dumb as rocks and will spam the board with their retarded thoughts so that it looks like the hivemind of Yea Forums shares their opinions. Plus, some dumb fuckers think you need to hold an opinion on everything. I was talking to a guy that said RE2 was shit because zombies took too much damage when he had 0 means of actually playing the game.

The Souls series is pretty much like the FF series at this point, the fan base really can't agree which is the "best" one.

True, plus video games have depth and mechanics that the vast majority of players don't really touch down on.

I think Soulsfags are the worst of the bunch. Probably worse than trannys, furrys and weebs. Neither BloodBorne nor any Dark Souls was good.

>Nioh on the list
>Nioh that high
God-awful taste

> Trusting Metacritic
Nope, not until someone can defend this
> Review scores added up & divided by the # of actual reviews
Grand Theft Auto V
> 48,59/50.00 = 0.97, Accurately = 97 MetaScore
Grand Theft Auto IV
> 60.61/64.00 = 0.94, Somehow translates into a 98
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
> Only 19 of the 28 reviews were counted, thus inflating the score

what weapons do you want to see in bloodborne 2?

Attached: Bloodborne 2.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

>shittier bosses
BB has the best bosses in the entire fucking series, and no shields is a blessing for a roller like me.

unironically have no idea.

bloodborne is way harder than 3 though you dumbfuck

Attached: 1551693217514.jpg (1080x1080, 150K)

>cage door elevators
>brain of mensis = heart
>brainsuckers = mindflayers
>cainhurst gargoyles
>research hall
3 also lazily copied the level but I didn't complain since it copied fucking everything.

Should also mention 1 is my least favorite Souls game due to the fact that it feels exactly like a rushed Demon's Souls reskin.

I unironically agree. I'm at 300 hours at this point and still playing.

Where's your Switch copy of Dark Souls?
Fake fan