I love her so much, her personality is beautiful, the orange is sweet too. I wish i could see her again someday with Fei in HD engine.
Yeah, real lovely gal.
Psycho is a hell of a drug
Why her gear's pink???
same reason it has a ponytail. she's a girl. it was a different time....
pink colour belongs to Aerith and Aerith only
damn I wanna see this artist draw her naked
Skinny girls are the best!
I love her "daughter" more
Her daughter is better
A man of culture I see
>last thread devolved into two autists arguing whether or not the plot was shit
Why di xeno threads attract these people?
This turns me on
As it should
>elly is built to be abel's substitute mom
>abel's reincarnations are shown fucking her twice
What did they mean by this?
that's brother & sister
But it's still incest.
i don't know, Xenogears's story is way too complex. I just enjoy 2/3 of its aspects, the rest i don't care.
Do you have a point, or...? Yeah, humanity needed to mate to reproduce to feed Deus
How the hell do I beat her?
beat three gears first, then beat her, simple.
What are some other games with gameplay similar to Xenogears?
Chrono Cross
You insult Chrono Cross with that statement. Xeno's combat has so little depth it may as well not be there at all.
I just say it's similar, not better or something like that. Because both games used EP to combat.
Is she doing the "Pathetic." face too?
The plot is really fucking weird to be honest, especially the second half. I like it but I can see why it would piss somebody off.
Some freudian shit I guess
I think Xenosaga still has the combo system? I don't remember.
hmmm kinda. she's on pcp basically
Ah. I don't know the context, this isn't how she normally acts?
No, these characters met previously and were nice to each other. But she is provided this performance enhancing drug for combat, making her disregard that and have heightened aggression, but also higher power.
>Fails magic spell