This is it bros. We've waited 11 fucking years. 24 hours from now the game of the year is getting released. I need to know. What pizza will you be getting with your DMC5 THREAD
This is it bros. We've waited 11 fucking years. 24 hours from now the game of the year is getting released...
Other urls found in this thread:
Snoy/troll status:
Before dmcv
>"it's gonna a 7 on ign eughuhuhe shit game XDDDD"
After Dmcv with 9.5 on ign
>"g-gow g-got a 10, y-you bastard"
Take your console war faggot shit somewhere else, nigger
I've never really cared for the DMC series, but I hope you enjoy the game.
who here /144hzmotionblurreduction/?
none, I'm pizza'd out. I think I'll have a parfait instead.
I am waiting until a full day of gaming on Saturday for my pizza and DMCV. I have a weigh in with money on it so I can't do it on Friday. I am going to get chicken, green onion and bacon pizza.
Fuck you nigga Currazzzay transcends console wars.
I'll be getting some pizza with chicken,bacon and barbecue sauce, can't wait for the release
I'll go with strawberry sundae
Where does this one come into the series? It’s the only one I’ve played it felt like a prequel
Make me manchild. Fucking make me.
Video games are for little kids.
>Be a Bayobro
>Be happy for my DMCbros getting a great game after all the waiting
>But there's some autists going around trying to start a fake rivalry between the two fanbases, despite the overlap being massive, if not %100
I just prefer Bayo but I'm super happy for my DMCbros, I have a DMC obsessed friend who can't sleep because tomorrow he picks up the game
it doesn't fit into the main timeline, it's more like an qlternate universe
> Devil May Cry history
> Narrator skim right through DMC anime + DMC2
More like it doesn't exist
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
why did DMC5 get a lower score on PS4 anyways? I don't think journos would care or demonize they slight snoy censoring it has with the lights on Trish and Lady's butts. And I thought I heard people say that the demo ran fine on PS4, so it's not a performance issue right? I remember 4SE getting a lower score despite being a solid game because it introduced some bugs/issues on the pc version for example.
The same thing happens with people trying to do that with Ninja Gaiden sometimes and KH, it's weird. I'm not into Bayo as much as DMC but I hope we'll get more news about Bayo 3 soon
None of the PS4 reviews mention any sort of issues with how the game runs anything like bugs. It seems to just have had the misfortune of having the outlets with the lowest score happen to review that version.
The variety review is your typical "This isn't Dark Souls, muh dodge button." review.
The CGM review is a real masterpiece. It spends an entire paragraph talking about toxic masculinity, sexualization of the female characters, that kind of shit. The reviewer also claims that Dante is insufferable and Nico is grating.
Going to get pic related from jets pizza tonight. Cant wait
I make my own pizzas. Totally doing 3 or 4 while the game drop
Shit's gonna be so cash
fuck off fag
fuck off fag
Oh great, instead of only spoiling DMC THREAD, instead you spoil the pic too. Ever get tired of the same unoriginal title?
Can't wait for it to finish loading
>mobile poster is a whiny faggot
Not surprising
Guys, we did it. These threads were the best fun I've had on Yea Forums since good old /LiG/ on Yea Forums during the summer. I only started playing the DMC games after the DMC5 reveal, but it's been an absolute blast. Thanks for everything, have fun with DMC5, and stay motivated
I have to be honest OP I didn’t think to get pizza with the game. But that sounds like a great way to kill time while I wait for the fucker to install.
I’m actually hype about those pre vis live action cutscenes for a second playthrough. It looked both silly and a really fucking cool way to storyboard.
ngl V looks boring