Features 7 new projects,possible Lost Souls Aside release date
China Hero Project Showcasestarts in some 20min
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>Lost Souls Aside
That the one guy in a Chinese basement for over ten years coding game?
He has a team now
Playstation backed him and gave him team
Good for him. That's the kind of stuff I like to see happen.
>these soulless and obvious shill replies
Fuck off you slant-eyed gooks, nobody cares about your shitty games
And the game will still release on pc.
this shit doesn't even work on pc browser and on mobile is laggy as fuck
Atleast we get more mech games out of it. Also they all have shit framerate.
How can you watch it? It doesn't load for me on pc and on mobile gives struttering with no sound...
Maybe you have umatrix enabled? Just turn off stuff until it works. Also you can use mpv. Just paste the url into mpv/vlc. The site is pretty laggy.
those look bad dude
I'm of Irish blood what are you going on about
Just make Release That Witch, civilisation style game already or Glory MMO
Thatnks, that link worked on pc, but it's still laggy as fuck
This looks pretty good actually, but
>SCP subjects
They're basically Chinese indie games that got funding through the project, kinda like the student games JapanStudio has assisted in the past with their student programs, what were you expecting exactly?
Is this SCP cyberpunk?
How did they get the right to put SCP682 in?
>How did they get the right to put SCP682 in?
You don't need the right exactly, it's public domain IIRC
>Sony is officially publishing another Anime game
Make sure to not watch in a Chromium-based browser that's not been updated lest you want to be part of the chink botnet!
SCP isn't public domain IIRC.
Nier Automata + BLAME
Seething Xcuck detected.
In order for your derivative work to be kosher, you need to do two things:
1. Attribute the works that you're using to the wiki and to the specific author, if possible. For example:
682's Lovely Tea Party is based on "SCP-682" by "Dr Gears": scp-wiki.wikidot.com
2. Add the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license (or CC-BY-SA for short) to the derived work. Doing this will release it under the CC-BY-SA license.
Releasing it under the CC-BY-SA license means that people will be able to copy your work wholesale, and even sell it, provided that they properly attribute you and release their work under the same license.
Also, do not sell anything related to SCP-173, SCP-111, or SCP-1926. Please. It's a massive headache for all parties involved. And might get you sued, depending on the context. Just don't.
See the final tab "A Word on SCP-173 and Others" for more information.
It isn't but they aren't exactly copyrighted. SCP uses CC which allows other people to use the work as long they are abiding by the creators rules. It's like public domain but with rules I guess.
>Add the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 license (or CC-BY-SA for short) to the derived work.
You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
So it seems they CAN use it without paying any money as long as they properly credit the original in the ending credits and don't make changes while implying the original creator approves their changes.
Derivative works have to release under the same licens as well if they decide to use SCP shit. It's the only restriction.
So basically anyone can use SCP in a game without paying as long as they properly credit the original and then allow others to use their own work?
this looks great. I hope framerate wont be shit. Also most of the games seem to lack good gameplay.
>someone finally made BLAME!souls
based chinks
This looks hype as shit
Yeah, basically. Though something fucky is going on, I can't find any licensing info about the product itself. I found some of the dev's posts on this Chinese indie-dev site: taptap.com
The best part is, because of multiverse fuckery this could be totally fucking canon
>universe in which a total broken masquerade scenario plays out and the truth is revealed to everybody
>Foundation goes public due to these extraordinary and has basically become NERV
>builds a Tokyo-3 esque mega facility to serve as the sole containment for everything anomalous
>shit happens
>all hell breaks loose
user this sounds more like an extreme weeb than someone with a xbox
this is such a great mashup of art styles, i have a lot of hope for it
Sidescrollers are the only chink games I've played that have been fun.
Why doesnt China have any AAA games aside from MMOs?
cause they dont need it, it's a completely different market
>hacking/stealth game
Fucking sold.