When will Rouge get her own game?

When will Rouge get her own game?

Attached: rouge.webm (804x720, 2.95M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I want Rouge in Smash.

I want Rouge


I imagine such a game would be stealth based, or have to do with collecting treasure or something.

i want to smash rouge



wtf what game is this?


Google "Sonic the Sissyhog"

He/she's like Rouge but better


Stop shilling your gay fanfiction faggot

Attached: villagerpunch.png (701x592, 15K)

Would you visit Rouge in her batcave?

Attached: 1551911421.bigdad_rouge_s_room_2.jpg (1107x721, 875K)


Spy/Action game when?


post rouge


brown nipples > pink nipples

tan skin > light skin

Attached: 17abac83c8d0a21926897aef1be018f9.png (1500x1200, 588K)

Come on I thought it was pretty spot on. Let's see you do a better impression

leth thee you do a betther imprethion

post rouge you stupid shitheads

Attached: 8684d826ac9728d0a9f20fa54915d431.png (818x938, 260K)

potht rouge you thupid thitheadth

good taste, keep going

Ive only got bigdad

Attached: 1551406061.bigdad_rouge_20.jpg (897x951, 925K)

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>The sonic movie is a flop
>Sega or whoever owns sonic now needs money BADLY
>Oh shit oh shit ok board meeting
>what do we do?
>sir... there is but one option...
>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ come rolling in
> a new age of sexy females is born as younger kids start to push back against the narrative like mk11's outfits and tomb raider
>bad end more furries are born

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You must be 18 to post here

older than you

Attached: 1545706524.bigdad_nice_sweater.jpg (916x945, 395K)

what the fuck

Attached: 71881066_p1.jpg (1023x1023, 182K)

Consider the following: tan skin w/ light nipples.

Attached: ZtMR3Hp.png (2024x1509, 2.01M)


I would FUCK Rouge in her batcave!


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Attached: 7369869.jpg (883x1241, 405K)

Would you?

Attached: sniff.jpg (4166x3103, 572K)


Attached: 1479648383626.jpg (450x580, 273K)

How much are your commissions?

Sure why not.

I want to die in there.

Holy fuck yes I would.



Breasts too large


Attached: 1520811287016.png (1200x1920, 1.13M)

w-what is going on in that pic?

I want her underarm to squish my peepee between it and her sideboob


Attached: 0f92cb0856c1c57ff18e13ee980d404e.png (900x879, 437K)

user too gay

would I!?


Attached: 7369868.jpg (574x965, 230K)

Would you?

Postan in le epic porn on blue board thread! Isn't it funny how we're doing something we're not supposed to do lol?

Attached: 1.gif (700x393, 1.5M)

Where's the porn?

I don't think armpits look like that. Where the fuck does the arm connect? Does she have two shoulders?

Stop. BigHack's Rouge is fucking atrocious

Attached: 1551739275483m.jpg (1024x544, 54K)

Would I!?

I'd still fuck those blocky polygon tits, I bet that makes it even kinkier

>Roguefags had to start making these threads in the middle of the night when mods are asleep so they don't get deleted

Would you?

Attached: 1551016917092.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

That's the joke...

Why can't they just move them to /trash/? Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.

Why can't you just post them on /trash/ to begin with?


Attached: would_I.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Anyone have Rouge in thongs?

> those proportions
I know the thread I'm in, but jesus christ

I still have commissions to complete. Feel free to leave a comment on AO3 and I can get back to you

Nobody replies to them there.

Attached: would you.jpg (881x621, 56K)

Because they're normans. They're afraid of all the ERPers and shit. There's probably 100 Sonic related threads there right now but these goobers would rather post softcore porn on Yea Forums because it's so cool.

Oh no! An evil wizard cursed you to be Rouge for 24 hours! What do?

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Attached: 500px-WelcomeNormanScreenshot[1].jpg (500x281, 17K)

What you actually mean is
>No one will get mad at me for posting furry threads there so it's boring
Fucking attention-starved autists

nothing wrong with stylizing something, but can keep being a faggot if you want

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This. Also it's not even considered rouge, it's his OC I think. Pretty sure. You can look it up.

Nah there ain't 100 threads there.
Trust me.

Attached: 1523036831089.jpg (720x408, 103K)

Get fucked constantly for 24 straight hours.

Sell my body at furry cons for thousands of dollars

Give out free paizuris to other anons

what a fat gut

fuck as many guys as possible

Best design comin thro

Attached: d36338764ef0dda9522bd5f46fb1ca12.jpg (948x1000, 550K)

Call in sick for work, touch myself for a few hours and then go about my day as normal since I'm an introvert.

Sounds like a pretty good wizard to me. I'll pay him to keep me that way.

lived up to the hype

Fucking pearfect.

Hire a male and female prostitute and have them go at each other while I slurp up some manly balls, taint, and ass

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He needs his own game. Or at least this one should've just been split between him, Ethan and Shelby towards the end. The girl was so unnecessary and took away his precious screen time.

Charge anons $100 a pop to fuck me. I know some of you faggots would do it

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What game has the most Rogue screen time?

David Cage games are notorious for having a good to great police procedural/buddy cop character/segment that is then buried in ten hours of utter garbage.

That's some bargain-basement prices user. You could set yourself up for the rest of your life if you tried.


>tfw no rouge mommy to make me suck her cock

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