>spend time leveling party member
>they betray you later on unless you do some shitty task or fill an arbitrary meter.
Post shitty game mechanics
should've spent equally as much time as talking to them
you DO care about those who are willing to die in battle for you for a near hopeless cause, right?
Huh wow, it's almost like you should only invest your time and trust on reliable companions or treat your companions with respect if you want their loyalty...
Neverwinter nights 2 did this so retardedly. If you don't pat your team mates on the head enough, a good half or more of them will flat out betray you in the final fight against the dude leading the army of the dead.
>"You were kind of a dick to me a few times, so I'm going to help this guy commit mass genocide."
I let them be in my party, why should I also fight for equal rights? Fucking minorities I swear to christ. All they do is bitch and complain. Give an inch and they take a mile. Not to mention its their fault they live in filth ridden shitholes when ripe opportunity is right by them if they just stepped outside of their slums. Their women look good though.
Does anyone else also hate elves?
Zevran is a dirty nigger
yeah, nwn2 really fucked up with the party. there were far too many characters to give a shit about more than one or two of them
I think in the end only bishop turned on me, I can't remember, but most of their personalities had to be shallow and basic and their stories ultra simple so that you'd remember who the fuck they were
dirty nigger slut*
Yeah, they should have cut a character or two. NWN had a pretty good length overall imo. It's sad that the series is dead/is an mmo now.
>I let them be in my party
Yeah because they wanted to and you need all the help you can get.
>why should I also fight for equal rights?
Don't expect them to go die for you when you can't even treat them like equals.
Jesus user how retarded are you?
>he didn't the joke
Isn't he an assassin?
Didn't you first meet him when he and his group tried to kill you?
Didn't he only join you because the alternative was death?
Why are you surprised that he betrays you?
It's more surprising that he wants to fuck you after you give him some shoes.
Your joke is shit and painfully unfunny.
the french slut wants to fuck you even more after you give hear a hairless rabbit
It's because of muh corruption, but NWN2 had so many companions that I forgot half of them and they just turned up in the end to fight against me.
Zevran was hard to max out with vanilla if you didn't fuck him but now you got those gifts that give +50 there's no excuse
Reminds me of the party of adventurers that show up at the castle, they're clearly incompetent, but unless you give them dangerous missions, they somehow die and show up before the final boss as undead.
Sorry user but clearly you lack the temperament of a leader. If you can't even establish dominance over an elven gigalo, well you're lucky you didn't get backstabbed by a big gay dick if you get my drift.
Bishop always turns on you but if he likes you and you're a woman he'll run off trying to make you run off too. I think if you're male you can convince him to fuck off and he'll say it's not his problem anymore and bounce, but canonly he dies anyway.
I think bishop will stay if you have more points with him than the paladin and did his mission.
>the paladin
shit, I completely forgot he existed
did he have any personality traits other than "deep voice"?
Qara's reason is that you didn't let her go wild and burn the fuck out of her enemies, the Shadow King will. Sand's reason is that you actually did let Qara go around being wild and burning the fuck out of her enemies, his reason doesn't make sense for such a, you know, smart guy. The demon gets mind controlled, Bishop is pure evil so of course he betrays you for fun. The golem gets its control stolen doesn't it?
annoying as fuck sounds I can't disable. borderlands 2 sprint panting etc. You have to use mods and most of the time there isnt one
Not really, he was a pretty dull paladin character. His whole "death by broken back" thing was pretty cool though, not that you get to see it.
See, that's what's dumb. Even if you're acting in the best interest of these chuckle fucks, they don't acknowledge it. I told Kelgar he shouldn't have abandoned his people and that we have to set shit right, and he took a relations hit for it.
It's because the party system is set up less for a "lead them down the right path as their mentor" situation and more the generic "tell me what I want to hear and it'll probably work out fine anyway" thing. The biggest problem though is that almost nothing actually changes, it's such a half finished game entirely it feels like all the companions are pointless.