Kaz, I'm already a MGS Thread

Kaz, I'm already a MGS Thread

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Venom is worst snake

I beat MGS 1, 2, and 3 back when they were new and love them to death. Missed 4, finally got around to 5 and boy, what an unbelievable letdown. I won't rant, I know it's been done a million times, but man oh man. To stay positive though, the original trilogy is still one of the best gaming media entertainment things I've ever had the joy of experiencing.


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>mfw Fulton Cannon.

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You're mom is the worst Snake

>mfw wormholes in 1970's

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>Try to Kill Count event again
>Can't stop getting killed

I don't really care about nabbing soldiers, my main priority's the materials. But stealing them trips the sensors and by the time I make it to the last platform, I'm outta ammo. Why am I still here? Just to suffer?

Hey just thought I'd let you guys know that generals belong on /vg/

Kaz, I'm already a demo

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Fucking Fuel material is a pain in the neck and has placed my FOB's on hold multiple times.

I drained all the materials on Easy, but I've only been able to get through Normal once. I'm starting to miss Mosquito's Legacy.

just find FOBs that are owned by obvious hackers, usually on PC and jack all of their resources (and soldiers if you want) quietly

you can usually tell hackers from regulars by the amount of S++ soldiers they have in comparison to their other soldiers, if any

This. I dont think Kojima was part of over pricing a tech demo like that. Konami fucked the pooch on that one and foreshadowed their own departure with Kojima.

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Making mother base upgrades and research take real time was fucked. It should have been like in PW where it's based on number of missions you completed.

Wouldn't hackers' FOBs be harder to infiltrate? Plus if they find out, they'll probably take everything you have.

Is metal gear on the universe where the princess penguin was saved or on the one where she died?

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Whos with me?

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>PW that high

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It's the one she died, Big Boss hates women and minorities.

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MG 1, MGS 1 and 4 happen on the timeline where she died, the rest happen on the timeline where she lived.

Animal Crossing is canon in the MGS universe, how based can Kojima and Nintendo be.

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kill yourself

Fpbp. Good job, boss.

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There's another one in my p-p-p

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What was the translators and the voice actor for Skullface even think when doing that one scene?

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>Peacewalker is bad besides the whole motherbase feel and the audio tapes
>MGS5 was the disappointment of a generation
>but Paz is still best girl

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i dont want that shit in my DMC

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>liking Paz
>Year of our Lord Jesus Christ 2019

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It probably wasn't anything new for the translators, but I'm assuming Skullface's VA just rolled with it. It must be fun just to act out a line like that.

They tried so hard to Paz-ify with Sunny in MGS 4 and MGR.

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Reminder that everyone is retarded and Venom ultimately turned against Big Boss in the end.

This is Big Boss, say something nice to him.

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Greatest man to ever live.
10/10 would salute.

I didn't think much of her after PW but during Ground Zeroes she grew on me. I came to appreciate her a lot more on PW. 5 was surreal and heartbreaking obviously.

Paz wasn't a thing when Mgs4 came out.

Oh shit you right, homie.

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Why are we still here?

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To make burgers.

You fucked up big time, John. The Boss would be disappointed.

>Jack, I only pretended to have sex with the colonel to trick The Patriots.

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>tactical dickriding

>Kinda wanna play MGS3 again
>But I don't really wanna start up the PS3

Why won't they make a new collection? It'd be easy money.

Just fucking shoot the sensor
It does not even trigger alarm

Strongest Snake

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Snake was shaken up at the time. He just failed to commit suicide and then he saw Big Boss back from the grave. Big Boss is a hack.

I found this album last week at my local thrift store.

Lol this cope. Big Boss just came out of a coma and is 60 something years old. He was also a burn victim and kicked solids ass in CQC. Something Solid never beat him in.

Why do I keep doing this? Is there even any point to maxing out my FOBs? Fuck fuel, fuck weapons that require 10000 precious mats to make, fuck all this.

>over half of his life spent asleep or unconscious
sleeping beauty, his prince charming is ocelot