I'm putting together a team for one last game. Are you in Yea Forums?

I'm putting together a team for one last game. Are you in Yea Forums?

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So? I'm still not buying your shitty game

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I gave that life up a long time ago Todd

Sure, I got a whole book of ideas, but only if you're willing to implement them and not end up scrapping 98% of them in the final product.

For example, one of my ideas is that the player actually gets to give more input than just 'Yes' 'Yes' 'No' and 'Sarcastic (yes)'.

Alright Todd, but if we're gonna do this, I think we need some more BADASSES in this team.

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Only if it includes hardcore pornographic content. This is non-negotiable.

Sorry Todd, I'm a family man now.

Come on, user. One last big score.

Alright, but I'm warning you this isn't going to be pretty... or fun.

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You can always count me in, Todd

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Alright Todd, let's get the gang back together

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Ahaha sure thing man, it's gonna be great, it's gonna be crazy!

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Count me in, Daikatana isn't the sword I'll die on.

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Todd, I'm coming out of retirement to stop you from further destroying this great series I began.

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Dammit Todd! dammit!
You know i can't pass up another run.

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we'll make millions

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Very werru misteru Todd, one rast jobu foru ord time's saeku.

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>last game
not falling for your lies todd

Eh? One last game?
Count me in, leatherhead.

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C'mon Yea Forums...please...I don't.....have..much *cough* time.....left...

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Millions? We're going to make trillions

What about the E-word? Engine

I said I would kill you if I ever saw your face again, Todd.

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DAMN IT user!

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Of course I'm in! Gimme the deets!

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I'm still standing aren't I?
So i take it that's a yes?

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So you sayin we some kinda...Developer Division?

I'm sorry. I quit the business. You can ask me a thousand times but I won't change my mind.

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>that fucking video
>goes on to put out the blackroom kickstarter
>takes it down when everyone has doubts
>says it'll be back when there's a demo
>never has an engine and demo never comes
>scales back to making a free doom wad
>claims it'll release in mid february
>march comes and it's not released
>says it'll surely be here next month
You're killin' me Johnny boy.

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I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I will always be with you. Plant your roots in me. I won't see you end as ashes. You're all Diamond Devs.

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Count me in.

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I'm in Todd. Let me work with this unthankful audience

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HAHAHAHAHA are you fucking kidding me?
ah fuck it, just for old times sake

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It's gonna get... spicy.

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Give em' hell son!

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