Single things that ruined games

single things that ruined games

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Funny how Counter Strike, the only popular FPS that doesn't have ADS, has the absolute worst gunplay of any of them.

Playble women in military shooters

Those are some nice mountains

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>R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1

is already bad enough in 'action RPGs' even with a stamina bar.

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its a shit game

t. aimlet
maybe try not being awful

delete this right now

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They're fine as long as it's still possible to aim without them. I hate how so many shooters have you shoot in a 90 degree+ radius, then when you ADS you're suddenly pinpoint accurate.

I fucking hate minimaps and huds

counter strike has the most responsive gunplay in the all the games I have played. It's a damn shame though that the gameplay is stuck in stagnation and low weapon variety

*kills Yea Forumsibtards*

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this and charles


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>a handful of very balanced and fair guns
>a shitload of guns but many suck and don’t get used anyways
I don’t see a problem here

this man can't find food on the first day, he probably has the GRASS ROOF.

How would you imagine playing milsims without using optics?

exactly proving my point, people like you don't want counter strike to evolve. I'd love a new serious shooter by valve with a different name.

obvious one

a lot of guns are actually relevant now in CSGO when in past games you would never see them, and did you see what they recently did to the scoped rifles? the game IS changing

what is this? a Stargate? some sort of portal?

completely disagree
the gameplay is the best thing about CS because of how different it is to other FPS games

the gunplay has so little variety. gunfighting is who can squat and shoot faster and pros always go for the first-shot-kill which negates needing to learn spray patterns

Ubisoft open world

These literally have to exist in Bethesda games though. The actual dialogue/quest gives you 0 direction and the worlds are so uninspired without a giant marker pointing out where you need to go you'd be lost.

Still preferable to this cancer

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For all the things BotW did questionably, it nailed navigation. Only giving you a basic topographical map and a scope was genius because it has you actually navigate and learn the world, instead of ducking into menus to check quest locations and find the next icon you want to visit. There's a minimap but the designers didn't use it as a crutch, you lose nothing when you switch to minimal HUD. The world is designed well enough that you can navigate based on memorable landmarks.

I just don't use them lmao, like I just don't put them on the gun in the first place. All guns except for sniper rifles default to iron sights so I don't see the problem.

>feature so shit people don't want to use it


>another ADS ruined gaming thread in the same day


Imagine how richer the game and the exploration would feel without that crap. They could have extended the game by thirty hours, at least.

I wish we got a CS 2 honestly. GO is fairly different but it's still so close to the same game that people have been playing for 20 years.

He's talking about the entire mechanic of aiming down sights, not just red dot sight.

I honestly hate needing to use ADS in every single shooter now. I hate having to sacrifice a huge portion of my vision just to focus on one enemy. The shit has only gained popularity because of console shooters and how much ADS helps them actually work.

I just wish I wasn't punished for "hip firing" in fps games now a days, I've died so many times in Siege because of the ads mechanic.

You are missing the point. Their inclusion ruins the game because the whole game ultimately ends up being designed around the usage of quest markers from the start instead of being an optional mechanic that's only added near the end of the game's development when its world and questlines have already been designed.

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Witcher 3 made me hate modern minimaps, and playing RDR2 just ended up reminding me of how much I hate them. I guess the little compass option in RDR2 was a nice alternative, though.

to be fair, have you ever hip fired a gun in real life? i have, and the bullets hit in the general area i was aiming at, at 10 feet. anything greater than 50 yards, forget about hitting something first try. even full auto you have to walk the shot to it, and thats time wasted that proper shouldering would save, and accuracy increases. you don't nessisarily have to aim down the scope to hit something sub 50 yards if you're full auto spraying, but single shot weapons with a slow/average reload, you're retarded not to aim using sights.

I tried playing TW3 without a minimap and the shit was nearly impossible to do.

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>buy game on steam
>game requires an alternate storefront download client

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>muh realism
>muh immershioun
absolutely r e d d i t

>Remove quest markers
>Now you have to put in journal entries, signs and dialogue explaining what you have to do


I'm not talking about games trying to emulate real life shooting, I'm talking about games having more depth and options available so I'm not directly punished for trying to play around a flawed system.

Fast travel was a mistake

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Agreed, stamina bars are fucking lame.

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If you have random encounters, and fast travel, the player will end up having to pick between the two. Playing fallout 4 on survival, made me learn the area and random encounter spots pretty well.

Just dont use it then idiot.

>Space section in KH3
That was supposed to be a fun hub area for in-between missions but is actually tedious af
>For Honors garbage netcode
That shit crippled the playerbases enjoyment since launch until they gave it a complete rework
>Mini maps in ANY open world game
it trains you to stare at a tiny circle/box in the corner of your screen so you'll probably lose out on any interesting scenery or details
>Hitman Absolutions constant rating system
Yeah that game is shit in general but I don't need a immersion shattering box hanging on my screen everytime I do anything, whoops haha you knocked out a guard -2000 points
>Fallout 4 voiced protagonists
This shit was a terrible idea that forced the entire role play aspect of Fallout get thrown out a window, Bethesdas too damn lazy to make a whole set of responses/outcomes to what your character says so every quest has to have very specific outcomes, each conversation of that game that ends in yes, yes-skill check, no (yes) and joke but yes.
I know this thread is about single things that ruin games but damn there's some big problems in games that form a almost snowball effect that leaves dozens of smaller problems behind it, Skyrims "enemy's are automatically scale to player level" is a good example of this, I never felt I got stronger in that game, it would felt great to slowly become the legendary hero instead of the glue eating spastic that mashs R1 to okay the same sword animations until thing fall down, I want more examples of "Snowball problems" or "Cascading issues", I don't have a official way to call them and I'm passing out from lack of sleep but I know there's plenty out there

son/daughter figure

The core crystal system in xenoblade chronicles 2

Nothing wrong with stamina as long as sprinting outside out of combat doesn't drain it

No shit, it's an economy-based game. And even then the cheap guns have their niches that make them better compared to the main rifles but only in specific scenarios. You get rewarded for playing around your gear and budget.

>Just dont use it
>game regularly gives you quests with objectives that appear on the far side of the map simply because the devs expect you to use fast travel to get close to them
If Skyrim had as many in-game travel options as Morrowind did, it wouldn't be an issue.

This, shame nothing will top Morrowind.

cant wait until you boomer shitters have to git gud in sekiro

use carriage & ferry travel overhaul

>mfw playing AC Odyssey and the "exploration mode" actually fixed this a lot
biggest surprise in that game aside from the female PC actually being better

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Adding mods isn't going to change the fact that designing games around the use of fast travel is a mistake.

>for honor's netcode
my man

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Open World games are a bad meme. No one actually likes traversing them, they just like the idea that they can wander off in a direction and do whatever they want.

I'm glad they're kind of fading off.

FUCK that dwemer cube.

i'll never understand boomers' hatred of ads

>want to shoot at someone
>forced to narrow my FoV and to have a gun model block a solid 30% of my screen just to accurately shoot a gun

Dude, it fucking sucks. I still play and love Siege but forced ADS is a shit mechanic and always will be.

>i love siege
kill yourself

Stamina for trivial actions is stupid. Stamina as part of an economy of action combat system is fine.

>That was supposed to be a fun hub area for in-between missions but is actually tedious af
I thought it was fun.

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no ADS got popular because that's how guns actually work you fucking retard

>muh realism
>"actually work" in a video game were you have a FUCKING CROSSHAIR in the middle of your screen

Nah, it's a good game.

>your chin is glued to the stock of a gun when you use it irl

If developers had any push to make things realistic they would actually make light gun controllers.

no its popular cause it slows gameplay way down for console players

He said single

the game is terrible
made by and for retards
hope the devs kids die


Competitive/ranked has pretty much ruined everything. Tryhards fucking everywhere who also flood casual playlists and bring their turbo autism with them.

also the "meta" of any game, and changing anything to suit it is fucking cancer.

Ubisoft gets a lot of deserved shit but I'm glad they're moving into a more exploration less waypoint focus in their open worlds.

Hey we had this thread yesterday

don;t really mind woman figures, they all looks the same to me through the iron sight, 20 meters out.

but it's the women's screaming that is annoying

The dialogue/quest doesn't give you any direction because they're designed around the markers doing it all for you.

I guess from a game design standpoint. it's handy because they can change things around and 'point A' can be placed anywhere and still work.

It's funny. People who've played the Nightmare mode of Alien Isolation have found that the lack of any map meant they had to read the signs on the walls to find sections they needed to go. It greatly increased the immersion for them too.

Women soldiers exist, edgelord.

the same when i played kingdom come henry is here to see us in hardcore mode
when i have to navigate the land with the map and the key landmark and even use the direction of the sun as the compass.\

it really makes you appreciate the beautfy of the landscape

black soldier also exist, but i don't want my teammate to look like that


Miasmata had a neat thing like that. You have a map and can only find your location and update it by aiming at two landmarks. It's really easy to get lost in too.

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Good thing nobody cares what you want.

irl, we can still shoot without aiming down sight

like in the army, if you got a 4x scope, you just have to "aim over bore"
the stock is still pushing against your shoulder, you just don't have to aim through the 4x scope.
the only limitation is how well your hand can micro adjust according to where the bullet lands.

and i agree that judging by the ADS animation in game, they don't really switch from hip firing to ADS, they are switching from "low ready" to ADS. so the bullet spray while not ADS should not be that crazy.

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no one in R6S is "hip firing" the weapon

while the bullet spray is hip firing tier.

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no stamina bar in sekiro u dumb nigger

so you can see the two land mark at all time? and i guess the game draw the 2 lines by itself? or do you have to draw it with your mouse?

I would love any shooting game where iron sights never zoomed in, and magnification was only in the actual attached sight. Far cry 3 kinda had the whole iron sights thing going on and it felt so good to look down the sights of an ak47 and not have it simulate 4x zoom with the naked fucking eye.

i think most "realistic shooter" has this feature. like squad and hell let loose.
does arma 3 still has the press a botton to zoom in feature?

tho, often the dev simulate the proper distance between the front sight and the rear sight.
but they didn't consider that we are not wearing a VR head set that the monitor is about one arm length away from our eyes. so it makes the front sight post super small.

get cancer niggers

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I have never seen a good post from someone who post Wojack.

when i last played gta4. i disabled the GPS and try to drive around the neighborhood by myself and it really makes me remember the layout of the neighborhood.

but then, when i reached second district, i started using GPS and all i do was following the yellow line, it got boring really quick, so for the rest of the game, i just take taxi. and it kinda ruin the city experience for me.

I guess that's the same feeling for those poor who live in the city but takes bus to everywhere.

Yes, and they are exceptionally few in number in combat roles (and tend to grossly underperform and fuck things up if they -are- in them to the point where commanders are desperate to kick them out or shove them into HQ), effectively nonexistent in special operations, and they are almost universally regarded by everyone in the military as being worthless.

Modern military shooters would have you think they are just as capable and numerous as men at being soldiers, when they demonstrably aren't. Worse yet is games like BF5 that quite literally write men out of history to push the "strong female warrior" narrative.

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Fast travel in DAO was actually really well done, you set your course and you see your characters moving in the map and you'll have chances of getting random encounters.
This actually made it immersive instead of a lazy teleport mechanic.

what game what is this

>optional extra stage boss ruined the game for you

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>That stomach

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Yea Forums doesn't play games for men who get laid,
Yea Forums plays mainly anime-tier games and shit-talks AAA games. That's all this is now.

real life

sweet fucking nigger jesus
it's a low sensitivity low fov "precision and focus time" for the benefit of your shitty dildopad controls

>games for men who get laid
Pray tell, what are these games for awesome Chads like you who slay poonanny on the daily? Guitar Hero?

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*hitscans u*

Games that have unrealistic "rng in a circular area" based hipfire annoy me. Literally hipfiring guns irl is more accurate than in siege or any real modern shooter. Insurgency and the Rising Storm/Red Orchestra series did hipfiring right. The bullet always goes out the front of the barrel like it should, it just depends on where the barrel is pointing.

that didn't really ruin skyrim. Skyrim was just rather bland in its enviroment compared to previous entries

Games you can talk about in public without normie women getting horrified. Anything casual from Rocket League to light-milsims like Insurgency or Red Orchestra, fighting games like Mortal Kombat, even basic shit like CoD or Fortnite/Apex is fine since it's mainstream.

Imagine a conversation between two guys while their (non-ugly) girlfriends stand next to them. Imagine one of them talking about some anime game. You can't.

>single things that ruined games

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He's not wrong.
>have a simple crosshair for aiming, which can facilitate fast gameplay
>make your game clunky and slow as shit by requiring you to stand perfectly still to have even a modicum of accuracy
It's too arcade-y to be a tactical shooter, and too slow to be an arcade shooter.

It's how D&D works where you will have encounter setpieces. See: Baldurs Gate

For fucks sake please bring back shoddy NPC directions from Morrowind so I can go get lost in the world again. Or better yet, Just make a fucking world worth exploring and appreciating.

You don't even realise how much navigational tools completely 180 your whole experience. Like when you turn off your minimap in RDR, the game abruptly changes and you're actually paying attention to your environment and actually taking in what's around you.

IT wouldn’t be so bad if skyrim’s horses weren’t ridiculously slow

yeah. which connects you and the landscape. you are no longer a gamer, you are the character in the game

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>For fucks sake please bring back shoddy NPC directions from Morrowind so I can go get lost in the world again.
translates to
>please bring back basic as fuck world geometry so even the biggest retard cannot miss his goal, with directions and ladmarks out of the ass so its practically the complexity of a kiddys playground
there's a reason that shit died and it has to do with worlds looking artificial as fuck. same goes for the joke that was gothic's world
sorry boomer

This is what baffled me about the whole thing, why didn't they implement female soldiers in BF4? Modern day military has females in combat roles, and putting females in BF4 would've been a perfectly understandable move, but no, let's put them in our WW2 shooter.

>world worth exploring
>literally dogshit graphics

Listen you fucking nigger, with advanced realism comes less ability to navigate with ease. Yes, games like Skyrim could easily have quests and NPC dialogue that allows the players to explore more and even get lost looking for stuff. But, because it’s a lot larger and fuller, many normies would get butthurt and be unable to truly play the game without getting butthurt that it’s too hard.

Bethesda is full of lazy niggers that could’ve written their dialogues and quests better but you can still just turn off the quest markers instead of turning them on AND bitching about them you dildo nigger

>real life

Those graphic are shit!!!FACT!!!

>single things that ruined games
>ctrl+f 'Level Scaling'
>no results
It's the absolute bane of RPGs.

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Because SJW bullshit wasn’t as big of a deal back then, allowing players to choose their own character in multiplayer isn’t even a bad thing because it’s just a bunch of simulated bullshit online gayplay. Idk if that retard game had a single player story but if they force you to be a woman in that it’s significantly more retarded than if they allow you to be a woman in multiplayer.

Anyone who bitches about character customization in multiplayer is genuinely fucking retarded.

The problem is if the game doesn’t have level scaling then there’s all these fucking faggots that bitch
>it’s not a true open world because this area is restricted until you’re a certain level
Basically nigger faggot plebites complaining that they can’t go wherever they want despite the fact that certain more dangerous places would logically have more dangerous enemies.

Look at this small boy, disrespecting his betters and saying slurs like it makes him cool.

Look at the retard that makes his own bed, lies in it, and then bitches on the internet that the quest markers he left enabled in the options tab breaks his immersion.

Fucking this

scopes improved games dummy :)

Looks fantastic! Where i can get it?

stamina is good

what's the problem?

quest markers and compasses are always good

>a shitload of guns and each one is fun to use, unique, and balanced with all of the others
wow so hard

One of the defining moments for Dragon's Dogma for many players was them stumbling into Devilsfire Grove at low level (and dying spectacularly). Not only are those sort of areas NOT restricted, they can actually make the game far more enjoyable by showing the player early on how weak they are and letting them know they can and will get stronger.
There's enjoyment to be had in coming back later to an area that gave you trouble initially and stomping them low-level bandits into the dust.
Coming back to find the original ragged bandit group is now all geared in Legendary Equipment and half of them carrying Excalibur knockoffs is the biggest immersion breaker that can be. Level scaling is a plague!

That's not a good argument because quests are build about the marker system, so disabling it leaves you clueless on where to go.

You're not very bright, so maybe you should give it up.

I used to think fast travel was a mistake but now every open world game has to have a map 16x the size of Skyrim which is annoying without fast traveling

That’s why I said Bethesda could write their quests and dialogues better but they’re lazy and retarded, but apparently your memory only extends to the post you’re responding to

Literally who gives a flying fuck. It's a videogame, it's not real life. Do you complain about dragons in videogames because dragons don't exist in real life?

It’s annoying unless you have a way of actually moving fast around the map. This is precisely why fast traveling was necessary in Skyrim. You’re only other option that isn’t walking is a horse, and the horses were godawfully slow for no other reason than bethesda’s garbage engine probably couldn’t handle moving too fast.

But I hated the directions in morrowind. They were so shitty. Especially that fucking puzzle box.

You do realize in BOTW most quests have quest markers, right?

how does a scope help you navigate?

They do

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>battlefields sales tanked
Fuck off retard

>30 hours of wandering around lost with your head up your ass
wow so rich amazing

>battlefields sales tanked
I know. Your point being?

guess it's a good thing games aren't real life, idiot

Obviously nobody cares what you want nigger

>talks about sekiro to boomers
>when boomers played ninja gaiden black

to be fair this particular game was garbage straight off the shelf.

hunger mechanic is good

>Fast travel in DAO
nigger, that was just the regular map - AKA, how you went from area to area. It was less open world than fucking Daggerfall.

playing game with quest markers actually makes the player dumber.

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Buying a game with big emphasis on immersion and realism, I expect it to imitate the real life as hard as possible, unless it hurts the gameplay aspect

Or any mobage mechanic of any kind appearing in a non-mobage
eg. gacha mechanics or timers of any kind that count down in real time like Freedom Wars' fucking weapon/facility upgrades reeeee

quest markers are better

was correct*

>"woah great game nothing will ever top this"
fucking hate shitcher 3 fags

try walking idiot

Yeah no shit, game wasn't designed with that in mind.. Devs have to start with the idea of no minimap or markers

pic related is (You)

yeah shame nothing will top wandering around a boring wasteland for a million hours like a retard, good job braindead incel

>I honestly hate needing to use ADS in every single shooter now. I hate having to sacrifice a huge portion of my vision just to focus on one enemy. The shit has only gained popularity because of console shooters and how much ADS helps them actually work.

They gained popularity because of better graphics and the drive towards immersion. Of all the things that have changed in FPS games, using the sights like a real gun was a huge step in the right direction. Right up there with reload animations and being able to look down and see your legs.

nope it's good

counter strike:
>does have ADS
>has gunplay that requires a different skillset than most other games and is better because of it

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Sprinting draining Stamina is fine, running should always a freebie though and if significant amounts of on foot traveling needs to be done an alternative to running needs to be offered.

lol git gud fgt

>muh reddit
>in complaint about something that isn't even vaguely related to le reddit
Lurk moar.

the game's shit stupid incel

and we'll continue to have it every day, forever :)

>mfw playing AC Odyssey and the "exploration mode" actually fixed this a lot
>exploration mode
>fixing anything
lmao. how to spot ubidrones 101. exploration more is ripped to shreds even by fanboys of the franchise.
>only a handful of quests actually use it, the majority of the game is still full of quest markers
>the "exploration" actually means that instead of a marker you get told where to go so exactly, that there's literally no exploration involved whatsoever
>world is designed so basic and inorganic that you always know exactly where shit is by default
pic related is how """exploration"""" mode actually works.
instead of using a marker, it directs you directly to a marker on the map. 10/10
i take organic worlds with markers like TW3 over this half assed crap any day of the week

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someone post the copypasta pls

>bullets go diagonally away from ads point
Trash and lazy.

it is since only faggots from reddit care about realism or "immersion"

>only faggots from reddit care about realism or "immersion"
newfag spotted

>bullets coming out of the player head rather than gun
I hate this so much, ruins most online fps games getting killed when you can only see the top of someone’s head. Siege is the absolute worst for this.

Yea its a fucking disappointment alright. Even in your pic your can see that the first two hints are completely unnecessary.

The only thing that matters is the last line that they're using the abandoned house. And its always like that.

And what you say about the inorganic world is true as well. Even if you'd only read the first part of those directions you'd still immediately know where to go, becaue there's only one point of interest in that area on the map.
They were so fucking lazy in designing that mode its like a punch to the face for everyone who was excited for it.

People have been concerned with conveying realism since art has existed.

Not in countries that fight to win.

>Baseless macho nonsense

The thing that truly fucked up videogames was the expectation that games have to be 100 hours of content with lots of variations on the gameplay.

Instead of refining on the core gameplay until it's the best it can possibly be, and then constructing a series of challenges based on that core gameplay and fine tuning them into perfection. You got game devs getting the core gameplay to "good enough to ship" and then loading the game up with a bunch of stupid shit like fishing minigames and sidequests so that they can fill a quota so some asshole can put more bullet points on the back of the box.

Look at any ubisoft/EA/activision game released in the last 10 years. They all have the same fucking cheap filler to mix up the core gameplay loop just so brainlets can feel like they got value for dollar. RPG mechanics, loot, checklist collection quests, turret sections in shooters, steal mechanics, sections that require stealth, sidequests where dickfarm dunn needs you to find his wife's anal beads, skill trees, dialogue "trees" in games that don't fucking need them and on and on and on.

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>brainlet who can only comprehend rooty-tooty point and shooty

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My arse they’re fading away. AAA devs are still pumping them out like crazy despite the fact that it would be infinitely cheaper to make other games that are also more enjoyable. Not to mention the new crazy seems to be battle Royale or destiny styled mini-MMO shooters, which are equally as cancerous as open world games.

Fuck man, I just want simple, working games that are fun. Why do suits ruin everything? Whyyy?

>bullets go randomly in a 15 degree cone around the point of aim
Trash and lazy.

>online shooter has countless medals, unnecessary statistics and experience points

The game is all about finding the next best angle to shoot people from, I think it's fine.
It is more about learning the maps inside and out than shooting.
Good map knowledge is key to winning.
Plus imagine how much more frustrating metal bars would be if the barrel of your gun was where bullets came from.

have to have a participation badge nowadays

Remember when multiplayer shooters started gating gear behind an XP grind?

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Shit meme. Only really shit guns are the dual berettas, every other gun has it's niches in the economy

The funny part is less than one third of the amount of your average 100 hours grindfest's palyers even complete the main storyline

>responsive gunplay
>complete lack of feedback for its "recoil"

But if a game is fucking razor sharp and only 4 hours long, critics dump on it and the vast majority of people dismiss it out of hand.

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Metal bars are already bullshit and luck based. No one can realistically control their recoil to go 1mm between a pixel peek. Forcing people to expose more of themselves and not abuse cheap shit like that would make the game much better.

>dumb online shooter

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I remember stats and medals being pretty neat at first. They just showed you simple things to help you get a glimpse of how good you were or how well you performed in match, but it’s just too much now. Every single game seems to have them these days. Even single player games.

the fact you cant fucking see anything so you get shot from a cunt prone on a rock in front of you ruined this fucking game

It's worse that that my dude. Enemies in that game don't shoot at you, they just start doing damage once you enter their line of sight and alert them. The shooting animation is just for show.

Agreed. Open world games without a skillful means of travel? Why even make it open world if you had teleporting to remove the point of exploration.

Entering threads like this makes me question if games are even good, or are we all just lying to ourselves when we say we enjoy them?

There are still good games or games with good gameplay out there. You just gotta look harder to find 'em.

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This. Morroboomers fuck off.

But that was their implementation of "Fast Travel", and it's much better than the instant teleportation of modern RPG's and Open Worlds.


>games like BF5 that quite literally write men out of history

That Norway diversion that is "based" on real events was, in fact, performed by male squad, not by single avenging female.

What is this meme?

its disgraceful really. If only we were blacker here in Norway maybe the swedecucks wouldent write us out of our own history

People who sees the 10% bad side of the game and consider it a 100% bad game regardless of the other 90% good side, then go shove their filthy and irrelevant opinions down strangers' throats over the Internet.

the heavy water raid was pointless though, so there's no need to stay historically accurate


>gib sum glory to the wymyn, that operation didnt really matter right? just gibs me dat.

>wait a minute, that shelf

Why was it pointless?

Because the nazis could never have made a nuclear weapon anyway

The mini-map.

Peter Molyneux figured out that shit was cancer back in the early 2000s, but they keep putting them in every game.

Was that known at the time by the allies though?

"spot the zoomer"

>not wanting his games to give 110% effort
Why even play them user?

>game has aiming
>pic related point aims you across the map
>full autos your fucking ass to the grave with a decked out m4a1

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Not only did the plot twist in Star Ocean 3 ruin the game, it ruined the entire franchise.

pretty much the stupid need to add more more more to video games
red dead 2 could have been 100 times better without some "fat" chapters
fallout 4 is almost entirely "fat" no substance compared to NV
any ubisoft open world game same shit
this stupid mindset of "more equals better" lets make a big ass map with NOTHING to do

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It's like these people forget that mobage makes its money from whales, not from the majority of people actually enjoying the gacha shit.
Xenoblade would not have been so bad if they didn't make the rates so fucking low once you had most of the blades already.

Botw may not have been amazing but it would have been perfectly decent without the weapon damage, but with it the game is unplayable

>weapon damage, but with it the game is unplayable

Weapons breaking was intended to force the player to have to improvise and use other weapons.

Which is was a symptom of an actual problem, that of devs trying to force players to adhere to their intended experience instead of letting them choose to do so.

Aim in cs amounts to tracing a shape on your screen. Nobody struggles with it past nova. Its just pointless and stupid after a certain point and encouraging slow movement kinda kills the pacing.

To this day the only game that did fast travel right was Morrowind.
It had different services with it's own route each that you have to learn to use effectively instead of just one guy with a carriage outside each town like in Skyrim.
It even made the fixed level zones feel more realistic, the more dangerous areas were usually further away from fast travel services than the easier ones.

Yeah, and it's explicitly a separate fictional raid taking place before the historical one.

Its called point shooting and its totally a thing you just need to train
Siege is the perfect example of were it could be used or the kinda memey CAR since its so CQB based

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It's a question of degree rather than a hard issue. Weapon vulnerability would be essential to some degree in BotW in order to incentivise collecting more weapons, using the ones you have tactically, and switching up playstyles. They just went too far in order to compensate for two major factors. The first is a lack of weapon shops and smiths/crafters in the game, which could've been used to repair damaged items and make certain items more available without having tons of drops everywhere. Less drops everywhere means less spam, so less need for items to break all the time to compensate. The other issue is the poor design of the inventory, which aims for simplicity over any other virtue. Link has no ability to store items anywhere besides some very expensive and inaccessible slots in the Hateno house, so Koroks are used to just artificially inflate carrying capacity rather than a more obvious use of having the Koroks themselves act like PCs in Pokemon.

It's telling that in my first BotW playthrough I never encountered Hestu, so I made use of my limited 6 weapon slots, 5 bow slots, 4 shield slots the entire run. I was generally frustrated by how often I would have to leave good weapons behind when I already had a full set of better ones, knowing full well that one of them, even a fresh one, would break in 2s any and I wouldn't be able to backtrack and refind the other one. Yet it still added some satisfying thought and challenge towards rationing weaponry. Once I found Hestu early on in my second run as the game attempts to spoonfeed you towards, I levelled up my storage slots rapidly and was just amazed at how easy the game is. Once you're drowning in high end items, the disposability and the slot inflation cancel out to make the whole thing mechanically pointless and redundant.

All of this is just two examples of where BotW has shallow and poorly thought-out design. The game uses physics and aesthetics to paper over faulty balance.

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>devs trying to force players to adhere to their intended experience instead of letting them choose to do so.
Very much this, and I'm ashamed that this is the first time I've seen someone else on v echo this observation. I see plenty of people shitting on Breath and its dev team for muh open world meme stuff - true enough on many levels - but they miss the woods for the trees, which is that the game tries to funnel you in constantly and doesn't offer much in the way of satisfying rewards for, or really any anticipation of, the player going their own way.

It's alarmingly uncanny to head for dangerous areas of the game world and conquer them easily, head back to earlier regions and have random no-name NPCs talk down to you. Shows a total lack of perception on Nintendo's part.

God fucking damn it.

>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

I fucking hate mountains too.

forums ruin communities that in turn ruin games

you mean third person + ads, that instant jerk from floating above the should into the sights of guns gives me brain hemorrhoids.

oh, fucking deus ex with its perspective shifting every 5 seconds
hated that shit

and wildlands ghost recon :(

3D spotting on Battlefield.

>full autos your fucking ass to the grave with a decked out m4a1
>not HK417
BULLSHIT still love mine tho