>a level 1 grey weapon does more damage than a level 45 masterwork (orange) weapon
>damage numbers are fake and do not reflect actual damage
gfycat com/complexajararabianoryx
>a level 1 grey weapon does more damage than a level 45 masterwork (orange) weapon
>damage numbers are fake and do not reflect actual damage
gfycat com/complexajararabianoryx
Other urls found in this thread:
How long before EA gives Bioware a scenic helicopter ride over the open ocean?
Can we really blame EA for this level of sheer incompetence? This clearly looks to be Bioware devs fault.
This is exactly how world of warcrafts pvp was at the start of BFA
I'm not sure if it's still the case because i stopped playing but it was identical to that.
To stop 120's from ass raping 110's. It was saying they were doing 5k but the player only took 2k-3k
Oh Oh
Ding Dong Bannu
worst part is some of these dev's will infect the other studios ea has
It's not broken. This is exactly how they want it to work. Look at World of Warcraft's level scaling.
>memories of dropping down 50ft from flying mount to kill fresh lvl 60s in TBC in 2-3 hits
what happened to blizzard?
I never said it was broken i'm just saying this is the visual direction of video games now.
I wouldn't be surprise is Anthem has this also becuase the game itself is casual as fuck
>EA games get even shittier
whats the problem
level 59's were unkillable with tiny hots on them aswell
Saw lowbies ganking fully geared 110's for a week
The funniest part is this is supposed to be Bioware's A team, they blamed ME:A being so shit on it being made by their C team in Montreal, but this just proves all of Bioware is incompetent.
If bioware simply bans anyone caught using a level 1 gun in endgame the problem will just fix itself.
whats the point of gearing up then?
casualised gaming is a cancer
That's their shitty scaling and it's not the same thing that OP posted
>I never said it was broken
but its your title tho
Regardless, the point is to basically fake there being actual RPG elements in the game. People get an endorphin rush when they see bigger numbers, and get 'better' gear, but from a marketing perspective, EA does not want you tearing through content like it's nothing. They need you invested so you can buy microtransactions.
>on top of everything else that's happened to this game, Anthem's loot treadmill turns out to be completely pointless as well
This level of incompetency is hilarious
I bet they did the scaling based on weapon and/or player level instead of just player level.
>even the mainstream ultra-casual shitter niggerfaggots are finally understanding that bioware is one of the most incompetent devs in the industry
the numbers aren't fake. I know exactly how they were cooked up. EA/Bioware's board figured out that 'bigger numbers' is a positive feedback loop for players. That's the only reason they are in there, because players like seeing bigger numbers. That's what progress has become to this industry and I blame consumers for being this fucking stupid.
b-b-but flying is fun!
this game has such potential!
BioWare actually thought they could just make statistics aesthetic in a loot based game. It’s baffling. Was it hubris or sheer incompetence? It’s hard to tell, but it sure is humourous.
What a shitshow.
considering the work they put into the graphics and lore, does bioware have gameplay on the bottom of their list of priorities when making a game? if so, then why did they try making a destiny clone?
It's like I said a few posts above. People enjoy the thought of RPG progression- bars going up, numbers going up, but from a monetization perspective, it's detrimental to keeping the user involved. You need to make them always feel like they can be stronger, which leads to them paying real money to upgrade themselves.
>does bioware have gameplay on the bottom of their list of priorities when making a game?
I feel like it's been on the lower end since their inception. At least, depending on what you consider 'gameplay.' I didn't exactly enjoy Baldur's Gate's combat, but a lot of other things kept me interested., and throughout the years people always praised Bioware for their writing more than anything, so they genuinely might've put gameplay on a backburner.
They're still working on that in game character sheet lol.
>try to monkeywrench an "RPG" looter-shooter stat progression system onto a simple FPS framework
>fuck it up totally
>someone notices
>makes an efficient route to farm chests to get good drops faster
>you hear the sounds of ding dongu in the background
>another user discovers the numbers don't matter and everything is made up
>hear the jingle bells in the background again
I fucking called this shit weeks ago, when I was playing and saw that anytime I got a new and improved gun, I didn't fucking do any more damage than before. There isn't any level scaling at all, there's just a filter/multiplier on guns for bigger numbers they show you to falsify feedback and satisfy addiction/progression that has been trained in people, because "Bigger is better"
WELCOME TO AAA GAMING FOLKS, WE'VE FUCKING TOLD YOU FAGGOTS THAT THEY WERE TRAINING YOU FUCKERS NONSTOP, DAY-1 WITH ALL THIS SHIT, Looks like they just forgot to hide this bit of psychological training a bit more than all the other!
i know you all kind of know it but haven't internalised it enough. there's no such thing as a studio, a company or a developer or whatever. There are only people who sometimes work together.
Look at the fuckin lead producer's CV
>Commerce Degree
>SEO for fashion retail website
>Created a shopping dockets website
this is the person who at the end of the day hires and fired devs, greenlights mechanics and structure of the game, the lifecycle etc.
Did you play Jade Empire? Great everything else but they made a martial arts game play like ass.
also this guy was the lead producer and director of TOR who came up with the strategy for making releasing and growing the game
I guess I'm just confused as to why they would try to make an action shooter when they clearly would be better suited making a more traditional rpg game like dragon age or planescape torment
I liked the final fight with Master Li when you encountered SOMEONE who was able to use Focus Mode just like the spirit monk, and nullify a pretty cheesy speed advantage the player held throughout the entire game.
They told you to stay in your containment subreddit.
So wait, every gun in the game does similar damage and the only thing that changes is the damage numbers that appear on screen, but not the actual damage done?
I’d love for this to result in more ding dong bannus. My keks would not stop for weeks.
Does EA have any other studio around who could theoretically make a Destiny clone?
The numbers on screen are aesthetic only. They’re not actually representative of the damage you’re doing to a target at all.
Visceral, but they disbanded them because EA are idiots.
>Bioware will finally die
Fucking finally holy shit
Any other games that do this?
So what actually determines damage?
im fuckin crying laughing from this. the voice is so good
so this is why Anthem doesnt have a stat page or even testing dummies
Slap your girlfriends ass and start saying random numbers while doing it. You’ll have more fun.
ahaha what the f#ck
I don't understand the details, but apparently enemies' hp scales with your weapons. And your weapons also scale up with you. So the overall effect is that your level 1 weapon is doing the damage of a higher level weapon but the enemies are scaled to your level 1 weapon.
meant to reply to
how does that even work from a coding perspective?
what if a low lvl player and a high lvl player shoot at the same mob at the same time?
Nothing. It’s standardised across all weapons and is likely scaled individually to the enemies you’re attacking. Loot means nothing, which is impressive for a looter / shooter.
>loots mean nothing in looter/shooter
Bioware outdone themselves once again.
damage dilation means from each observer's reference frame the health bar is decreasing at the same velocity
The stats are purely aesthetic to provide a positive feedback loop in the players mind.
>big number good
>small number bad
That’s it.
I doubt there are two scaling systems, it's probably just a single scale that compares the weapon's level to a mob's level and adjusts the damage with a multiplier while keeping the aesthetic numbers the same.
They barely meant anything before this revelation anyway.
Who makes a loot based game where all the loot looks the same and functions the same just with "bigger numbers" and you don't have any visual progression on your character.
World of Warcraft literally does this now. I'm surprised there's not more of an uproar over it. Then again, BFA has so many problems, and so few people subbed, I doubt many overtly care.
EA creates an atmosphere where failure can flourish.
I would imagine it's taken as a portion of health, ie a new gun would scale an enemy to 100hp and do 10 damage, 10%, where an old gun would scale to 10hp and do 2 damage, or 20%
I'm just guessing but that's the only way I see it
>enemy heath scales with your gear and all the damage values shown are fake
wow how did this make it past an alpha, the gear is literally meaningless.
Nu-WoW does it. In PvP and open world PvE too.
>lukewarm sales
>bricks PS4
>crashes PC
>now this
I'm surprised Bioware is STILL alive after all this. EA has gutted Studios for much less.
My guess:
>Weapon A is meant to kill enemies in 4 hits
>Weapon B is meant to kill enemies in 8 hits
>Weapon A says it has 200 dmg (fake)
>Weapon B says it has 1000 dmg (fake)
>Weapon A shoots enemy, shows he took 25% of his HP as 200 dmg (800hp total)
>Weapon B shoots enemy, shows he took 12.5% of his HP as 1000 dmg (8000 hp total)
>Weapon A user sees his weapon dealing 200 dmg and sees weapon B dealing 100 dmg
>Weapon B user sees his weapon dealing 1000 dmg and sees weapon A dealing 2000 dmg
>Purchase malware
>It's fucking shit
It bricks Xbox now too after patch
Wait what?
Anyone here getting ET vibes from this game?
For a time, there was a slight bug that let more gear drop, it got patched quickly but in that time a streamer farmed it pretty hard, nothing insane, just your typical "I found a good route to farm" and he did it for a few hours.
The next day he was banned.
>gets banned for farming chests
>5 days latter we find out gear doesn't even matter and all the end game loot is worse than the starting gear
Why would they ban over that though?
From what I understand this happens in quite a few MMOs and the usual response is to patch the exploit and revoke some amount of the loot given, maybe a warning... but outright banning?
Now this is funny.
>EA bans everyone with starting gear
holy shit anthem is truly finished this time. The devs will definitely not fix this issue and it will be their downfall. RIP anthem.
Actually he got banned for showing a bug on stream which is fucking retarded
This is probably so a new player could on his first hour of play kill a bunch of people and then get hooked on the game. They want to avoid a situation where a new player gets griefed and refunds the game.
because bioware
anyway they now reverted his perm ban to 2 weeks ban
but he has said hes not sure he'd ever want to play the game again
keep in mind he was showing the game in a positive manner to ~20k viewers in a time where everyone else was bashing the shit out of it
theres no pvp in this game lmao
there isnt even trading
and no you cant even TALK to other players unless you want to use a mic
> This is probably so a new player could on his first hour of play kill a bunch of people and then get hooked on the game. They want to avoid a situation where a new player gets griefed and refunds the game.
> in a game without pvp
Yeah, probably.
Can somebody explain me (as a player of course) what the point of this game is? Where am I supposed to have fun? Why do people buy it? Because shooting at static mobs with less IQ than NPCs from 2005 and running around the empty hub with goblinas doesn't seem like fun to me. Not even accounting all the bugs.
thats literally every single player game ever
But Anthem is supposed to be multiplayer....
you can roleplay as ironman i guess
>how does that even work from a coding perspective
I'd wager the displayed damage is damage before scaling. Then they just multiply the damage. Their scaling multiplier was done without taking into account other equipment.
I think in this case the level 1 gun may be multiplied by 7 or 8. But the level 45 gun is less than 7x more powerful than the level 1 gun.
it's for people who really enjoy collecting stamps
wtf i hate singleplayer games now
How the fuck does this even happen without clear malicious intent?
>when I was playing
you perpetuate the problem you claim to hate
If the Game designer is bad at maths
this is the big "concept" but fuckin no you can't because the flight speed is 50km/h and every time you do (something?) it does this disgusting kind of in-place pop that is meant to evoke a burst of speed but is so unsatisfying it actually causes discomfort
What's the cheapest way to try this shitfest without spending more than $20?
you are a fucking idiot thats for sure.
>>damage numbers are fake and do not reflect actual damage
Is it the MonHun situation where damage is bloated depending on the weapon?
Why not just buy license from Marvel and do a legit Iron Man game that Marvelfags will 100%ly eat up instead of making a franchise nobody knows about?
Wrap yourself in tinfoil and jump off the roof of your house. Roughly the same experience
That EA origin access let's you play the full game and costs $15.
why would you want to
i dont understand why you people want to play all these shitty games
MH doesn't have bloated dmg, but rather bloated attack ratings.
people play it for the rich story
It seems they wanted it so that low level players could play with high level players or something. But that essentially means that either enemy HP is dynamic and depends on whom the NPC is fighting, or weapon damage is dynamic depending on the enemy level. Or something else that I’m not thinking of. Either way it’s a clusterfuck from a developers point of view, and BioWares developers aren’t precisely the smartest so the odds were stacked against them to begin with. The problem was too difficult for them and now they’ll have to patch it up somehow, probably doing a poor job because apparently it seems BioWare doesn’t yet understand that the most important factor in software development is the quality of your developers
>The idea guy isn't good at simple algebra
No, basically the enemies scale based on what you're wielding so it'll take the same amount of time to kill an enemy with a beginner weapon or a higher-level weapon
World has bloated dmg numbers though, doesn't it? In any case, disrgarding that, is it the same case here or just bad math?
>scaling systems are supposed to allow low level players to play with high level players to be effective against high level enemies
what kind of dumbshit is this
Noy trying to defend them but, can't really blame them. They are in a environment that is toxic where they constantly wonder if this whole anthem debacle will result job lossess.
No one can produce A grade quality when your job you may lose tomorrow based on a executive decision to cut losses.
>the game doesn't affect the bottom line in a good way kiss your job goodbye
Both EA and Activison have this problem. If you work for these giants then this something you think of constantly which utlimatly lowers job output and quality and makes the work environment tense.
>Rich story
That's a good one.
Bioware is the gift that keeps on giving. Every single game they have released since ME3 has been shit.
It’s a pretty difficult problem actually. Don’t be that guy. Yes their devs are fucking shit. But still. Dynamic monster HP is a hairy problem to solve, because you want the experience to be fluid and it has a lot more nuances and tricks than you think
>o, basically the enemies scale based on what you're wielding
Does the loot scale with the gear level too? I mean, sure it's fucky, but if they end up dropping low level shit because you're using a low level weapon then there's really no problem since you're still gated to low-level shit... right?
What story? They don't even let you play through the interesting stuff that happens in their "lore", instead you are forced to watch cinematic and go back to killing static NPCs
It's also why anyone with talent leaves shortly after when EA acquires the studio.
Anthem is a game where the 'ideas guy' of the team did the coding and the 'code guy' came up with the ideas.
The thing with WoW is that only the outside world scale I think, and no one has cared about non-instanced content since BC. Then again I quit a long time ago so I'm not sure, it's just from what I read.
>cheating impacts all players damaging ingame progression balancing
>progression balancing
>High level player plays with friends
>Already has all the loot so doesn't care about it
>Switches to level 1 weapon so he can carry everyone
>All the rest still get good drops because they have their best shit on
>Post ME2 Bioware can't make games
Wow. This SHOCKS me.
>Can't play anymore since as soon as they detect starting weapons they ban you
>Player count remains zero
>playing ANY game for the story
RPGs were a mistake.
It's funny. People say casuals ruined WoW, but the ONLY people Blizzard caters to nowadays are poopsockers. There are a million complaints about the current state of the game, but top tier raiders are all saying Battle for Dazar'alor is pretty good.
You mean since Dragon Age 2
From a coding perspective, it's why there's a loadscreen between equipping your gear, selecting a mission, and actually loading into the mission. It's so that the server can calculate how much damage your will be dealing and what % of the enemy health bar it will be for every enemy you will encounter before the mission starts.
You mean since NWN
I will do this. thank you
You mean since Shattered Steel
but in the gif the guy switches between the 2 weapons
so i dont think its that
it must be tied to the weapon
>Switches to level 1 weapon so he can carry everyone
Wasn't it established that the killtime is the same whether you're using high-level or low-level? You can carry without changing.
>All the rest still get good drops because they have their best shit on
Well that's why I was asking whether the loot you get is scaled to your weapon or level in some way.
No, PC release lets people test all kind of things in MHW. The damage numbers that pop up when you hit a monster match the amount of hp it loses.
Thanks for clearing that up.
>levelling up and getting better gear actually makes you weaker
rly maeks you think
>This clearly looks to be Bioware devs fault.
yeah bioware already confirmed that this is a bug on reddit.
I put ME3 because it's the last game that can be slightly defended(DA2 wasn't defendable, ME3 was in some weird ways). After that it's 100% shit. Honestly if you as me it stops after ME1 and DA:O, don't remember which came last.
Actually top players are mad that Mythic difficulty, which is made just to cater the top 0,01% is a joke except one last boss.
When you get 8/9 in highest difficulty this just means raid is shit.
So between this and fallout 76 , which launch was worse?
No the reason there's a loading screen is because Bioware can't code for shit. WoW does the same kind of scaling and it's done without loading screens.
Not really. The game is mostly designed for retards, but their environment design folks have always been great, so we get good raids and pretty zones, but garbage class design. Doesn't really mean the game is designed for hardcore players.
they would say that, but if you thought about whats going on for a second you realize there is no way this is just a bug but the way they developed the game and they are now found out so have to attempt to change it, guarentee its going to be made much worse
76 easily.
In the end blizzard ruined WoW and no one else. They listened to the casuals and made world content and dungeons completely braindead. Then they went ahead and listened to the poopsockers and made the hardest raids literally stupid on mythic, which the poopsockers still beat in one week while every else just ignores.
Meanwhile, the normal players quit because the game is aimed at collecting pets or quitting your job to raid.
Didn't people learn anything from Oblivion and it's glass-armor wearing bandits?
>he wants to have fun with his games
lmao look at this fucking faggot
Maybe enemy max health scales to your weapon?
That's still a fucking retarded blunder, but a little more believable than "the first weapon is actually the strongest and the numbers being shown are literally just random shit".
As if it isn't something retarded like
Damage = Weapon power * SQRT(enemy level/gun level)
what you described would be the exact same thing and just as retarded
>Maybe enemy max health scales to your weapon?
The issue happens in multiplayer so it's the damage that's scaling, not the actual HP values.
76 didn't brick consoles
76 didn't have any huge bugs that undermine everything you do(a loot shooter where getting loot is pointless)
76 didn't have over 5 minute loading screens even on a fucking ssd
76 didn't lack end game activity
76 didn't have bugs that crashed your fucking console
Just as a reminder...
Just add more difficulty levels that turn enemies into bullet sponges like borderlands does at this point.
Let them drop same shit but "better" and you get your looter shooter
ok but whats the point yorue trying to make?
>the way they developed the game and they are now found out so have to attempt to change it
I'm thinking this as well. I don't even think its possible to accidentally do what Bioware has done with scaling. This is definitely intentional.
76 leaked people's banking info
76 killed a beloved franchise
76 raped my dog
That's Fallout 76.
Hey, it's fucking fun, and the setting is interesting, though it fucking sucks they don't do ANYTHING good with their fucking setting. They have something that's potentially "God level in ability to create shit from nothing." and they don't do SHIT with it. Titanfall 2 had a way more interesting story with just TIME shenanigans.
But this is just a way to kill their fucking endgame, because why fucking do anything?
>scaling systems are supposed to allow low level players to play with high level players to be effective against high level enemies
I'm trying to figure out how to complain about this properly.
Why the hell is there even a loot grind if this is the case? It's like the entire "gear treadmill" is a sham. Anthem has difficulty levels and IIRC the missions show you some kind of gear score recommendation to complete them. Why the hell does any of that matter if the game will just blast your power level up so you can play with your buddies in the high levels regardless?
Oh, I know, I'm just trying to think of how it happened theoretically. It's fucking retarded no matter what.
Oh. Well I guess they literally are just that retarded and ACTUALLY made fake numbers to make it look weaker. Nevermind.
> gun damage scales based on player level
> starting gun multiplies ludicrously high
> this was not intended behaviour
Sounds plausible to me, maybe nobody bothered checking how scaling affected trash weapons because they figured nobody would bother using them if they had a choice.
Like how the pistol in Halo was godlike - nobody bothered to balance test it because they assumed players would swap it out first chance they got.
>The last thing I want in the game is to see a general chat client with people telling stupid jokes, mangling the English language with atrocious spellings or just lazy typing like "u" instead of "you", etc, or treating "lol" as punctuation instead of ending a sentence with a period like they're supposed to
Man's got a point there
It was asking for it
76 poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses
>76 didn't lack end game activity
>76 didn't have bugs that crashed your fucking console
But it had these 2.
Fucking bioware fags like you are pathetic. Worse than even /r9k/
Wait, MMOs do damage scaling now? How the fuck does that work? Doesn't that ruin the whole point of the RPG formula (level up to get stronger)?
I imagine it‘s something like this, which just makes me question if anyone at bioware even passed 5th grade math.
This has always been my issue with shit autoscaling to your level. If everything changes at the same rare, you just end up right where you started all the time.
Although this right here is probably the most inept way of doing it ever. Other games at least give you new enemies to fight even if it‘s just a palette swap. It at least keeps the illusion alive that this is a new challenge that you have to grind your way through.
The pistol was always intended to hit hard. Don't you throw in Halo with your shit game and stop defending incompetent devs.
Ok but why are the numbers displaying completely disconnected from the actual damage being dealt? This isn't just "oh it's scaling too hard", this is "the game is lying about how much damage you are doing".
Having your job on the line over failure is an everyday thing for all of the working class, they could have made a good game and avoid getting fired.
NO sorry faggot. The game crashed but it didn't crash you console. There is end game with plenty of high level bosses, crafting, and nukes for pvp.
Fuck the guy for playing games on a video game board, right?
EA is to blame for uninspired gameplay targets, brain drain and anti consumer practises, but everything else is on Bioware.
I had this suspicion in Destiny 2 as well. It was fucking weird to me that I could spend multiple hours getting to the end of the game, and take that gear back to low level areas and it still seemed to take the same amount of shots to kill something. I never actually tested it because I stopped playing alltogether, but it still really fucking bothered me.
Numbers are probably disconnected from the actual damage player is doing. They just fucked it up again, no big conspiracy here.
Add to the fact that there is no PvP, meaning no balancing between PvP and PvE , in addition to being able to create more interesting PvE encounters and weapons. But no, they fucked it.
...how do you even know this? did you actually play longer than 10 minutes? lmao
Yeah, they do. The RPG formula now is "level up to look fancier and have higher practically unappliable numbers in charsheet".
I really wish EA didn't have Apex. If they didn't have apex they would be fucking dead I believe.
Bitch please, they've got some good characters in the game. They're mostly stereotypes, but they have them nailed down flat. The customization is something other games should look at. The main story is shit, but the best quest/story in the game involves Matthias and him coming to terms with himself is fucking great.
That is absolutely hilarious.. This basically means that your character is not moving forward damage wise the entire game?
Holding a level 1 defender and a level 32 defender the level 1 one chunks it so hard that it dies in about ten rounds.
The level 32 one will take about twenty even in the event that both are always on weak points.
The bug seems to be based on a mix of the level 1 defenders 16 damage being multiplied far better than the level 32s 150+ish damage and then the level 1 defender not being affected by any damage resistance.
More than likely it's some numbers not being double checked before being considered ok for some god forsaken reason.
Except in Assassin's Creed apparently, the one game that isn't supposed to be an RPG but they decided it would be anyway.
When I see the kind of changes Todd made to Elder Scrolls it makes me think modern devs simply despise RPGs. They do whatever they can to think you're playing an RPG when you really aren't, because good progression is hard and they'd much rather have you do the same thing over and over. This scaling shit is devs trying to have their cake and eat it too. Give you bigger numbers but don't commit to them meaning anything.
>They just fucked it up
Bullfucking shit, that's not something you just accidentally fuck up. If the enemy has 1000 health and you do 112 damage that's 11.2% of its HP per shot. For it to NOT work that way you have to intentionally program it to not do that.
Any fucking moron that has watched any gameplay would know. If it crashed it brought you back to main menu. And even before release in the beta people knew about end game.
I never played it I'm just not a fucking moron talking out of my ass.
That has nothing to do with numbers not representing damage done, though.
>they fucked up disguising it.
I think that's what was intended.
>make a game that is literally a nonsense cashgrab copy of destiny to try and dip into activision/bungie's enormous microtransaction userbase
>fill the game with a whole lot of wow its fucking nothing and rush it out the door to save money
>users figure out pretty early on that wow its fucking nothing
>bioware sweats and says "h-haha yeah guys dont worry thats not intended we'll fix that"
Dont think for a second that this wasn't EAware purposefully trying to pull one over on consumers again for the ten millionth time.
It's still the same. You could go back and do the very first mission in the game with the best pve loadout and still see hardly any difference.
Even if EA didn't have Apex, fucking sportsniggers keep buying their yearly sports shit that keeps EA's ass afloat.
On the contrary if it's a multiplier the player could be getting weaker and weaker as the gear progresses and the multiplier for the level 1 gun gets higher.
True, its what they put out that counts.
But you cant say EA is a saint in all of this.
>watched other people do things
>suddenly an expert on those things
Instead of scaling enemies to you, we scale weapon to you
wtf were they thinking?
do they still start with that?
You know what, you're right. I always thought that was the story, but it was actually changed at the 11th hour by a dev.
He regrets it tho
At a total guess I'd say it was because the numbers are the damage is meant to be before scaling - and the point of obfuscating it was to even out the damage a group can deal, instead of everyone plinking away except for 1 guy just blowing shit away. Along with it being more subtle ofc - if the scaling was more restrained I think it would've been much longer before anyone even had a suspicion.
Otherwise, what possible motivation would Bioware have for just hiding the amount of damage dealt?
just how fucking young are you, nigga?
EA's well known for colossal fuck ups
You know its pretty bad when the streamers/youtubers that EA catered to are telling you to take a wait and see approach instead of buying it day 1.
Are you just retarded or being intentionally obtuse? The game lets you equip two weapons at once from what I've seen. So you pull out gun 1, you do 700 damage and the enemy loses 1/3 of its HP. That means the enemy has roughly 2100 HP. You pull out your level 1 gun and shoot it again. It takes 200 damage and loses another 1/3 its HP.
The game is lying.
Haha are you assuming these pussies could even make it a week in a blue collar job?
Maybe Anthem has shitty scaling but it's shitty-er because it's hidden?
But the whole point of a loot and shoot is to become the one guy just blowing shit away, find other guys that blow shit away, and then blow up the biggest shit you can. If the loot doesn't actually do anything then it's just a shoot, and a really shitty one at that.
If that was the case the combo system would be useless. Its that the guns are fucked up, they just have scaling health and resistance and level 1 guns bypass it or some shit.
this is the kind of shit that happens when gameplay is on the bottom of your priorities
>But the whole point of a loot and shoot is to become the one guy just blowing shit away, find other guys that blow shit away, and then blow up the biggest shit you can.
Sorry, but that would mess up balance. People don't care about being stronger, they just want bigger numbers, right? As long as the numbers go up nothing else matters.
So what's the point of the game, milk stupid cows of their cash?
Anything since Origin opened, around the time Crysis 2 released
i think they it's just bad level scaling, not that the weapons themselves do more damage
No he doesn't. It's just a feels argument that somehow you have to type perfect english with capitalized starting letter, full words, no slang and ending with a punctuation to allow a chat to exist. Who genuinely gets upset by a game chat meant for quick communication when no voip is active if someone types "how r u?"?
Ye, nothing more than a skinner box for fleecing the gullible goyim
the screenshots are taken from the same gif and just the player switching between the 2 weapons
exact same enemy
I feel like they focused much more on the abilities than the guns in this anyway, and given how many roadblocks there are between getting gear and even testing it out - I'm confident saying Anthem isn't a very good shooter.
The dodgy weapon scaling really isn't the smoking gun everyone seems to be making it out to be.
From what I've been reading the abilities have the exact same damage scaling.
I don't think there is a single person on Earth that got hyped or enjoyed Anthem in any way.
Destiny power = removing enemy defences
More power is not equal to more damage, so you will be doing the same damage to 50 power enemies as 500 if you are 550 and above for example
Now that's interesting. I've only seen people melting down over the guns.
Same deal? Starting abilities do as much/more damage than end-game ones?
yes, but i think the game has trouble detecting player level so it instead detects gear level, so higher level gear makes the enemies harder to kill because it thinks you're high level while it goes easy on people with low level gear because it thinks you just started the game
but that's just my own speculation
>Using level 1 gear in endgame raids
You better berieve that's a bannu.
Because EA doesn't believe in singleplayer experiences any longer, every game must be multiplayer and built to suck out as much gold from people's wallets as possible
I can't confirm since I don't play the game, I was just scrolling through the R*ddit thread to see what they think about it and saw this comment.
>My lv1 lighting strike/frost shard combo does more damagr than my MW ice storm/fireball. My lv1 lighting alone almost kills or sometimes one shits shielded elites.
>its not just guns
>Why the hell is there even a loot grind if this is the case?
Because all AAA game companies hire "Monetization Experts" who specifically suggest the inclusion of Gambling tactics as a means of hooking players with superficial shit and non-content stretched over a long length of time. Lay that garbage foundation and then you start trickling in the microtransactions.
If a game has a level up and grindy loot system where 99% of the shit you pick up is completely useless and you STILL keep looking for that 0.1% drop rate gear when you're already at max level with super duper legendary gear with which you've already completed every mission/quest/raid several times over, you're playing a shitty gambling game, and you're only playing it because of the fucking gambling aspect.
>tfw level 1 shit is better shit
What's the fucking point then? Fucking gachashit has better progression.
Yes, the main campaign is not the most original and its villain is forgettable, but I was delighted with the worldbuilding and characters. The world of Anthem has so much potential for awesome. It has stories for ages. Just think about Kassian and imagine a DLC about sailor-lancers, fighting monstrous krakens from aboard the colossal battleships. Or stop to look at the four urgoth tombstones on a hill near the Fortress of Dawn… who buried those urgoth there and why? And then there are just nice moments of life in Fort Tarsis, like children playing near the fountain or the bitter drunk from the bar selling her pastries again after you talk her into partnering up with an ingenious grain farmer. All in all, the world is rich, intriguing and epic. We only just got a glimpse of it, and I can’t wait to see more.
Eh I disagree, monster hunter works this way and it's a fun game series. Anthem just has shitty implementation due to aforementioned marketing experts.
You need to meet more people. We, Reddit and Resetera, Neogaf, and people who read gaming "journalism" included, are in the massive minority. I mean fucking 1% of gamers.
The majority out there just consume. They are attached to brands, names, and whatever the fuck is thrown at their faces through ads and social media. You ask them who/what the fuck Reggie, Kotaku, or Kojima are and they wouldn't have a fucking clue who you're talking about - there's a good fucking chance they might think you're talking about a Pokemon.
Believe me, tonnes of people got hype for Anthem. They're STILL fucking excited for what is coming for it. In fact, they're playing it right now and think it's the absolute best shit they've played all year.
I'm not saying we're paragons of humanity; but I am saying everyone else is oblivious to just about everything we discuss here. One of my friends exclusively gets all his news from Kotaku and I just cannot find a good reason to shame him because he's simply more fucking engaged than the majority of gamers I've met in my entire life. If you wonder why this shit keeps happening with seeming no repercussions or change it's because the majority of idiots out there gaming just like pretty images and big explosions.
Yeah buying literal dogshit that's exactly what is wrong with the gamimy industry is a problem you dumb nigger. It's just like when faggots are like "oh it doesn't matter its just cosmetics" then the game is stripped of all unlocks.
Wow such great characters and customizations. Too bad it has terrible writing and with that characters, and it's customization is on par with with like rainbow six Vegas 2.
There are no raids in this shit game.
imagine being a fan of bioware and sticking with the game through the mess it was already in, grinding for hundreds of hours at this point, ekeing out loot grinding the exact same dungeon over and over, trying to get weapons with slightly better stats so you can increase your DPS..............only to find out none of it actually matters
Monster Hunter has the benefit of the aspect of obtaining new gear not being the center piece.
You aren't getting a handful of new weapons after every hunt, but instead you getting parts that can be used in multiple ways to improve yourself so even if you don't get that 2% drop you really want, it's not a worthless endeavor.
That and the act of slapping monsters around is actually satisfying. To those that enjoy it at least.
Normally yes, but if you know that your boss is a fuck up who can't do anything right though, that's another thing entirely.
B&R. I know lots of people who buy the new call of duty games every time without even knowing whats supposed to be different about each new game.
>imagine being a fan of bioware
Full stop. If you cared about bioware after DA2 you fucking played yourself.
> He reads Kotaku.
I don't believe you. Because IIRC even Kotaku bashed this game to bits. If he reads that site, even HE would know to stay away.
I've never played anthem and I'm not reading the thread but can someone tell me what the thing on the left is? I want to make rut rut with it.
Anthem's theme song should be this
space insect race but they also use mechs.
>Who makes a loot based game where all the loot looks the same and functions the same just with "bigger numbers" and you don't have any visual progression on your character.
I haven't played the game, but maybe it's just in public areas? Or is that not a thing? (I'm using Marvel Heroes as a frame of reference. In the public patrol areas, which were gated per levels, players damage was scaled so the bosses could be beaten. The terminals, like a private dungeon and boss fight, were not scaled. If I'm remembering right?)
if your big gun ain't smash low level gooks like it's nothing
than what is the fucking point?
They've been a dead a long time.
What a beautiful trainwreck BioWare has blessed us with, from start to finish.
People are talking about grinding the highest tier raids with level 1 stuff so seems to work everywhere.
So basically they did double the work that cancel out each other
That's an ADVANCE retardation
They use this scaling system to make enemies feel weak at the start and stronger at max level. ofc doing it like this falls apart quick
That is exactly how I feel. I'm constantly getting free joy from EA and bioware.
Well, that's pretty fucked up.
By downloading Warframe instead
Time for some ding dong bannus.
>Watch video of damage comparison
>Headshots don't even seem to change the amount of damage dealt, just the numbers
Jesus christ.
There are still idiots defending this game on /vg/. I'm fucking dumbfounded, I don't understand how one can be so brainwashed.
It's fascinating.
I only really expected it to be a bland game in the end, but it just keep tumbling down somehow.
Like it's gotten to the point where there looks like so many things wrong that I kinda want to pick up the game for real cheap and see it for myself. It's so bad that I need to experience it in person.
>IT'S FUN WITH FRIENDS!!! YOU JUST DON'T GET IT?!?!?!?!?!??!?! I CAN FLY LIKE IRON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idiots play mainstream games. Also that weirdo atomic throne creator does that shit. He talked about making countdowns slowdown when they get near zero. I hate such stupid ideas to make games "more fun". Fucking assholes everywhere in gamedev. I make my games the right way. No fucking shitassery.
This is literally the case with the best games ever made.
Wait until the next financial year, I’d say
People can't accept that the things they like can have flaws, or that those flaws can be indicative of quality.
It started with the concept of "guilty pleasures". Guess what? It's okay to like something that's bad. Lots of people don't get that though, and will deflect any criticism for the product because they think it's a criticism of their taste rather than the game itself.
People who like a game should be able to point out its flaws, because they want to see the game improve. The people who cry "it's not bad!" are insecure and need their decisions and feeling validated.
>I like this thing
>But it's bad
>Why do I like bad thing? It must not really be bad.
Last I saw, Iron Man could fly fast.
I don't think we could ask for a bigger trainwreck than Diablo (Blizzard overall), Fallout 76, and Anthem eating shit sequentially.
Fallout 76 though. Christ. The goddamn bag fiasco was a trainwreck all in itself. Every opportunity they had to fuck up in regards to that bag they did. It's straight up impossible to imagine they could fuck up any harder there; literally nothing went right and none of that shit happened by accident. Some sequence of human beings independent of each other all fucked up in the most spectacular manner possible. The only way things could get worse there is if the bag somehow was made of a material that gave you cancer or suffocated a dog.
Sometimes people want to subject themselves to terrible experiences because they are fascinated by the idea of it. "This is bad, and I believe it, but how bad could it really be?"
people with 1080TIs are struggling to keep this game in 30fps, the optimization is terrible
it also has issues with memory leaks so your CPU will whirr at 100% load after a while
if you go any faster your computer might just explode
And his jets don't overheat every ten seconds.
thats fresh coming from that kalemale with the action figures in the background
this game somehow makes borderlands look like a well polished game
let that sink in
But EA didn't make this game, Bioware did. And it looks REALLY fucking bad on Bioware's part when EA and Respawn launched Apex Legends, which isn't a pile of garbage with fake damage numbers and costs $60 less than what Bioware put out.
honestly I still believe in the game's future
yes it's an absolute clusterfuck at the moment but give them some time to fix the easily fixable huge issues there is at the moment and the game should start to walk by itself properly
yes a game should be released without any bugs at launch and I can't deny it, but I honestly doesn't mind it this much when the game needs a month in order to stabilize itself and be really clean as long as the core gameplay and mechanics are good
Holy shit that's DOPE!
>six rounds to kill a basic enemy
epic and tactical
>game needs a month in order to stabilize itself
more like another year
its already melting PS4s and that was after patches to "reduce crashes"
If this is what it takes for people to finally realize that scaling in RPGs/MMOs is and feels like utter shit, I'm more than happy to see EA taking the hit.
The day scaling dies is the day I can enjoy the skinner box again.
Stab in the dark. Enemy health is scaled to each player, so for a level 45 player (A) the enemy has 6000 hp and for a level 1 player (B) the enemy has 600. A does 500 damage and B does 60 and the game converts it as a percentage. Somewhere in the balance phase someone decided to make enemies tougher for high level players to make it seem like you are porgressing, but didn’t consider two players noticing the issue with it.
To be fair, the level of competency from Respawn is miles better than their other studios like Bioware or DICE
The people on /vg/ are not healthy individuals and are echo chambers that quell healthy discussion. And yeah, I understand that's pot-kettle territory saying that but /vg/ is basically a forum with people clearly identifying themselves animeposting or whatnot. You don't need usernames and avatars to see typing patterns and common grammar. The cliques that form in those generals and the fact that generals are maintained by members artificially bumping them even though interest has fallen off is insane.
Bioware taking the illusion of choice to a whole new level.
You're pretty dumb if you think EA doesn't have its cursed tendrils all inside of bioware's corpse at this point. Apex succeeded probably because EA had limited overall interaction with development.
MH has always has two different values for attack anyway. This has been true since the first game on the PS2.
There's the displayed raw you see onscreen, and there's true raw you get after adding in the weapon specific modifier to the displayed value.
Displayed raw is often bloated since heavier weapons has massive modifier (Hammer's 5.3 and Bow's 1.2)
Thing is it ends up being a very good balancing tool to even the playing field between the weapons in MH's case. I don't fucking see how Anthem's formula can be similar to a franchise that has honed its damage formulas over a decade.
I do. Type in english it's much easier to read. I can't wait for people to type the first letter of every word and expect to be understood so i can finally shoot myself.
h i g t f i h y l t w i t. y g i?????
Apex succeeded because BR games are the craze at the moment, plus it seems each one improves on the last big one. Although EA probably did stand aside for it as they haven't done a BR game yet. The next one will have their fingers all over it.(Hell, Apex will probably end up getting fucked over by EA before it's all said and done. Not that I care, I don't play these fag magnet games.)
the real sin is the made up damage numbers. what's the point of fucking showing damage numbers if they're meaningless?
the game's been exposed as a garbage skinner box imo
Nah I'm not falling for this shit. Bioware hasn't made a good game since ME2, yet every single other company EA has had in their grasp since then has at least put out 1 game that wasn't complete shit.
Just don't do it on the PS4.
I said "Some" and it has more customization than a ton of other RPG's or looter shooters than only let you pick fucking colors. Atleast we can pick if we want something to look shiny or fucking not.
And I already told you, the story is shit-tier, because they don't do ANYTHING regarding their actually INTERESTING fucking lore and world besides "BIG BAD USED IT TO MUTATE INTO BBEG NOW FIGHT"
Apex succeeded because it was a BR that finally wasn't total dogshit.
How many shitty games does bioware have to make before you admit they make shitty games?
Well of course not.
I very much doubt I'd touch Anthem in any way until it can fix that crap across all platforms even with my morbid curiosity.
Bioware is their flagship company exactly because of ME2. They've had a decade to place the entire thing under complete control of corporate management. It hasn't happened with other studios because they typically aren't the big money maker Bioware is. I wouldn't be surprised whatsoever if EA starts to really fuck with respawn now. Watch what happens with Titanfall 3.
How? HOW? Literally HOW is this real? How can a TRIPLE FUCKING A game in TWENTY FUCKING NINETEEN have a glitch this stupid. What the FUCK is the point in spending hundreds of millions of dollars making a game if you can't even do BASIC FUCKING QA????
Apex also had a good marketing tactics. The delay between the announcement and the release was only a single day, and hiring the twitchthots works wonders. However, considering how cheap the game feels like (most of the stuff are recycled assets from TF2), I don't think EA expected it to be this big.
It's the angry Asian restaurant prank caller from way back when fuckin hilarious
Are you fucking drunk? What makes you think that I dont think they make shitty games?
The MonHun system doesn't scale in the same way as Anthem. They're nowhere near alike.
The things that scale in MonHun based on players is Monster HP and whether or not the hunt is Low Rank or High Rank. That's it. The scaling you're talking about between the weapons is just some dipshit way of expressing that one damage hits harder per hit than the other but in terms of DPS you can use the true-raw as a benchmark between weapons. That is a fine system but has nothing to do with how fucked up Anthem's system is.
Anthem (and Destiny) scales seemingly every fucking weapon to a set amount of damage and fucking lies to you by distorting the absolute value of the damage to the monster. So while a Level 1 player does 10 damage and a Level 50 player does 300 damage, they're all dealing 5% damage per hit. In Monster Hunter terms that would be like someone walking in with a Rarity 1 weapon and doing the same fucking damage as someone with a Rarity 8 weapon assuming no other skill buffs.
We should've seen this coming when before the game was even out, Quickplay could dump a level 2 newbie straight into the final boss fight of the game.
AAA is related to advertisement, not quality.
Hire women and minorities, obviously
> I wouldn't be surprised whatsoever if EA starts to really fuck with respawn now. Watch what happens with Titanfall 3.
Respawn has to be real fucking to let that happen again. It already happened at least 3 times.
>What the FUCK is the point in spending hundreds of millions of dollars making a game if you can't even do BASIC FUCKING QA????
Lets make a couple thousand more by not having a Q&A team and make the playerbase be our slaves- I mean testers, that's how.
It's some sort of level scaling. Obviously it's broken.
It's not like they would have a choice. Look what happened to bioware, all the talent left because they hated working with EA exactly because the studio couldn't make its own decisions anymore.
Wait, Destiny has the same scaling system?
>they could have made a good game
How is a graphic artist supposed to make sure the game isn't a buggy mess? Or that the gameplay director isn't huffing paint all day? These games are made by teams of literally hundreds and a few of them being jackoffs that were hired entirely because they were willing to do it for the cheapest pay possible shouldn't endanger the livelihood of every person there.
Hey now
>Implying Respawn has a choice in the matter
I know about true raw and displayed raw being tied to how the weapon looks and feels. I just mistakenly thought even the damage numbers in World are inaccurate.
>buy game
>have starter gear
>do my first mission
t-thanks EA...
>It's not like they would have a choice
Working with EA was entirely their own choice. They were ex-Infinity Ward after all. And ex-2015 inc who worked on Medal of Honor AA, you know, the game that was published by EA
Not exactly but Destiny has a weird progression system that instead of "grinding to make you stronger" it's "grinding to make you less weak". Level is just the gate for you to able to kill enemies (if enemies has higher level than you, than it's hard to kill) since the numbers stays the same. At least it has a point since it's for the PvP balance.
At this point I'm extremely content with Bioware just being absorbed and shut down. It's similar to Disney parading Stan Lee's corpse around to market their shit Marvel films.
I'm making an assumption based on what my friends tell me about Destiny.
They tell me they can jump into a fight at Level 10 and their buddy who has been playing longer at Level 50 and they can do the same fucking content because it doesn't matter what fucking gear they got the damage scales.
I'm open to be corrected but that's what I was told. I'm sure I got some details wrong but as far as I'm concerned it sounds the same; it's all on the wrong side of the line. Except Destiny explicitly said it was a feature and Anthem kept it hidden.
That's a smart and totally thought out solution.
Who's more incompetent, Bioware or Bethesda?
I don't doubt he validity of World's damage numbers, but this whole Anthem debacle reinforces my personal opinion that they are utterly pointless in the end and serve mainly to detract away from the actual gameplay and instead give ADHD players something to point at and say "look I'm stronger".
World could have been giving bogus numbers and it wouldn't change a thing since the time it took to kill something as well as the hit effects (poor as they may be) do enough of a job to give a good approximation of damage anyway like all the previous titles.
They're making fun of that geek culture.
Bethesda has some actual talents working behind the game
Trick question, both are incompetent.
so modern programing 101 ?
>people with 1080TIs are struggling to keep this game in 30fps
I have a 1080ti and I kept the fps over 90 in the open world all the time, 120 in strongholds.
The game fucking sucks but stop lying.
Bethesda is incompetent but their fanbase doesn't care that much and they make bank. Bioware is incompetent to the point even their ardent fanboys can't take it anymore.
With the exception of 76, Bethesda at the very least allows their players to fix their shitty game.
Bioware by a long shot.
>kept the fps over 90 in the open world all the time, 120 in strongholds.
bull fucking shit
search performance issues on the sub and be hit by a wall of complains
From my 10+ years in the games industry this is mostly false.
Firstly no one gets into this industry with security on their mind, no one. They're all young, idyllic, retarded yet brilliant individuals who pay absolutely no mind to anything other than their craft. (more on this later)
Secondly, Activision, Ubisoft and EA do NOT have a problem of a work environment where everyone is fearful, all of those studios afford you way better job security than any other employer on the planet vs the 3-9 month contracts 70% of devs live on and you can easily move sideways or land a gig at another big studio within a week if they do close shop. They take EXTREMELY good care of their employees (t.ex Ubisoft/EA) and provide work environments where you can coast along forever, which leads me tooo....
The problem with studios like Bioware isn't that of a toxic work environment, a lack of job security, or fear etc, it's the complete opposite, they've grown fat, complacent and are no longer striving for, or HIRING for greatness.
It's as simple as that, rubbish in, rubbish out. This has happened for a number of reasons, but the bulk of AAA studio work is now being outsourced to sweatshops in China/India (HELLO ROCKSTAR) YOU CHEAP CUNTS), it use to be mostly art, now it's code and QA as well, the bulk of western studios responsibilities are now wrangling the messes from overseas satellite studios into a coherent experience (and as a result you have a lot of under qualified devs now assuming "lead" roles in the west doing the wrangling because that's the only work now available because junior/mid tier positions are drying up). In addition to that the last 5+ years has seen a massive upturn in diversity hires, which big AAA studios are now starting to purge because shock horror, diversity doesn't sell games, autistic, passionate, have been sitting on their ass 18 hours a day for the past 20 years literal and figurative neckbeards do when properly motivated and managed.
I have my doubts that a renewed focus in quality and hiring for talent is going to yield immediate results fast enough to ensure the strategy remains in place to fix the industry before the industry leaders try to find whatever the new trend in short-term strategies are. It took ten years to break things thus far but the problem is that the damage done today will be reflected in the talent in the upcoming generation of talent - namely they won't know what the fuck quality is. There's been a brain-drain where all the local talent that would be in the industry has been chased to other tech fields or wrangling - the industry isn't going to relinquish the cheap labor it has found in China or India - they're going to keep exploiting that cheap effective labor and basically the expertise and talent will be cultivated to ultimately compete against those who grew it.
Companies can poach talent from each other like Blizzard did with CDPR's creative director, but that strategy of "buying your competitors" has only resulted in properties getting fucked to a shadow of what they once were. The faith that was once there in Starcraft or Mass Effect cannot be repaired. It's not like Pokemon where you have every single past generation of players shilling the series to the new generation, for Mass Effect you have to fucking undo all the negative and vocal backlash from the original fans you fucked in the face.
Who knows, maybe the industry will learn from companies like CDPR or companies that unfucked themselves like Capcom. I understand that a return to old form and respecting the work of grognards is the way to go but it's a different world of too many shit distractions and shit mobile gaming that has ensured that any return to quality may not be noticed by enough remaining audience to be even remotely profitable.
There is nothing wrong with non-gaming suits cracking the whip behind the scenes. Without that you end up with kickstarter garbage. The producer is not the director.
>6 years in development
Putting a studio never known to make games with goodplay to make a game heavily leaning on the gameplay.
Who would've seen this coming?
Ubisoft seem to be doing alright in the AAA space. Is it because they can throw so many bodies at a so many projects that they'll eventually get something that becomes a hit?
>He boght
Nah, it's because they've homogenized a design ethos across studios that is stupidly successful with normies and they just churn out re-skinned skinner boxes of effectively the same games with slightly different packages.
Think of them as a potato chip manufacturer, AssCreed, Far Cry, The Division, Wildlands, The Crew, Watchdogs are effectively all the same product but with different flavours.
Whilst Siege, and For Honor are another, then they have a few experimental titles sprinkled around to see if anything sticks.
i too saw that review
6 fucking years, and this is what they accomplished.
>studio known for good character building and storytelling create a game that has neither of those things and is only focused on pew pew mechanics
>it fucking sucks
Why is anyone surprised by this?
EA is known however as a great place to work, so I don't buy it. You can't really blame this massive failure on EA. With Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 you may have a point since those two games were clearly rushed, but Anthem have had 6 years. There's some serious fucking issues with the project leaders and management at BioWare.
>This is not intended
>scaling systems are supposed to allow low level players to play with high level players to be effective against high level enemies
So what you're saying is that it is intended?
You absolute moron.
does the lvl1 rifle have the exact same model as the lvl45 one?
ME2 and ME3 had good pew pew mechanics for their time.
That's the idea. You can have someone at endgame playing with a new player who's still doing the main story.
That's because they followed GoW as closely as possible, but when left on their own they can't figure that shit out.
Maybe that was their marketing strat all along
heres the comparison
I thought it's mostly because of frostbite engine
I love how you permavirgins sitting behind your screens and bash on a game granted has it flaws but it will get better. I ask you what have you done with your life? Make a better game then, I'll wait. Yea thats right didnt think so.
>you need to be a game developer/chef/painter/director/writer to be able to critique this thing that I like.
How the fuck is this level of incompetence even possible? Holy shit.
Okay, give us a multi-billion dollar budget.
And when Bioware get's sacked, everyone will fly out and infect other studios.
It's like a plague pustule bursting, you thought it was bad when it was contained? Now it's everywhere.
From what I understand, they wanted it so if a low level player joins a high level player, the low level player won't drag them down by being useless. So enemy health scaling would be different per player in a group to maintain a balance and make it enjoyable for everyone. I'm assuming this wasn't intentional for solo play nor did they intend for high level characters to benefit from low level guns.
>other studios will want to hire Bioware's 100% diversity hires
of course yeah user, especially after they have a "I took part in the Anthem thing" on their Bio, bonus points if they also have "I helped to create ME3"
Hammer has always been 5.2, though.
why would you model a gun thats meant to be fired with its dust cover on..........?
Looter shooters were never good and never will be.
A gun should work like a gun.
Not as a glorified number.
>bonus points if they also have "I helped to create ME3"
literally nothing wrong mechanically with ME3, its only fault is the story and writings. Anthem is technically and mechanically broken.
After so many shit games, and the most praised series of looter shooters, Borderlands, having a huge amount of issues, I'm starting to believe you are right. If I had to list everything that is wrong with Borderlands games I'd have to make 3 posts almost breaching the character limit.
lol eat shit fgt
>"here's your steak sir"
>"what the fuck, this is a dog turd on a plate"
>brainlet shill jumps fron behind table
He sounds like a fucking faggot, whats wrong with you?
>b-but it's fun
Oh piss off, there are literally thousands of other games out there that are more fun than this unfinished piece of shit. Everyone with half a braincell could have seen from the day this crap was announced that this will end in a disaster
What exactly did it do gameplay wise? It's a dull piece of shit in that area, and it has never been their forte to do gameplay anyway. This user got it right Anthem goes completely against what was once Bioware's strengths, and they were already losing big time when it comes to story with ME2 and 3 anyway
>suit: accessibility, accessibility, accessibility, we don't want any content delayed. our business model is front loaded so everything needs to be insta-inaccessible. we generate income from underage kids and microtransactions, nothing must be done to induce frustration or offset their limited attention span
>developer: lol OK we'll just make everyone OP and able to kill everything. we'll add the illusion of progression by implementing a useless damage stat that does nothing, not like any of these kids will care. we'll also ban any nerd looking too much into these numbers we pulled out of our asses
>suit: idc nerd just get it done, I'm late for my flight
I was reading some kinda “developer secrets” tweet Collection a while back where developers across the industry admitted to weird bugs and funny things they did to make games work and one developer of an unnamed racing game said that the gave the cars various stat bars on the select screen, even though they all drove exactly the same. I bet he was a Need for Speed dev.
Paladin Azir when?
there are 2 explanations I can think of, one being a bug that homogenizes the damage allowing low level players to play with high level players only it carries over into the singleplayer or other sessions.
the other being that it's intentionally designed to only give the illusion of progression.
>>damage numbers are fake and do not reflect actual damage
it's more likely the damage are real, but the line where those are removed from enemie's life are wrong, and probably missed a / or * somewhere, making the lower damages applied at higher value.
>There is nothing wrong with non-gaming suits cracking the whip behind the scenes
My fucking side. You human studies degrees will not make you a good anything in any tech company sweaty. No amount of pity hire will save you.
Blunder of the millennium.
those idots scale the final stats of the low level to the higher level, meaning that each points has tremendous value and additive stats break to levels no higher level will ever reach. In normal games low level chars only scale their level, and compute everything else again on them, making low gear weak as intended. This is typically another case of "my (a>5) function returns 5 when a = b because I'm special fuck karmak :D" programming
the best part about this is because marketing won't tolerate the game to be hearder, it means the low gun will keep it's 4 hit kill, and the big gun will now become a 2hit killer
and i thought fallout 76 was going to be the worst blunder for a few years at least
nice work bioware
Nah, F76 has that title
F76 didn't brick consoles.
It wasnt just the scaling, it was that
Neither did Anthem.
>to allow low level players to play with high level players
What the fuck is the fucking point? Why would such a system exist in the first place? I've heard in other games they scale the higher level players down to the lower level so they wouldn't faceroll but why in the goddamn fuck would they implement the other way around too??
Wouldn't letting low level play high level content hurts their play time? I mean I saw on youtube some level 3 player could join a lobby doing the final mission, so they're definitely doing this on purpose. But why?
>can't argument
>believe literal fuckwhos on twitter like the obedient programmed slave he is
you don't make that shit up.
I know plenty of games that do this even for the opposite effect where the boss scales with the stat level of the highest geared player in the squad so if you join randoms for the first boss it will fuck over new players.
>people are surprised that Bioware is shit and made a shit job
That's the exact reason, to keep join times low they hacked together a system that would make it so a low level would be just as effective. It's like Blizzard removing the system to not play with someone because they spammed Widow and make the game no fun allowed for everyone on the enemy team. It revolved around a handful of people not being able to find matches because they were too good and no one found it fun to play against them.
>game brick console
>no it doesn't, here's proof
That "literal fuckwho" is the head of live service at BioWare.
You zoomer fucks seem to think a console freezing and requiring a restart is the same as bricking.
It requires you to boot the console in safe mode and recompile the file directory. To most console users (especially those braindead cunts who own Anthem), that is bricking it.
>I can't wait for people to type the first letter of every word and expect to be understood so i can finally shoot myself.
Why wait? Just fucking shoot yourself now you cock-sucking retard.
Well shit, I guess since retards think that's what it means we should just change the definition.
Ironic that you enjoy calling people who bought this piece of shit braindead but use the same incorrect terminology as them, huh?
>ha! it doesnt brick your console but instead it shuts it off and corrupts your data so you have to repair the database! thats better!
>How is a graphic artist supposed to make sure the game isn't a buggy mess?
By not working for companies that hire based on sex and ethnicity instead of qualifications and skills.
Fuck off back to ResetEra you fucking BioDrone apologist. What are you getting paid you dumb cunt?
I'm not saying it's good, but that's nowhere near as huge of a deal as bricking a console you disingenuous fuck.
And do you think you have the mental capacity to do what they're doing? Of course you dont. Different bodies and brains excel in different areas.
Fucking retard, learn the meaning.
Why do people post this shit when it's literally only happening in one game and like one MMO? This isn't how it works in practically every other game.
Weapon scaling, actually any kind of scaling, is fucking cancer killing RPGs
Nice argument, lad.
There's nothing I want more than the rotting, foetid corpse of BioWare to finally be laid to rest.
You may think you're being based by shitposting about a shit game all day, but what you're doing makes you no better than game journalists.
Any type of unknown usage of a device normites call it jailbreaking. just look up amazon stick jailbreak. All you fucking do is go into settings to allow unknown apks to install since its based on android.
>everybody gets a medal mentality, rewarding incompetence
>how come the game is bad?
It's a mystery
It did?!
Congratulations, you just admitted to being no better than a normie.
>good storytelling
>exact same plot every time for 35 years, ancient evil awakens, assemble team of misfits to stop it
>team includes snarky girl, comical serial killer, boring straight man, comic relief idiot
>all of them confide in and reveal their life stories to a mute with Pronoun for title
>That "literal fuckwho" is the head of live service at BioWare.
>guys, a bioware game doesn't break anything
>i know, a bioware employee told me that so it must be true
are you a retard?
On the other hand, Indie games and AA or lower seem to be going through a golden age.
These teams are offering smaller, less complex but more consistent experiences that also provide gimmicks that AAA devs don't want to risk. I'm not only talking about the common known like Terraria, Binding of Isaac or Minecraft,. but other less known but still succesful like Deadbolt, Hand of Fate, Slay the Spire, Hollow Knight or the recently award winning Dead Cells, which was made by a team orf 7.
Big companies play it sosafe as they "need to invest so much money" they stopped providing interesting products, or like the Telltale games boss said "just keep doing the same as long as it works". Maybe I'm a bit idealistic but I doubt a mentality like that will get you so far in a creative subjective medium.
There's this line from the "un-turning of MMOs" video from 2013 which does apply now to all genres, not only MMO's, that goes: "Maybe one day people will realize there's room for 5 100 pounds gorilas, and not just 1 500 pounds one".
If you simply try to give people what they ask (big graphics, rpesentation, cinematic experiences and such), you're destined to fail, as their demand will never stop increasing till you reach a point you can't comply. Instead, aim to give what they don't know they want, but will be happy to try.
Why are we even at this point with games
It's lynchian
No, arenas scaled as well. People were stacking low level items with sockets because it lowered their ilvl but the gems didn't count so it gave them a shitload more damage and healing.
corroborated by sony
To me it seems that the AAA industry is pretty much just following trends set by small or medium budget games these days. All those games with survival mechanics, crafting, building elements where did all that shit come from? That was popularized by the crazy success of Minecraft. Battle Royales came from DayZ, a mod, then PUBG, then a plethora of AAA pubs/devs followed suit. Fortnite clearly takes some things from Minecraft, and people can see how popular it is. Would people consider Dark Souls a triple A game? I don't think its budget is bigger than medium and it spawned countless soulslike games. It's pretty clear Amnesia The Dark Descent also had an influence on horror themed games such as Alien: Isolation and Resident Evil 7.
Big publishers and developers used to set the trends, with CoD4 popularizing the modern military shooter genre, BamHam influenced a lot of games to copy its combat style, but a lot of this seems to be gone from gaming. They're no longer the trend setters for the most part.
Probably because in other loot games like Diablo damage doesn't just range between 1-1000 like a regular game, damage can range from 1-1000000000000 which is hilariously massive.
Can we blame EA for forcing Bioware to make this, because, you know, they own them?
Pretty sure we can, yeah. EA has all the responsability in this.
>Defending EA on Yea Forums
Jesus christ, how far have we fallen
You're right! I guess random denizens from the internet who have a boner for a second ToRtanic and a penchant for hyporbole are much more trustworthy than someone whose job is on the line if they get caught lying.
Im not the same person you were talking to.
>guys, a bioware game doesn't break anything
>i know, a bioware employee told me that so it must be true
>also a maker of the thing that gets broken also said it, so it must be true
like bitch, if a bunch of cars catches fire and the car manufacturer says it's not a defect of the car, you gonna just say "oh, that must be true" ? are you insane or just that naive?
>are much more trustworthy than someone whose job is on the line if they get caught lying.
fucking LOL, they get caught lying all the time! look at this fucking thread!
>AAA gaming industry
>People get fired when caught lying
Pick one
The game isn't bricking consoles, it's crashing them. That's the point we're making, user.
A more apt example is a car breaking down and the owner claiming it caught fire despite that clearly not being the case.
For fuck's sake, people were taking pictures of their consoles in safe mode. People don't know what "bricking" means anymore.
Because when publishers wanted to set a trend they had to work for it. You don't make something so big and popular through following an instructions book, at least not in this industry. During late 2000 and early 2010 something happened, and that's allowing people and small teams to make their own games. Computers got better and cheaper, engines became affordable or even free and knowledge was easily shared. Now everyone had the resources to make a game, all you needed was a good idea and execution, and sometimes the former was enough.
With everyone jumping into the pool it's a matter of time before someone strucks gold and now all want a piece of the cake. But there's no point on doing the same with a new coat of paint. I can have the original for that.
So now the AAA industry has been disarmed from ideas and besides those who have stablished themselves as the lead in X type of games (like FROM with souls, Nintendo in general, Rockstar's Sandboxes, etc) the rest are quickly forgotten.
And you're right, FROM isn't exactly AAA. They cut corners and find ways to cheapen productions (as good managing should) to deliver a more specific experience that still pleases his fanbase. Note that the only other game that milked the "souls" style without failing was Nioh and it did so by having enough differences (for better or worse) than the original.
>To me it seems that the AAA industry is pretty much just following trends set by small or medium budget games these days.
Never even noticed that.
The AAA devs leave it to the smaller companies to do all the innovating and risk taking for them, then throw money around to take over.
this is beyond lazy
what were they thinking?
You’re a real gullible motherfucker user
>teople are actually giving Bioware too much credit and thinking they're competent enough to design a system where the enemies scale on the fly based on the weapon the player is holding
Bioware couldn't can't even make a game where you can change your gear without a loading screen. This type of system is far beyond them. The most likely case is that they just made all higher level weapons have flat rate lower damage and then make fake damage numbers appear. They're that incompetent. The ironic thing is that they make the damage numbers appear in such an obnoxious way that sometimes the they obscure the action on the screen.
>calls people gullible
>believes anons when they say their console was bricked with a picture of the safe mode menu
Hey user, I started up my copy of DMCV on my PC last night and it exploded. That's $6,200 dollars gone and I'm gonna sue. What the fuck was Capcom thinking posting an unfinished game like this?
Bioware has always been one of the most lazy and incompetent developers in the industry. This just proves it.
Anthem is a failure.
>>Something ain’t right here
okay then, i stand corrected. it's still kinda bullshit, but yeah, that's not bricking at all
>Bioware be sure to put on your mandatory safety cement blocks
>W-why don't you have to wear them papa EA?
>Because I don't you little shit now put them on.
That is really fucking stupid, no matter how you spin it.
It's actually impressive how broken Anthem has been
>awful UX
>lengthy load times
>performance issues while you're just walking around the hub world
>loot drop issues
>loot scaling issues
>quickplay loads you into missions with broken objectives
then the parts that actually work are just shit
lmao fucken get rekt gottim
erryone onu dissu thredu ding dong bannu
Is this the nex TORtanic?
that literally is though.
My theory is that the competent devs are sick of tumblrinas and made this trash on purpose. They know they will get hired because they actually made some decent games but the quota trannies won't.
No you retard. Even the dumbest game engine from the 70's don't work like that. It's because of fucking FROSTBITE that is NOT made for third person and is NOT made for open world games, and is NOT made for dynamic loading (so skipping animations etc. saves ram on consoles).
congrats on being retarded
Scaling of enemies was fine in Skyrim; I'm sure in single player there's a way to do it properly.
In MMOs I think Everquest 2 had a reasonable system, where a high-level character would be able to scale down its level an play with lower-level characters to help them quest and level. Perhaps this is what was actually intended in Anthem, just not done and communicated properly.
it's pretty clear this game was forced out unfinished after unrealistic developer rehashes and struggling with the frostbite engine. EA's stupid expectations and stupid engine that everyone "totally willingly chooses to use of their own free will not coerced at all" are the root cause of this, and modern bioware is simply too inexperienced to handle it. Frankly, Bioware games have always had technical issues, but their jank was given a pass because of an excellent level of polish. It's gotten worse since Dragon Age 2 though
Guild Wars 2 has a great scaling system. Guild Wars 2 is a case study in great QOL design with absolute ass for content
>something ain't right there
Wow, thanks a lot!
It makes some sense. In Diablo 2, high-level characters to could rush the low-level ones through the game, so that they can join the farming runs as soon as possible.
Serious question, did coding just become more difficult in modern games, or is there some other fundamental issue that's causing these kind of 'bugs' to become more frequent?
Well at least Bethesda is happy to be out of the roasting pan
>level scaling is hot garbage
whats new?
1. Games ARE much more complex, with a lot more calculations going on
2. Because of this, proprietary engines are often used to shoulder the workload.
3. Some of these engines, like FROSTBITE, work great on some things (shooting, vehicles) and absolute ass on others
4. Combine this with the fact that increasingly, games are being forced out earlier with the mentality it can be patched and is a service, not a product. This saves publishers massive amounts of money and allows them to more quickly begin recouping costs.
5. Bioware has always been pretty jank, technically speaking.
he sings acapella in a barbershop quintent now
The fact that no one noticed playing casually means it's still functionally fine. You are being deceived but you had no idea because pretty much no one goes back to level 1 equipment for shits and giggles. It's only going to be a problem from now on until it's fixed due to people consciously abusing it.
I didn't buy Anthem and I wouldn't suggest anyone to do so either but this seems blown out of proportion.
Scaling was a mistake.
>people didn't notice throttling so it's fine
Like when it was fine Destiny 2 was throttling exp until people noticed?
Didn't play GW, but yeah, the point is that scaling can be done properly.
>be able
Scaling would be so much more tolerable if it were always optional.
no one outright noticed until now because you cannot change loadouts in the middle of a mission
>In MMOs I think Everquest 2 had a reasonable system, where a high-level character would be able to scale down its level an play with lower-level characters to help them quest and level.
Other MMOs did that as well.
CoH / CoV had a similar system with their regional and event bosses whereby low level characters would take and deal damage based on a percentage calculation of their theoretical optimum vs. current gear, so well-equipped lowbies could inflict close to the same amount of damage (and sustain similar damage themselves) as a high level character during the event. It was a very good way of rewarding good itemization and allowing players of all levels to participate.
>Perhaps this is what was actually intended in Anthem, just not done and communicated properly.
No, this is the kind of thing you don't "communicate improperly". The decision is very deliberate when money is on the line, they were just hoping no one would notice, the shady bastards.
Good on him, that's a much more respectable career than CSR / forum mod.
You're saying it's incompetence but it's intentionally designed this way. It's easier to just tell players they're leveling up than to actually design a game around leveling.
That's not what a feedback loop is you fucking mong
>Bitching about what devs immediately said was a highly specific obscure bug nobody would have ever thought to test out and then acting like it was intended
It's not "fine" I never said that. People are overreacting over something which haven't affected their games unless a new player joins a high level player and even then it's mitigated by their inexperience. Which is not very likely but still more likely than a high level player equipping starting weapons prior to this reveal.
It's literally people who didn't know they had more powerful guns in this very rare instance in a co-op game. It's only a real problem to be abused in large scale from now on until a fix is pushed.
So how long until EA kills bioware?
What's this?
A JRPG where is better to NOT level up?
It’s not like people did something outrageous to get this result, they literally just made a new loadout and used the free weapon you were given. It’s a deep issue that just happened to go unnoticed by the majority for a long time, presumably because the damage numbers fooled them.
>a highly specific obscure bug nobody would have ever thought to test out
This is not a bug, it's a deliberate design decision.
It's impossible to implement this without understanding exactly what the end result is going to be unless the persons responsible for it are having their brains blanked by an illuminati mind-control satellite every time they look at the code.
Every lower level gun is better than every higher level gun, this is a systemic issue. It probably affected way more games than you think it did.
They wrote the fucking code. The fact theybdidn’t know this was happening either reveals indifference or code illiteracy.
kys lmao
fffffffffffoooooooood anal-o(r)gy
>I never said it was broken
this game IS fucking broken and you're delusional if you think otherwise
>oops we broke your PS4
>we'll need to investigate this
corporate talk for "we won't say anything about it and wait until you forget"
Yes, you can, and should, blame EA, since they are in charge.
After that, it's up to EA how far down the chain they want to take it.
the worst thing about "bigger numbers" is that they are CANCER.
take a single digit value like "5" -when you see this, there's nothing cleaner, making single-digit ideal where you only need values ranging from 9 to 0 or even -9. But often you need more than this and that's where 2-digit integers come into play. "47" -when you see this, you have a left and right number and both are significant. You don't get significance with the rightmost number in a three-digit or goddamn four-digit value. "3274" means that four is pretty much insignificant and spams the view from you clearly seeing the greater values where probably only the leftmost two even matter.
HP values getting bigger makes no sense anyway unless the enemies are physically increasing in size. Because HP should represent your body mass, not some arbitrary damage sponge-ness attribute. That's why every man in a game should only have 99 HP, an ideal for seeing when you've done over 25% of their health and can four-shot them. A giant that is twice their size would have 8x the mass but only 2x the hide thickness so it's up to you to decide if they need 8x or 2x the HP value, with 200 or 800 HP.
This is how to be rational with values while taking into consideration what is visually optimal and that is simply smaller numbers.
Too bad mouth-breathers want muh big euphoric numbahs so we'll keep seeing ugly, multi-digit-polluted "89374873984374" values instead.
You're welcome, retards. Congratulations on having literal shit-eating taste as explained above!
is this pasta?
Not that many that I can recall actually, it's a pretty novel and innovative mechanic by BioWare. Plenty of games have broken af level scaling but flat-out nonsense gibberish numbers makes so little sense from any point of view this could only happen in a casualized 2019 lootgrind clusterfuck such as this.
The weird part is you'd expect the design to favor increasing numbers giving players ever greater feeling of a Nietzschean rise to power but that doesn't really work when even a casual observer can see it takes the same number of bullets to down a certain enemy type. I guess they don't hold their target audience in the greatest esteem.
No it's a fresh rant and what's more Fire Emblem made 2-digit numbers work much better and balanced and even more badass than any jprg 9999-fest garbage.
An example of how to do small numbers right, they even let you have your HP value increase over time.
Two questions.
>pretty novel and innovative mechanic by BioWare
Are you retarded?
>ever greater feeling of a Nietzschean rise to power
Is this code for "I'm a wordsmithing faggot, please rape my face"?
Disgaea is the best turn based strategy JRPG
Scaling systems are the worst thing to ever happen to RPGs.
They either are broken messes that make balance a rollercoaster of random, or they just nullify the entire point of getting better items.
Yes it is, this is being caused by Anthems scaling system. Why do you think putting on a level 1 gun causes you to kill faster while doing less damage? It's invisible math issues, it's a scaling system. Your total average gearscore internally got dropped by a lot when you put on that level 1 gun so the game scaled down the enemies, but too much.
I cannot say much but this is a systemic problem all the way up to the top. First off you have a ceo that frankly doesn't know what the fuck is going on and he just regurgitating whatever his yes men say. Those same yes men manipulate stats to show only the good side and try really hard to hide that there's a problem. Another thing is that they speak in half truth. A great example is is that yes the developers are willing to work with Frostbite because if they don't, their funding would be greatly reduced and when you are a big company I highly doubt a lot of employees would want a pay cut especially if it's a big bloated one.
As pointed out it doesn't help that testing is done from external studios who are hired to fill up number quotas, job performance based on metrics and terrible training and many of them speak English as a second language. I'm sure that the crash bug that affects consoles did exist for all this time but probably was deemed fixed because it was tested on pc only.
Small detail, but it doesn't scale the enemies down, it scales the damage up. Logically,it needs to work this way or multiplayer would be impossible, as enemies would be scaled different per-player and that can't happen.
Instead, enemies have a constant health value and damage received is based on a percentage of some calculated gear score.
The number you see is the damage the weapon does, but the amount dealt in reality is a percentage of that.
>Another day, another "Yea Forums obsesses over a game they never played" thread
Probably so friends can always play with eachother.
I know in one of the games I regularly play with my buddy that the single rank between us messes with the matchmaking algorithm and we get some pretty stupid match ups because it doesn't know what to do with our "vastly" different perceived levels.
shut your filthy mouth and join the rest of us in bashing a shitty game.
>you must buy and play the game or else you're lying
It's 60/40 with bioware being a shitty dev and EA shipping with no quality control
This post literally makes even less sense than what this thread was about, in case it's not a pasta. Plenty of RPGs tackle "increasing numbers" excellently, logically and in such ways that it's genuinely fun af, even outright requiring the odd number crunching in your head.
>Are you retarded?
Numbers that are simply lies is clearly the next phase of streamlining, how is that not an innovation?
>Is this code for "I'm a wordsmithing faggot, please rape my face"?
Wishful thinking on your part, that's literally the essence of the "increasing numbers" mechanic of most RPGs and lootgrinders, user.
They shill this game so much on every possible website it's actually annoying
nice to see old classics referenced. Video games were better then.
>allow low level players to play with high level players to be effective against high level enemies