You have a day to prepare for Mr. X coming after you?

You have a day to prepare for Mr. X coming after you?

Any plausible location
Any plausible weapon
Anything plausible

What do?

Attached: Mr. X.jpg (1920x1080, 362K)

Buy a rocket launcher?

Jerry rig a room in my house with a metric fuckton of tannerite. Have some recorders in there to make noise to attract him and a camera I can watch by. When he enters the room to find the noise, detonate the tannerite from way outside and send him sky high. Pat myself on the back right after.

He can lift up a helicopter and a shotgun to the face only stuns him. It would work but only for a little while.

He would be stunned but he would get back up.

You moron, Leon uses a rocket launcher to kill the tyrant in the game

get the biggest vehicle I could find and run him over until hes dead


>thinking he dies

>Wouldn't kill him

Create a room with a pit filled with sawdust. Falls into pit and can never get out

I mean if you're just gonna say that nothing can possibly kill him this is a pretty pointless thread

would launching a tyrant into the sun kill it? putting it under the rocket motor of a space launch? de-orbiting the moon and dropping the moon onto it?

He would smash the wall and get out.

It’s a pit into the earth hundreds of feet deep. He would be smashing into the ground

None of those would kill him... jk of course they would but I mean I doubt the rocket killed him just stunned him permanently.

This thread feels like arguing with a 10 year old on who the best super hero is

And you could dig that and fill it in one day?

I'd make sure he doesn't, I'd get enough tannerite than only a crater is left if I'd have to.

Has anyone ever tried just sitting down and talking to him? Maybe he's really a nice guy.

and after he begins to trust me and we start a meaningful friendship i stab him in the back

Sure why not

Naaaaah superman can't die

"Stun him permanently" sounds like something a child would say, yeah.

I buy a giant magnet (the size of a room) and a magnetic platform, and then suspend myself in the air outside Mr.X's reach.

And you could do that in a day?

>thinking he dies

Well he was reduced to a shambling set of legs so he's dead as fuck yeah.


Attached: Mr. X.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Attached: Stunned Permanently.png (1741x911, 931K)

I don't believe you.

It was a joke you retard as in naah he doesn't die he only gets stunned permanently, as in he dies.

>he climbs

He regrows

Mr. X is a Titan, meaning he has regenerative properties and is bullet resistant.
You need something that destroys him on the molecular or atomic level.
Ultra strong acid (SbHF6, HSO3Cl)
particle ray that disbands his Up and Down Quarks or neutralizes his Protons
Extreme temperatures that instantly obliterate him entirely, I mean like 16000F not 2000F
Or some non-euclidean reality beam that simply removes his atoms from the universe entirely, defying the laws of thermodynamics.

He regrows as I said.

It's Tyrant you fucking retard. And a rocket laucher is enough to kill him, you'd know that if you finished the game

I would start a major leaflet campaign.

god please let this be bait


Attached: regrows.png (1708x910, 968K)


Put a typewriter and a big item box in every room of my house.
That way he's obligated to stay outside

Rocket launcher is a hard counter to tyrant. Haven’t you played RE1 or 2?

Lmao, this is the only way to truly avoid him

Shoot him with a kill gun
Kills everything

Kill gun, huh. What kind of attachments does it allow

Has standard pictany rails

Shoot his ass with a 120mm Abrams round and run the remains over.

Nigga just put a typewriter outside then.

prove that he regrows you fuck it's never stated anywhere that he does

Mrs wang had a sexual relationship with him after he had regrown of course she helped him but it mentions that she just took advantage of a natural healing factor already present. It was a bit of an easter egg in RE 6.

Then I'd just feel bad for him.
He'd be stuck stomping around in a random building forever. Acting like a lost puppy

nigga what? I got your ms. Wang right here

>newfag to the series
admit you were wrong

I get a Bluetooth speaker, a power bank, and as many copies of X_Gon_Give_It_to_Ya.mp3 as my phone can hold.

Lure him to a steel mill and dunk him in molten metal like the Terminator.
Problem solved.

Get a rocket launcher or make a trap with TNT or something,, blow him up with them, burn the remains into ashes, put the ashes into several different safes, lock them tight and throw them into different parts of the ocean. Id like to see him regenerate from that


Attached: Super_Tyrant.png (270x369, 111K)

Who would win T - virus or 100 G - virus?

do a barrel roll and 360 away. No way he can catch up with me

Oh really

>starts running and super punching

I spontaneously drink the same virus and become MR.D, a perfect copy of Mr.X

Go to police station
Tell them something is coming to kill me tomorrow
Ask them if I can stay the night
Tell them explosives such as a rpg might be the only way to kill it

Wow... That was simple

you get arrested and put in as cell to be transferred for psychological evaluation

>he never appears
>you get placed in prison for lying to the police
>suddenly a new inmate wearing a black trenchcoat is brought into your cell
>X gon give it to ya

Inject myself with the G-virus and while writhing in pain as I slowly begin to mutate I yell 'g g g G UNIT' then go look for mr. x

I would go live at sea

How would you get the virus?

You didn't think that one through did you user?

You die tho

>He swims

>He swims
I don't believe it. Doesn't his limiter trenchcoat stop bullets? That thing must be heavy as shit

But then he'd come inside

Why exactly is he coming after me? He just power walks along too right? I'd just drive away every time he showed up near me.

Rent a boat.

Buy a reinforced door and typewriter

Attached: gwen wins.gif (416x312, 1.72M)

His skins stops bullets

He can run sometimes as well, also he would smash the car before you could get into it.

I dn

I don't remember this crossover episode, I watched the Ben 10 as a kid but not teen titans.

Lure him into a corn silo. Filled Iwith basebeans desu

If his skin / muscles are that dense then there's no way he's buoyant enough to stay afloat no matter how hard he swims

He has gas bubbles in his skin. By your logic aeroplanes wouldn't be able to fly, huh brainlet confirmed.