Have you ever bought a console just to play a single game?

Have you ever bought a console just to play a single game?

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I bought an Xbox 360 to play Halo 3 with my friends. Later on I got a few other games, but i bought it solely for Halo 3.

I bought a Wii U to play Smash 5
I bought a PS4 to play The Division
I bought a Switch to play Smash 6
Everything else is pretty much secondary

I bought a 3ds to play smt 4.
Totally worth it. That's the only time I've really done that.

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I didn't buy a 360 just for one game, but I chose it over the PS3 because of one game, because I wanted Fable 2. It was the most disappointing game in my life because of how much I liked the first game.

> Smashfag
End yourself manchild

I bought PSP for Dissidia and i'm still playing it now


Started with a JPN region PS2 for Super Robot Wars

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3DS for Legends 3

I was a big Paper Mario fan as a kid
>Bought a Gamecube for TTYD
>Bought a Wii for SPM

For Vita, yes.

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I bought 3DS for Megaman Legend 3

Fuck you Capcom

>he says on a Japanese anime board


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My brothers.

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I'm about to buy a PS4 just for Spiderman

Bought an XboxHUEG for Jet Set Radio Future
Bought a Wii U for Mario Kart 8
Bought a PS4 for the Crash Bandicoot remasters

I bought a cheap used PS4 to play Bloodborne

Yeah i bought a ps4 just for the crash remaster
I dun goofed

I bought a 3DS in 2012 because of the promise of Pokémon. Bought it too early so I just played OOT and Starfox 64 3D until XY came out in 2013

Bought a WiiU for Splatoon

Bought PS4 for Kingdom Hearts 3 in 2018, and bought other games like P5,GoW,Spider-Man,Bloodborne, and Red Dead so I had something to do with it until then

Bought a Switch for Splatoon 2 on launch but bought BOTW, Mario Kart 8, and Arms until then

I have a real bad habit of buying consoles too early but it lets me try more games I wouldn’t have bought if I waited later

Not a single game but I've had tipping points. Resident Evil Outbreak of all things sold me on a PS2. U be saying I can RE with 4 people?

Got a switch for smash.
I dont even play it unless my friend is over.
still worth it

I got my 3DS only for Paper Mario Sticker Star originally, that was a huge mistake though.

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right, your "friend"

what did he mean by this

I bought a PS3 for Trico/The Last Guardian. Oops...

This. Made the cancellation even more of a fuck you.

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I bought an xbone when they announced scalebound even though I already had a PS4. That thing collected dust until scalebound was cancelled and I remembered I still had it, ended up giving it to my nephew.

People keep saying that Capcom is back, but until they don't bother to revive MML3, they are still dead to me

If the PS5 backwards compatibility is true, then I'd just wait.

Bought ps4 for bloodborne and it was worth it. Now I use it to play multiplats my toaster can’t handle

Bought the DS for Pokémon Diamond and got other games later

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No, of course not. I'm not retarded and I have at least some self control.

Yeah, and I ended up never even buying the game I bought the console for.

Switch, Wii U, and Vita.

Wii U was a fucking mistake. Bought a Vita to play Muramasa and got a couple other titles so it was worth. Switch is just kinda sitting around now. I need to buy No More Heroes and Marked for Death.

I bought a gamecube to play Melee, then a Wii to play brawl, a Wii U to play smash 4, and a switch to play smash ultimate.

Srlsy, nintendo videogames sucks after the N64. If it wasn't for smash I wouldn't give a shit to them.

Oh, and I also bought a PS4 to play bloodborne. Finished and sold the console, which was another piece of shit.

A /m/an among boys, right here

I've bought consoles for one or two games and residual bonuses that may come along. For example, I bought a Vita for Gravity Rush, Soul Sacrifice and whatever else it got. Same with WiiU and Fatal Frame 5. I do approach consoles with optimism that I will eventually want more than one game throughout its lifetime, I'm patient enough for that.

>Srlsy, nintendo videogames sucks after the N64
t. smashfag

I bought a dreamcast for House of the Dead 2

Got a PS3 for Demon Souls and I still use it today so I'd say it was a good purchase

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Bought a 360 specifically for Ace Combat 6
Bought all the DLC for it
Never touched another Xbox game
Still play it every few months

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