What made people hate this game? The porn?
Bioshock Infinite
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the fact that it was terrible.
>Make a disappointing game
>Dude why are people disappointed?
Ken Levine is the biggest hack writer in the industry, and that's saying something considering Neil Druckenberg and Chris Avellone exist.
>Wacists! everything!
I wonder
Because it got stuck in development hell, rescrapped twice and the final iteration was "muh waifu and poorly thought out time shenanigans" with nothing going for it other than a few neat set pieces and very mediocre gameplay that feels more like a demo for a few good ideas (like the hook lines that are criminally underused.)
Not to mention that stupid fucking ghost boss; God help you if you were playing on the hardest bullet sponge difficulty like a masochist.
The writing wasn’t as good as Bioshock 1, the setting was less interesting, and the citizens of Columbia animated like crazed splicers. Songbird was under-utilised. Handymen sucked. I liked the remixed songs, and some of the oligarchal “holier-than-thou” aspects were interesting.
the porn was the best thing that came out of it
It had nothing to do with the eerie ambience and setting BioShock 1 & 2 had, instead replaced with a flashy colorful city.
The gameplay is a lot more frantic and hyper than 1 & 2, and that's not necessarily a good thing.
Vigor variety is pretty shit in Infinite but this is a recurring problem dating all the way back to 1. You don't have to use any other vigors when you have Devil's, or Jockey. There's no need.
Long story short, Infinite is a bastardization of what BioShock 1 was.
it's a fucking linear slog with half-assed everything that got 10/10s for a general cinematic feel
The game was a mess.
They wanted something new, yet were afraid of moving too far from the Bioshock recipe so you have stuff like Booker eating out of garbage cans and weapon upgrade stations, even if they don't really fit.
It's clear that they had certain scenes and themes planned and then tried to justify it using the story afterwards. It makes everything lack impact. You lose your memory when going to another timeline - but only sometimes. You feel sick when an alternative you has died - but only sometimes. Losing a bodypart in one world makes you gain powers - for some reason.
And the gameplay is just a step down in every single way compared to B1+2.
what was the purpose of making you only able to carry 2 guns?
i mean seriously, what could have possibly been the reason. i know its not balancing because the hardest difficulty is an unbalanced mess
Overly hyped game from God tier franchise revolving around libertarian distopia turned sjw against conservatives and pro commie.
Yeah doomed since day 1
>God tier franchise
i didn't like that when i died i respawned on the spot with minimal penalty therefore trivializing all combat. also niggers
I liked it
>The porn?
Seriously? Out of all flaws you could possibly point out, you blame it on the porn?
>unironically responding to bait
Poor form
on it's own infinite is a pretty decent game
>fun gameplay
>good setting
>Elizabeth being a 10/10 waifu
the fact it lacks any relevant choices, replay value or the plot being a nonsensical mess cripples it though
>fun gameplay
it's literally not that far from being "Half-Life 2" level of mediocre.
Today on fuck marry kill
>Marry left
>fuck middle
>kill the cunt on the right.
I mean, she smokes and wears dark lipstick. Just plain awful, I tell ya.
Not really, it plays like a mediocre fps on its own right
>the fact it lacks any relevant choices
Of course it lacks choices. That's the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT OF THE GAME. It's the exact same point Far Cry 5 was making with its mocking false choices. That you are not truly in control. That you are a sum of choices that were never truly yours.
BioShock was always a mediocre version of System Shock aimed at console kiddies, though.
Booker and Elizabeth should have fucked. Was BaS Liz an alt, or the one from the main game?
Meanwhile you can carry all the vigors you want
Some of the guns had really strict spare ammo capacities too
Technically both
>Make a city that's white only
>Import non-whites and treat them like shit
>They rebel and fuck everything up
Why would you do it in the first place?
It's not that they needed a bigger workforce because you could see poor whites working their ass off
Why not just import more poor whites?
I wouldn’t say it was hyper, I felt like it was slower thanks to the spaces out encounters and the fact that your enemies are now sane-ish human people keeping in cover and not irrationally angry psychos running at you
Because game journos hailed it as a game for smart people because it has slavery in it.
Even though the game was extremely shallow in every way.
Elizabeth is entirely a product of the society that you're supposed to hate, the gameplay is stiff and boring as fuck, ai is stupid and the setting has nothing but aesthetics going for it.
I was sure the game says somewhere that they needed low class workers to keep the city running smoothly
Not that the game really pays attention to the realities of meeting the needs of a flying city that's supposed to have cut itself off from the country. I wanted to know where they got their food or the materials they'd need to sustain the place.
Plot hinges on a causality paradox. Ending sucks.
>Why would you do it in the first place?
Good question, considering they figured out how to make autonomous combat robots but apparently just couldn't think of a way to automate manual labor or invent a fucking Roomba.
Gonna just leave this here.
I think shallow is a good way to describe the game in one word.
I know that what the game said and I addressed that
Have more lower class whites
i didn’t hate it I was just very disappointed by it
The DLC sucked so hard.
Matthewphimosis made a 1 hour video that highlighted pretty well how shit it is
I think it definitely contributed
Worst part of the game was this trilogy of mechanics.
1. Two weapon carry limit
2. Weapon Upgrade Stations
3. Mandatory Weapon sections
All fine mechanics on their own, but combined together to make a Voltron of suck.
I didn't play it yet, but I have it.
I'd only want to play it to get a feel of Liz, her personality etc.
Only to give the porn more context. Otherwise I just know her as a slut.
Has Ken Levine done anything since Infinite?
To be fair, the game is really good at selling itself. It had a strong opening that is light in gameplay, but heavy in lore and mystery. And it had a strong finish with lots of visual spectacle and crazy plot twists. I have to admitthat right after I finished it, I was praising the game. It took a few days for it all to sink in and the awe to fade that I really realized how mediocre the experience was as a whole and how many terrible design decisions and unfulfilled potential there was.
He made good points. Elizabeth killing Booker was fucking stupid. She's stupid.
Not to mention bringing back a Big Daddy type opponent in the form the Handymen, but without giving a *reason* you should take them on. They're just sprinkled in every once in awhile.
The sky-hook rails were hyped up as being an important and very tactical feature in the game, but are a side show amusement at best.
Characters will suddenly lose common sense to move the plot forward ("they're looking for someone with a mark like mine, oh well"), game mechanics are tied to Elizabeth's wonky ass AI so she can endear herself to you...instead getting in the way, slowing you down and sometimes flat out getting you killed. And events of the last two hours of the game don't make any goddamn sense when you stop to think about them. Made it perfect fodder for theorists on Youtube.
Then they throw whatever bit of message they had for the events of both episodes of Burial at Sea. Proving that drowning Booker didn't achieve a damn thing. Elizabeth dies a shitty death (several times if you think about it), and this basically all exists to give Jack from the original Bioshock a big messy blowie.
How does one acknowledge these three but not Kojima?
>its supposed to be unsatisfying
>its a commentary on how some games lack depth or good design
Yea Forums just fell for the early promises and still haven’t let go. the game is actually a great linear FPS
The first game was only handled its themes well because Ayn Rand was a huge brainlet who made it easy.
I still don't understand why people like bioshock 1 so much. I had to fucking challenge myself to make it difficult by not using any powers and only my gun. DA STORY ES GEWD. It's a fucking generic you lost memories with a setting done better in other games.
Get fucked.
Also fuck the ending for me. I saved all the fucking children except 1 to see what happens. That means I get the bad ending? Go fuck yourself game.
>wtf I only murdered one child why did I get the bad ending
The porn is the only good thing though.
>yo what if like bioshock but it's floating the SKY man
the fact that ken thought this was worth anyone's time is laughable. he's a supreme level hack. bioshock was only beloved because it blew the minds of console children.
Best part of the Bioshock franchise is the multiplayer in 2. Do not @ me.
>It's the exact same point Far Cry 5 was making with its mocking false choices. That you are not truly in control. That you are a sum of choices that were never truly yours.
That only makes sense if the game is capable of convincing the player that what they do is their own choice. Far Cry 5 simply shows you exactly what the wrong choice is, then gives the player "control" and presents them with only the wrong choice. The player knows what they should do but the game never lets the player make that decision. It's a terrible execution of an intersting idea. Mind control or brainwashing doesn't leave the person a passenger of their own body, looking out and seeing exactly what they should do as their body does the opposite.
And the game teaches the player to do the one thing that the story doesn't support. The very first thing you can do in the game is to choose by refusing to act. Then the game proceeds to never give you that choice again. You can sit and do nothing in Jacob's murder maze until the bones of the universe rot away and he doesn't take the hint that you're not going to obey. You can camp on top of whatsherface drug statue without doing the suicide jump for all eternity and she won't take no for an answer. Far Cry 5 does not depict brainwashing. It depicts the world conforming to a script.
dated graphics, brandead AI, plot holes, no physics, no dynamic lightning, copy-pasted abilities, 2 slot weapon limit, no weapon variety, no actual fear of height.
wait a minute... that card...
Because I loved Bioshock 1&2 and I expected something of that quality and got a piece of avantgarde shit instead
It was popular in the most basic sense and like a Hollywood blockbuster, so Yea Forums hated it by default.
Solid entertainment from start to finish though and Burial at Sea 2, is the besst Bioshock game to date.
The fact that the game was nothing that they leaked, showed, and talked about. Seriously go look at the pre release trailers or even the E3 one. None of that was in the final version.
What happened to Kev Levine? I want him to make a new game for me to shit on.
this is the last update he posted on his twitter concerning game development
I loved the previous games and was hyped beyond belief from the e3 footage. What we actually got was a theme park with no fucking soul. It was SHIT. After unlocking the bird plasmid i realized all the plasmids were the same fucking thing and dropped it all together. Biggest disappointment I've ever had in a release I was hyped for. Holy fuck I'm STILL mad as hell all these years later.
Are you fucking retarded? The game was terrible but the porn was the one good thing to come out of it. That's why it's still brought up.
This is the single dumbest post on Yea Forums right now.
Importing blacks is the downfall of any civilization. It brought America down.
Are you an idiot? Do you not understand the concept of facetiousness?
>Was it the porn that made people hate the game, guys?
>posts a cropped fucking picture of Booker fucking Elizabeth
>This is the single dumbest post on Yea Forums right now.
Sure is, buddy.
I like adult Elizabeth I would fuck her hard.
Wait what? I thought the only adult version of her was the bitter old bitty Lizzy?
He means the alternate universe one from the DLC. She's a few years older or something.
But BaS Elizabeth is a cunt sandwich. She's such a cunt that she could layer cake a guy on her own.
I really loved this game way more than fucking Rapture. Rapture is dark and depressive while I loved how bright Infinite was. The art style and direction is great. Fighting this big ass robots is amazing. Floating stuff is amazing. I really enjoy the art style and enemies while I hate the splicers. They feel like 2d sprites almost. So yeh fuck you for letting me discover fucking dark and depressive Rapture THREE
Fucking times. That's clearly too much. Poor Columbia.
It was a shit game that was vastly inferior to what the trailers and E3 shit promised
the writing sucked cock as well
How the fuck do you take a story about multiverses, which is basically cheating on the same level as making a story based on time loops, and make it dead fucking boring?
My dude, no one cares about the game, plot and characters or their personalities. People only watch the porn. I bet that user has never played the game, I don't blame him.
the shit-tier gameplay
>Far Cry 5 was making
Except no it wasn't? Your choices had different outcomes. Fight Joseph and his "prophecy comes true" don't fight him but a song plays that causes you to wig out which was because of Jacob's torture, leave and nothing happens at the start of the game. It wasn't until later the whole "actually it's all the cults fault" in New Dawn made clear it was fucked from the moment they tried their power grab. And even if that was the point of Infinite, it's a stupid point and it's not a very well written one.
Hey to John's credit if you refuse to say yes he starts getting agitated and you get a slightly different cutscene, that was cool. A shame it didn't carry over to the others, because I would have given some big props to the game if you showed restraint and the Dep didn't blow whats-his-faces brains out.
By not having any consistent plot with it. BSI starts off with a story about getting a girl, turns into a story about a communist revolution, then ends with some old faggot killing himself while retconning all the previous games.
It's basically Bioshock 2's plot but without the consistency. In BS2 consistency was kept by sticking to the basic premise of "get the girl" while letting Lamb's prewar story play out in the background.
Oh I actually forgot. The scene in the church was pretty good and it in fact did have a proper choice. It was obvious that you're supposed to let the priest take the abuse. It was obvious that he'd rather endure the pain than submit to the cult's demands. And yeah, those kind of choices are nowhere to be found in the rest of the game. The game also encourages you to do the southwestern part first. The only part with such a choice. And then the rest of the game proceeds to never let you choose anything again. Jacob captures you and tells you to kill people. Any player with a brain in their head knows that you're not supposed to obey him. And the game does nothing if you refuse. It simply waits for you to do exactly what Jacob orders. The game just keeps telling you what the wrong choice is and then forcing you to choose from a selection of one. Why does the player even have control during scenes that can only result in one outcome and the game insults the player for choosing the only option available?
you know what else the game had three fuking times?
the fucking ghost mom boss
Gameplay was boring and most of the plot was boring. If the entire game was more like the first hour, and salts had some more interesting mechanics then it would have been GOTYAY
Game is terribly mediocre after the first 10 minutes. Literally zero original ideas in the entire game.
I do enjoy the porn, though.
Brainlet tier plot contrivance.
The pr0n was the best part imho
"I know you have your doubts. But this is the only way the story ends." Far Cry 5 only has a single ending. All the other endings are illusions. Far Cry 3 was the same. The only valid ending is the one where Jason Brody cums and dies. The ending where he lives is just the developers sniggering at the audience. The game's writer hated Jason Brody and hated the kind of player who would identify with Jason Brody.
In Far Cry 5, the role of the player is to open the seven seals. The truth is that we never really had a choice. Remember "He doesn't row?" from Bioshock? Far Cry 5 was written by one of Infinite's writers. It has its own version -- the scene on the boat with the Marshall, where he tells you that free will is an illusion.
>The only valid ending is the one where Jason Brody cums and dies. The ending where he lives is just the developers sniggering at the audience. The game's writer hated Jason Brody and hated the kind of player who would identify with Jason Brody.
>Source: My ass
>The truth is that we never really had a choice.
You actually did, since you can leave immediately and then later leave when Joseph offers you the choice, it's just the radio turns on to a song that you're trained to kill to. Besides even ND which gives a canon ending disproves all the god and prophecy bullshit.
What's the in-lore explanation for the fact that the player is always completely aware that they should be doing something else but the deputy always chooses wrong due to the game designers never having implemented the right choice in any of the scenarios? How was the deputy brainwashed into opening the seven seals while simultaneously leaving his judgement completely intact? Because only a retard would not instantly see through the fact that you are being told to do the wrong thing by people you shouldn't listen to. It's just that the game doesn't actually support the concept of not doing as you're told.
BAS elizabeth > normal elizabeth
The porn is the only good thing about the game.
>implying a fat loser like you could fuck anyone
I thought it was a good lesson about how if you let colored folk and the irish in, a paradise can turn to shit.
Most people love it, just a bunch of contrarians here screech loudly
It was a downgrade in every way, especially the two weapon limit and the plot holes you could drive a truck through. Also, early footage made it seem like you could do so much more in this world and when it came out we weren't able to see or play half of what we saw.
That's exactly why I hate any smug fucking game that gives a "you could have just walked away" speech. No, you literally won't let me, and if I can you immediately give me a bad ending. That's not deep, it's just a retarded story.
Rook is just a tool. All the characters are just puppets. Remember that in Bioshock: Infinite, Booker didn't have free will. He couldn't actually choose to row the boat. No matter what he tried to do with that ball, the same thing would always happen. Every coin flip came up the same in every alternate reality.
In Far Cry 5, the deputy opens the seven seals because that is their role. They do it because the player makes them do it. Characters keep saying, "You don't understand what you're really doing." But the player typically doesn't listen.
>promised an open world
>was not open world
>promised non-linear gameplay
>entire game has only one path
>promised that player choices mattered
>there were no choices to be made
>promised Elizabeth would be a useful companion
>aside from tossing you ammo sometimes, she's useless
>promised Havok-like gravity gun type physics
>did not happen
>promised cool plasmids
>all plasmids were worthless
>promise a fight with Songbird
>did not happen
>promised a similar political themes like how the first Bioshock was a rebuttal to Atlas Shrugged
>story amounts to "racism bad"
>very basic gameplay mechanics like unlocking safes for loot were broken-- safes never contained anything good, not even large sums of money
>game forced you to play with the guns they wanted you to have by denying you ammo for the gun you wanted to use
>shoot the ghost to death
>the children with giant ears and no eyes can't hear you running but can see you
>Elizabeth lived her whole life in isolation but is a social butterfly
>Elizabeth could never escape her prison despite having the one superpower that makes breaking out of prisons super easy-- transportation
i liked it
>The gameplay is a lot more frantic and hyper than 1 & 2
cant agree with that; it is more action focussed, but mainly because any kind of decisionmaking or rationing of resources is gone.
you have 2 guns and no powers other than damage, if any of their ammo runs out, elizabeth tosses you more.
you even have regenerating health in form of a shield, how could it become more casual than that?
>there were no choices to be made
you have the choice of what kind of pendant elizabeth gets and in consequence she wears the one you chose, you liar.
pure choice and consequence, infinite is an RPG.
Most people are of average and sub-average intelligence, too.
The game pretends to be way smarter than it actually is, while handholding and railtracking the player to a ridiculous degree
youtube com/watch?v=l_u18_BKczg
No, we do listen, and they're wrong. Oh you shot Eli in the face because you wouldn't stop, actually it's because the game wouldn't let me stop the obvious bullshit Jacob was doing. Oh you caused the apocolypse, except no. If you listen to the radio, it's entirely unrelated to you.