>Pokemon will never be this comfy again
Pokemon will never be this comfy again
Other urls found in this thread:
Take off your nostalgia goggles. The older games are slow and dated. new games are way faster and have more personality.
The color pallate in GSC was fucking kino
kys zoomer
Pokemon peaked with 151 the rest are just bloat
If only Gen 2 had a better level curve and a complete Kanto. The OST, sprite work, day/night cycle, and secret boss were all fantastic.
nice buzzword
Emerald was the best one.
Best waifumon
>new games are way faster
Newer games are far shittier for forcing unnecessary cut scenes on you which fucks up the pacing and making them a slog to play.
Oh sorry, “soulful”.
>have more personality
I remember the days
Sure they will. You can lay in your bed while you play your switch.
>Battle takes too long due to health not moving at relative speeds
This is the only thing I can think of.
Should i get Pokemon Crystal or just play Soul Silver?
You can lay on your bed and play every mainline pokemon
Hence all pokemon games are comfy.
never grew up with GSC but I'd play the shit out of them than to touch XY ever again
This is all true, and despite that they have more soul than anything post gen 2. Funny that.
The day night cycle was so fucking comfy as a kid. Made me feel like I was part of the actual world.
So every portable game ever is comfy
, said the 15 year old zoomer
>insults "buzzword" by using a buzzword
You loved beating the Jhoto league just to go back to kanto right?
In the new games we get the pokemon world tour, poke plaza, battle tree, and online trading/tournaments.
>new games are way faster
Really, nigger?
>the optional areas in GSC are required in HGSS
>the open areas and side content that were in RSE are made forced and filled with more tutorials in ORAS
>XY and SM/USUM are practically movies with bits of gameplay
Yes. I mean people’s main selling point for the Switch on here is that it’s portable and “comfy”.
Tajiri directed both RBY and GSC. Then Masuda took over direction with RS and it all went downhill from there.
New games have also way more features to get the pokemon you want to play with way sooner via online trading.
I beat moon with my favorite pokemon sneasel from the start while using new generation pokemon at the same time.
Name a gold and silver gen pokemon available from the start that you'd use the entire game.
Try the Pokemon Pyrite hack (make sure it isn't the gen 3 one). Kanto isn't fully complete, but it follows the actual path of RBY and the level curve is MUCH better in addition to a lot of great changes to difficulty.
I'm having fun with crystal right now
Just caught my first natural shiny, too. Only took 20 years.
I wish they made a game where they let you choose which gems graphics you want to play with.
Gen 1 may have a bunch of glitches and questionable sprite art, but Gen 2 is still perfectly playable to this day. The sprites in GSC are fantastic, the color palette looks beautiful on the GBC, the game speed is better than DP and XY, and the OST is 10/10.
I want to go back.
Pokemon Crystal.
only correct answer
Also the only fucking series to have a second region. I have no idea how they could not follow that concept up in at least one of their future releases. I guess laziness since kids will this shit anyways.
i would look into any patches that help improve the levelling curve since it's pretty atrocious in vanilla
Except they don't. They are a soulless husk.
Should I get Pokemon Crystal or Heartgold/Soulsilver?
do you want the plain vanilla experience or an enhanced, albeit slightly more difficult experience
None of them, get the peak games: Platinum or BW2, good pre and post game, plus none of that shitty level/pokemon distribution problem they had in Gen 2.
The Johto games were extremely shitty with pokemon distribution but that doesn't mean other generations pre-3DS era were as well.
>They are a soulless husk.
>didn’t play BW/2 with oozed soul
Don't know, I'm new to the series. Looking for the best way to play one game from each gen. This is what I've come up with:
>gen 1
>gen 2
SoulSilver/HeartGold (or Crystal)
>gen 3
>gen 4
>gen 5
>gen 6
>gen 7
Listening to this causes physical pain in my soul because the memories I had playing this game were beautiful and priceless. I yearn to go back and it hurts knowing I will never re live those memories I had as a child.
What game?
4 and 5 definitely had comfy-ness with a night time ambiance. Especially 4 which had different music for night, I'm mad they don't do the night time pokecenter music anymore.
You literally want to zoom?
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Y A W N?
I got my only ever shiny in that game, I think the mystery egg gives you a large chance for one so I got a shiny tyrogue that evolved into a hitmonchan. I think I had a shiny doduo in X but I’m pretty sure it was my sisters.
i'd say play both soul silver and crystal.
in gen 5 play white 1 and black 2 (they're direct sequels) and look for a way to link your 1's savedata with 2. it unlocks little bonuses here and there
Before someone just mindlessly says OLD GOOD NEW BAD:
>Old games were fun and battles didn't take forever because 3D RPG's are really annoying that way.
>Story in pokemon has never been great but it really started to get crammed down your throat in gen 3 and by gen7 we have 5 hour cutscenes that you can't skip and it's so frustrating because it's not as if the dialouge is actually worth reading anyway
>your rival and everyone around you wasn't constantly fellating you.
Fucking hell that game was comfy
Crystal is the epitome of Pokémon but soul silver/heart gold is a decent remake.
Crystal just has too much soul, you can’t replicate the music on newer hardware.
Oh neat I didn't know that, thanks.
>older games are slower
the gen 3 games are the fastest in the series and the first ones came out in 2002
if anything, they've gotten slower
fuck sakes I actually yawned goddammit.
It seems every Nintendo series has "that guy" whose opinions are so terrible they continuously shape the series into something worse than it already is.
You know who you are Masuda.
>tfw using the street light from outside to play at night
>tfw finally got an gameboy advance SP and can game any time
>tfw fighting Red for the first time
If Pokemon ended at gen2 like it was suppose to we would have been better off.
For all the things it is not (and there are many), these games are pretty damn comfy on their own
fucking based and slowpilled
>you'll never experience being outside as the sun is going down during the summer, playing pokemon with your friends then going to block buster and buying snacks and renting a scary movie, pulling an all nighter and playing n64/gamecube until it's light out.
Great song. If you like jazz, check out this version: youtube.com
The song that makes me the most nostalgic is the national park music since it was always my favorite. youtube.com
I'm playing it right now, it's my first Pokemon game. I'm underwhelmed. On the one hand I like the comfy atmosphere and gameplay. On the other it's the easiest game I've ever played. I can't stress enough how easy it is, and that makes it boring. I know I'll never lose a match, or even break a sweat. I've seen people using "nuzlocke" challenges to make it harder but that shouldn't be necessary. It's got me motivated to pick up a 3DS so I can play the old games though.
will never top this
literally the definition of soulless
good, gen 2 is trash and the remake sucks
Holy fuck you made me really ducking sad. TAKE ME BACK
>Go through all of victory road full of it's usual puzzles and high encounter rate with high level pokemon
>Get outside the pokemon league
> youtube.com
Thread music
The only slow games are Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver
I love the old ones but you get fellaciated quite a bit. Not as much of a hug fest tho
>Caterpie and Weedle aren't grouped
>No Indigo Plateau Mankey
>No Viridian Forest Pidgeotto
>No Mareep
shit list
Fuck that then we’d miss out on the best gens (4/5).
-t zoom zoom
Obviously only fanart
come on user
No fangame has that much effort put in
>shadow is significantly bigger than the player
close but no cigar
>sudden urge to get a new gbc
>not in production since forever
>sold my gbc for peanuts 15 years ago
my nigga
what? new games are so fucking slow because they have tons of cutscenes and animations that take forever
You can get caterpie and weedle in both games. Mankey is only there in yellow, otherwise you have to wait a while in blue. You can only get Pidgeotto in viridian forest in yellow. You get stopped by a guy unable to get Mareep going south until you beat falkner.
>he only played Yellow version
>Faster and more personality
Sorry friend, but the pokemon road was never comfy... only long and fraught with peril...
>Gen 2
Lol, it’s just Kanto’s shitty little brother.
why didnt light come through that once window? even if it was broke it would still sine through?
English please
Just buy a GBA SP off eBay. They’r cheaper and have better lighting.
You'll have to do better with bait than this.
>got my first (and only) natural shiny on Gold
>it was a Bellsprout
I unironically like U Sun and U Moon a little better than G&S now.
t. boomski
Well, I guess it's time to break out the GBC again.
absolutely boogles my mind that anyone would want to play GS when HGSS is superior in literally every way, you have to be a nostalgia fag
Not bait when it’s true. Kanto even stole all the good new Pokemon and left the shitty ones behind like a true big bro.
yeah no. having a day/night cycle was huge. sucks gen 3 didn't have it at all. the weather was nice but it was locked to route and not an actual thing.
Just a reminder that Gen 4 and 5 are better than 2.
All the modern games should be remastered with this kind of sprite artstyle.
I fucking hate how every Pokemon game doesn't still have the fucking night/day and day of the week mechanic.
Such a huge step forward, it made the world feel real to me as a kid. How could they not keep this?
>crystal is still the only game where pokemon distribution changes significantly based on time of day
as a kid, the idea that a dude could call me at any moment to warn me of a maril swarm was all the motivation i needed to never turn the game off. such a simple little concept that no other fucking pokefuck game even did
>I fucking hate how every Pokemon game doesn't still have the fucking night/day and day of the week mechanic.
The GameFreak answer: Because they like adding and taking away features to make every game feel "Unique"
The ACTUAL game designer answer: Because having entire swaths of content gated behind an otherwise arbitrary timer is dumb. Day/night is fine because it happens frequently enough, but days of the week are too slow. What happens if you need to do something on Wednesday, but you don't get to play the game for a whole day? You gotta wait a whole week to progress your game. That's dumb.
Correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure BW do this too
I enjoy island settings so it's a bit of a personal bias, but I thought they nailed the setting of the region perfectly. It's the only game post G&S where I found them actually taking their setting seriously.
Pokemon abilities actually utilize gimmicks to make quite a few mons unique and fun to build.
You get to defend your thrown as champion against other jobbers who want to take your spot.
Mimikyu is an amazing design imo.
Totem pokemon are interesting and the choice to deviate from the regular gyms was great to me.
Also most of the pokemon designs actually catch e which hasn't really happened for me since R&S.
The overall story and theme of G&S can't be beat but I still find S&M just a little bit better.
why specifically white 1 and black 2?
I can respect that.
N64 Era Pokemon was the peak, I wish that Gamefreak would stop using the fact that the main-line games are now in 3D as an excuse to not make another battling-focused Stadium game.
You're a retard.
Each window is probably a separate room
Were the older games deleted or something?
>replay Platinum for the first time in 10 years
>feel nostalgic but also dead inside
Holy fuck. If Ganefreak isn't going to innovate with Pokemon completely, I'd at least prefer much more that they move back to this aesthetic. So comfy.
HGSS was the peak. Just as comfy as the old while have the quality of life of the new.
Gen 2 is overrated as fuck
the actual reason is that gamefreak doesn't know how to fucking code the games properly so they have to re-do everything from scratch every game, except the models of course those are future proofed
What would be the point? With Pokemon Bank you can transfer all your Pokemon into any game and every game has online or multiplayer battling. The main gimmicks of Stadium are redundant now.
Unless you just want minigames and a single player campaign.
The only ones I've ever played were Red/Blue and Yellow.
So is gen 1
especially with non-random battles
I'm pretty sure the user you're responding to is only interested in the day/night cycle's contribution to the aesthetics and immersiveness of the game world, not the game mechanics tied to it.
In which case the actual game designer is: for Ruby/Sapphire they wanted to dedicate resources to features that mattered more than just something that swaps palettes around depending on time of day. Then they brought that back in the later games anyway.
I know, they both are
They both get a lot of passes due to nostalgia
Why is this so comfy? Is it the colors? The simple 2d?
>Pokemon thread
>Full of autists
This is why there was a containment board made for your autists.
>with 6 fucking hours of cutscenes
I'd much rather play the fucking video game for 6 more hours than have to sit there watching the game play itself.
If I wanted to watch movies I wouldn't pick up a fucking video GAME.
Good opinion. Respectfully, I do not feel that way.
Yeah, except that G/S *did* have a day of the week mechanic you fucking troglobite
that's more sad than scare
>Totem pokemon are interesting and the choice to deviate from the regular gyms was great to me.
This is probably the most important takeaway from gen 7 to me. Game Freak may have sat on their game structure formula for two decades without changing it TOO much, but Totem battles showed that they CAN be willing to design boss battles that aren't simply 'trainer who plays by the same rules as everyone else but is a *little* tougher than the others'. They can be cheesed much like any other battle format, be it with status conditions or buffing moves, but a 1v2 fight against monsters who get automatic stat buffs and work together against you is already a huge step up from yet another trainer with an ace Pokemon and a signature move.
It's been years since I last played Crystal but I don't remember ever running into issues with the curve, which parts do you mean?
Makes me emotional every time.
reminder that gen3 is comfiest
Make sure it's an AGS-101 model with backlighting instead of the crappy frontlighting of any other SP.
>expecting a company to create new Stadium-tier animations for 800+ Pokemon
If they WERE to do something like that the effort would be better spent on the actual games themselves (which definitely need better animations) once again rendering a new Stadium redundant.
Liquid Crystal romhack
>when it slashes the comfy parts from gen 2 like night time
Not him, but gen 2's level progression is atrocious. You get a choice of two paths after Ecruteak, with the one you left for later being woefully underleveled. It makes a long portion of the game even more of a bore than usual. It only momentarily picks back up to a regular pace when you get to Blackthorn, only to shit the bed again when you beat Lance and get to Kanto where everything is way below your level again. Then you complete your babby mode victory lap by beating the Kanto gyms (who, besides Blue, don't put up as much of a fight as Lance) and then go and beat the final boss, Red, who is again appropriately leveled for a single trainer as opposed to the usual multi-trainer League challenge gauntlet.
All good options. I'd look into romhacks for both, stuff like all Pokémon available, physical/special split for Crystal and fairies for HGSS. They're the definitive Pokémon games for a reason nigga.
Gen 3 is pretty sick though, right?
Are you implying I'm a Hoennbab? I started off with Yellow
This is the single best song in the series, which is a tall order for a game with already a stellar OST. It's weaponized nostalgia at its finest.
Nah i was asking if it was overrated or not
I fucking love the 1st 2 gens, I probably done hundreds of full play throughs by now
>one day you will play your favorite game for the last time
LGPE has >160 pokemon though
The lights in the windows is such a small but meaningful touch.
Not really
A major factor is just how much it was an improvement over Gen 1, which is surprisingly uncomfy in a lot of places. Though that roughness is part of its charm.
So what? You're saying you want another Stadium 1 with 150 Pokemon?
Once again, what's the point?
Why not play Stadium 1?
But HG and SS exist. They are the comfiest of the pokemon games.
>Iwata made it possible to fit two whole regions onto a gameboy color cartridge
>With all the tech Nintendo has today with the switch they can’t even manage one plus extra content
I'd like to know what this means beyond 'it makes me nostalgic'
>comfy = way faster and have more personality
You either didn´t read OP or don´t know what comfy means
>look at trees
>train is moving to the right with Gold at the first passanger car
>look at the fence on the left side
>train is moving to the left with Gold at the last passenger car.
why is pokemon music so comfy bros
>the trees which are located at a greater distance than the fence move faster
u wot m8
alright thanks for confirming i wasn't blinded by nostalgia anonymous man
>people actually thought we would get to visit kanto in sun and moon
We will never get two regions again until Lets Go Lugia! comes out.
Where were you last summer when the G/S proto leaked
2nd gen's development was a complete mess, at some point the "region" of the game was supposed to be the entirety of Japan and there was even a miniature Kanto in there
At some they wised up, scaled back and redesigned the game's structure, probably around this time Iwata came in to help compress their spaghetti code which gave them more space to do everything (the interview where this was mentioned does not mean Kanto in gen 2 literally happened because of this, you simpleton, it just means they could do way more than what they originally envisioned possible, to the point that they could finally imagine making a game far larger than what was there before)
>With all the tech Nintendo has today with the switch they can’t even manage one plus extra content
More like GF doesn't need to put any effort into anything since they're guaranteed 8+ mil sales anyways.
Oh fuck I can't undo it. The train is moving backwards for me now.
>probably around this time Iwata came in to help compress their spaghetti code which gave them more space to do everything
the compression iwata did was to fit the localized text into one cartridge. he had nothing to do with development of the main game
Some good memories from playing Pokemon Crystal in the back of the car, pitch-black outside, on long family trips to visit grandparents and shit.
Looks like I'm misremembering the interview too, then. Point still stands that the user I'm responding to is an idiot.
so is sneedposting
Can't FUCKING believe that Yea Forums can have a better, proper comfy Pokémon thread than /vp/
Eh, it's a standard "motion with 2 frames" issue with the fence. Those never look like anything more than going back and forth to me.
Can't think of any area comfier than Serene Village. Too bad you only get to spend like 10 minutes there.
I want to go on a beautiful soul-filled childlike magical pokemon adventure
What game in the series should I play?
It happened yesterday at 1120. Everyone talked about the games, the relationship of the types to each other, the effects of power creep, and the changes made across 7 generations and how it affected the series as a whole. It was really nice, I still have the tab open
Mystery dungeon
Explorers of Sky. Avoid spoilers.
gold and silver were shit
crystal was the only good thing pre gen 3
Gen 3 was too much of a hard reboot. That's why all the original fans stopped playing.
i know what you mean OP the remake just couldn't capture the feel of the original but that doesn't mean necessarily it's a bad thing for it was meant as a ploy to bring Crash Bandicoot back.
Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens
Stop trying to belittle his contribution, faggot. He was very much part of the development side of Pokemon and he created the tools that compressed the entire game's graphics, not "localized text." He didn't come in after the game was finished, they literally came to him and begged him for help because they went over their heads. He was also working on Pokemon Stadium at the same time and ported Red and Green's battle system with no reference documents in a week.
No I’m saying they should have put the same if not more amount of effort on move animations since there’s the same or about the same amount of pokemon.
>tfw want to like Crystal but no Mareep
Get SS and play Crystal Clear
Iwata basically saved GS. Stop talking about games that came out before you were born.
The gif was recorded at a much lower framerate than the game, causing a type of temporal aliasing that makes the fence appear to move slower.
I played G&S right when they came out, you fucking nigger.
Well the board knows its shit but they also crave drama. Hope the new games can unite the board again after ultra sun, moon and lgbt broke their faith.
>No greyscale
Unironically soulless.
Your Unova is cut short, Audino can appear as well, it's just part of a different pool because of rustling grass. It is weird though that it's such a small pool in it's first 2 routes. Half the gimmick of that game was "we're gonna use our new pokemon" and you can't even get the new bird until after the first gym. Black White 2 fixes this by removing that rule and adding a mass of pokemon you can catch on any given route but it fails the first gym rule by default because your starting town has the first gym.
I don't understand people who want to catch endgame mons 16 minutes into the game. Don't you get OP as fuck right away? I thought the point was to cycle through different teams in a game with +700 potential candidates.
Comfy means extra care was put into making the game world pleasant to be in. This can be the attention to detail, graphics, music, presentation, setting, or any combination thereof.
So when people say Pokemon G/S/C is comfy it's because it had a day and night cycle that not only affected the world's appearance by changing the color palette and having buildings light up, but changed which Pokemon appeared, and a day of the week system which changes certain events depending on the day. You can get trainer's phone numbers and have them call you, and you can visit the previous game's region. All of this is an extensive amount of attention to detail for a Gameboy game and makes the world feel "alive." Then there's the music which has catchy memories that evoke happy feelings from the player, the setting which is a scenic Japanese country side, the simple but effective and bright color graphics, that all coalesce to enhance the experience.
>that poor kid who only had a Gameboy Pocket
Meant melodies. Freudian slip I guess.
I did experience it, the problem is I never can again.
Same here. No other game feels like it, only D/P/Pt.
Say what you want about gen 2 being much comfier in general and having a pleasing art style but you are gonna be lying if you say that the next games didn't add a ton that was good to the series, double battles, abilities, attack split, re-usable TMs and so on
Z-moves can die in fire tho and fuck megas/regional forms for being such wasted potential
Still mad that they removed last Pokemon themes from gym leaders
I love, and I mean LOVE, the way gold and silver look and sound, it's just so atmospheric, the heart gold remake was great, but it never quite captured that feeling.
I still contest that HG/SS are the most aesthetically pleasing games I've ever played, as someone who loves that square top-down RPG look.
Johto is peak aesthetics
White 1 and black 2 arent sequels you mong nigger jumjum
Don't the rustling grass patches only start appearing after the first gym or something? I recall there being a tutorial where you're introduced to the mechanic and it's a fair bit into the game.
>doesn't have the comfiest route themes out of the entire series
>blocks your path
Would recommend playing a rom hack that adds viridian forest etc that was cut from original for extra comfy
Crystal has such a charming aesthetic but it's honestly a bit of a mess. SS improves on the game play, adds post game, kind of fixes the Pokemon distribution and level curve, not a whole lot but kind of. My biggest gripe with Crystal was the lack of decent TMs and level up moves and once you catch Snorlax in Kanto you've won the game
>you can’t replicate the music on newer hardware
Gameboy Sounds
Pity that this isn't a wallpaper.
BW to BW2 are direct sequels though, they're not just third versions like crystal/platinum/Ultra sun/moon
If you call being stopped every second to talk more personality you royal faggot
As if interacting with you faggots online makes it better. Kys
I like the dot matrix look of the gameboy pocket. I never had one, but instead had an atomic purple gameboy color.
Wow I get to start with my favorite shitmon. Your argument is weak as fuck.
DS era > GB era >>> GBA era >> 3DS era > how the fuck did you even manage tier: Switch era (so far)
Actual Soul
>legendary beast each get a remix of the same theme that reflects them better.
You nostalgiafags need to realize that your buggy shallow mess of game has long been surpassed by gen 3 through 5.
>calling shit like gen 5 great
Wanna know how I know you're a faggot?
gen 5 is great you stupid fuck
The versions in specific, no. There's nothing important about your decision of versions. BW2 is pretty hard a sequel to 1. Your character is a new character on a different adventure in 2 and can be played separately, but a lot of the world is a direct sequel to 1 and especially once plot starts to happen it does talk a lot about the events in 1.
I will say though, play 2 right away if you want a very back to basics pokemon. All that story stuff will fly over your head and the evil team will pretty much just be random thugs like Team Rocket was. Your rival is a jerk/friend again, it doesn't stop much for cutscenes, your personal adventure is just get the gyms and win the pokemon league, and it's my favorite as far as atmosphere and general pacing/world.
>1 shotting a wild shitmon with buffed stats
Yep, real difficult right derr
congrats on not understanding what he was saying
Only Raikou's theme was good though. The other two were just bloat.
Sure it is, and I bet you love the dogshit turner came up with.
Man i just hope Sword and shield are at least better than the 3ds games
i deeply regreted buying moon and couldn't even finish playing a ultra on a emulator
the only interaction i have with pokemon nowdays is playing some stupid romhacks/fangames looking for "so bad it's good". Pic related is just bad tho
This one song has more soul than the entire sun/moon soundtrack.
So this is the dumb meaningless BS nostalgia scum come up with to make it seem like their outdated games are still good.
>defending Totem battles
JRPGfags pls go
Golurk is pretty good yeah you dumb faggot
These games are still better than Gen VII
It's hard to recover from that. I wonder how much was just really awkward limitations fueled 2 fold by GameFreak's bad programming and how much is just them really losing their touch.
Sun and Moon I thought had some interesting ideas, and was definitely the better game of the 2 3ds games, but was some of the worst pacing for a pokemon game. Meanwhile X and Y just failed to do anything interesting at all, making the most boring world possible.
there's no way you're white
>Pokemon abilities actually utilize gimmicks to make quite a few mons unique and fun to build.
>You get to defend your thrown as champion against other jobbers who want to take your spot.
>Mimikyu is an amazing design imo.
>Totem pokemon are interesting and the choice to deviate from the regular gyms was great to me.
>Also most of the pokemon designs actually catch e which hasn't really happened for me since R&S.
I agree with these but everything else ruins he experience for me. But bonus points for killed HMs
I used to feel sorry for the Pokémon fans but after each new game announcement I saw the very same fanbase sucking off Gamefreak's cock again and again like a battered housewife. Thank god I got out of the franchise after the age of 15.
I still have mine with Pokemon Red, Yellow and Gold, but the internal battery of the cartridge died a few years ago, so I can't access my savegames anymore
Gameboy Sounds is garbage and sounds nothing like the original games
So this is the only thing you cam come up with?
gen 2 was meant to be the end. it was a more comprehensive sequel that built way more ontop of gen 1 (all those scrapped pre-evolutions and evolutions) but also plenty of new and unique pokemon to stand on its own.
they also went with the 'world tour' theme for all of the towns and cities since it was meant to be their last hurrah. then gamefreak realized pokemon was making infinite money. the anime was only meant to last that first season (the indigo league) and end there, but due to its overwhelming success pokemon became one of the first successful multi media franchises.
so they went back to the drawing board and started over fresh. they needed something uniform and established the template we see today.
most of the cities in the spaceworld demo were based off of various places in japan. they recycled all of these ideas until they hit gen 5
These games were basically Battle Frontiers for Gen I/II and they were moot during Gen III - V but they need them back if we still have Measuda and his puppet Ohmori at the helm of main line games. Actually spin off games in general have been non existent since like Gen IV? Why? They sell
I though XY was comfy
Just hope they bring the announcer back in some way
Why was the OST for 4th gen so lax? It didn't sound like a constant push to success or some grand adventure. All the tunes were just tunes one would listen on a calm leasurly stroll with occasional urge to speed up for a bit before going back to regular pace. It sounds like a place where everything around you is already accomplished for you just to take everything in and enjoy the moment.
My first natural shiny was an aron in Emerald and I released it because I thought it was a bug in the game, since the only thing that changed were his eyes
(U)S&(U)M take forever to get going.
Couple hours into the game it still feels like they're holding your hand just in case you go somewhere you're not meant to yet.
Absolutely nothing you said is substantiated by any evidence. Hell, the fact that you go to the old region we know is a complete after thought and not meant at all as some book end to the series.
>It didn't sound like a constant push to success or some grand adventure.
That's reserved for the battle themes.
And last but not least.
That's not the comfiest game in the series though
This ignores tonnes of pokemon, mareep, ladybug, mankey, and im guessing more in the new games
The whole feel of gen 4 seemed very sleepy and relaxing, especially emphasised by and It's kinda unique, though not quite fully cashed in on.
You don't need a whole new region to make good post-game content. DPP and USUM are prime examples of this.
>Gamefreak could do all this with shitty DS graffix
>Now they can barely into 3D
Did Masuda snap or what?
I really miss the 3D X pixel art style the DS games had
Why put in effort when you can KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it up instead?
But yes Masuda went insane.
>that theme
Max comfy
BW failing broke him.
I mean, you do understand that those things aren't mutually exclusive right? Back then they could make a 20 polygon Mantine and a 12 polygon tunnel because that was acceptable at the time. Now they need to actually put more effort in because a 12 polygon tunnel isn't acceptable anymore.
BW didn't fail, though. It just had a lot more effort put into it for no real bump in sales so why bother?
This. We have no right to blame him for how shit pokemon games are now when they sell like hotcakes every time.
I always thought that green haired girl's sprite was kind of like Terra from ff6
3DS pokemon is slower than Gen 2
What game is this from? Looks interesting
really is a shame they're too scared to make nights look darker in more recent games
Etrian Odyssey
Totems were great you pleb
That’s my husbandu
Etrian Odyssey
>not wanting the bugged mons
Oh I can recognize medic on the left and protector/paladin but who are the other 3?
it's incredible how the best games except for HGSS are the ones who sell less
no wonder they keep selling crap after that
The DS games were good about it.
Wasn't until 3DS that they got brighter, probably because they were gonna try to avoid the ghosting effect but then they disabled the 3D most of the time anyway.
Hopefully they go back to being darker in SwSh
catering to the lowest common denominator is a better way to move more merchandise
more at eleven
I just hope every now and again they opt to make another game that stands so well on its own like BW(2)
replayed crystal after finishing SM and USUM. you are wrong
It was already uncomfortable and packed by that point.
looks like pink-haired troubadour, blonde survivalist and blonde alchemist
Gen4 was peak comfy.
Gen8 seems like it can challenge it.
I can see it now. I usually used the rightmost alchemists and didnt recognize troubadour without her pigtails clearly visible.
Animated sprites were perfect.
>being this retarded
They are saying the horrible animations in lets go games are no excuse when stadium has same amount of Pokémon retard
Why is Gen4 so revered nowadays? I thought Pokemon Diamond was boring as shit back in the day. Uninteresting world, too many caves.
That’s fanart
This looks like a prerendered 3D model that got cleared up of clipping lines and artifacts.
What if Pokemon used 2DLive to cut animation costs and had high resolution 2D sprites?
>all those French horns
Just replaced the batteries in my Gold and Crystal carts, lost my first ever shiny because of those batteries dying. Which one should I play? Also, what is the most comfy hardware to play them on? Backlit GBA SP?
Platinum fixing the slowness, the music, and the rest of the world had a cozy vibe.
>Gen4 was peak comfy.
>Gen8 seems like it can challenge it.
Deal with it, bitch.
>the music
Platinum had different music?
That’s how trains are
I dunno how you even enjoy Pokemon after the first 2 gens you play
the magic of Pokemon is being a kid and the game being simplistic enough for you to jump into, but not being jaded enough to know how limited they are. As a kid, Pokemon seems to have endless possibilities for things you could do, whereas now they just seem like the most simplistic games with very little content because of the amount of other games I've played since.
No, I just typed that badly.
it's a fan game from /rheg/
Sacred Gold is peak pokemen
>I remember when I spent like a month trying to make a romhack only to just uninstall everything and maybe at most managed to get like 30 mins worth of really bad gameplay I dunno how people make romhacks especially with custom sprites and tilesets/and rarely sometimes custom moves with unique animations and also a bunch of fakemon
So when did Johtofags manage to eclipse Genwunners in terms of insufferability?
I always really enjoyed the clapping in the Dialga/Palkia theme.
I started playing Blazed Glazed, sounds like it has a shit load of content but the writing quality is fucking awful.
>get pokémon silver back in the day as present
>know fuckall about pokemon except watching the cartoon sometimes
>capture 3 or 4 pidgeys just because I could
>free all my team accidentally, including the starter
>go through 3 or 4 cities with just a pidgey and a rattata, and a whole lot of grinding
I was a special kind of kid
>that kid who didn't start his adventure at night
Gen 3 > Gen 2 > Gen 1. Everything else is irrelevant.
they didn't. modern gen faggots are way ahead in faggotry
Ha, no.
V > IV > VII > III >VI > I > II
I knew which theme would be even before clicking the link
You win 100 internets my brother. Or, like we would say these days, based and redpilled.
why did they get rid of the night in the newer games?
>I’ll trade you this level 30 Pokémon for a level 100 shiny
This is basically every trade request
From where?
I'm not familiar with that and searching it just gets me info on arthritis.
You can filter that shit out
You can't request shinies in trades, dumbass.
on /vp/
3 is dogshit
big retard
Sorry user, but some of us are willing to move forward while you sit on your memory mower and pretend the world isn't passing you by,
Your retardation isnt fact.
Thank you very much
Do you care to elaborate your stance then? Because I can give you a laundry list of reasons why Gen II is absolute ass.
gen 2 has its issues but its well above gen 1 you absolute chimp
Johto = Hoenn > FireRed > OG Kanto.
What if they made pokemon look like octopath traveler?
hoenn sucks
A lot of the mons with really powerful final evos are simply fairly decent to even sort of bad in their earlier stages, level slowly and evolve super late, etc. It would be satisfying as hell to catch a low level pseudo-legendary first stage and raise it through the entire game and evolve it while you're right about to fight the Elite Four but the games don't want to give you that experience.
The size comparison in the pokedex needs to come back. The sprites combined with checking their size compared to the trainer was the best, and it's needed more now with the jarringly off scale 3D models in battle.
Gen I actually had good encounter tables and level distribution.
>he calls early gen fans "boomers", "genwunners" and nostalgiafags
>he likes mega-evolutions, Z-moves and region variant pokemons
>he bought Let's GO game(s)
>he likes the casualized games more
>he likes the 3d games better
>he's under 25 years old
If you feel like this post describes you, then YOU are the problem.
>Unova is cut short, Audino can appear as well, it's just part of a different pool because of rustling grass.
That only happens after the first gym.
gen 1 has the worst fucking sprites in the series I'd argue they're worse than the lifeless 3d models we have from the 3ds games
You can beat 4 gyms in R/B before getting your pokemon in S/M
Johto was a pretty shitty region. It completely falls apart after the 4th gym (which is when it stops being a linear line) because the levels are all fucked to hell, and the dex distribution is wonky.
And he's already dodging. GG old man.
>n-not an argument
actually kill yourself
>new games are way faster
Are you being serious?!
The latest generation takes a quarter of of an hour just to get your first pokemon, you retard.
>Johto puts me at fucking ease and hypes me up at the same time.
How the fuck is that shit possible? the entire fucking soundtrack is literally beeps and boops.
I think both of you missed the original context.
Go back and read
user was asking for a theoretical new Stadium game. Responding to the answer I gave of why there doesn't need to be one with a gif of the Stadium animations implies _under that context_ that that would the reason to make a new Stadium game. Which is why I said they wouldn't make 800+ new animations and that effort would be better spent on the main games. I already addressed the animations being horrible in the main games in the same post. Responding to that further with "LGPE has 160 Pokemon" implied under the same context that a theoretical Stadium game would be possible with the same amount of Pokemon.
That gif was showing how bad the animations of lgbt was when stadium did way better years ago with the same amount of mons to work with it was just showing how complete shit pukymon is now
>Got my only natural shiny in X
>It was a fucking goldeen
Yes, but it was in a response to a question that I asked. "What would be the point of a new Stadium?"
I thought it was under that same context.
>le boomzoomwoomgoompoom
I loved how gen 4 had the weight scale and you could send either the pokemon or the trainer flying offscreen
>Leaf is under 3 feet tall
I don't think this is entirely accurate
This works as pixel art, but as a game, it's too noisy. It's difficult to tell the difference between NPCs and map tiles. A lot of indie games have this issue.
Gen 4 will always be the best gen to me. Best music, best starters and best comfiness. I was hoping more than anything it was going to get a remake but it just wasn't going to happen this year.
The 3D in the DS games always looked a bit rough and unnecessary.
That feeling of soul you get from unboxing Ruby and trying it on your GBA for the first time in 2002 will always be the most soulful Pokemon moment for me.
>you will never feel good about beating your rival again because the rivals are all just best buddies
the absolute worst change in all of the changes
Quadrupeds' height is measured at the shoulder, pikachu is just standing upright
>Playing SoulSilver yesterday
>Never encountered a shiny before
>Victory road cave
>Shiny Golbat
>tfw Crobat is my favorite pokémon
felt good bros
Someone never fought Hau right at the start of island 3 in USUM.
You changed the shell on that SP?
he was referring to the prototypes for gen 2 you mongoloid not the final game. as said G/S was meant to cover all of japan. we know for a fact that "pokemon 2" was going to be the final game and fully realize all of their concepts from the first games but they had to shift gears when the success of the series dawned on them.
If it was like Pokémon collsuem where there’s a mode added on to a actual game it would be okay
The GameCube ones were the only good pukymon ones honestly
peak 8bit pokemon sprites. Nothing can triumph this.
A new Colosseum is what we really need but Gamefreak are cowards who killed Genius Sonority
>played like 7000 hours of pokemon total
>NEVER seen a single shiny pokemon
you might feel good beating him but hau is a goofball buddy. he's not
>ayylmao fuck you and fuck your starter I am the best
like an actual rival. duels with the new "rivals" are just
>hey buddy let's have a battle buddy I want to see how strong you've grown buddy!
Hau is pretty great. Blue in Let's Go I can agree.
I agree. I play them on my psp. After Gen2 its just a downhill. If only they had kept the haunted tower in Lavender town
>start off with lvl 26 umbremon and espeon
Literally best experience I ever had in a pokemon game also because they were also always mai fav pokes :D I liked how they did the shadow system so it was actually fun when u came across one
>he hasn't played gen 2 or the remakes
user you retard
Source for this?
I liked that there was a very small, yet distimct pokemon selection so you were forced to use mons you would usually never use.
Combine that with the fact that all battles are double battles combine that with the fact that there are not a lot of options to grind and that the AI is pretty competent like using a skill swap slaking and you got a pretty nice challenge.
Also the OST and the general aesthetic and premise are pretty cool.
red gyarados doesn't count because it was free
you also had a higher chance at getting a shiny from the odd egg
Try Pokémon Crystal Clear. It's a Gen 2 hack that let's you do the gyms in any order and Kanto is restructured to match Gen 1.
>like actual rivals
Sorry, I'll take a friendly rival with a good team over YOURE WEAK YOURE SO WEAK I CANT STAND WEAKLINGS like the repetitive boring trash that was Silver.
Gladion shits on both Blue and Silver anyways.
The sad part is that I totally forgot Wally even existed in RSE
In RSE he's pretty shit. Its one of the things ORAS did right.
That forgettable little faggot ?
It came out in 2003 YOU RETARD
I liked that little hidden leaf village place were u meet celeibi
Wally is a goodaboy
isn't that after like 50 wins in the battle mansion or some shit
these threads really open my eyes to the fact 4chins userbase are underage
Based and zoomerpilled
Yah 50 in a row I couldn’t get it I got to 30 :/
Although I thought Gale of Darkness was a little bit better, as I appreciated it being a little bit longer and having a little bit more choice in what Pokemon I used.
God tier soundtrack, though: youtu.be
>mfw playing low tier battles on pokemon showdown
fuck the main games I'm comfy
>new games have personality
The last game was pokemon go fuck yourself and everything in the new games are faster cause its fucking easy its called working for something lazy faggot
>Gen IV OU
>Gen V UU
>Gen VI UU
>Mostly comfy thread
>Reminiscing about playing Gold when I was four years old in 2000 and HeartGold in 2010 when I was fourteen
>2020 next year; 20th anniversary of GS and 10th of HGSS
>Turn 24 next year
>Graduated university at the end of 2018 and have no idea what to do now
This thread has made me both happy and sad, so I think I'm going to bed. Thanks for a good thread, anons: youtu.be
I should really try playing the metas of old gens. I'm just shitting on mesprits in PU
Is it just me or do modern games lack this purplish hue that older games had? New games often feel kind of washed out
What's the coolest shiny you ever had Yea Forums?
I had a shiny Swablu/Altaria and called it "Angel"
crystal for aesthetic
>be 6yo me playing Pokemon Silver
>encounter shiny Beedrill
>"wtf why does it glitter, thats gay"
>kill it
I was a fucking retarded kid
You fucking super retards, every game since Diamond and Pearl has had day/night cycles including time of day specific Pokemon. Hell gen 5 even had seasons that changed every month.
Gen 5 is peak comfy
I had a shiny Tentacool and a shiny Tentacruel at the same time, that was really fucking cool. Unfortunately it was on Silver and my internal battery died.
One of those anons said "significantly". I don't know exactly how true that is for the newer games but in GSC time of day had a fucking monumental impact with encounter tables for most areas in the game changing wildly.
I got a shiny Staryu and absolutely loved how it looked. Then I evolved it into Starmie and was incredibly disappointed
I've played first 3 gens for the last 12 years and never encountered a shiny.
I've only recently beat Red for the first time, too.
That is definitely not true. In fact, the time of day and calendar stuff is like a bubble around Goldenrod. Once you leave that area, the significance of that feature just vanishes. It's the "New feature effect" as I call it. Pokemon team constantly makes new features but can't be assed to meaningfully use it more than once generally. Seasons were the same way.
If you look up nitpicking in the dictionary you'll find this post
Go look up the encounter tables for random routes right now. Crystal (which that user specifically noted) upped the effects some more compared to Gold/Silver plus even in GS there are a ton of mons that are day/night only. Rates shift from 30% to 0% very often.
Meanwhile Seasons have a middling effect on encounter rates at best in Unova and time of day has absolutely no effect in any of the recent games at all outside of super specific shit like Lycanroc in a single route.
Can we all stop arguing and just agree Pokemon Mystery Dungeon was peak /cozy/?
>watercolor-like shading
>has an actual expression
>isn't 100% made out of simple ball shapes
That's TOO soulful, doesn't looke like the past 15 years of Pokemon at all. Please remove this image.
I played White 2 when it first came out, what makes Black 2 better? The Black Tower?
Rattata goes from a 35% chance to a 40% chance to a 30% chance. Given the invisible nature of random encounters, no kids ever fuckin noticed that. It's cute but not meaningful outside of the really obvious hoot hoots replace pigidy.
Aren't these games still technically Gen VII though?
Ya but now one considers them core series, they are glorified spin off, of Go
>ignoring stuff like venonat, murkrow, hondour, etc
The minor variations in the mons that stayed aren't what people remember that feature for. It's the mons that got removed and replaced outright depending on time of day.
havent played any of the new ones, but i kind of like how the new new one looks in the trailer
>he calls early gen fans "boomers", "genwunners" and nostalgiafags
I thought genwunner was used to describe people who only liked Gen 1 and the original 151 pokemon while shitting on everything else? Most genwunners I've met are under 25
>region variant pokemon
I quite like the concept behind this. Similar to how Unova had the idea of convergent evolution, the idea of regional variants of Pokemon make sense. Many animals develop subspecies that are different from each other like a Bengal tiger or a Siberian Tiger.
>I thought genwunner was used to describe people who only liked Gen 1 and the original 151 pokemon while shitting on everything else?
It was before the children forced their shitty wojak edit.
>tried to play through BW2 again recently
>felt slow and tedious as fuck
>got bored within 10 minutes
The magic is gone lads...
BW2 best compoint is the post game
I've had a few shinys over the years. The first ever shiny I caught was a shiny blue voltorb on my very first Pokemon game, Fire Red, within the power plant. I didn't know why it was blue and assumed it was a different gender or something. It was the second Voltorb that I caught and I never realised they were genderless until afterwards.
This is me, but with a Marill I caught in the Great Marsh in diamond when I evolved it into Azumarill.
SS/HG were the peak of the series. That, Emerald and BW2.
This song makes me so emotional. Reminds me of everything I love about the series.
I have played through all of these games up until at least the end of the story:
Not a single shiny.
...which you dont' get until you're 99% through the game
>felt slow and tedious as fuck
Really? I'd argue it's the fastest Gen aside from maybe Gen 3. It's been a while since I played Gen 1 or 2 though.
I got a shiny Azelf while resetting for a Timid/Hasty/Naive one with good IVs in Diamond before RNG manipulation was a thing. It was Hasty and had really good attack and special attack, but its speed wasn't great so it tied with max speed Gengar rather than reliably outspeeding it. Never ended up using it competitively for that reason, but it was still a damn cool catch.
>Gen 2 sure does look great!
>*posts the same screenshot for the hundredth time*
BW2 is literally the fastest in the series outside of maybe gen 3.
The 3DS games are somewhat slow but bearable, but gen 4 is honestly painful for me. Its a shame too, because Platinum was that close to being the best in the series.
It was only slow because I hadn't played a Pokemon game in a good 7 years and have mainly shunned turn based games for hybrids or full action combat.
It's slow because you know everything that's going to happen and there's no mystery. Pokemon gets slow in general after playing your third game because GameFreak has barely evolved the gameplay. It's like playing the same game for over 3 years.
>zoomer can't understand classic video game soundtracks
I assume you also don't find this comfy and atmospheric because it's just beeps and boops.
gen 4 already was
I have an idea for a comfy ROM hack but I'm not talented, should I try to make it anyway?
Why don't you ask yourself that question?
Because I don't understand myself
Steelix and Azelf are the only legit shinies I've caught
yes, and even if you fail at least you tried
Shiny rapidash in gold
Talent doesn't exist retard. There are people who try harder than others and that's the difference. No one learned how to draw by beaming their thoughts onto a page magically from birth and not a single ROMhack was made by a wizard who popped out of their mom and zapped code into existence.
Do it faggot.
>replaying crystal
>no abilities
>forced to use starters and broken mons because every other mon's skill learning chart looks like pic related
>missing gen4's evolutions that fixed most of johto's shitmons
it's hard to go that far back now
I bought moon on release as I always did, a weekend was all it took me to finish the main campaign in the previous games. I finished moon in 8 months, cause it was boring af.
I bought ultra sun at release, it's still unfinished.
This games just don't work anymore.
Gen 4 is simply the best. The endings on hgss and dp are always an emotional Rollercoaster for me