Do you have any faith in Halo Infinite?
Do you have any faith in Halo Infinite?
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I will hear them out.
343 hasn’t made a single good game, so odds are this one won’t be good either
Yes, considering Halo 5 was very fun. I don't care what you faggots say, it has the best multiplayer in the series.
Didn't even finish the first Halo.
it will be exclusively Battle Royal
Anything post reach is fan fiction imo
i'm hyped af
I have some small hope that trends in FPS towards faster movement will make them finally decide to force Halo to remove his moon shoes once and for all
I stopped having hope with Halo 4. They had an easy job. Make a game less shitty than Reach. A simple task that could be accomplished by making the game fast paced (by console standards) again, bring back balanced game play, bring back memorable maps, and a proper ranking system, (+a million other changes that I could get into if anyone cares), but these are the major ones). Yet somehow, they managed to take almost everything about Reach that was terrible, remove the few good additions like the grenade launcher, and then take a massive shit on top of it and serve it to us. They used to brag about how a lot of their devs not only hadn't played Halo before, but actually DISLIKED it in the first place. Also, this is coming from a mp guy. I really don't give a shit about sp, and the mp is the main reason why Halo took off like it did
nothing after Reach is canon
Yes, someone leaked this on /hg/. Sounds real.
>RPG elements exist. Yet nothing massive. Think small term things like saving marines will gain you weapon drops. Or going on foot instead of a vehicle will reward you. Will add replayability. Yet won't change the entire core game
>Campaign is not open world. However, maps are akin to say Halo (the level) with a slight open world aspect to them. However linear areas still exist
>Multiplayer is an odd mix of Halo CE, Halo 3 and Halo 5
>Covenant have at least 3 new vehicles
>Some REQ variants will return but be totally different skins. Example the Hannibal Scorpion is not just blue, it uses hover tech now.
Sounds pretty good to me, also Halo Infinite is current gen but will technically be cross gen because like Halo 5 did will get an Xbox Scarlett enhancement.
Does Yea Forums genuinely think that Reach was shitty?
If so, why?
Reach already was a fanfic. A pretty neat fanfic though.
343 makes garbage fanfic.
>Does Yea Forums genuinely think that Reach was shitty?
>If so, why?
Because mostly everything about it was shit except for Invasion, the Grenade Launcher, Forge, and the armor customization.
reach is literally fan fiction
it was a disappointment and began the downfall of halo and the turn into CoD
>not fan fiction
>poor fan fiction
Its going to be a big gamble to have large/open maps and I imagine its going to lean more on being open world than having good linear levels. The RPG elements will probably go further than just saving people, that shit doesn't scream "RPG mechanics" to me. Plus weapon drops? Pointless.
>an official book written by an actual author
>fan fiction
Imagine being this fucking stupid
That doesn't sound so bad, but I still want to be skeptical after how bad 5's campaign was.
This is Halo, RPG elements won't work if they change up Halo too much, this is why this sounds very realistic.
We'll see at E3.
Apparently MCC is coming to PC, announced next week. or so the rumor goes.
it still felt like Halo and had good bits in the story, which is all I give a shit about
Fuck no and every single one of you retards that do are going get burned for the third fucking time
No. Halo is dead, it ended with Reach. 4 and 5 aren't Halo, and 5 is easily a top contender for the worst game of this entire generation. Won't be buying this garbage, 343 are utter trash and have had enough chances for me to know they don't get it and have no competence.
True but at least Brian Reed is no longer there.
weapon drops have been a thing since Halo 2 (pelicans). I wouldn't be surprised.
I'll give it a chance.
>it still felt like Halo
No, it didn't it barely even looked like Halo at times, it almost looked like Gears of War.
It ended with Halo 3.
honestly none at all, and I say that as somone that loved them up until odst. reach was decent but armour classes and sprint were harbingers of the end.
4 was embarassing to play through, 5 was worse, because its a more refined version of a different gameplay direction. a direction that while some may enjoy it, it's not halo.
also 5 =no splitscreen? Still mad.
we will see how infinite my dissapointment is.
desu I find it to be a mixed bag. There are plenty of Reach supporters around here but the difference between them and the haters like me, is that we actually have a nuanced understanding of Halo's mechanics, while they just think:
>hurrr durrr jet packs are coooolll
never mind the fact that they completely negate the concept of map control, because according to them, the fact that scrubs fly in the middle of the map and turn themselves into sitting ducks rather than breaking the game like good players do supposedly disproves our argument
Logically I am not.
How old are you?
They can change up the campaign in a big way without fundamentally changing the MP, which is the part they cannot fuck up. Campaign having more impactful RPG things make sense to me if they want to change it up and lean into open maps. Stuff like armor abilities getting better over time as you "level up" or maybe get resources to upgrade yourself.
Of course they will be in it, but why go out of your way for them? Side objectives/missions will need better rewards than dropping things you likely can't carry because of carry limitations.
This but at least Infinite gives me hope.
20, surprisingly not a boomer. Most people my age are indifferent about Reach/4 because we were so young when Halo 2 and 3 were big, but I personally prefer 1 and 2, and 3 is alright, basically a slow paced Halo 2 with shittier maps.
Maybe if you had actually read the book you'd know the game doesn't have anything to do with it and actively contradicts it many times, retard.
I mean, yes, it did end with Halo 3 but Reach brought it all full circle as a good send off. It was never supposed to continue after and should have been allowed to die with dignity as a nearly flawless franchise instead of getting shit on and turned into a bad COD clone with anime designs.
zoom zoom
If they can give me a campaign on the level of Halo 3, I'll give them my money.
I'm cautiously optimistic.
At this point, after Halo 5, they better not fuck up campaign. Campaign is a huge part of Halo and is the main reason Halo 2 got shit on for so many years despite its multiplayer. With Halo both campaign and multiplayer needs to be right, not one or the other. So they need to get the campaign right, meaning don't make any huge changes that fuck up the Halo gameplay.
It ended on a bad note with Reach
Why MS won't put Halo on PC is beyond me.
I don't even know what the fuck Halo Infinite IS at this point
Not at all, it was a good game and the campaign was fantastic. It was basically a greatest hits of callbacks to previous Halo campaign missions. Fuck off 343 drone.
No, Reach shitted on everything Halo CE-3 established, Halo CE-3 was a full circle experience, Reach was just forced filler where it wasn't needed. If Gearbox made Halo 4, Reach would be the shotgun, Gearbox Halo 4 would have been the grave.
Infinite is confirmed for PC and MCC is getting announced next week.
Campaign was one of the worst in the series.
The part they are fucking up isn't the gameplay IMO, its the story.
Oh fuck
Why not? I'd be happy if 343 managed to actually make a good Halo. I don't expect them to, but I'm lazily rooting for them from the sidelines. I've always kind of liked Halo from a story + world perspective
New Halo rumored to be centered around Battle Royal
In what way?
t. 343 shill who never played it
>W10 only MCC
Fucking nothing as usual
it was ruined for me the moment I realized they added sprinting. Cod clone trash
reminder that literally every company says this just for PR.
Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, most indie PC developers, etc.
But they are fucking up the gameplay, Halo 4's campaign levels are mediocre at best, the Prometheans aren't fun to fight, vehicles aren't fun to use anymore, levels are very linear, Covenant AI is stupid, only 8 campaign levels, Didact is a shitty villain and final boss, QTEs, weapons despawn too quick, they fucked up the battery decrease in Covenant weapons, lower the ammo count in UNSC weapons, less weapons and vehicles than past Halo games, Campaign tends to get repetitive in what it does.
Halo 5 has squad mechanics, linear levels, Prometheans are better but still not fun to fight, no Marines in campaign, vehicle sections are better but still not that fun, non-combat levels, very short levels, stay in the same locations for too long, only 3 Master Chief campaign levels, Locke and Osiris in general, filler shit, 9 Warden Eternal boss fights (sorry I said something about the Halo 4 QTEs), walk to the end of the level to beat the game, and much much more.
Halo's campaign needs some serious work.
>rumored reboot of the franchise
>they remove the lore about SP-IIs being genetically superior
>they remove the shit on hyper lethal autists
I don't trust 343 and never will, 4 was enough a colossal disaster to get me and millions of others to never buy another xbox again.
Put MCC on the pc and I'll play it all the time though.
No, I want a game like Halo 1-3 but morons keep saying Halo 5 gameplay is fine for the series
> Fuck off 343 drone.
I am not a 343 supporter, I made this comment:
I will now list a fraction of the reasons why Reach is ass:
>Bloom added randomness to the game, destroying the balanced gameplay that separated Halo from other contemporary shooters, all while slowing down the gameplay to a crawl
>aside from the Scorpion, vehicles are absolutely useless against a competent team. a banshee can be taken down in mere seconds with team DMR fire
>speaking of the DMR, it completely destroyed BTB since it's cross mapping capabilities killed map movement
>Above could have been solved by making DMR's a map pickup as a lite-power weapon like the plasma pistol, but the retarded loadout system ruined that, and again added more unnecessary randomness to a franchise that was known for balanced, skillful gameplay
>the maps were terrible and unmemorable aside from Zealot with the space area blocked off, which was based on a Halo 2 map anyway
>speaking of maps, the maps were supersized to accommodate for sprint (a small Reach map was the size of a medium Halo 1-3 map), which completely negates any supposed speed benefit it could have added
>speaking of sprint, not only is it pointless for the point mentioned above, it essentially served as a get out of jail free card. made a mistake? rather than be rightfully punished by a player with better positioning, just press a button and be gone
>armor lock paused the game while you wait for the inevitable death, with occasional cool vehicle kills not making up for it
>jetpack completely negates the concept of map control when used by a somewhat competent player. no longer do you need to rely on teamwork to regain map control
>1v1 battles became a "who shot first" situation since strafing was nerfed, as you would slow down and come to a stop before being allowed to change direction. good players used to be able to win fight while 3 down with skill, now you must use get out of jail free abilities
I can go on
>Any faith in 404 Industries
>Any faith in Nu-Halo
>Any faith in Bonnie Ross
>After all this time
Of course not.
that has nothing to do with it not being fan fiction you fucking retard lmao keep moving the goalpost
Why lie?
>the largest class of supercarrier cloaked in atmo doesn't produce any heat, or fuck with the environment in any detectable manner
>not fan fiction
It'll probably be serviceably fun but not a long running hit like halo 1-3 were.
I have hope for the gameplay, since Halo 5 felt like a move back towards the original formula, after Halo 4 which took everything from Reach and bastardized it further. I'm talking about the removal of singular armor abilities and replacing it with the thruster so everybody started on equal grounds. The thruster combined with the clamber and sprint opened up some new gameplay opportunities and allowed you to turn the tide on other players if you use the abilities right. As a console shooter, I think emphasizing movement is hugely important because aiming on a controller is so unintuitive. You might call me a zoomer but I'm 28 and I've played every Halo on release day since Combat Evolved. If it were a PC shooter I'd love the games to stick closer to their original formula as a point and shoot arena shooter, but as far as a modern console arena shooter goes I think they had the right idea with Halo 5.
It is coming to PC.
It's going to be the multiplayer only and you will be able to buy the campaigns a la carte.
is halo's campaign actually worth playing through?
Those are all shills. Halo 5 is concentrated AIDS and flopped super hard. It has like 2000 players left max. No one except paid MS drones believe 5 is good. Sadly, 343 does not care and will make Infinite the same exact literal dogshit COD clone again because they don't actually know how to make Halo. Either way, I sold my Xbox and will never be coming back since Halo is long dead and irrelevant.
Yeah, 1-3 for sure.
3's campaign is disappointing from a story perspective.
Yes, the campaigns in 1-3 are fantastic and ODST and Reach are good too. Halo 1's campaign is one of the best shooter campaigns ever.
Let's hope it's good.
I want to fucking strangle them. They're content and EAGER to get another title of this gimmick-filled dreck, while anyone with a brain has been waiting 12 years to get another real Halo title and is justifiably pissed off at 343.
>In what way?
mediocre to terrible level design, terrible characters, terrible canon breaking story that doesn't fit with Halo CE-3 or the lore, plot is almost non-existent like Destiny, gameplay is terrible and very slow, Bungie either didn't change weapons from Halo 3 too Reach or made them weaker while making the enemies stronger and making some weapons useless, enemies spam Armor Abilities too much, sub 20fps, bland color palette, terrible motion blur, Cortana forced into the campaign along with the Pillar of Autumn and Captain Keyes, looked like ass back then, still does now, plot inconsistencies with Halo CE-3, the lore, and itself, reticle bloom, a lot of light bloom off objects at time making them to bright to see, not the best music from Marty, Armor Abilities, and so much more, Reach sucked.
Please stop lying.
Get out of this Halo thread, Eric.
ok, now leave
They will probably fuse them together, best of both worlds.
Nothing is good about 5 you 343 shill
Yet it's not showing up in their games while Sony is enforcing it, can you please get your corporate ass out of here, Eric, this isn't a console war thread so fuck off.
can they please go back to the reach looking gritty armor shaders and not the shiny chrome power ranger shit?
Halo 5's gameplay is spastic shit the most optimal way to play is to be mindlessly aggressive.
This truly cannot be stressed enough.
Just Halo CE-3, hopefully Infinite gets things back on track. I'm in it too deep.
Wait til it comes out, faith means nothing
lol Gears of Woke 5, faggot.
Funny how you're the one who brings up Sony first anyway. Is this the part where you sperg out over a black woman in UC4 who had no overall impact on anything? Retard Xcuck.
Trusters, Stabilizers, Clamber, weapons sandbox, reticle AT THE CENTER OF THE SCREEN
I forsee this being true. I gave up on it after Reach
dude just fuck off, we talking about Halo here
Even if this game goes back to its roots it's still gonna flop based on how poorly received 4 & 5 were, it takes a long time to build back up customer faith but then again if you have an xbone your already brain-dead
Because I know it's you, Eric, Gears has been a dead series for years, figure you would mention it since it's something you want.
Absolutely nothing in that lineup I associate with traditional halo games
Honestly Halo 5's MP is decent but it isn't core Halo. It isn't the Halo MP that we loved in 1, 2, and 3, and it can never replace traditional Halo MP because it just isn't as quality, even if H5's MP could stand on it's own if it wasn't compared to it's predecessors.
You're stupid if you actually believe him.
That was like his opinion man
I never took Halo THAT seriously
Thrusters were kind of pointless because of the shit bullet magnetism
Clamber just fucked with the map flow even more, and they just made the majority of them open platforms and windows.
Art Books:
>Art of Halo 3
>Art of Halo 5
>Art of Halo (Original)
>Art of Halo (CE to Wars/Reach)
>Art Compilation from CE to 4
>Halo Books
>Multiplayer is an odd mix of Halo CE, Halo 3 and Halo 5
oh so the best two halo games multiplayers have been ignored, and the worst experience is still in, great.
>Covenant have at least 3 new vehicles
Considering 343's trackrecord of adding vehicles, they will be something that was already in a different game with a new skin (Phaeton and wasps are a straight rip of the hornet.)
eat shit zoomer
But Halo CE had the best weapons sandbox in the series before Halo 5 and the reticle was centered, Halo 5 also has the best Forge and Custom Brower.
>Gears of Woke
Gears 5 doesn't make you get your ass handed to you by a blithering Mary Sue nigger, thank you very much.
I have faith that it will at least be better than Anthem.
>Trusters, Stabilizers, Clamber
They fuck with map design
>weapons sandbox
Weapons were redundant or stupid busted
Halo 1 already did this
People always say how smooth Halo 5's gameplay is but Halo 2 still felt better when it came to movement and aiming.
They're the least complained about though.
I'm actively loathing its release
It doesn't make them good
>oh so the best two halo games multiplayers have been ignored, and the worst experience is still in, great.
>ignoring Halo 2 and Reach
343 are doing god's work.
Better than sprint.
>Final cutscene in Halo Infinite
>Master Chief takes off his helmet
>It's a tranny with a prominent jaw
Imagine the seethe
What do you think the franchise would be like if bungie was the developer still Yea Forumsro's?
How’s it feel knowing your opinion is complete and utter garbage
>reticle at the center of the screen
ultimate pleb-filter.
He's a white man.
Sauce: Destiny 1 & 2
That's where it should be, I will never understand why Bungie changed that in Halo 2 and beyond, a very stupid change.
You underestimate how much it affects gameplay.
The problems with Thruster Pack only become apparent when every other Spartan Ability is removed.
After 60 or so custom games it's clear that increasing strafing acceleration is just outright better for the game than Thruster Pack. Faster strafing accomplishes the same thing, but better. It has no cooldown, you can scope and shoot your weapon, and it requires no extra inputs to boot.
SWAT in Reach is the GOAT
Yes. First of all its a spinoff like ODST so nothing to do with Master Chief and moreso Spartans. Secondly they've said publically (or at least one of their lead devs did) that theyre looking at Halo 1-3 a lot for inspiration but building off of what Halo 5 has. As long as it has the variety of modes Halo is known for it will be fine.
>tfw flashbacks to trying downloadable maps in Halo 3 with a group of friends
No fuck off.
Destiny is bad mostly on activisions meddling. Once Destiny 1 was let off the leash of activisions bullshit and bungie went wild, it became a really great experience. Then Activision went "Dude lets repeat exactly what we did before, but this time we aren't letting you do your thing EVER." and destiny 2 is dead.
I believe Cortana will take control of the Covenant and they will be a part of her Created army.
You either accept this or you get the fuck out, the community is split on this so you're getting the best of both worlds and you're shut up and like it.
Its only great if you like timed content and subscription based progression
Personally its just not worth the money and I doubt theres any og Bungie left at the company.
Stop lying
Absolutely no one is gonna buy this game outside of delusional fanboys or people that get it lumped in with the xbone in some deal if that's the case
Mostly everything that went to shit with Destiny and Destiny 2 was Bungie, stop kissing ass.
I want them to do spinoffs or expansion packs taking place as various under-appreciated places in the lore
I wanna be a kig-yar pirate attacking a UNSC freighter.
I want to follow a ODST special ops team wreaking havoc deep behind enemy lines blowing up storage dumps and killing elite generals and shit.
I want to experience what its like to be a run of the mill elite during the the battle of earth.
but instead we are getting "dude spartans lol"
Halo's fine, Halo 4 and 5 both sold well, better than Reach.
No. I'll play it because it's going to be on Gamepass but I'm not expecting anything
yeah because one was released on both gens and 5 was shilled as going back to the roots
Not good. Reach proved that they were starting to run out of ideas. Honestly it would've been better to just let the franchise rest and then maybe take it in a new, inspired direction a good number of years later.
They sold well, except nobody played them beyond the first 3 months. Yet games from 2004 and 2007 easily had 150K+ people online 3 years after release
>First of all its a spinoff like ODST so nothing to do with Master Chief and moreso Spartans
Chief is in the reveal trailer retard
Halo 5 was getting shitted on out the gate and still sold well.
That's true but in Halo 5's case is because it had less content than Halo CE.
Xbox would fail without Halo.
From a business perspective I get it
Yeah, if you like 1-3 then play odst and reach, if you like those maybe play 4. But don’t play 5
It'll be on game pass so I'll play it even if I don't want to.
Spoken like a true cockwarbler
>That one faggot that comes into every Halo thread and fiercely defends 343, only producing more negative posts in the process
Halo 3 ran at sub 720p, Halo: Reach also ran at sub 720p while also having a higher resolution than Halo 3. Why did Reach look so bad compared to Halo 3, there were jaggies in Halo 3 but most of it was smooth, Reach was jaggie central?
Master Chief will be in it for 1% of the game. 99% will be Locke, Locke and Locke.
Reach had a disgusting valesine filter and horrible motion blur over the game, in addition to a lack of normal anti-aliasing. Compared to H3 where it was probably just some weak MSAA.
Character models were better in Reach, look at chief’s armor in 3 and then look at noble team, they have a lot more detail to them. Same with enemies
They've said they want to ditch the side-characters and focus entirely on Master Chief, retard. Shut the fuck up before I punch you.
>No, it didn't it barely even looked like Halo at times, it almost looked like Gears of War.
You have to be fucking stupid to say some shit like this i bet you're one the faggots that cry about armor lock
What the fuck was Bungie doing with that game, Halo 3 was good and Reach was just shit?
The game still ended up looking like ass.
Locke won't even be in Infinite.
Frank O'Connor is on 24 hour call to both defend Halo on Mongolian basket weaving forums and give Bonnie Ross footrubs.
The campaign, for the most part, was brown and grey except for a few exceptions.
no and i dont fucking care. the story is ruined like with star wars
No. Halo had its run. The fact that the now exonerated 343 Industries is cowering behind past achievements shows how little faith they have in their artists.
This game will fail and 343 will shut down, finally. It's fucking stupid how 1 okay franchise spawned so much bullshit and wasted so much time.
except it wasn't, but ok rewrite history in anyway you like
Made for a cool cutscene though
Nope. 343 has fucked up at literally every opportunity so them pleading for me to just trust them is pretty sad.
Its kind of hard to at this point. Everything about 4 felt underwhelming except the chief and cortana stuff, which was extremely enjoyable. The game was worth playing just for those moments between them. 5 was just a fucking mess.
Except it was
>all that blatant Humanity Fuck Yeah
>even quotes warhammer fantasy
>claims people compared the Covenant to islam when all the planned islam references were removed post 9/11
christ you people have room temperature IQs
With Infinite being more open-ended compared to past Halo games do you guys think 343 will tone down the Chief talking through gameplay?
I have hope, I hope it gets me back into the series. 2 and 3 are very high on my list of beloved games even if we take out my online experience.
Man even the Mass Effect games remembered that stupidly giant spaceships coming in atmosphere would be catastrophic for them.
And why is that ship so close? IIRC it's armed with a fucking railgun.
Please keep your political bullshit out of Halo.
Oh man MCC win10 store exclusive.
the hype is unbearable.
I don't really care, I never bought a halo game. But I hope you guys have fun with it.
You can't have Halo without toxicity and shit-flinging competitions in the pre-game lobby.
Because whoever wrote Reach couldn't write for shit.
Try it, faggot.
Open wide.
Imagine literally capturing lightning in a bottle for your FPS and then throwing it away in favour of converting into a dime-a-dozen generic sci-fi shooter with enhanced mobility.
Why did people hate reach so much? The single player was pretty fun and the story was an interesting reversal from the main halo games. In halo 1-3 the chief luck and skills his way through an impossible amount of enemies because hes literally our last hope in the face of extinction or worse. In reach, the spartans face similar impossible odds but fail except for saving the chief right at the end. I really liked it.
I didn't like the gameplay of Reach, but it was clear that Bungie was at least fucking trying, which can't be said about 343.
This was honestly the best shit, at least Forza 7 still has it.
Read the thread.
343 shills are threatened by it, because it has the roots of their new era of gameplay while still feeling like halo.
The vidya industry has a serious golden goose problem, though I suppose that goes for any industry really.
>even the Mass Effect games remembered that stupidly giant spaceships coming in atmosphere would be catastrophic for them.
That's completely wrong. Sovereign is literally sitting on the planet's surface at the start of the game and takes off in full sight of shepard.
>muh lore
Doesnt matter, not 1% of the halo playerbase has read fall of reach. Have you not gotten it in your head aswell that stories in vidya are worthless?
zoomer nostalgia
I did read the thread, I saw one person explain himself and the rest just called it shit without justifying why.
Oh fuck off multiplayer faggot.
game canon trumps book canon
cry more
Got your smile right here, fag.
I like campaign and firefight, stories are worthless though.
You probably like 4 because youre an overemotional faggot.
He's right though. Bungie halo games didn't give a shit about the universe beyond what they put into the games.
*tosses spike grenade and hits ally*
*runs over your warthog in a chopper*
*leaps across map with grav hammer and one shots you*
*notices his flesh is seared just the way he like it*
*goes berserk*
*punches ur gun away mid-shot*
*it does no damage*
*you run in terror from my immense power*
I didn't like 4, cocksucker. I liked cortana and her tig biddies and chief's new teenage angst and that was all.
>claims people compared the Covenant to islam when all the planned islam references were removed post 9/11
So I can’t draw parallels if some of it was removed? The symbolism is still there
why are you guys roleplaying an anime fight scene in a halo thread
I'm not even the user he was talking to I'm just bored
BASED brute posters
Every campaign that included brutes has been shit, brutes were the most useless addition to halo.
he's right
you four didn't play it
In awe at the size of this lad, absolute unit.
Anyone that thinks that never played during the peak of Halo from 2004-2010
>game series that has been steadily declining since the first game
>first game wasn't even good
yeah nah I'm full of faith
WATCH IT user.
>halo ditches its FPS gameplay
>every halo from now on is now a sims clone
(you): A-at least its a good sims clone
For the time it was pretty good.
>all the dead elites
Yes, because it's been in the oven for long enough. 343 got steamrolled into shitting out 4 and 5 in really awkward fashions, both of them seem like they were stuck with a pre-release artstyle instead of being given time to actually make one decent. 4 and the new enemies especially just sorta scream "we had to think up sci-fi shit" without any sort of originality to it
on top of that, all the super-massive levels make me really hyped because they've done vehicle combat so super well before several times and being able to take it to a larger size will be super duper fun. story can be whatever at this point but i'm just hyped for mcc on pc
I don't straight up hate them but I don't think they work as covenant.
I think the banished are the right idea with them being a side faction that nobody likes but 343 trying to play them off as super serious and deadly was pretty silly after cutter and is popsicle crew btfo'ed the shit out of them with zero support.
Banished ruins the whole aesthetic of the covenant while still just being the covenant: brutes edition. Theyre shit
I have no idea how 343 managed to make the Prometheans and Forerunners uninteresting.
Fuck you, Banished are based and way better than "durr the covenent fell apart in 3 but here's a splinter splinter splinter covenant, fight more elites". Atriox is actually a political enemy to the UNSC instead of tired old religious zealots.
I think that and I played Halo 2 and Halo 3 for years on end.
Both in the comics and game, he's just like the Covenant except red. Here's a faction that is more interesting.
Except for everything looks like shit and brutes are a shit enemy.
not much but eh, i'll probably check it out
i unironically have all xboxes just for the halo
>Has purely political concerns with no faith, setting apart from covenenat
>Actually willing to parley and offer humanity the chance to fuck off
>There are human seperationists who have joined the banished
Yeah, nah, WRONG
I want it to be like far cry 3. I don't want it to be like Destinylands
They're literally just red Covenant with Brutes as the leader instead of Elites, I bet in Infinite they will be sidelined by Cortana's Covenant.
I think a better question is what could they do to make it not shit
atriox being """"political""" doesnt excuse that youre switching the iconic and loved old covenant designs for that generic red scrap metal borderlands look that has been done to death and star wars monkey ripoffs.
Atriox sóys are not halo fans and are just as bad as 343 with their reinventions.
>Great tactician
>Kills one of his own because he can't decide whether a spy or tactician
>open world boring task-based garbage
Hard yikes from me
>I want to craft pouches to hold more guns, I want a map full of chores to do and outposts to capture.
I'd rather fucking die.
Refuted :^)
>it has the best multiplayer in the series.
I'm glad you liked it user but I think the complete opposite. outside of customs/forge/customs browser
Don't worry, the original Covenant designs will return in Infinite and the Banished will stay in the Halo Wars series.
>Caring about Halo
Rewarded as as a traitor deserves. Truly Atriox is the Napoleon of his species.
At the end of Halo 5 Cortana called all the Covenant species so do you guys think that she will control all the Covenant species like the Prophets in Halo Infinite.
Is that supposed to be halo related?
Looks like SHIT.
Holy shit, hahahaha
they will put 90% of their focus into a custom battle royale mode
So how did he get his ass kicked by an out of date ship while missing half of its crew and slipspace drive? He couldn't even kill one of the spartans.
if you like 343 halo games you just need to eat shit and leave desu.
100% correct. Nostalgianiggers will sperg out but they're faggots.
Any story is just fan fiction somebody created using their OCs.
Funny how some of the shittiest illustrations in the series corresponds with the writing.
Don't forget, he gave the Covenant Empire trouble and his army vastly outnumbers the Spirit of Fire yet he's still losing and scavaging for resources, he's kind of pathetic.
The losses sustained at the Ark were minor (his organization is a stellar empire of it's own), and Atriox still holds the Ark at the end of the game.
Trying to gain control of the most powerful construct in the galaxy isn't pathetic scavenging. Elitefags are kidding themselves!
So what is wrong with halo 5
what game is your main?
actually curious.
>do a “remaster” of halo CE, completely butcher the art style and remove the multiplayer
>admit most of your game designers don’t even like halo
>release a huge piece of shit game barely resembling what it is meant to be a sequel to
>half ass a rushed out port collection that barely functions, don’t bother fixing it for 3 years
>release a mediocre game with dishonest advertising
Yeah I totally trust them why wouldn’t I
He still struggled against an already broken ship.
As this user said, he's pretty pathetic. I'd look at the actual well written faction I linked. It has brutes.
try to do this to these chads, see what happens
Every time I see people say "game devs should listen to ALL of their fans" I simply think of opinions like this and thank whatever higher power is watching that most game devs know the public is filled with fucking retards
Not if the Flood have anything to say about it, plus Cortana took control of Installation 09 and 343 Guilty Spark is on his way there meaning that the Prometheans are also coming to the Ark and taking over while also dealing with the Flood.
Don't have a main game. Halo has just always been trash.
>brutes, ever not being manlets
look at these doods
Nigga the banished survived and defeated the Flood in head to head combat, fuck your plot armor UNSC ship lmao
>I don't care what you faggots
What's the point of giving your opinion ON Yea Forums if you don't want it to be challenged and bullied
Do you think you're opinion is superior somehow?
What a fucking narcissist
what do you play these days then?
Same shit happened in Halo 3.
They did?
This is an enlightened user.
*blocks your path*
Did they ever explain how the Forerunners defeated the Precursors?
Let the user have his fantasy over the brutes being a competent race. At least they've spread beyond a single world, which means they can't nuke themselves into another stone age.
prec- what?
Fuck halo lore
Fuck precursors
Fuck ancient humans
Fuck oni
Fuck medicating biased
and lastly
Fuck atriox
Elite girls love big brute cock
343 just said in an interview that they're expanding Halo into different genres and types of games. "Numbered" entries in the series are going to focus on Chief and his exploits and then other games will focus on different parts of the lore.
>brute posters are cuckposters.
Not surprised
Loved how they portrayed brutes in HW2. Even flood forms have to struggle and team up to drag them off their feet since they weigh 1000+ pounds. Especially that cutscene where they DEMOLISH the sangheili in melee.
This is what should have been done in the beginning, even Bungie were moving to this direction if they continued Halo.
I really don't fucking want open world. Leave and never come back.
They don't really provide much backing in arguments, or add lore for backing. It matches the intelligence of one.
You're not wrong but it is what it is.
We know the Grunts joined the Created but will the Jackals, Elites, Brutes, Hunters, Drones, and Prophets join them as well?
didnt they already use infinite warfare as a subtitle
More hot concept art thanks
Halo Wars are the only good Halo games and they aren't even made by the Halo teams.
The mp is good but it doesn't feel like Halo at all.
No you didn't.
Is halo simply too stactic and ridged of a series to effectively introduce new enemies/factions without being underwhelming and alienating the fans?
That thing on the right is a Doom 3 boss, no idea why they put it there.
Literally CoD with Halo assets
No, it just wasn't meant to be more than three games and that started to show with ODST.
In Halo 2/3 frigates goes in atmosphere.
You can't improve upon the perfection and diversity of the enemies in the Bungie Halo games. 4 and 5's god awful robot enemies are not proof that fans don't want new enemy types, they are proof that no matter what enemies they try to add they will always be inferior to the Covenant units and unsatisfying to fight at best.
Just like 2D Metroid.
If I fucking ever see another fucking promethean again I'm fucking done.
It'd be great if we got an FPS Halo set in the HW2 spinoff. Make it similar to ODST but on the Ark and more shit to do.
You can introduce new enemies withing the covenant, like drones and skirmishers.
4 added prometheans but people didnt like them because they looked weird.
If youre thinking about new factions that are in no way connected to anything in previous games i just ask what is the point in that?
Its like making a doom game and not including the demons.
Chances are they will be back in Infinite but reworked again but at least the Flood will most likely be in the game too.
I placed it for comparison because Kenneth Scott was the lead designer for both. They have many similarities.
fucking fuck
I just hate Prometheans, they're obnoxious and not fun to fight. Their reskin weapons suck ass too.
i honestly dont care how it turns out, because it's on PC, and the PC community will keep the multiplayer alive for years
We need to talk about the bonus situation.
Even with bungies games the new enemies they added since CE always seem to range from meh to annoying such as the drones, engineers, and brutes. The only new enemies I can see as a success are the “boss” type enemies such as the sentinel enforcers and scarabs.
problem with prometheans wasnt that they werent the covenant. Its that they acted just like the covenant while being unfun.
crawlers are grunts that are very fast and spastic, thus annoying
knights are elites that had shields that recharged twice as fast, a teleport and a bullshit instakill melee.
The most interesting addition was the watcher, but he still sucked because he didnt have a weakspot and spawned too much, flying enemies should not be overused.
it has better multiplayer than 4* otherwise it's the worst halo yet, story is ass, visuals are ass
I didn't hate the Prometheans until I played it on legendary.
I guarantee they will still be in Infinite and 343 will probably double down on them. They ruined Halo's story and lore completely to bend over backwards for that dumb bullshit, no way their pride will let them drop all the cancer they killed Halo with.
>The losses sustained at the Ark were minor
>Atriox still holds the Ark at the end of the game
He's been routed from the most critical area's of the Ark by an 86yr old converted colony ship with military hardware thats 50+ yrs out of date and 3 Spartan II's with pre-shield Mjolnir.
He also lost his flagship, a super carrier, which gives the SoF total freedom of maneuverability in orbit to deploy troops anywhere.
Don't forget the Skirmishers, I fucking hated them in Reach.
Halo ended at reach with my headcanon so idc
>John 117
>its an ambigoisly brown trannie with purple hair and a huge ass nose
My headcanon acts like Reach never happened.
>flood and prometheans, 2 of theworst enemies
>covenant wont get any vehicles that arent ghost, banshee and wraith
>no multi player UNSC flying vehicles
Infinite confirmed worst halo.
I swear to christ those cunts were designed purely to piss off the players. Their tiny gauntlet shields somehow protected them better than the fucking Jackals shield despite being the size of a Rugby ball.
Me too
I'm hyped, 343 looks like its listening and I really hope Infinite surpasses Bungie's Halo games so I can have a new favorite game.
>Best multiplayer
>Really fun
Damn Fallout 3 did not age well
I really wish Brutes were in Halo 4
I almost threw my controller with how long it took to kill those fuckers, it didn't help that they eat a lot of bullets too and they're too fast and jump too damn high.
>missed shittons of gametypes at launch
>lack of variety in maps at launch
>ground pound, clambering and thruster pack are ass (i like the charge though)
>the requisition system in warzone is shit, ruining the whole gamemode
>still limited to 8v8 outside of warzone, was hoping for at least 16v16 BTB
>the cosmetic unlocking system is dogshit, get lootboxes and hope for the best lmao
>most of the new designs in cosmetics look jarring as fuck anyway, from shit weapon skins to horrible looking armor
>fucking hud markers for weapon spawn points and timers so even the absolute retards know when to contest them
Is that a Gears of War cameo?
I know right?
Sue me. I love how the Banished look.
Shit taste.
this look been done decades ago on the warhammer orcs
thanks user
Best girl
We’re just gonna be fighting elites, grunts, jackals, and hunters for the rest of eternity because halo cannot into new enemies...aren’t we...
red version of elites grunts and jackals arent new enemies, fucking brainlet.
you can always update their ai, make new ranks and introduce new monsters to the covenant.
Shit i dont get why they havent made a 4 armed hunter yet, its possible because theyre just a collection of worms.
Those actually look pretty good
banished would be as the "new" as the heritics from h2. which were reskins of the elites.
I never played 4 or 5, just saw the first trailer about 4. I got the impression they have MC talking more often, which I know is a dumb gripe but I'm not a fan of that. Do they have him speaking more in those games?
they look like grunts if you would turn off the lights. I dont know why they sticked with the most out of place and un-grunt designs for h4 and 5.
Not really. Banished has entirely different vehicle designs and turrets, and Elites basically play the role of Jackals.
That would be a shit change, glad banished it never getting into a FPS halo game.
Why are NONE of these old games on PC?
I'd love to play Reach; but not on that old janky 360 of mine.
This, glad in Infinite we'll be fighting a Cortana controlled Covenant.
They'd be infinitely better than Prometheans.
Better than brute focused covenant, that would just be halo 3 all over again, which was shit.
Nope, because with prometheans you still got the better version of covenant.
I know they aren’t completely new faggots, I’m just coming to terms that literally every new enemy added to halo is shit or boring
>brutes are annoying bullet sponges in 2, they are re-skinned elites that don’t recharge shields in 3, and in reach they just exist leaving no impression
>drones are completely static and never evolve past pestering the player in swarms until they forced into cover to pick them off slowly one by one
>engineers just give shield and sometimes kills a grunt in death, in reach they even took away that
>brute flood aren’t strong enough to be a threat and not fast enough to keep you on your toes
>pure form flood are either piss easy or pure cancer ranged forms
Meant to reply to
Thats just you confirming that im right and youre wrong.
Also bringing in the banished aesthetic only without changing anything would be as damaging as 343 bringing their fugly aesthetic in.
>Better than brute focused covenant, that would just be halo 3 all over again, which was shit.
Halo 3 was awesome though and did the Brute justice after the mess that was Halo 2.
Yeah fuck off, they were reskinned elites except worse at everything, barring the Chieftan
At least in Halo 2 they were brutish
In Halo 2 they were garbage, they stud there like a statue and soaked up bullets like a sponge and their AI was dogshit, they're a massive improvement over the mental retards of Halo 2.
I hate the fact that the banished are meant to be as powerful as the covenant. They should be a rebellious off shoot, not a big bad space man.
>barring the chieftain
just a reskinned elite zealot from CE
they acted just like 2 brutes but had armor and slightly better AI. Only change was they made them rage when losing all their armor.
>In Halo 2 they were garbage
They were difficult and aggressive. They didn't show pain, and didn't care what you threw at them unless it could kill them.
Never bothered me once.
They also do it in armor if you kill their pack or their Chieftain, pretty cool.
My ass they were easy, they just took too long to kill and wasted the players time, if you felt they were had, you sucked, Elites were more of a challenged because unlike the Brutes they were actually finished.
It seems youre just excusing poor enemy design
>My ass they were easy
They were way more challenging than Halo 3's sissy Brutes that can be killed as soon as you enter melee range.
I'm saying they lived up to their namesake. Something called a 'Brute' should be easy to kill.
You just fucking suck, they did nothing in Halo 2 but sit there for the players, they were a brick.
Guess that means knights are good enemies too then huh?
Not him but Brutes were never meant to be bullet sponges in the first place, they were only like that because Bungie added them late in the game and they rushed it to release so they had to try and make them seem challenging to excuse that their AI wasn't completed.
H2's lunge melee is inferior in every way to CE melee.
No idea why you would want to get sucked into a legendary elite's face when they can kill you with one melee hit.
Pretty unacceptable how this shitty lunge melee has been in 5 games.
As I understand it, The Banished was a rebellious side faction that absorbed a huge amount of the Covenant after The Great Schism.
Right now I'm replaying Carmageddon.
Halo 5 is arguably more "Halo" then reach is since it at least has even starts, which is really the only thing CE-3 had in common to begin with.
Which is really the broader problem: CE, 2, and 3 differ enough that there's no clear conception of what "Makes Halo Halo"
Knights teleport when weak, have rapid shield regen and are lightning fast.
Yes Halo 2 Brutes were much better than Knights.
Note how not once have I said Halo 2 Brutes are good enemies, but Halo 3's were no better in my opinion.
To this day I have no idea why the lunge system is still alive. It is SNES-tier programming and translates poorly online.
Even starts doesnt mean shit when the game is nothing like halo to begin with.
I can make a custom game in COD and give every player a single loadout, doesnt make it halo.
The banished really only stand a chance to the covenant thanks to gurrellia tactics and actually having tech on par with the covenant and not shitty human ships.
>halo 4 was bad
>MCC was the worst launch of anything ever
>halo 5 is bad
nothing will change
I just want MCC and maybe Reach on PC.
Prometheans can suck my fucking cock
Screwing around with the mysterious forerunners and the fantastic monumental architecture to come up with uninspired digital tech, generic robo enemies #5 and the goofy ass Diadact, like come the fuck on.
Hire Marty again too, fucking A