I think he was kinda rude
I think he was kinda rude
The presenter was literally insulting people who didn't have smart phones. Fuck off Blizzard shill
he was 100% correct
he wasnt rude enough man, i would've torn those chinks a new asshole
>i would've torn those chinks a new asshole
The fuck you said whiteboi??
i think he was just trying to be epic, which was pretty embarrassing honestly
>Be a long time Blizzard fan
>Play and enjoy everything they make even the stuff that isn't so good
>Pay to go to an event where they'll reveal what's coming in the future
>All you get is a glimpse at a shitty mobile game with the Diablo name slapped on it
>Express how incredibly disappointed you are
>Extreme fanboys and SJW's start complaining because you didn't eat up the shit that being served
What a shitshow
You heard me, riceboi
how did they get away with this
I think it was kinda rude to announce a mobile game to a dedicated hardcore PC crowd knowingly that it would not go well.
What did blizzard mean by this??
He was right. Even Nintendo knows to keep mobile shit out of the big events/presentations.
Making a mobile game is whatever but Blizzard set themselves up with the reveal.
When did this scene happen? Was this included in the director's cut??
He simply asked what everyone in the audience were thinking but were too afraid to ask.
He was right though. What kind of a freak does not have a smartphone these days? Mobile gaming is still a fucking joke imho
>Play wow
>Get banned after 10 reports for saying some "potentially bad word" or not saying anything, just get reported by few people for lulz
Fuck nu-blizz
No he's not.
That guy you posted
>has asian girlfriend
>only hangsout with asians
>only eats asian food
He's riced.
Blizz is kinda rude by wasting their time on Mobile garbage and sjw trash
He's the conqueror
>be insanely huge fan of diablo pay a lot of money to go to an event for one game that blizzard kept hyping up insanely
>turns out to be *that*
Blizzard were the rude ones
He was entirely within his rights to do it and in fact he should have. Companies need to be held responsible by their customers
They should have just faked D4, like after the mobile presentation, just have a trailer with a big logo that has "D4" or some shit. People don't get upset at mobile games if it's viewed as something to try out while waiting for the "real" game.
honestly sometimes I wonder what the fuck these types of people are thinking the response will be
although I think "hyping up insanely" is a gross overstatement, they should have clarified before the show that the announcement wasn't another mainline diablo game
>is a gross overstatement
oh yeah
well I think you're a cutie
He wasn't even kinda rude. He was super fucking rude.
>no fear in his voice
>no fear in his eye
>no fear in his body language
>absolute confidence in himself
>stares the chink in the eyes without flinching
>absolute dedication to complete his mission and ridicule blizzard with a single sentence
He is an absolute alpha male. I would gladly stretch my boipussy for him and let him pump me with his alpha genes.
dude was based as hell, listen to the applause
asians don't talk that way retard
all I heard was there was going to be some diablo "news" and then the fanboys jumped to a certain conclusion
because they're fanboys and they hyped it up a lot on twitter and then even had commissioned art
of course they're angry
its always someone in red that puts blizzard in place.
This. If I was the blizzard employee I would've told security to beat the shit out him and then throw him out. The guy was lucky that the blizzard employee didn't do that and just smiles at his pathetic joke.
I'm not saying they shouldn't be angry, but I'm just saying that blizzard didn't even say there was going to be a new diablo game beforehand. The marketers certainly should have toned expectations down, but it wasn't quite as blatant a bait and switch as some would make it out to be.
Won't somebody please think of the megacorporations!
i think youre a fucking retard
If people were actually angry about the diablo immortal announcement, then why did no one stand up and leave in protest? The guys booing were probably just EA false flaggers.
You do know that Blizz actually did a Diablo mobile game April Fools Joke in 2014 right?
story time?
>beat the shit out of a guy that's giving harsh feedback on a stage where you publicly invite everyone to ask questions and give feedback
Yes, that in no way will result in a PR nightmare and potential legal lawsuits.
You have to be 18 or older to post here
Does anyone have the tux edit
not the person you replied to, but you're a pretentious Dick.
Because they wanted to see the shitstorm or stay for a potential D4 announcement. People aren't mad at the mobile game's existence, they're mad that it seems to be the only Diablo related content they're gonna get now with no hint of D4.
meant for this guy
>Yes, that in no way will result in a PR nightmare and potential legal lawsuits.
>implying that the Moby-wanabee could afford a lawyer to sue blizzard
Blizzard would dry him up until he would go bankrupt lmao.
>asians don't talk that way retard
These are your enemies. Know them well.
The sheer look of dejection on his face is what does it for me. He's not some smarmy cunt who thought he came up with a clever quip and decided to deliver it smugly.
He's a turboautism meganfan who saw Blizzard do something they implicitly promised to never do not half a decade prior.
You can reveal mobile games at big events, so long as you supplement it with something substantial. No one really got upset at Fallout Shelter or Blades (is that even out yet?) because there were mainline games announced with it. People get upset if it seems like it's the only path a franchise is taking.
holy fuck im crying
user is developing a new game
"Guess my age by how I post".
Nigger, you don't need a smartphone. I would actively shoot any faggot that tried to force me to get one if it were not for the laws of this land to preserve humanity. Smartphones are a fucking tool to track and control you. I lived with a flip phone up until December 2017. I've already noticed a difference in my behavior with it.
It is like poison.
>He is an absolute alpha male. I would gladly stretch my boipussy for him and let him pump me with his alpha genes.
Shut up tranny.
Dafuq a wigger?
>white boi thinks he's hot shit
>gets put down hard by the chink
Not him, but red shirt guys an old meme. I don't even give a fuck about WoW but I know about him.
Its not that fucking hard to google shit if you don't know what someones talking about. Searching "wow red shirt" even makes google suggest "wow red shirt guy" which brings it up.
Companies need to be held accountable for their stupid decisions. That's why I'm happy Artifact bombed. Maybe Gaben will lay off the twinkies and snack on some humble pie the next time he tries half-assing something like that. Similarly, Blizzard should suffer the consequences of their trashy mobile phone game, which will so obviously have microtransactions and gacha loot.
What happens if we don't vocalize our complaints? The whales will just feed the bloates corpses, and companies will continue to dance on the graves of the games they killed. Does anyone here want that?
White hood niggers.
think eminem wannabe
>people still don't realise it was a dude asking on twitter what question to ask
>the whole thing wasn't even his idea
>Demonic presence at unsafe levels, lockdown in effect
Throw on F76 on to the pile of games that the developers just gave zero shits about.
Shut up trannie
Corporations need to learn to fear the consumer.
>schizo nutjob
I hear you user. 2019, and I STILL don't have a working smartphone. I have a handmedown from family that doesn't have an internet plan or a mobile plan, and all it has installed on it is some authenticators for certain websites (2 factor auth isn't too shabby). Other than that, I'm the only one in my entire family that doesn't have a working phone. And honestly, I don't need it. The time will come when I need to stay in contact with everyone, but for now it's a luxury, one I can do without.
Bold. You really think yourself worthy to be blessed with His seed?
B R A V O , R A I M I
You ever just try to make a joke and it lands flat?
That's what happened, it was a light-hearted joke trying to lighten the mood that fell flat on an assmad audience.
Especially when you're panicked because your audience is fucking pissed at your largest live-streamed event of the year.
>there are people posting on Yea Forums legally who are too young to remember OG red shirt guy
Thanks for making me feel old.
I have a gameboy, that doesn't mean I want to play diablo on it.
or maybe people just don't care about wow, not to mention the guy didn't show up to the last 2 blizzcons anyway
I'm sure you would, you alpha male
He's pretty based. Do you think he likes cunny too?
I have a smartphone, you're retarded if you refuse to use one. However a game like Diablo wouldn't work on smartphone. They're best used to play loli porn games on the go.
>tfw I masturbate in the toilets at work everyday and nobody still hasn't noticed
Feels good man.
Valve might learn something for Artifact bombing, even if they haven't experienced a failure of such a magnitude in years. What hope is there for Blizzard though? All of their games have sharply declined in quality and player base.
Probably an unpopular opinion, but Diablo Immortal on paper sounds like it could be pretty fun if it was basically just like a Diablo 3 esque mobile game, but it's more the fact that it's just an asset swap of another game the outsourced devs already made
He's not right because his assumption was that they disliked it because of their lack of smartphone. It was really condescending.
The chink was just the fall guy. H probably panicked when he saw how bad the reaction was.
They haven't experienced a big enough failure, and I say that for both companies. Imagine if Valve could no longer profit off of any of their f2P games, or Blizzard could no longer profit off of lootboxes from Overwatch, or subscriptions from WOW? It'll push them to work harder , at least for the sake of regaining their profit. With Valve, we've always seen that they work for money, not politics. It's a lesser evil since that at least means they have to listen to their customer. With Blizzard it could be the same, but I'm not sure.
Artifact failing was a slap to the face for Valve at most. With Blizzard they've been getting slapped for years now and they just keep doubling down on their bullshit. But the companies are very different at their core. Valve have extremely well payed devs that do not have to do crunch or bow down to shareholders. A failure for the probably hurts much more. Blizzard have underpaid devs that work there because they grew up playing blizzard games and are willing to take a lower wage for a chance of working at their dream company. A failure for them is by now par for the course.
You know what the best part of all this is? All memes aside, this man DID define the conversation, he DID change the public perception of Diablo Immortal, and he DID hurt Blizzard as a company. If he hadn't said anything, no one would have given a shit. There would have been plenty of grumbling and calling the announcement shit from the core fans, but the vast majority of people wouldn't have known or cared.
But he made it more, he made it news, he made it a controversy, he made that the whole thing POP.
You're honestly right. Initially I saw people reacting with whatever but this guy managed to imprint the idea that this was the worst possible idea they had. The amount of seething from news outlets and attention he got just made the backlash even stronger.
And then we had that fucking hambeast of indeterminate sex apologize. Face it, as long as people like that exist and have money not much will change.
How is any of that riced?
>>has asian girlfriend
>goes around knocking up asian women, purifying the asian bloodline by introducing a swathe of 50% white, 50% asian mutts into the gene pool that will keep spreading his seed for generations until the asian race is completely whited out
>>only hangsout with asians
>practical application of "know your enemy", hangs out with asians to gather intel and infiltrate their ranks to easier take them down from the inside
>>only eats asian food
>see above- to fully gain their trust and make them think they've made him their riced bitch, he immerses himself in their culture
Like the other user said, this man is a natural born based and redpilled conqueror. He's dedicated his life to hitting chinks in the place it hurts them the hardest- their gene pool
I have a piece of shit smart phone which barely can run basic games. Diablo won't be able to run on my phone.
It's the same as saying "Don't you have a high end gaming pc?"
Phonefag shills please go and play gachashit. Smartphones are a cancer that has already dramatically warped the attention span and attitude of our society. You ever met kids that have grown up with these fucking things in their pockets? They literally all have ADHD and cannot focus on a single task, they are incapable of giving anything their undivided attention, and incapable of giving anything their divided attention for more then ten seconds. They can't even figure simple tasks out on their own, like taking a moment to think about a problem rather then complaining about it or googling it. They're raising an entire generation of DSP clones that are incapable of solving simple problems themselves.
Are you being serious?
D3 was an insult, you don't need to be nice to shittty people.
fucking this
>people hating blizzard now instead of when they released that abomination
Just it being always online turned me off it forever.
top 10 irl kino moments in video games
Don't act like D3 was even the worst thing they've done
>chop up SC2 into 3 pieces for maximum shekels
>kill the SC2 eport scene with their meddling
>kill the Warcraft franchise with WoW
>kill WoW with shit like dungeon/raidfinder
>release Overwatch as the safest and blandest hero shooter known to man
I honestly thought it was the same guy.
Because they fucking paid 200 dollars + trip fair just to go.
They also killed hots.
I don't pay attention to this trash. What the fuck is this?
>he thinks phones can't track you
user... many phones record things you say. Not just in calls, but if it is present in the room and you have a private conversation, it can and likely is recorded
They forced valve to remove skeleton king so hots and blizzard can go fuck themselves.
Customers realizing that paying with your wallet isn't enough.
That one other guy there had me laughing a little with his question to Chang, asking if there were any plans to release Immortal to PC or if it's gonna be mobile forever. Some of these fans are so starved for a new Diablo game they'll take what they can get.
>April first rolls around
>blizzard admits it was a joke
>polygon says they shouldn't back down, and they were looking forward to the game.
That was China and before hots. Also valve isn't doing shit.
>He thinks people don't notice
>He hasn't realized his coworkers are just too creeped out to confront him about it
China has low violence models. Cllinkz and pugna still exist and are also skeletons. Wraith king now summons skeletons, clinkz summon skeletons. It was all blizzard and their fucking joint lawsuit with riot.
My favourite part was when the genuine shills started trying to dig up his posting histories and, in their attempts to discredit him, accidentally uncovered the fact that he’s actually a turbo chad
>be a longtime fan of a game developer
>support their products for years
>take the time to attend their conference
>pay for a ticket as well as transport and accommodation
>at the convention they unveil a business decision that flies in the face of their brand culture and the integrity of their longstanding beloved franchise
>voice your opinion that it's not what you want so they can avoid putting out a bad product, negatively impacting on their brand value
>get called entitled for not pretending to like the announcement you paid literal hundreds of hours to hear
>this faggot was probably shitting his diapers during the height of wigger and bro culture
It's sad seeing these people in their mid to late 30's now.
Even better
>some fat beast apologizes to a billion dollar company because of it
>while paying to attend their conference
In my honest opinion, current Blizzard developers deserve far worse than a "rude" question. Like being dragged from their homes and thrown in hot lava
Smartphones are for NPC's
D3 was so far ahead of its time just about everything it did has been used in similar games.
It has a ton of flaws that would be fixable with some actual thought, but it is far from being an insult.
>Blizzard had a Diablo 4 trailer ready to go
>they could have shown it at Blizzcon
>they didn't
>they let Diablo Immortal stand on its own
How could they be this stupid? Seriously, HOW? All they had to do was follow up the Immortal trailer with the D4 one. Bring the lights up, act like they're about to do the Q&A, and then immediately dim them again for D4. Double whammy of showing off their cash grab and placating their diehards at the same time. It reframes the entire conversation into Immortal being a fun thing to play on your phone while you wait for the real thing.
It's the difference between
>"What, don't you guys have phones?"
>"What, did you think we'd forget about you guys?"
How could a company that's supposedly as good at player relations as Blizzard fuck that up?
Big words regarding the world from someone who doesn't leave the house.
I have 7 cousins between the 6-15 years old age Gap and most of them have phones and they're absolutely fine, most of them read books, have a lot of friends, and aren't scared to be without their phone, they like it a lot tho.
I don't have a mobile phone and it piss me off since everything online is asking for mobile authentification
This. Even if you had just done a Bethesda and just shown "hey we are working on Diablo 4" they would've gotten a lot less hate.
Everyone brushed this under the rug to make him appear more rude than he was. This was the fucking joke.
Because a lot of people forgot about it.
My fucking sides. You're such an incel, holy fuck.
>"Wait... you're telling me there's a SAFE level of demonic presence?!"
No way. That's fantastic.
What are you quoting?
me i have a flip phone and a pc / other gadgets for use at home.
I'm quoting myself from when I played DOOM for comedic effect.
Everyone knows that, so what? They use this shit to advertise to you, why do you care? They'd shove ads to your face anyway, only irrelevant ones.
Blizzard, I need to ask you a quick question
Only way to make it more KINO would be to have only red and blue shirt be the ones standing
Well, I suppose you can't experience a failure of such a magnitude in years, if you haven't made a new game in years.
I want to believe they gave a shit. It's a good world, but just feels fucking empty. Like everyone just vanished over night. Which is the point of the story I know. I suspect Corporate rang the dev's and told them to make 76 multiplayer/battleroyal for ez money. And the dev's were forced to change the story to scorch plague to explain why there's fucking no one
It was a different era...
>nobody still hasn't noticed
So, everyone in the office noticed and knows?
>scraggly, patchy facial hair
It was kind of rude, but he was also fucking right.
are these good for dieting
>nublizz getting BTFO by their target audience
quite cringe
It's good for becoming more feminine so I can pound that tight bussy of yours.
contain your homolust, I was just curious why people drink them
>expecting any kind of substance from a Yea Forums post
No don't waste money on that shit
no. onions memes aside, you will feel miserable and hungry all the time. just start reduce portion sizes, CICO
>not apologizing to the presenter at least who was close to almost crying on stage
*hacks up cum globule*
uhmmm...I'd like to apologize to black people and the janitors...
Even if that is true, isn't it a good thing? Less competition for you if majority is ADHD riddled idiots.
It's not enough to succeed but others should fail too.
>you want to go, moby
every fucking time i lost it at this part
>turbo Chad
how? aside from a fews memes i didn't catch up to what was going on around here
yeah, what he said was kind of rude.
And the people he was speaking to don't make the decisions. He was killing the messenger, so to speak.
But that doens't change the fact that was he said had a message and he was correct.
>im just curious why people drink them
you already had you answer right there fag
He's not entitled to decide what the company shows.
*pics up mic*
Poorfaggots lol pls end yourself
You literally want a piece of me right? , okay, come and get it, if u can.
You got that right
>"Sheaths katana"
Not really, if you think about it corporations right now succeed in both a) making people go all "you can't blame individual employees, it's a corporation so of course it's about making money" and b) having individual employees go all "hey i'm a presented but i'm also a human being and a gamer just like you guys, I represent this company and i'm totally your friend and care about games!". They basically cucked people into being accommodating to those who don't care about them at all, who can sell them out and "of course it makes sense, they don't owe you anything, it's a corporation".
It's obvious that money always plays a huge role but the place where creativity is coming from matters.
There are better meal supplements out there. Onions is fatty. You would become skinny fat.
Imagine that for years you've respected this concept of a company that made games they wanted to play and did right by their workers and community. Imagine that this company slowly transforms in front of your eyes into an unrecognizable money hungry entity that isn't capable of creating a good game even by luck. Then pretend that you've paid hundreds or thousands of dollars to go to an event celebrating what the company used to stand for, with reminders of their former glory all around. Then imagine they do the one thing that signals the end of your ability to trust, or respect them. You get in line to ask a question about the destruction of things you've once loved. What do you ask?
*Doom music starts playing
>Step into the octagon, motherfucker!
Sometimes you should be rude.
He was actually kinda cute.
Pure kino
You can't be rude to corporations. It's like being rude to a wall. It's just not a thing.
I don't have one. I don't like being spied on literally every second of my life.
Of course, to add to the file they're building on Joe "Literally Nobody" Blow #37466149. Pretty sad how you privacy fags think your life has any positive, meaningful difference from mine because you pretentiously reject modern convenience
I don't. I have a phone for texting and calling people.
There's literary no need to have a smartphone if you have a computer, and if you feel the need for one, you are a pathetic human being.
>Commercials, comedies, common jokes used to show kids glued to their phones, and adults going "Oh, you" over them being unable to part with them
>Fast forward to [Current Year]
>Significant amount of adults are glued to their phones during dinners, constantly checking them at bars, driving while staring at their phone/with a phone in their hand
Pretty sure adults are more commonly found to have an accident while driving with their phones out, yeah? It's a joke. Not to mention the fact these things run literally over a thousand dollars these days, and you have people standing in line for them or pre-ordering them online. All for a device they KNOW will be obsolete in less than 4 years, in no small part thanks to companies and shit shovelware developers enforcing forced obsolesence. It's completely absurd.
That's not how it works.
The microphone detects keywords and alters it's "advertising profile" for you based on it. It doesn't store a huge file of everything you've ever said, but if you say words like "marriage" it can put you in a different advertising group.
phoneposting in bed right now max comf
>Yea Forums praises a nu-male
He's a blizzard good boi and you all know this.
Why keep pretending?
>Shill resorts to numale, onions or npc argument
Every time
Vidya Kino
oh good i was afraid meat loaf poster had a stroke and forgot his one gag he's ever contributed to Yea Forums
He had the chance to insult them in front of their entire fan base, I’d say he was very tame under the circumstances.
Stop calling people niggers you fucking window licker
Fuck you nigger loving kike
Well maybe don't have a fucking event where hardcore gamers pay money to be a part of the audience and get asked questions and unveil phone games.
PR isn't hard.