>dad walks in
>"Uhh, user? Why are you playing as a girl?"
What's your response?
>dad walks in
>"Uhh, user? Why are you playing as a girl?"
What's your response?
Other urls found in this thread:
because I’d rather look at a wonder woman goddess than look up a Greek faggot’s skirt
It's a game.
Why are you looking at their ass, shouldn't you be playing the game?
trannies women and gays have invaded the industry because they fear real work
you're supposed to be in jail for what you did to mom
Literally a butterbody
onions chugging faggot
That's a girl?
"because the main character is a girl"
I played the guy already and wanted to see if anything changed with the girl.
Kinda disappointed.
That's just how the game is dad. If you want I'll teach you how to play.
Oh you're busy with other stuff? Sure thing dad.
Yeah, I love you too...
What is this meme? Don't onions actually increase test?
My dad would literally never ask that.
you haven’t played the game, every time you swim as alexios it shows his wrapped up cock and balls in the middle of the screen
sorry im not a gay /pol/cel
My dad left when I was 5 so I would be more surprised about the fact that he walks in
nah he would be like
>"its that your girlfriend?"
I like how ever toutfit in Odyssey is just a reskin of the default one you get at the beginning of the game. In AC Origins you could be a Roman soldier, a literal Egyptian ninja, or a fucking assassin hobo.
God Odyssey was such a shitshow. Don't even get me started on the Orchicalcum nonsense.
Only a faggot is insecure about playing as someone the same gender.
Sorry but you’re a faggot in denial.
Your pain is my pain
ofc since I don't play shit games. But that doesn't change the fact that you're a faggot for even caring about his cock so much.
I actually just picked up the game when it was on sale. I chose Alexios and he's... nice... but I do feel pretty gay playing as him. He looks too much like a fuckboy model, and like mentioned it shows his balls everytime you swim.
Thinking about changing to Kassandra but not sure. Is she a good character or too "forced" to be a feminist?
oh ok so if I shoved my cock and balls in your face you wouldn’t mind
>tfw dad suddenly started acting like he has dementia or suffered a stroke and has trouble doing basic shit
Alexios is superior
Kassandra is canon.
tell him to stop acting then
>playing RE5
>dad walks in
>"Where's Milla?"
Because I want to, you fucking old boomer fart. Get over it, the times have changed.
I would but a videogame doesn't do anything like that.
She literally uses the same dialogue as Alexios, and since the game was written with a male protagonist in mind (don't fall for the novel meme), the game never attempted to make some changes to accomodate the fact that you're playing as a woman.
For example, you can still participate in the Olympics as Kassandra even thought it was historically haram for women and carried a death penalty. There's even a sidequest where you saved a woman from execution because she was a spectator at an Olympic game.
all memes aside, is roman assass creed actually good ?
"i think you're projecting son. are you going to go out and get a job yet or transition into a girl already?"
>Dad walks in
They are quite literally, word for word the same character. Alexios is funner though, because his va clearly is treating the whole thing as a joke.
"Dad... I'm a faggot that's why"
I'm based & redpilled. You wouldn't understand. *dabs*
It adds more dialogue options.
I already played the game as a male character and wanted to see if they changed anything.
I like girls.
user, this is a game where you fight minotaurs and demigods, and is a based on a series where aliens planted golden apples on the earth that have mind control powers.
Stop bullshitting about >historical accuracy when it doesn't matter.
I dunno. I thought she was cute, I guess.
>uh son, I just read through this site you have pulled up and everyone is saying the two characters have the exact same dialogue
>you gay son??
Because I’m a girl and it feels more immersive? Why are you asking me this dad?
>historical accuracy when it doesn't matter
If it doesn't matter, why is there a sidequest that establishes that women are not allowed to participate or watch the Olympics as a spectator, but it's perfectly fine for Kassandra?
>woman on death row for being a SPECTATOR to olympics
>woman participates in olympics
it's not about realism at all; it's about internal consistency.
>move on with my life; fuck what anyone else thinks of me
Beat it as a guy, gotta beat it as a girl, I paid for this piece of shit, might as well get my money's worth.
Because she's an established Spartan warrior and no one wants to fuck with her? It's not really hard to understand.
>kill a woman spectating sport
>letting a woman be killed by participating in same sport
>ever toutfit in Odyssey is just a reskin of the default one you get at the beginning of the game
Except that's not true, dumbass.
lol, I played through most of the game naked with a giant fucking minotaur head
Fuck you dad, I know you prefer my brother, if you want father-son bonding go talk to him, and leave me the fuck alone
Every fucking outfit is a mixture of:
>upper armor (or just a bare chest)
>a helmet/hood
You will ALWAYS see Alexios's underwear when swimming. I guess there's the Snake themed assassin outfit but the leggings look retarded. I'm pretty sure Ancient greece didn't have spandex
>mom walks in
>rare event that she actually needs to walk around and even more rare that she does glance at the monitor when I am actually playing something
>"wow this looks so pretty"
>step-dad walks in
>hey faggot go do thing
>walks out
I don't know. I mean, if the situation actually somehow happened, I'd just say something like "because reasons". Nothing to gain from him knowing why, and I'm not insecure.
Why don't you tell your stepfather to fuck off?
Unless he raised you, I guess
re-skin =/= some similarities
>Opening cutscene
>Eagle flying over the Island showing the world before it goes to Kassandra
>Slowly zooms in on Kassandra playing with her sword and humming a song. Wearing a slightly revealing dress
>It looks kind of majestic and cute and all that stuff
>Watch the Alexios version of the cutscene on YT
>It's exactly the same but it just looks awkward and weird
I mean look at this shit. You can't tell me this game was made for Kassandra after watching this, it just doesn't look right to me
Fuck off how? He only tells me to do things that are due, I always do them anyway. We don't interact at all otherwise, so he might as well not exist.
Dad check this out, you can make her run around buck naked and kill things.
Wasn't made for Kassandra*
He wants you to be independent. Take the hint fuckboi.
The game was first mocapped and voice acted for Alexios until like 3 months before production ended, then some ubi higherups decided to make a female protagonist as well.
That's why Kass is built like a fridge, they had to reuse all the animations from Alexios on her.
Tell him to lay off and stop telling you what to do because he's not your father
Nigga they're basically reminders. I'm a leech here, I gotta do something at least.
You're a faggot that lets some stranger who fucks his mom tell him what to do.
Because she cute! CUTE!
Yeah, sure, if that's how you see it. I don't need validation.
it was an accident like how you forgot to wear a condom
>What's your response?
get your goddamn eyes checked and stop showing up to my place unannounced
My dad always chooses to play as a female character, though. So why would he ask that?
What gaem?
>The game was first mocapped and voice acted for Alexios until like 3 months before production ended, then some ubi higherups decided to make a female protagonist as well.
Prove it.
because im a huge faggot in denial dad
soi has been replaced by onions cause mods are faggots
lurk moar
My dad just said "nice knockers". He gets it.
same game as OP
Unless you want me to chopped my dick off let me play in peace motherfucker
>playing female characters
that's not how that works
Fuck, come to think of it, when mine took my PSP years ago, it had Tekken running, and he picked Lili. Must be an absolute gaylord.
Because you never taught me how to talk to a girl and told me to always respect them I have never had any sort of relationship with them and now I'm prison gay
Thanks dad
thankfully my dad will never walk in on me like that. I always play as a male character to make him proud
I'm sorry we never got to go on that last fishing trip, Dad. I know you were looking forward to it as much as I was. Uncle Joe and I went anyway. We talked about you the whole time. Didn't catch a damn thing.
Been ten years since I fished last. Miss you old man.
Imagine having such fragile masculinity that you can't even play as an amazonian warrior woman without fearing that you might be seen as a girl or gay.
>Hey dad wanna see something fun?
>Press ~, click on character, type unequipall
Kassandra is unironically my dad's waifu. When he got me to fix his computer let's just say I found a LOT of Kassandra in there. I also saw a tab open for one way tickets to Greece. Weird, wonder if mom knows
>I already played as the man and now I'm doing the evil route as a woman
>"So she's a bitch like all women then"
This is literally how it went down OP.
Kassandra's pretty good. I like Alexios as Deimos because it lets him ham it up as the bad guy
Because I don't play as, but I play with the girl character.
I never and won't play as kassandra.
It's a visual medium, dad. Anyway - haven't you been dead for 20 years?
I live on my own, dad. How did you get into my house?
Because I want to. Are we having beers later?
>tfw both parents grew up playing video games
>tfw they understand my hobby even if they've stopped
>tfw both my brother and i play as female characters occasionally in games
>tfw parents don't even question it
Feels good to be completely secure.
Didn’t most dads spend their days playing Tomb Raider? Why the fuck would they ask that.
Women fighting on equal footing as men in real world history is so unrealistic it hurts. Especially in hand to hand combat. Also the average greek at the time wouldn't have accepted this slut going around fucking everyone and wanting to be treated as an equal.
I don't care if theres women fighting if it's Skyrim or WoW because it's a fantasy world but Ass Creed at least has the pretense of being somewhat historical.
Because OP is deeply insecure.
"Uh I don't know.....she's cute?"
nigga it's a fantasy greece, there's atlantis and medusa and minotaurs and ancient gods
you don't complain about kratos being historically inaccurate
It must suck being so incompetent you can't afford your own place.
I haven't played an Asscreed game since Black Flag. The things you mentioned reedems it a bit in my eyes so I may consider pirating it.
wow dad thanks for caring
"Who let you in my house? Why didn't you call ahead of time?"
>dad walks in
>"Uhh, user? Why are you playing as a guy, are you gay?"
Hey dad, remember this character?
"Dad, what the fuck are you doing here? How did you get on base?"
playing as a woman is gay
her design is better
You guys don't seriously still live with your parents, right?
Back when I was a kid my father would legit ask this question when he saw me playing as women in games.
I would lie and tell him that that's the preset main character, that the game forces you into it and there's no way to edit your gender or what the character looks like. I'd also pretend to be really upset by this fact, would laugh and call the devs gay for making people play as a woman and my father would laugh too and agree. Then when he'd leave the room I'd go back to pretending I was a cute girl exploring the game world.
You can't use this excuse anymore though.If you are playing as Kassandra you get knocked up.No mental gymnastics will save you from that.
I want to be cute
I knocked up your mom too, I creampied her tight little pussy. That’s how you were born, faggot
t. seething homo
no one wants to fuck her*
>closeted faggot is an obsessed redditor
Color me shocked
I fucking wish I could get knocked up and have a cute little baby growing inside of me, which I'm giving life to and I'll continue to care and love for all my life
Women don't know how good they got it
He wouldn't ask me that cause I wouldn't be playing as a girl anyway if given the choice. I avoid games with ugly from protagonists. If he catches me playing a game with a cute girl , I'd just say I'm attracted to her cause that's the only reason I would be playing it
Dad, can't you see it's a man?
why you such a lame ass normie?
Girls are hot.
What are you, a fag?
Fuck off Dad, I've seen your porn stash, does Mom know you like vids of 18 year-olds pissing?
Why you a tranny
>big bad is an evil wizard that's several hundred years old
>plot revolves around him having a "soul swap" spell that lets him trade bodies with someone else, allows him to skirt the limitations of aging and death and remain on an active evil rampage for centuries on end
>your main character and party are yet another one of the endless strings of parties over the ages that try to embark on a quest to stop him
>your character works their way up to becoming a wizard on the level of the big bad over the course of the plot
>final boss fight begins, you and your party are beating the absolute piss out of him
>big bad wizard realizes that he's not going to make his way out of this alive if he keeps fighting, casts a "swap soul" spell on your main character and switches places with him
>main character player view switches to the side of the big bad wizard, your main character's soul is in his body and the big bad wizard's soul is in your main character's body, you now control the big bad wizard
>the rest of your party hasn't realized what has happened
>main character with big bad wizard soul smirks at you and continues the fight, now with YOUR party of YOUR friends on his side who think you're the big bad wizard
>you decide fuck this, jump out the tower window and make your escape
>what you thought was going to be the final fight in the game ends up being the halfway point as you now assume the role of the big bad wizard's body with the main character's soul, having to hunt down the main character with big bad wizard's soul down in the world and kill him to put an end to this madness once and for all, except now you have the big bad wizard's powers and abilities (except for the soul swap since he takes it with him when he swaps) and minions at your disposal, except now the entire world is against you and you have to battle through legions of party adventurers and armies of good to reach the main character with big bad wizard's soul to kill him
why has no rpg done this?
oops wrong thread please disregard
>huh hu she’s strong
Alexios is way better as a protag and cassandra as a villain
Honestly the fact that he is willing to do that is pretty nice, like he actually cares. Some step dads just beat the shit out of you.
alexios as an NPC has truly terrible acting, is it the same when you play him? If so I am really glad to have picked kassandra
Then you beat the shit out of him back and tell him to get out of the house
>"Yeah dad, check out her thighs!"
>"Damn, lil nigga, you right. Mind if I watch?"
nah he came back because he heard I graduated college and I have money now.
“It’s ok dad, she’s actually a man”
Wtf are you doing playing that shitty man jaw dyke son!?
Be a real man and play a proper lassie with plot and backstory like you're father did back in the day on SC2!
Does playing a game as a girl always summon dad?
I would play it every day in that case and I'm sure you know the real reason behind this spoiler when I say this
Reminds me of my dad, he's 72 and waifus Serana from Skyrim. I don't think he saves pictures or anything though.
She’s cute and I want her arms around me.
I play as girls in games because I am deep down, a faggot really... I use the "because i want to look at womens butts instead xP" excuse, to cover my shame
Why are you calling me user? You know my name.
any anons still playing this game?
Because as you know I've got really high testosterone levels.
better VA
looks like the top choice is boring as fuck easy mode while the bottom one is fun and challenging excersize and also on point with the reasoning.
checkmate, atheists.
Name 3(three) games where female VA is better than male VA
>asking if a woman twice my age, twice my height and double my muscle mass is my gf
y-yes dad
Looking at a girls ass... I think the Greeks would have thought that to be gay
Shrug at him and say it's because I want to, full stop. If playing as women makes him feel uncomfortable that's his problem, be self confident and do what makes you happy, even if that means playing as a cute girl
hell if I know, but Kas is better in ACO
>Why are you playing as a girl?
>Implying that my dad, whose favourite game of all time is Metroid Prime, would ever ask that
Knowing my dad and how I usually talk to him, I'd turn to him doing the "ok" sign with my hand and this would happen
>"She's got a nice ass!"
>"Damn right she does. Don't let your sister see you playin' this alright?"
This game's classes are gender-locked and I prefer this particular one that's locked to the female version.
Saint's Row 3+4 with Laura Bailey
I wouldn't be caught because I wouldn't play as a woman, I'm not a fag like most of Yea Forums.
>Mental gymnastics of "I'ddee ruther luok at a woomens as then a munss" are about to ensue
I don't ask what you jerk off to.
Of course not, the games stop being "Good games" at around Revelations or 3. Although Black Flag was still good the story lacked a fair bit and didn't make sense in a lot of places.
Because I like girls Dad.
we can put on bannana hammocks if you want and dance to DOTA
lel faggot dad
This logic literally makes no sense, unless you all are cosplaying Leon from Resident Evil. If so, Chris needs a word with you about Claire.
This why would I play as a girl especially when she looks ugly
>dad walks in
>likes the tall, super rich monagesque teenager
sounds like he has good taste to me
I don't have this problem because I always play as a guy since I'm not some kind of weirdo he feels insecure playing as his own sex.
I'd appreciate it more if these people just admitted they're closeted crossdressers and everyone would be better off for it. Normal people would go on playing as themselves in games, closeted traps would play as their opposite, and the world would be a more understanding place. But I can't stand it when fags project their insecurities on you, nigga you're the one playing as the schoolgirl.
>looks like the top choice is boring as fuck easy mode while the bottom one is fun and challenging
Add another saying to the list of mental gymnastics.
>putting this amount of thought into "I sometimes want to play as someone who doesn't have a dick."
>lol what's the matter DAD, would you rather stare at a man's ass? You gay or somethin'?
I don't live with my parents so I wouldn't be playing video games in front of my dad in the first place.
You must be 18 years old to post here.
you are fucking retarded
>I'm a man therefore I will play as one if given the choice in a video game.
>you're gay! staring at men's asses!
>men are generic! women somehow aren't
>something something better clothing options something
>something something roleplaying something
>why do you self insert?!
>getting this worked up over a man playing as a man
>telling me I'm getting worked up over anything while putting that much effort into greentext.
You could have just said "no u", it would have been the same message with less effort.
Clearly you never played Final Fantasy 12.
>make fran leader
>run around staring at her ass while grinding lvl's
I like girls.
>so much I want to be one
In this case the "staring at her ass" excuse is quite legitimate
>Well la dee fucking da. Takes you 18 years to go get a pack of smokes?
ahahahha i didnt really get what you were saying at first but after watching that shit i mean
cmon the faggot is sitting there pretty much nut crunching cross legged, fucking humming and looking longingly at a blade jesus CHRISSSSST
>You could have just said "no u", it would have been the same message with less effort.
I could have just given you a reddit response and that would've been better than making an actual point?
What about admitting that we're just shitters and want a free ride in multiplayer games?
There's a term for that, can't be fucked to find it though.
You're not making any point other than showing you are way too passionate/defensive about this. Regardless of gender, the number one reason to play either is "because I want to." and anything else is overthinking it.
Video games are escapism for me.
I'm already a man every other second of my life. If I'm gonna role play a a super soldier/demigod/etc I might as well be a woman while I'm at it.
Though if promotional materials clearly favors one gender, that's the once I'll pick, less I'll get shafted with the animations/cosmetics.
It's the second half of the game dad. I need to play it so I can 100% it.
Blame Ubisoft for feminizing a Spartan warrior game. Still, it is just an intro...
>"because I want to."
That's the number one reason for doing anything... including... fucked up shit.
There are some parts that you don’t get to see as a guy.
>But why are you wearing a dress?
Inmersion senpai
75% played as Alexios
Now we can agree this is degenerate
I'm with you just this once, that is pretty degenerate.
If being alpha is hoarding your wealth and being beta is donating to fake girls online, then pretending to be the girl must be omega as fuck.
Dudes who play as girls have this tendency.
I don't though. Sometimes I just want to see a woman dressed up nice and kicking ass. It's kind of a weird paternal thing for me.
>Sometimes I just want to see a woman dressed up nice and kicking ass.
that's so reddit of you
There were rumors that the canon misthios was going to be Kassandra. The novelization and the Daughters of Artemis quest was a hint at this. Ubisoft supposedly backed out on this decision after doing some focus testing that showed just those results.
Of course, this is all just a rumor. Enough for me to excuse myself for playing Kass for this game though.
FYI I went with maleshep since it was obvious that he was the focus. The female version didn't even have a default model until the third game.
She is canon. I'm just saying people still played as the man because female characters don't actually bring in any sales. Most people want to play as themselves.
I'm not going to pretend to know what that means.
maybe you should go back
I really don't understand how they were shocked more people wanted to play the male. Like, don't they have people to do research on this?
the game is easier
I've never been there, so I'm still confused.
More diversity, less research.
I miss mom, dad.
you belong there
I'd rather not. It's apparently hellish.
"I want to see a girl kick ass" would get you many upvotes my friend.
I don't care? I think you're just trying to get off topic because you can't win.
>I win! I want to see a girl kick ass.
reddit's the place for you, if you don't want the upvotes that's your loss
You're the only person I've talked to in Yea Forums who kept this up as long as you have without just calling me a faggot and fucking off. I think it's time for a new hobby my dude.
u mad? I'll keep going as long as you keep replying.
same my dude. Though you whipping out "u mad" like this is the early 2000s is making me think that you weren't worth taking seriously in the first place...Maybe.
>putting all this effort into his replies
u mad bro?
Nah, I just like to be pointlessly verbose to seperate myself from buzzwordy posts.
You could have just said "no u", it would have been the same message with less effort.
Copying what I said previously doesn't make you look smart. Especially when it's not particularly relevant.
>Copying what I said previously doesn't make you look smart. Especially when it's not particularly relevant.
I think you've given up on this cute back and forth if you've actually busted out the wojacks.
t. seething redditor
I...Still don't know what that means, you might as well be speaking JP.
lurk more, newfag
So am I a redditor or a newfag? Get off autopilot and talk to me.
Not gonna lie, long time redditor, first day on Yea Forums is what I'm getting from you.
I'm not fucking with you when I say I've never been to reddit. I've been on Yea Forums for years, I just refuse to become a meme-dispensing sheep who agrees to the most abrasive opinion.
Imagine being so insecure about characters sex.
>I've been on Yea Forums for years!
>I refuse to agree to the most problematic opinion!
I tell him I'm sick of these same fucking threads on 4chins every day.
> What's your response?
My dad died six years ago, so I'd probably die from a heart attack.
I said abrasive, not problematic. For instance when someone goes "Hey guys, I said Nigger! I hate them!" I'm not going to join the 15 (You)s that just say "based" like I'm a bot.
>mfw my dad actually prefers playing as sexy witches instead of mages
I am fine.
I'm going to wait for you to come back from autopilot before you get another (You).
That's the irony of the NPC meme and people claiming Yea Forums isn't a single person.
You'd swear people here are pissing themselves in rage when someone is being independent.
If being a free thinker is being from reddit, you bet your fucking ass I'm from reddit and I'm gonna give you so many fucking updoots.
I like girls
>dad walks out for cigarettes
I’d rather stare at a girl’s ass
What the fuck are you doing in my house dad, don't you knock?
I got pretty close to laughing which would have sucked, I was drinking coffee. I agree with you though. if reddit is the absolute worst I can be around here, I'd hate to see the "best" board in Yea Forums.
I’m not
Why do people put so much thought to it? I just like to switch it up sometimes and never really think about it. If its a more physical character (heavy weapons etc) I always pick male tho for immerison.
Posts pics or gtfo!
You should have plenty of pictures of me, dad.
Fuck off dad, get out of my apartment.
I need more.
post the lewds
Because its 2019 Dad!
Get on the right side of history you incel!
Actually, there was a study that showed people that choose to play as their own gender want to imagine themselves as the hero/whatever, and people choosing the opposite gender create their perfect companion.
I'm a guy in real life, why not be a girl in game?
You'll find the rest on my Patreon
I didn't know that I raised a slut.
why is my dad in my house
i call the cops
You should know best though. Stuff we did when mom was away sure teached me how to get what I want.
No they haven't. Play as a man or not at all.
the way i see it is correct, you're a faggot, and you need my validation bitch
>those leg tattoos
he wanted you to be better than him
not to make the same mistakes
I'm not
Why do you watch movies or TV shows that have a female pov character at any point during it's running? Why do you watch the news when there's a female news anchor? Why do you read books written by female authors? Why do you look at porn when there's girls in it? If you do any of those things you're gay and trans. I'm sorry, but there's absolutely no other explanation.
my dad was well out of high school by the time video games had been invented
Concentrate on between the legs then? She does have a nice ass too, so flip her over and have fun with that.
Because i like girls faggot
what's the point of having a bunch of plain black boxes? why include them at all?
actually playing as a man is gay, hope this helps
what's the problem?
>sometimes I want not to have a dick
this is what you're saying faggot
nothing will happen to me because video games aren't real
remember to take your anti psychotics
None of those could even be interpreted as being a willing avatar for a person. Even in the closest possible one, about movies or tv shows, you are merely an observer to a story.
In video games, due to the interactive element, you are effectively "becoming" the female for the duration of the story/gameplay.
tl;dr ur bait is shit gb2 tranny disco lmao
t. coping faggot
I said, "I fucking wish I could get knocked up and have a cute little baby growing inside of me, which I'm giving life to and I'll continue to care and love for all my life
Women don't know how good they got it"
You're just as willing in movies as in games, as you always have the option to read or watch something else
Why is Yea Forums the only place that picks the girl?
Loud minority like always. These fags who feel need to make tons of excuses.
She has a very cute face, makes me want to cum on it.
>install Ada mod
>Ada all the way