Phoneposters are bad.
Phoneposters are bad
Other urls found in this thread:
>says while posting nth iteration of wojak
>imagine being such a loser you build computers on a regular basis
dumb wojak and phone poster
You're not supposed to pair a correct opinion with gray meme man, idiot.
fpbp op buttblasted
Wojakposter are BASED
Here's a quick guide to building your own AR-15 on the cheap.
This is the first part we're going to buy and it's the most important. This is the only part of an AR-15 that is regulated, you can purchase everything else without getting a background check except this. It will need to be mailed to a local dealer who will charge you a fee and background check you.
This kit contains the entire rest of the rifle. Stock, barrel, grip, trigger, barrel all that good stuff. It's a more basic kit but it will be enough to get you started on the AR-15 platform.
This punch set will help with assembly and is a good tool set to have for beginners.
These are your run of the mill magazines. I'd say 10 is a good start but you can get as many or little as you want. You can also likely head down to any local gun store to purchase some and meet your local FLGS owner.
After you get the parts it's time to assemble your rifle.
Some things to consider at this point:
>Clean your fucking gun
>Begin stockpiling ammunition. A little here and there never hurts.
>Look for an optic. Iron sights are fine but red dots / acogs go great if you have the money
Want a full rifle instead? The S&W Sport II is your standard 'modern musket'
Remember, the fake news media is the enemy of the people
Video games!
How can they be bad if I'm a phoneposter??
Clover >>>> Shitty Yea Forums browser add-ons
based /k/
>any opinion that is mainstream is automatically wrong
>any opinion that is unpopular is right
>hero deep ppl hate trump so that means trump is right
No people hate Trump because he's a retard you dumb /pol/ poster.
>imagine being at computers
>he can't post while driving
Smartphones ruined Yea Forums, video gaming and the Internet in general.
More realistic for first time owner not to build but get something cheap like an M&P Sport 2. Video games
*ruined the world
Nvm you literally do just that, I'm retraded
Anyone actually want to explain why phoneposting is bad? What about tablets? What about laptops? What if I have a smartfridge that I post from? Smart TV?
Too bad, I'm at work and got nothing better to do than shitpost on Yea Forums.
So, what happened to hiro's plan to make phone posting pass only?
Tdlr if you phonepost you’re more likely to have shorter posts and less likely to have meaningful posts and are likely shotposting.
Also you might not see them post pictures from their post.
thread's ded now
Yep. Right there.
>nintentoddler gets pwned
>its still there
there's the old Yea Forums I know
Guess mods are asleep
Thread is fucked
Post your favorite underrated game before the thread dies
tittyfall 2
Spintires is good
Know Your Meme mods like 3kole5 are shit.
smt: strange journey
>shit wojak thread gets saved by cp poster
90% of posts are less than 2 sentences anyway, why would it matter.
>90% of posts are less than 2 sentences anyway
Maybe that's because of the phoneposters
based and absolutely redpilled
Did I seriously miss the pizza just because I needed to wash my teeth
Fuck, archives don't save it either
Been a while since someone has posted actual cheese pizza
Seem like too much work. Ill just stick to vidya
based mods removing pedosetera but leaving gun info
It's still in the archive, but I'm not opening that shit.
>Got perma banned on PC for something I didn't do but mods thought I was the spammer
>static ip here so can't change
>Have been phone posting for a whole year now
Feels bad
>mfw this thread
did someone post what i think they posted?
How fat are they?
>electionposting is already starting again
>another wave of /pol/newfags incoming
is this just our fate now?
Nothing happens if you watch it only
that is, as long as you use incognito
>that file name
Moving the goalposts are we
>yea I report cp that’s been posted on 4channel and in archives
HTTPS, fucker. I don't know why Yea Forums still doesn't default to HTTPS despite supporting it.
>electionposting is already starting again
>another wave of /pol/newfags incoming
You're lying user. I can't take another wave of that shit.
Thanks /k/, it's nice to see you out here too. I miss my shotty desu Video Games
oh no
If this really is the case, I'm glad I hacked my 3ds and have a fuck-huge backlog.
So what are you going to spend your $1000 on, Yea Forums?
Probably nendos.
Well you'd look an see food
>Someone posted actual CP in Yea Forums
Jesus, last time I saw that happen was on Yea Forums like 12 years ago.
Glad the mods nuked that.
Said gigachad never.