So what games did you play today Yea Forums

So what games did you play today Yea Forums

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A lot of the Division.

TF2, VRChat, then some Kenshi
I have a PC so I actually play video games you see

Titanfall 2 with 200 ping because no one in Brazil plays it, it's still fun even if it's unfair.

Granblue Fantasy.

Etrian Odyssey Nexus. It's super long and grindy... But that is exactly what I wanted right now. Just a mechanically interesting game that goes on and on so I can really bite into it.

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Mind your own fucking business, sachicunt.

None. Please help me choose a game!


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I played Wageslaving '19.

I also played Titanfall 2.

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I hate video games

people still play it? is it fun? I wanted to play it back when I saw it at e3 a decade ago but never got it and I heard it sucked

i just realized i didn't play any, fuck

play halo wars

i wanna give sachiko a kiss

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I already have

There are still 2-3k people online at a time. The game is really fun when you're a pilot out of your titan, the movement is great and the gunplay feels solid. The gameplay in the titans isn't as fun; I just started letting my titan autopilot and continue fighting as a pilot the whole time, it's much better.

Rimworld and Kenshi, neither for very long though. Might move on to sims4 or terraria tomorrow. Possibly check in on Armello as well since it got a 2.0 update, not sure what thats about and im curious.
Anyone else get kinda bummed when they can feel the burnout coming for a game they've been enjoying for a couple days/weeks?

i wanna give sachiko a suck

didn't realize the division had titans, might have to check it out, thanks

Played some Vermintide 2, anyone else hype for the new expansion?

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whats it adding?

I played a bit of Kenshi before I went to my first job today. I’m having a pretty solid run with my current gang even though I only have four people in the group right now. But two of them are gods with their bows, so I’m not complaining. least until those fucking Gutters show up.

How about you, OP? Did you have a good day and play some good vidya?

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I tried to finish DMC4 as Dante on SoS but I just can't get good. So I said fuck it and started playing as Vergil instead. Seems broken, but since I'm too shit to take advantage of him everyone wins.

the burning crusade
tales of vesperia (somehow it just wont get good, no matter how long i play)

I had the day off so I decide to give pic related a try and am having a pretty good time so far. The combat isn't very deep but the boss battles are fun and each chapter is done like a single stand-alone tv episode which is comfy

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Played a bit of Uncharted but i couldn't bear with the dumb bugs i've experienced in the first game
Then i played Crash n'sane trilogy on pc, it froze after a random alt+tab so i dropped it
Now i'm just sticking with Tetris, i've felt like shit today, like i don't have any motivation to do anything

>Actually playing games
I just got my login bonus in my gacha and shitposted the whole day.

havent felt like playing anything atm in a few days. i kinda really just wanna play dmc5