What race would you pick to start the game as?
What race would you pick to start the game as?
I'll always pick human for the triumph of the average man over the monsters and demons around him.
I'm feeling Insectoid
i want to be a slime
Dragonkin and I ain't even a furfag. Seems badass
Probably Elf. Maybe Angel or Demon depending on how they look.
Where all my skellie brothers at
Treefolk, reporting in
Human then golem skeleton and dog runs
Why is skellie a race when we all have skeletons inside us?
Would asking for sauce help me actually get sauce
are you a kind user
>First play through
Ayy lmao
What does it even matter? It isn't like the story or dialogue choices will change in any meaningful way. May as well just play a human, since every other choice is basically just cosmetic at that point.
Dwarves, always.
Skelly or ayylmao
I don't have it
Ancient >>>>> everything else
My niggas
DLC race Ayylmao
Because when you die a Skeleton is born and a new member of their race rises.
Flora Fauna gang
Treefolk welcome too
We should spray the flora fauna down with pesticide and turn the treefolk into a lumber business.
Golem if I can make him look good, more like a Warforged than just hewn stone. If not, probably a Demon.
>Picking a DLC race
Guaranteed to have no RP content and be either completely broken or unviable gameplay-wise
Based Arbrol
Insectoids rise up
Second playthrough I would try Golem, think I'll skip the DLC races even though I like the idea of Bearman
Goblin, I love the crazy little fuckers
We don't know shit about the races, what the fuck.
I'd pick Golem/angel/demon/dragonkin/treefolk as they probably live long/forever. If I had to pick among those, probably treefolk because they'd have a lot of customization.
Bearman, because bears a cute
Until I get bored halfway through the game and restart as skeleton.
>Guaranteed to have no RP content
Nah. It’s the vanilla races that don’t have nearly as much content, like voice acting because the developers couldn’t hire the same people back on after releasing the base game.
The fact that we all have skellies inside us is the very reason why you would want to be one
Why would I want to be a disgusting half breed?
I like dragonkin, not much games were you play as one
>being a jew
>game is has ERP bait characters
Elf or Human
>game has guns
>game has high ERP potential but also guns
I'd pick the hybrid skelly-insectoid race and play as a holy crusader against all living meats
That depends, how do these goblins look? Is it more Dragon's Dogma or is it more InCase?
If the latter, I'm playing a goblin.
If not, Human because
>no slime option
The mismatch of the elves head is really annoying me
>1/3 are DLC
None I guess.
It's sad because it's true.
Not for the head cannon.
>no robot option
Skeleton it is then
Robots wouldn't make sense though. Magical automatons on the other hand...