Report: Nintendo is telling mobile development partners to stop players overspending

>Nintendo doesn't want to see players spending too much on its growing roster of smartphone games, and has even asked its development partners to adjust games to stop people from splashing inordinate amounts of cash.

>As reported by the Wall Street Journal, Nintendo fears massive amounts of player spending will damage its reputation and brand image (the company is seen by many as the friendly face of the games industry), and is happy to miss out on revenue to avoid coming across as greedy.

>CyberAgent Inc, which co-developed the free-to-play RPG Dragalia Lost with Nintendo, has confirmed as much. "Nintendo is not interested in making a large amount of revenue from a single smartphone game," said a company official. "If we managed the game alone, we would have made a lot more."

>The studio also confirmed that Dragalia Lost's revenue per player has fallen short of initial expectations, and that Nintendo actually told it to alter the game after players complained it was too difficult to unlock rare characters through in-game lotteries.

So I guess we don't have to worry about microtransactions coming to Nintendo's console games anytime soon, as they see them as being bad for their image.

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Dragalia.... Lost..... *cough*

I'm sure their stockholders will love that news.

>Cygames mad at nintendo for not being jewish enough
I don't know what my response should be, laughter?

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Dragalia was such a grindy piece of shit.

> to stop players overspending
That's dumb. You can't stop whales from whaling.

Based Nintendo as always.

When someone asks "HUR THUR BUT IT'S OKAY WHEN NINTENDO DOES IT" When they complain about some game or product show them this article. They'll understand why Nintendo has a free fuckup pass for life.

Not to mention they saved the entire gaming industry after the gaming crash of 1983.

>pay 20$ to use online
>pay 60$ to use wiiu ports
>pay 60$ for ps2/3 ports


Based Furukawa throwing investors for a loop.

It's good Cygames has a leash on them for DL, I don't trust them otherwise. That one comment of "if we did it ourselves we would have made more" just speaks to how much more they'd fuck over the players than they already do with those rates.

Bros... I thought nintendo were the bad guys.

You retard, it means the exact opposite. All they want to do is make sure their mobile games stay small so they don't have to pump in resources to them the same way SquEnix does now.
And on the last paragraph, Dragalia had utterly fucking abyssal rates at launch, the kind that made even FGO look charitable. If changes weren't made to that then the game would have just flat out died within a few months.
All this is is Nintendo making sure they can set up multiple decent mobage revenues instead of one or two big omes that would cost more.

It sounds really out of character for them, seeing as how they're constantly giving away free shit in Granblue.

>don't make players spend too much bro

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Why even develop mobile games if you don't want to jew people.

>implying I need to spend for Cygames gacha
Literally showering me with free stuff from Shadowverse to Granblue and Dragalia. I dont know how the fuck do you need to spend on these. Already got Albert in my first attempt last week off a free ticket

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Have they even changed anything yet? The rates hadn't changed a bit between launch and when I stopped playing at Christmas.
The game has way bigger problems than the shitty rates anyway.

>It's good Cygames has a leash on them for DL

It's the opposite, Cygames is saying that Nintendo has THEM on a leash.

speaking of when does that big event start?

They realised granblue makes a shitload no matter what they do so they may as well build up some rapport.

Fuck them.

What the other guy said, Cygames wants it to be more jewish.

That's what he said

Are you a fucking idiot?

I had heard the rates got buffed but I didn't care enough to dip back in and see.

>implying Nintendo EVER gave a fuck about what they think

>You can't stop whales from whaling.
What? You absolutely can if you just establish hard limits to how much they can spend or what they can spend it on.

Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about their mobile division, that they even have one at all is a token gesture with Pokemon Go an accidental hit. Their stock dropped once already when Pokemon Go and Super Mario Run were massive hits and they made a specific announcement that the mobile games were side-projects, and they were never going to wholesale transition to smartphone games.

I thought it was because they got into hot water by some whales.

You're dumb if you think any business will put a limit to how much their customers can spend

so is Nintendo to blame for the absolute dogshit rates and little to no variety for premium packs or is that on Cygames?

>"If we managed the game alone, we would have made a lot more."
what is this implying? Cygames would've choked more money out of players or would they have given players more reason to spend money on? Granblue seems pretty generous on the gacha side of things

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>pay 20$ to use online
Still the cheapest online by a very wide margin.

>pay 60$ for ps2/3 ports
Nintendo is not responsible for the prices of third party games you idiot.

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They say this with a straight face as Fire Emblem Heroes is slowly becoming less and less F2P friendly every month.
>less free currency every month
>abysmal gacha pool
>medicore rates compared to chink gachas
>(((new))) content that mostly caters to whales
>Poverty heroes are becoming more shit as they release dragon armor #235 powercreep shit where you can still be pity broken by garbage that should have been demoted years ago.

No, what'd I say?
Cygames says "we could have made more money but ninty was on our ass"
I say it's good that Nintendo is on their ass about it. What, do you LIKE getting printed?

That was at the start of 2016.

>continues to sell every fucking switch game for $60 which never drops

Nope. Rates are still the same. I still have no idea how Nintendo is supposed to be keeping cygames on a leash considering Dragalia is still at least 5 times more jewish than GBF. GBF Granfest doubles rates whereas Dragalia only increases by 1.5.

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That's what I said.
It's good that Cygames has a leash on them. Maybe you misinterpreted this as "It's good that Cygames has a leash on nintendo" but that's not what I said. Cygames is the one wearing the leash.

Its funny because its like history is repeating itself:
>Back in Yamauchi's reign
>Third parties joined Nintendo only because they had no where to go
>Under absolute control from Nintendo, developers sell their souls dedicating all future games to Nintendo's devices
>Nintendo had tons of creative control on their games
>As other competitors came along, third parties abandoned ship in droves to get better deals, leaving Nintendo high and dry
Flashforward to now:
>Nintendo starts having smartphone games
>Start to dominate and control them to not let them act on their own

This is amusing to me, everyone was worried about them going overboard, but instead they might hold on to their ethics so hard that their own smartphone game developers start to abandon them like the third parties of old did. Would this be the good future, or the bad future?

they should continue the trend the pokemon mobile games (that werent GO) set, like pokemon shuffle and magikarp jump

The funny part is that DL would be dying no matter what, it just didn't catch on because the shitty ARPG combat, lame upgrade system and characters inferior to other Cygames works turned people off.
Look at the depth of GBF grid building for comparison.

We'd probably have had guild wars or some kind of pvp to squeeze the whales by now is what they pretty much always mean

They literally said "don't be like Wario"
They''re asking Cygames not to ruin the nintendo brand. Whether Nintendo already did that themselves is up for debate but the intent here is clear

Cygames is on no one's leash, they bought fucking Ronaldo and don't give a fuck. Nintendo bought a very small part of their stock.

Except Dragalia is a lot less jewish than Fire Emblem Heroes.

I now understand what the fuck you said and you're a retard for phrasing it like that.

Holy shit Nintendo is based. That's the difference between an actual company like Nintendo and Cyshits.

who is Ronaldo, because the only one I know of is from Devil Survivor and I hate that guy
I phrased it perfectly fine, you're the retard for misinterpreting it. It's grammatically sound and I made no previous reference to Nintendo in my post. Them obviously refers to Cygames because I had used it in the same sentence. How would you even misinterpret it with the rest of my post. Don't blame me because you reply too fast.

Nintendo fucking DARES them to do something about it.

Those are all Pokemon Company's doing. Independent decisions from Nintendo. Which is why they got such a head start in the mobile realm in the first place.

If they plan to hold on to those stocks, they unironically should, since Nintendo is trying to protect their image so that it doesn't cost them down the line. Though stocks are just a form of gambling anyways, so you're probably right, since they'd just sell if a greedy public image ever hurt Nintendo. And being greedy has never hurt Nintendo's image in the past, so I'm not sure what they're worried about.

>roll 10 times
>ten wyrmprints
thanks Nintendo, not jewish at all

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Nah their stockholders are based now. Last month they were asking where Nintendo Directs were since they haven't done one since September.

Wyrmprints are more valuable than characters now though

>the company behind the 2 least jewish mobile games in existence, GBF and Shadowverse, where there are millions of happy F2P players
>the company that recently started charging money for paid online without any service upgrade to justify it, Smash still doesn't have dedicated servers. Oh and the money pit that is FEH
Of course Yea Forums will autistically rage at the mobile dev because they don't know any better.

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>roll for Wind Heles and Dark Ferry
>2 Marduk summons


>who is Ronaldo
Nigger are you serious? I don't even follow football/soccer but come on, he's the most well known athlete on the planet.

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This is sarcasm I hope.

>"Oh man I got the best wyrmprint in the game at my highest pity rate so far instead of Ieyasu, joy is me"
said no one ever

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lol I do love it, thanks for asking.

The mobile dev deserves it, and also the article is intentionally written to make them look evil.
GBF also isn't the "least jewish in existence" with select tickets needing that many rolls. I don't know what Shadowverse does.

>Nigger are you serious? I don't even follow football/soccer but come on, he's the most well known athlete on the planet.
Why on earth would anyone on Yea Forums know about some guy who plays soccer unless they were into sports.
I can only name like 2 people from my state's team and that's because one of them donated a lot of money to my highschool.

I only know Pele and some hockey players I saw on the news. I have no clue who the flying fuck sports guy #59437974293875 is

Dragalia is actually several times more jewish than GBF. Nintendo's idea of making players spend less seems to actually just be forcing people to spend more.

How? I'd even rather get a fucking dragon instead of getting PRINTED 3 times in a row. Fuck this shit.

also michael phelps or usain bolt are probably more well known than him
seeing as you know they're actually famos and not some guy who plays soccer

I know about those guys, they show up in commercials and there's been so many jokes made about Michael Phelps I can't string them all into one post.

That's what people actually are saying now. After the void shop, characters really don't matter anymore for anything other than their status resist.

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This does not reflect the current state of the game at all lol

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You can't be fucking serious. You can hate sports and still turn on the television or look at the front page of a news site once in a millennia.

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>turn on the television
>look at the front page of a news site
Why the fuck would I ever do that?

>You can hate sports and still turn on the television or look at the front page of a news site once in a millennia.
No one really does that anymore, though I occasionally look at the front page of the newspaper since it's on the counter when I'm eating breakfast. I've never seen anything to do with soccer on it. If there's any sports there it's just some shit about football. I'd ask my normalfag friends but they're all asleep right now.

Americans only knows different football. Let them go.

I don't really watch TV much if at all and the only newspaper I ever open is the small local town paper. If I heard this man's name on the radio I wouldn't remember it.

Monkeygate was when they were turbojews.

nobody here knows your divegrass player. Also nobody in my country has ever actually talked about that sport for more than 4 seconds.

Well yeah dragons are the most important afterall. Dragons are how you go into high dragons with 3* characters

My point exactly. DL is jewish, GBF is not (or at least, not anymore). To add to that, FEH is jewish, Shadowverse is not
I wonder how this could possibly happen.

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I don't know shit about football either.
If the guy's as popular as he supposedly is I would think I would have heard about him, or at the very least someone would have made a meme out of him like messi, I know that name.

Does this mean they're going to unfuck Dragalia?

Monkeygate was a blessing in disguise. Im fucking glad that happened because after that they just gave away free shit and sparking

>Wyrmprints affecting gatcha draw rates

What did the void shop add that made wyrmprints favourable over adventurers or dragons? I still see people crying about getting pity broken by wyrmprints, and sure there are some good wyrmprints they added recently but I'd personally take adventurers or dragons over those any day of the week.

t. day1 with no non-welfare 5* dragons
t. still can't do high dragons

Can you tell me what SV does, I've never played it. Not the user you're replying to.
I always thought GBF was pretty jewy because it takes the longest for a spark despite being the ones to popularize it. Played plenty of others with the same mechanic but better.

That's every console this generation

No amount of free stuff can help them balance that cardgame.

And I'm not big on sports but friends and cousins do talk about them. Unless you don't see people and football are not big in your country you'll be ignorant about it.

The rates don't really tell the full story, since for heroes you are only trying to pull a single copy, and they give up hero picks/free summons constantly.

Back when I played I always had the newest featured heroes as a free player while still hoarding currency for the inevitable drought that never came.

...didn't stop the game from sucking though

What other games have sparking?

Shadowverse is a card game, but you can grind yourself a full collection just by playing regularly and are given enough free shit right at the start to build a competitive deck.
It'll take you literally 100x longer in Hearthstone to do either of those.

FGO has a much better sparking system. There are plenty of people selling FGO accounts that have all characters NP5 but you'll never find a GBF account for sale with all characters.

SV gives free packs for the smallest of reasons like if their team wins an MtG tournament. You can literally go on a hiatus and you'll still be able to keep up if you just keep logging in

Well I'm antisocial and I don't think soccer has ever been big here.
Back when I was more contrarian I did say I liked soccer more than football though.

Grand Chase has it at 200 rolls that stays across all banners and coughs up SR select tickets for playing (i.e. you get to pick your desired SR without rolling at all).

Fucking christ this is like the third Nintendo shill thread today, can you fucking stop?
It doesn't matter if they tell you not to spend so much, the option is still there because they know you will.
Fuck off.

This. How many brand new games even came out this generation compared to prior ones? Even allowing sequels, it has got to be low.

He's being a bit dishonest. SV gives out tons of free shit, but at the same time requires a lot of grinding and luck just to keep up. They added in rotation which means every 3 months a set of cards can no longer be played competitively so you have to keep opening packs. The design philosophy also pushes out two legendaries per class every 2 months. When I quit the top tier decks all had 4-10 legendaries which simply isn't sustainable for a F2P unless they only focus on one class (which gets boring).

Then again SV and HS are the only two CCGs I've ever played and HS is still worse so ymmv

The first couple of replies sound like things only Nintendo fans would say as well.
I swear to god they hold this faceless corporation with such a creepy reverence it's almost unsettling.

>Rotation is every set
wew lad

I'm in the same boat as far as high dragons. I honestly have no clue what's a good minimum for those things. And fuck 5* weapons with the force of getting PRINTED. Those are complete bullshit.


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Good time to buy, but who gives a shit what investors think, as they’re often out of touch with the games industry. Also fuck gambling and cutting out content

As soon as the hourky Capcom dick sucking threads stop. So never.

>being controlled by your stockholders


>Nintendo doesn't want to see players spending too much on its growing roster of smartphone games
>they're cutting free orbs on FEH
Bunch of fucking hypocrites

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only the US version got fucked. UK still has the fatty

>buy the dip
How's that Activation stock you bought when it dipped to $50 working out for you, user?

There's a stat calculator online for that, but honestly I just don't feel like bothering with the high dragons. I have the perfect units to do them with (VHilde, Mikoto, Lily), plenty of dragons, and no motivation to bother leveling everything and stocking up for a weapon that I'd just use for beating the one dragon. I can't justify that much time spent on a gacha. They aren't even str ones, they're splits.

Why would you want a cute fairy to be ruined by being fat?

>Make a good game
>Get praised

She's not really fat, just inflated, she goes back to normal in the next scene. Which is hot, I'd love to fill Notte up like that.

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Even the rhythm game mode cut the orb rewards back for beating certain floors during its last run

It's obvious damage control to try and mask their desire to bring Nintendo into the mobile age.

Dragalia Lost is just a bad game and they should drop it. It's the most pathetic attempt at a top-down action RPG I've ever seen that isn't some shovelware crap.

It means they're asking the devs to not make literally everything in the game a micro transaction. They're not gonna stop people spending a thousand dollars on one thing, but won't let them spend a thousand dollars on a thousand things.

Notte is the most attractive female in the game

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This this this so much. Investors are mostly retarded.

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Amane is best girl. /vg/ agreed, don't bother them about it.

If I remember correctly, the public ownership in Nintendo is pretty small. And they plan to do buyback. At this point they might as well take it private. Who the fuck own them actually? Yamauchi family?

>Nintendo anti-jewing.

What ?

>VHilde, Mikoto, Lily
>I'm stuck with Ezelith, Sarisse and Xander
>others are Nefaria, Albert and Hawk
>only good one is Lin You

I don't care what /vg/ says, /drag/ is an irredeemable cesspool of feces, vomit, and shitty memes. I guarantee they moved past the HAlthemia avatarfag shitposting and are on some new garbage.
Amane is extremely cute though, I do like her.
>tfw light team has 3 wand units

Shironeko and Spiral Knights would kill you

It's a smokescreen, see

>.5% featured rate
>wyrmprints are completely fucking useless and reset pity rate
>dupe adventurers also reset pity rate and are completely fucking worthless
>the only reasonable way to get eldwater is from the gacha
>all eldwater costs are absurdly expensive
>MUB 5* gacha dragons necessary for endgame content
>raw diamantium prices are some of the most absurdly fucking high bullshit in all mobage
>only two actually good packages in the history of the game
>not jewish
literally just damage control for the game flopping

>I invested my money into this video game company
>Why are they always talking about video games
>They never shut up, it's all just "Video games this, video games that."
>Can't they ever just talk about money? I wish they would talk about how much money I'm making. We should talk more about money.

>game will die before playable Notte
GBF bros waited 3 years for playable Lyria. DL won't last that long.

>has Sarisse, the "carrier" unit for HMS
>says his only good unit is Lin You
user are you ok

The real reason is that the governments are on the verge of cracking the whip on shit like this hard, Nintendo is not going to take the fall for their mobile partners games that they don't even get all the profits from.

I don't follow Dragalia discussion since I know it' a cesspool. I don't know what's good and what isn't honestly. I just know which players are the faggots and that's all the ones that spam NOPE.

Probably Yamauchi and small shares to employees and public.

I'd settle for her being remotely relevant in the story, beyond the prologue she's just an irrelevant mascot who butts in for one liners and gives you skip tickets.

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Nintendo may understand the danger of all money/sales monopolizing into a single mega-gacha poses to the rest of the industry.
Cygames has been wary of going too jew ever since they got in trouble with the Japanese government and had to clean up their image, though. Their additional revenue schemes may've been selling assorted secondary media collector toys/CDs and shit.

Man the asking guy sounds like a robotic husk

What is the article trying to say? Cygames are jews? Nintendo are good guys? But the game is absolutely terrible on the gacha and premium side of things, so when Cygames said they could be doing better does that mean Nintendo is at fault?

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Last I heard the only shit 5* characters were Nefaria and Hawk, because they're so reliant on status and their skills remove status when they hit.
They might've gotten an update though. Bows and Lances are actually good now.

never ever

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Isn't hearthstone the same?

Cygames wants more p2w monthly packs, lower rates, less free currency, etc.
Nintendo told them to fuck off.

and apparently they're removing the monthly 5 orb quest.

I'll believe that when stops being true. Anything Nintendo has a hand in gets the megajew treatment, anything Cygames develops solo is generous.

Is it? I have no idea, I was talking about magic.

I don't know which ones are good for HMS since I never attempted it. I don't have any fully unbound 5* dragons or weapons and I'm sure I'd get NOPE'D so I never bothered. I'd ask /vg/ but you know. I get NOPE'D out of Void Zephyr with Sarisse if I don't host the room so I assumed people don't like her.

>As reported by the Wall Street Journal, Nintendo fears massive amounts of player spending will damage its reputation and brand image (the company is seen by many as the friendly face of the games industry), and is happy to miss out on revenue to avoid coming across as greedy.
>Implements shitty paid online service
Uhhh, what did Nintendo mean by this?

I fucking hate that this is the norm. I don't usually agree with dumb liberals but if it means getting rid of these people from my hobbies I'm all for removing the 1%.

Absolutely fucking based

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Wow. They really do hate money.

>implements any service that is not free
Hurrblehvek what did ninrendo mesnby tdis???

Epic Seven have sparking system with their limited banners

how bout you stop being greedy with your barebones online system nintendo

Cyberagent/cygames literally admitted it though. If you don't take their word for it then I suppose you should just crawl back in your hole with the tinfoil hat.

Nothing changed when Nintendo started charging for online. There are still no dedicated servers for Smash. They’re literally just extorting money from people for doing nothing on their end.


>text is literal brap tier
How’d they get away with this one

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I kinda liked Dragalia Lost, but I have no time to play it.

Well, I don't really care if worse exist. DL is already bad enough with its stupid take on a poor man's party Ys with touch screen controls. And of course there's the usual mix of vapid micromanagement and base building bullshit that every gacha game has to tack on to facilitate a grindy gameplay loop.

Anyone who thinks Nintendo wants mobile games to not want to be predatory knows nothing. As someone who has played FEH and Dragalia Lost, it's obvious that FEH is way more microtransaction filled. Dragalia Lost is just non-profitable and Cygames is probably making nothing off of it.

KMR didn't talk shit.
Shut up.

KMR isn't in charge of Dragalia, user.

Void Zephyr requires about 3.5k-4k might minimum, did you have that? Sarisse also needs to have her full resist passive or Zephyr will fuck you over with Sleep.
Faggots spamming nope doesn't mean the character's bad, they might have just been going to for a title run (i.e. a speed clear).
I've never attempted HMS either but she's generally very desired for run attempts on him, she shits out damage like nobody's business.

/drag/ is crying, please stop laughing at them...

>Nintendo doesn't want you blowing too much money
>Current state of FEH
I don't even play that anymore and I even know that game is just getting worse by the minute.

Yeah, people are saying BASED NINTENDO when it's clearly just basic PR schlock that doesn't mean anything.

I maxed out her mana and she's about 4.4k. I only got close to getting the title once because the whole team had weapons with that dragon resist stuff. Is there actually any way to avoid that shockwave move? I don't actually ever know what to do with that one. Same with the one that locks on. I don't get that one. It divides the damage right? Sometimes I don't jump in there so I don't get dulled and can keep doling out damage and I feel bad.

Dragons are the whalebait, not adventurers.

By being 8-4 and rewriting everything. They literally have Ramsal say BRAAAAAP at one part where in the Japanese he was apologising for being rude.

God the localization is so cringey. I can tell that they constantly write "jokes" for when the fairy just exclaims something normally.

Yeah, pretty much every line Notte has in the entire game got rewritten into a LOL SO RANDUM xD joke.

To be fair I haven't spent a dime in FEH yet I'm T21 AR, T20 Arena, and cleared all abyssals.

Dragon Delay res is nice to have for Zeph but I've seen people brute force through without it. Getting those weapons is simple though, they're just off the mats from the other void bosses.

>people think Fire Emblem is owned and developed by Nintendo

Basic PR shlock would be canned responses amounting to "prease understand" and not blaming anyone and everyone including Nintendo for why you're not making enough money.

Cygames jewing whales on mobile games has mostly led to positive outcomes overall though?
They sponsor tons of events/tournaments now and are using the whale money to develop higher budget console/pc games that they want to make.
Cygames is also still a private company I think.
I mean, what the fuck have TM and DW done with their unending flow of FGO dosh?
Don't tell me you fags are mad at mobile jewery because you're actually invested in mobileshit.

Well I would think having dragons would be useful for killing Zephyr faster.

Or maybe
They realise FEH is not made by Nintendo?

a company not wanting money?! did hell freeze over?

It's published by nintendo, just like dragalia.

Yeah just kill the golem and shroom enough to get one. The bricks in the shop make it easier to enhance the weapon.
by the way while the manticore has the same mt requirement, it's super easy, just stay behind it and roll back when it jumps in the air.

It has Basic set which never rotates or only a few cards called Hall of Fame.

Good reputation generates more money in the long term, over squeezing profits for every nickel and dime from your consumer tbqh

>Cygames listened to Nintendo
>IS did not listen to Nintendo
>Nintendo are hypocrites

>Skin fang

>tfw actually like the game and it’s game play so much that it made me drop FEH
> it’ll probably die before FEH

I have a maxed 4* bow from the shroom one for Sarisse. I was talking about other people who don't have them for their respective characters. Which is why I haven't gotten the title yet. Also like I said those 2 undodgeably moves Zephyr has shitting things up.

Honestly I run into bigger NOPE problems for Manticore. My best light unit is Amane and I only just got my first 5* light unit (Albert) not that long ago. For that one I can't imagine how to beat it under 60 seconds though.

But Dragalia is even worse than FEH when it comes to how jewy it is.

Ok so
>Cygames did not listen to Nintendo
>IS did not listen to Nintendo
>Nintendo are hypocrites
Fixed for you?

You have to stay next to the manticore. The circle of bombs he launches fucks over people attacking from wand range usually. Just roll away from him when he jumps up. Do a few practice solo bits even if you can't beat him to get the feel of his attacks if the mp rooms are being dicks or you don't have a good enough unit to do it with. Albert takes a big fat dump all over manticore though, he can decimate half the thing's health with ease when electrified.

Host a room on /drag/ and we'll carry you, no homo

But they're both jewy as fuck compared to Cygames' own gacha.

So in order of Jewiness
Nintendo Mobage > Cygames Mobage > IS = Dragalia

>Dragalia is even worse than FEH when it comes to how jewy
FEH encourages you to pull multiple times for multiple copies of shit just to skill inherit and create a busted whale team.
FEH has pvp which massively encourages whales to rank high each season.

Dragalia's rates might be poor, but every unit is viable, it's only pve, and they only release like two units and one dragon every 3 weeks.
There's really not that much to spend on, I've been f2p since launch, and I'm willing to spend money but they just keep giving me free currency non-stop.

You mean Nintendo Mobage > IS = Dragalia > Cygames Mobage

>Dragalia's rates might be poor, but every unit is viable, it's only pve, and they only release like two units and one dragon every 3 weeks.
t. has never attempted a high dragon trial

Carry for what.

According to Cygames, Nintendo actually pushed them to not include pvp and ranking in Dragalia. I'm not sure how it made it through in FEH, though.


>FEH encourages you to pull multiple times for multiple copies of shit
You only need one copy of a unit though. Will agree on skills though.

>FEH has pvp which massively encourages whales to rank high each season.
Yet you can get by with F2P resources pretty easily. For arena it's all about using the F2P armors. For AR just git gud.

>but every unit is viable
Not quite true with high dragon trials. Also the same applies for FEH with every unit being viable.

Dragalia Lost has enemies with unavoidable attacks that literally enforce specific HP thresholds simply to be able to fight them, and they also have time limits that enforce minimum damage requirements. You need a combination of adventurer and dragon good enough to meet these thresholds before skill even comes into play. Naturally, that means gacha.

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I'll keep that in mind. Maybe I'll just pump more resources into Albert and try again later since I have him. I'm pretty mad the game shat on me for this long for light units though since there's like a million of them. I like all the 5* light units' designs. Which one is the best anyways?

>mfew Conqueror of Flame and Wind
Nice projection there lad.
HMS is easy as fuck, get a 4* viable character (one of which is free, the protag,) build a 5* weapon which is just grinding IOs, and MUB a 4* dragon (ifrit/phoenix.) Come back to me
HBH, same shit, use Thaniel (4*) and Peng Lai (free) if you're desperate to go in.
Only got one copy of a 5* dragon? They slowly drip-feed you with sunstones to upgrade it.

when you have a better counterpoint, sweetie.

>So I guess we don't have to worry about microtransactions coming to Nintendo's console games anytime soon, as they see them as being bad for their image.
except nintendo already has microtransactions
not to mention things like amiibo, paid online, labo, charging $60 for games that are $20 on other platforms, etc

Nintendo's 'good guy' reputation is also important for shareholders, since a lot of their highest grossing franchises are extremely family-friendly
you don't want parents thinking
>I won't buy my kid a videogame made by that one company that makes games that suck the life out of other kids

Probably because it's such a shitshow in FEH and that was their first popular gacha they did, so they wanted it out of this. Nice to not have because I can't see ranking PvP going over well in Dragalia.

I clear HMS with Aoi as my main fire unit, she's 3* btw...

Faggot players already get uppity about titles. If you don't have a title from a high dragon or one of those special raids you'll get into NOPE hell.

FEH at least tried to do something about the godawful IV system though, since merging units now removes their bane. Good luck getting a second copy of the currently meta loli dragon armor though.

How about HBH? Can you clear it without someone else using a MUB 5* dragon / unit?

Now tell us which dragon you were using since that's the important part.

>Only got one copy of a 5* dragon? They slowly drip-feed you with sunstones to upgrade it.
And what if you have no 5* dragons at all?

To be fair Granblue is the reason why japanese gacha games have to show their rates now.
>700k yen monkey

Well initially Dragalia would've had Granblue's Red Chests but they were dropped. Can't imagine what Dragalia would be like with MVP racing/autism.

This sounds like complete bullshit that is 100% made up for good press.

I don't know which one's the definitive best, but ever since Lances got buffed, both Annelie and HElisanne are really good. Albert is good, Hildegarde is usually a good idea to bring along for any stage with poison. I don't have any experience with Julietta and I put Lucretia on my team but I have no idea how she measures up against the others.
Also key is to remember the Manticore can be affected by all ailments, which is rare. Stun, Sleep, and Freeze debilitate enemies.

Year 1 Granblue was a totally different beast to the way the game has bern since. And English players never experienced that since that was before the English translation.

Stockholders are just gonna have to suck it up and be content with paid online.

Special raid titles are meaningless unless it's the current raid, because that means that they know you aren't gunning for a title run. I've not experienced much noping and I've never cleared a single HDT.

In general they largely ignore them but I suspect paid online happened due to continued stockholder pressure.

But Cygames already give plenty, they are known for the free 10 rolls, the double rate % special week every month known as fest, they put characters to directly buy as promotion, the spark that let you trade any limited and plenty of crystals gift/voucher or tickets. This is not for Granblue only. Princess Connect which is also their other game as well, Cinderella girls who also is paternship between Namco and Cygames also does this. In fact Bandai seems to like this and replicated it to Theater Days which has no Cygames involvement but still familiar in practice.

But raising characters % seems fair, problem is Dregalia, like other mobiles even if you do that you have other trash that aren't characters that will alway get in the way.

smells like they're only acting like "good guys"
They're still the biggest mobile jews on the market as far as I'm concerned.

Meanwhile zoomers being all "LOL BASED NINDEDNDU!"

SV gives out free currency and packs like candy, plus you don't have to pay for new expansions like Jewstone.
You just gotta hope that the game never gets as unbalanced as that time they thought that splashable neutral engines were a good idea.

It's CyberAgent that's saying this, not Nintendo. CyberAgent is complaining that Nintendo isn't allowing them to take as much money from players as they would like to. This isn't good PR for anyone.

Yeah a lot of shit changed thanks to Monkeygate. Still even before that Granblue was pretty fucking different compared to now. You didn't even get a fixed SSR off your tutorial roll back then.

4* Vodyanoy

what mobile/gacha games are good to kill time with

The game is dying so they’re trying to keep it profitable. As much as I hate jewing that’s understandable, DL was a failure all around and presumably had a lot of dev money poured into it.

drones argueing about who makes the fairest slot machine.

The dragons are alright. For HMS you just need Ifrit or Phoenix. The problem is with HBH which requires you to have mub levi or DY Jeanne with Mub Vody being just "good enough" for DPS. Healers can have Peng Lai but those who didnt get Peng Lai through the event are forced to do DPS. The dragons themselves aren't that crucial outside of High Dragons, and people like pulling adventurers more than dragons most of the time

100% this

this is NINTENDO we're talking about, the company that straight up never let's their first party games go on sale for more than 10% even years after release.
the same company that ports a $40 Wii U game to switch and increases the price to $60.
the same company that thinks giving away 3 garbage NES games a month with their online subscription was too much and reduced it to 2.

if you think they would EVER say "we're milking the players wallets too much, tone it down" you are a delusional fan boy from reddit

You do realize it's not Nintendo saying all this, but the developer, right? They're saying Nintendo is NOT LETTING THEM BE JEWS.

By NOPE hell I also mean hosts leaving because you don't have 14000+ Might because you got PRINTED a few too many times. I used to leave the traitorous prince title on for fun. I noticed you get significantly less of that nope faggotry if people have the most recent special title. Or just a special titles in general. And you really only get NOPE'd for special raids or now void battles anyways. I imagine it's the same for HDT but seeing how much of faggots players already are I imagine it's worse.

>Actually playing gachashit

Yeah I don't even want to imagine how bad it is in HDT public rooms.
My weakest team is Wind, followed by Shadow right now. I hate events that need wind because it's never anything I want to roll for (Lin you is cute but she's probably eventually getting added to the ticket pool for the 5* ticket packs, which I don't buy but I have the free maintenance one from a few months ago saved still).

Gacha shit brought Granblue Versus and Re:link and I spent 0 cash on any of these games. It also brought me Zone of the Enders 2nd runner MARS. Its the future boomer, embrace it.

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It's actually not the developer (Cygames), but the developer's parent company (CyberAgent) saying this. CyberAgent owns the majority of Cygames, and Nintendo owns 5%.

CyberAgent's CEO is burning a lot of the company's money on a television service called AbemaTV that's failing to make any returns, and he wants to make Cygames and Nintendo pay for it all.

FE fags are subhumans. They are the only Nintendofags encouraging this shit. Why won’t this shitty series die so money can be used to make actual unique series like Splatoon?

>I appreciate your tough comment.
>I would like to ask Mr. Kimishima to comment on this *valuable* opinion
>We appreciate your continued support
>Once again, we appreciate these valuable comments
It almost reads like a comedy skit.

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you literally can
i've seen some games, and for relevance Dragalia Lost, where you actually aren't allowed to buy cash shop items too many times per month
it actually says 0/whatever number of purchases

in fact most of nintendo's mobile games were already like this

Still it obviously isn't Nintendo PR like retards here are claiming when the CEO is sperging out and blaming Nintendo for the loss in revenue by "being too generous".

Stakeholders don't tell company what their policy is. Board directors do.

>Furukawa wants mobile to be a revenue source
>Nintendo is not interested in printing money from a single game
Which one is it

why would i ever consume jewish media

Both. They want a large amount of games with revenues adding up to 100 billion yen total, rather than one game bringing in 100 billion yen on its own. Their ideal circumstance is a large number of users each paying small amounts instead of a small amount of whales paying huge amounts.

I'm a brainlet that just rolls every new banner. I don't really save up ever. Which is probably why I don't have that many top tier units. I'm pretty mad I didn't get Ieyasu or whatever. I'm fucking set for Wind though. I somehow got a god roll with Lin You, the panda, and her print all in the same roll. I probably used up all my luck at once for that.

I used to do that but I ended up not having much for the gala one, so I saved up a good bit
I didn't get Ieyasu either.

bro... no..

>tiny ass niche series
>hurrrrr why don't they cancel it to give a tiny bit more budget to a major project

literally the fucking good guys in a sick sad world

Seems to work out for me somehow. I usually at least get one 5* even though most of the time I a stupid fucking drawing. I regrettably didn't get anything for the clown one. Or New Years even though they gave away the most free shit at that time. I think I got printed and said fuck it and save for the gala.

>cyberagents is literal advertisement company
>2 (two) vaporwares they spent several bucks on
>based cygame
Fuck off shill.

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>Still the cheapest online by a very wide margin
>this assfuck costs you less money then these other assfucks
>j-just ignore the fact that you used to get the same quality of assfuck before but for free please

If you're gonna troll, at least put effort into it.

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At least some companies have semblance of ethics left.

I like Dragalia lost

Even if it's released that's just part of business. What's based about making games? Cygames can use the gacha money to fund the wall and they will still a gacha scammer in my eyes.

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I have a question to ask you. Why do people have a seething hatred for gatchas while excusing MMOs? My single month of playing FF XIV cost me more money than several years of gatchas. Same with Elder Scrolls Online.

Can't believe I let my friend talk me into trying out both games, they were so fucking bad on top of being so fucking expensive they make gatcha games look tame by comparison.

You spend $1,000+ a month a game?
>hurr durr it's their money
And this is my hatred.

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>everyone is a whale that spends thousands
Retard, you do realise that most players are "dolphins", right? They amount to like $40 a year. And FF XIV cost me a good $300 to fucking try it out back when it was newer.

>still gets marketing dollars and a fucking convention because it’s fans burn their paychecks on gatcha
I am convinced that there is exactly one FE fan in the west and he is just so autistic that he samefags an entire general. It’s not even a good turn based strategy game solely because there is no playable undead faction in it’s fantasy setting.

Those aren't mutually exclusive. Nintendo's in it for the long con and wants to invest in multiple gacha games for a greater total sum. It's the opposite of the FGO strategy where Sony fucks you hard in the ass or GBF which milks e-sports whales dry.

>The studio also confirmed that Dragalia Lost's revenue per player has fallen short of initial expectations, and that Nintendo actually told it to alter the game after players complained it was too difficult to unlock rare characters through in-game lotteries.
Stop rolling 10x.

Somehow it fucks up your pity rate

You do realize they're already set on releasing GBV this year right?

This makes it seem like a majority of Nintendo's shareholders are in it because they want Nintendo to keep making video games, except for this one retard who cannot grasp basic concepts.

Of course dolphin. How about you watch that based streamer who spent $20k in one go. How cool was he? I wish I had that kind of money. I just got a bonus, perhaps spending $200 once in a while is fine, I mean just look at him spending that much like it's nothing.

Social games nurture whale behavior with you faggots: dolphins, tunas, shrimps, whatever.
Gullible zoomer shit. As I said before, it's their money so whatever I'm not commie. But that won't stop me from having disgust on that business model.

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At least she is not as bad as Vyrn. Fuck the shitty tokage.

Nintendo is such a good company. Compare that to the greedy Sony gacha game FGO that can wring billions out of their players and laugh it off. Nintendo is truly /ourguys/

have you gotten your free Atma weapon in the new event yet?

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I have absolutely no idea which one to get.

>everyone in the world spends $100000 on gatchas yearly
Nigger most people play them for free. And I love how you still can't explain why MMOs are ok when they are several times more expensive than gatchas for the average player.

Sword is the safest choice for a starting one since it's a very common proficiency. Fire Spear is good if you have the Shiva/ Athena/ Sheepwife meme team.

>t. day1 with no non-welfare 5* dragons
Imagine being this much of a lucklet

I went with water sword for my charlotta and Izmar, and the fact every other team is a mixed mess. it's probably be the safest.

Nintendo's biggest selling point is bland, inoffensive, nostalgia games. If people start associating Nintendo with predatory practices they're done for.

Idk how businesses work nor do I claim to be an economic anything, but can you just make a business without shareholders? It sounds like such a broken system.

Yes. Anyone who owns their own business does. The problem is that many businesses need a big influx of cash to grow beyond a certain point.
So people decide to sell 80% of their company to investors, use the cash to grow their business, and if everything goes right that remaining 20% will have massively increased in value.
Back when Nintendo went public the money raised was probably in the order of millions, a few years ago the Yamauchi family sold back some of their stock for over a billion dollars.

>too brainlet to understand why taking $60/month from 100 people is better than taking $600/month from 20 people with poor life decision and let another 80 people play for free
Those 100 people who pay $60/month mostly get same content.
Those 20 people who spent gacha for $600/month get more content than 70 (unlucky) freeloaders plus air of superiority for being based whales. Those 10 lucky freeloaders are being on this very thread shilling the games. Everyone is happy, except those who are used with old model where you pay once or monthly for all contents.

Am I explained it simple enough? Perhaps "better" is such subjective term, "different" will suit it best. Still hate it though.

Maybe they do, some companies cares a lot about their image. Like Disney


It's pretty much a Splatoon subscription. After they realised people playing Splatoon (or Smash) are as loyal as their other customers but don't bring as much money because they only play one game, they found a way to monetise them as well.

Peng Lai with Thaniel/Ricardt
Orsem Vodyanoy
Heck, Vody Karina works too now unless for your healer is running Ricardt

They're giving you free moonstones now so it's honestly less jew than any other game short of AL, Tagatame or GBF.

That is correct.

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should i play gacha games Yea Forums? i don't want to spend any money

She needs some shoes and a dragon bf

Welcome to how capitalism in America really works. Gotta keep the 'shareholders' and 'investors' happy or else the economy will collapse!

Dragon bf sure
Shoes nope

Bait or just severely misinformed?

Gacha games are all free unless you're an idiot.

quick, name 3 gachas that aren't shit

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That's cool of them but there's literally no purpose to mobile games except exploiting whales

>until RoB: 8 legendaries
>until Chrono: 18 leggo
>now: 26 leggo per expansion
Not counting all events are throwing into players like 4th daily quest, force them to grind or be happy with 4-5 complete deck per expansion.

That's all I've got.

>Whale wheels.
>Being remotely good.

Are you stupid?

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The touhou gacha

how do i not be an idiot?


Lemme guess.

It's because AbemaTV shit isn't it?

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Pick f2p friendly games with helpful playerbases, for a start.

Lock your credit card when playing.

Cool, maybe FeH will become good again lol

Or stockholders will see that the overall long term health of a companies image vs short term profits as a better investment. Because ya know, most shareholders are long term holders and not day traders.

That's a good idea.
But how do you determine what game is pay 2 win? Let alone with a friendly playerbase

Ask around and try out different games, I guess. Or just be a poorfag like me who wouldn't be able to spend any money, and play whatever the fuck looks the most appealing.

Fuck stockholders tho

You do know where we are right? This is the same place where the majority of people are terrified of even talking to the girl at the grocery store to buy snacks.

You can't completely stop them but you can discourage and limit the behavior, it's just that companies tend to only want to maximize whaling because profits.

You know that only makes the whales spend more. Those $40 sunstone packs are basically worth $1000 in diamantium rolls and whales don't have the self control to wait till next month.

>Cygames can use the gacha money to fund the wall and they will still a gacha scammer in my eyes.
Chaotic-neutral? If they're using that money to make actual console games instead of more gacha shit like fgo, then it's no skin off my bone.

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Absolutely based.

Wait, I think it's chaotic-good.

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Mobile still sucks

With the addition of void battle rewards at the end of February you can now get two stones for unbinding 4* dragons per month. MUB phoenix / ifrit is plenty for HMS and is now very easily achievable by a free player if you can pull even one of either dragon.

HBH is still whale territory though.

They introduced a gala similar to GBF were the standard rate get from 4% to 6% but it only happens every 2 month

Coincidentally, since the first one was on January 10, the next one should happen next week

High brun is due lack of options, double print will alleviate some stuff tho. At cost of having twice the number of retards.

You can't seriously be missing Thaniel, Ricardt and Peng Lai right?

Sophie is a whore that fucks non-humans

>People are still banking on dual prints despite them obviously just trying to get people to roll on the print gala.

Where's your Orsem Vody bro

>Not Lily+ jannu.

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Getting specific 4* is hard as shit though, in all honesty. Your odds of getting a specific 4* is as bad as getting any of the 5* overall if they're not rateup.

Considering I got 2 5* dragons without getting CHADdis once on new years, it's probably still worse for even rateup 4*

Imagine being a gachacuck

Nintendo has always been longterm investment focused, and is perceptive enough to see that the short term burn of high profits has a deleterious effect on the market. It's slash and burn farming vs crop rotation.

I also want to point out their concerns aren't unfounded, look how many people hate EA, to the point it's become popular to hate EA. Nintendo is a much smaller company and realizes it's survival and independence comes from the support of it's fanbase

And yet FEH has you able to +10 fuse any character in the game. That's whale city right there.

I seem to recall last time a stockholder asked a fucking retarded question during a meeting nintendo basically called him an idiot and dared him to sell.

hue. any source?

The rates are fine, considering how much currency you get. On top of that they give you a fucking free multi pull on every single banner. So far I've gotten every unit I wanted, except for Ieyasu, but I can't complain since I got 3 new 5* adventurers and a 5* dupe + 2 copies of the Dark Dragon instead.

why the fuck are they focusing so hard on mobile games but also claiming to not want huge revenue from them? thats the entire reason people make mobile games, no one gives a shit about the platform itself

Nintendo is literally the only good company left in video games. The only one that actually loves FUN VIDEOGAMES instead of only chasing 100% profits.

And for that I thank you. Thank you Ninty.

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Nintendo is focusing on mobile? That's news to me.

Nintendo hates money again

Sometimes their autism gets the better of them. Like Starfox or W101

Recently their executives have been quoted as saying things to that extent, yes

>being greedy has never hurt Nintendo's image in the past, so I'm not sure what they're worried about.
Their regular old greediness doesn't make headlines, but "kid spends 5000$ on mobile game" does.

no matter what nintendo do, they've already lost my full trust by squeezing microtransactions into bravely default/second
that bridge is burned, I will never be anything less than cautiously optimistic

>cygames openly admitting that they would nickel and dime their whales even harder without nintendo stopping them from being too skeevy

>but it's still absolutely ok to charge games at full price six years after they came out

You must be fun at parties where the conversation topic is anything BUT video games.

>So I guess we don't have to worry about microtransactions coming to Nintendo's console games anytime soon