Can we talk about how Capcom has just been fucking killing it since RE7 came out while other companies crash and burn...

Can we talk about how Capcom has just been fucking killing it since RE7 came out while other companies crash and burn? What are some things you'd like to see from them?

I'm really hoping we see AA7 this year since I thought AA6 was really good after how just okay AA5 was.

Attached: index.png (525x96, 9K)

too bad RE7 sucks

They're just exploiting a hole on the market.
As all the other companies decided to leave the "well done games" market and went after the virtual casinos, that left a huge gap, and capcom will shove their cock into this gap.

>What are some things you'd like to see from them?
How about some Darkstalkers.

They definitely killed Monster Hunter after World.

Hello nintendofag

Honestly as a monhun veteran that has yet to pick up world and has been enjoying MHGU I don't see it. I think MHW was a good direction for the series but is overall light on content, I'm hoping to pick it up when the expansion and g rank drops later this year.

That said, the only valid complaints I see about MHW is that player power increased too much while monster power remained the same, leading to an overall more easier experience. Let's hope stuff in G rank gets some AI increases and new moves and stuff to sort of ramp it up so the players are on a more even footing.

>Go back to the basics of why people liked your games in the first place
>Games are good
>People start buying them
Gee, I wonder? It's like doing what people wanted and liked works. Who would have thunk?

Can anyone tell me why saying cap-cuck is spam

No. They're back to alright but their quality control is horrible for a triple AAA company. Some felt like they just shipped it in the middle of testing. Feels like a machine in that way. They need to keep improving for them to be back.

Compared to GU it is an improvement. The problem is as you said, the hunters are way to OP and the monsters are way to easy. Making the whole game feel easy and casualized as fuck. I'm sure G rank will introduce more broken mantles and sets so I doubt to the current power dynamic will change much.

But the worse thing about World is the fact that the superior PC version gets DLC half a year after Console.

Nah brah they will recover my trust when they make good games on their own. RE2 is still belongs to Kamiya and Mikami. All Capcom did was remade that game on a goodass engine.
DMCV feels and plays like an ten year old game and frankly that genre is dead. It's popular because we feel nostalgic about, but at the same time it brings come closure to the series.
MonHun World is a casualized version of MonHun. So that's that.

If Resident Evil VIII is as good as 4,3,2 or RE I will definitively accept that they're back. If SFVI is good I will accept they're back. Meanwhile nope.

gameplay feels really good though
I picked up MHGU after going through world and basically having the same gripes as everyone else and I gotta say, it's a little uncomfortable to try to go back to the old ways.

>after MvC I
Let's let them stick with other genres for right now, user


Power Stone 3

Would be nice if they could release a fighting game that isn't shit.

Do you think they'd ever be able to make Dead Rising great again?

Attached: DEAD RISING.jpg (1280x720, 964K)

I'm pretty sure they would rather make a new IP than revive Dead Rising since Capcom Vancouver just died.

I don't think I've ever seen any game die as swiftly and completely as that Puzzle Fighter reboot Capcom Vancouver attempted.

Pfft fuck those guys they only made the shitty sequels anyways. I just want a game that can live up to the original's greatness.

Mega Man 11 is new(not a remake), sold well, and good. Why'd you ignore it?

Yeah that's what you're doing right now just because I'm being moderated.

Mega Man 11 is balls and it plays like a 20 year old game. Platformers are also a dying genre.

Name literally one aspect that was balls about it

>killing it
Only because they used mvci as a testing ground for their new realistic art style. MH, RE, and DMC would all look like ass if they didn't sacrifice mahvel

I'm hopeful for AA7 too but I'm not expecting anything after the sherlock bullshit and "unmissable"
Yeah I'm not going to buy world because it has a meh roster but from what I've played it's 100% a good step (no loading zones and I fucking love the sling)
Except the hub world
and scoutflies, fuck them.
Bring back the normal aesthethic too, none of that sterilized shit.
I am just a 4u scrub though so idk

Looking for AA7 as well. really want to see what they do with it when it isn't a handheld exclusive

What's Capcom's problem with faces though? Everything looks great but the faces. I mean the Handler looks awful and it's on MT. It feels deliberate. The facial capture isn't working that well for DMC and RE.

meh they have been rehashing old ips.
they dont make anything new nowdays

11 is like top 5 in the franchise in terms of moment to moment gameplay, the qol improvements are immense.

Re8, thats all

the hardest base monster to deal with is the Behemoth, mainly involving random SOS hunters who keep getting killed

you'll pretty much want to beat it just so the Village stops playing the FF music