Games you will NEVER be able to play again

Games you will NEVER be able to play again

Attached: Ghost-Online.jpg (1024x576, 201K)

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pet society

>Leaving behind scrubs in my dust due to maxed out stats being too op for an online racing game

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That game was ass my dude, what's wrong with you?

It was the most played game in Zuccbook back in 2008 before the jews realized they could monetize the shit out of the platform (Zynga)

i didnt own any console and it was comfy

ragnarok online 1

It's just weird how some people have such fond memories of it when it was honestly pretty bad, never got the appeal, and playfish was a jew of the highest caliber even before zynga (after it was taken over by EA ofc)

survival project
everquest online adventures, that was the platform where I got my first e-gf and got nudes through windows live messenger, back in the glory days of the internet.

Pretty much any MMO that was popular in the early 2000's aside from WoW.

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I miss it.

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I think you mean glory days of yourself since you're probably a pathetic mess right now and only think the shitty ass net was glorious back then because of your comparative hapinness.

osrs is still good though

HD projections my dude. I meant the glory days of the internet, back when it wasn't taken over by corporations so each platform had its own identity rather than being part of a brand or family.

Nah the community sucks most players are depressed boomers (many on spectrum) that focus on efficiency rather than fun

just come and play Tree of Savior with us, it's more fun with the better WoE: COLONY WARS

Just play Maplestory 2 idiot
????????? its right here

RS3 is unironically better

pay 2 win garbage
was fun though

that's completely untrue
I'd entertain this if it werent for the shit UI and p2w features

Holy shit thank you, i forgot this game name, also mage > sword > hammer

Attached: Best.Game.Ever.jpg (604x402, 66K)

>any 2d Kmmorpg
>wonder king
>s4 league is dead save for s4max
Wind slayer. There's not even a private server for it either, so i am forced to wallow in my autism.

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You didn't say it had to be a good game.

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Elder Scrolls Online. Put hundreds of hours into the game during the worst of my alcoholism, but have since stopped drinking pretty much altogether and the game is dead to me. It's a bummer, because I used to love it, but now I feel nothing for it. It's like the first time you lose interest in your green army men when you're a kid

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I just cant get into that game, the world seems so dull and samey and the classes pretty much all seem magic based.

What went wrong bros

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It was called Rakion and mage was bae. Fuck ninjas and archers.

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>the world seems so dull and samey and the classes pretty much all seem magic based.
I can't agree with that. There is definitely plenty of variety in the environments and tons of nooks and crannies to explore. My main Dragon Knight build wasn't really magic based, so I don't see that either. It's fine that you don't like it, I don't like it anymore either. I wish I did.


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Plat MS2 :^)
Is that game alive again, or is it still hovering at 2k players?

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>Any old CN flash game
Fucking gone. Obliterated into the void, now all we get is "How fast can steven universe beat his meat to the teen titans opening?"

Was actually really fun and got relatively tryhard once you go to the color ranks of IW. I was on my way to Teal before CW decided this amazingly fun game everyone seems to be enjoying should be axed for shitty Wii-u games

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I remember everyone discovering this game and making fun of it, but when i actually played it was pretty fun.

Was it bad? Sure,but I loved it.

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Damn I thought I was the only one who played that

Star Wars Galaxies

Wish I could of got in on this before it shut down.

scott pilgrim

That game looks really comfy.

>Playing any runscape but classic
I'll never frogive Jagex for deliberately killing classic by forcing it behind a member paywall after realizing nobody wanted to play their shitty fucking unwanted sequel. And you filthy plebians have the nerve to call it "old school." Its not oldschool, its Runescape 2, and its just as garbage as it was the day Jagex shat it out.

It was comfy af alright

Old kmmos will always be extremely comfy to me. Those were better times.

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>kill off club penguin so they can funnel traffic into club penguin island to "keep the franchise alive"
>a year and a half later they shut down club penguin island
disney is almost like ea when it comes to games, they've killed marvel heroes, disney infinity and club penguin 2 times

2007-2010 Team Fortress 2

I used to play that shit, fucking memories, mage was my favorite

Survival Project
you don't know fun until you drift clothesline people as Cream the Naughty Angel
it's actually really basic and nothing fancy but I enjoyed my time with it
also Infinity Online lol

>browser based
>grid based
>N-E-S-W directional buttons to move
>page refreshed with each move
>could pick 1 of several monsters when you start
>they looked like shitty clip art and mostly had a cutesy art style
>mascot of the game was a yellow cyclops-like monster
>game was a turn based "MMO" browser RPG
i will never know her name

This game was really relaxing, it didn't deserve to die because of Disney. So many people loved this game and they still killed it.

Anyone else play the game Seika on BYOND?
>tfw Seika 2 never came out and the creator just gave up and went back to Seika
>changed it's name
Gay shit.

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It's literally impossible to play Deadpool now that it was pulled off Steam

Final Fantasy XI. It's just not the same, both retail and private servers. I'm too much of a minmaxing faggot to ever enjoy another adventure like that again anyway, unless by some miracle some kind of game genre comes out that rivals the magic of the dawn of MMOs.

Still the best MMO I've ever played.

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>wonderking is dead
>not a single private server either

I never got to experience this firsthand, I just remember as a kid I always wanted to play it. My friend's stepdad played it and we would watch him, there's some kind of indescribable feeling i get when looking at that art style. It's nothing spectacular but it's like raw fantasy. Evokes a feeling of both excitement and comfort.

probably a third worlder

I want wonderking back. everything in the game was so cute and it was so fun too.

>no Gunz

The absolute state of Yea Forums

that comfy snow level... hnng

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Ah, that word meaning "I like it but I'm far too retarded to explain why"!

there's a private server project for this game in the works
its missing a good bit of late game content still but i think for the most part it's entirely playable, you can either play re:imagine or set up your own (and you have the ability to edit client files too to make your own shit to some extent)
i wish i had gotten more into ghost, but it was such a slog of a grind from what i remember, i never really got too far but the faction pvp shit was some of the most fun i ever had

At least disney publicly admits games aren't their strong suit

I thought the original still existed alongside the sequel?

Perfect world

But Ghost Online still exists, it's called Soul Saver now. Or do you mean that's getting shuttered soon?

that's maplestory... you can play that right now?

That's Ghost Online, I think the game was shut down and then relaunched and then shut down again, not sure tho.

They relaunched it a couple years back and it even got on Steam if you can believe it:
It still has the same jank the original Ghost Online did with regards to attacks taking roughly a third of a second to register when they land on the enemy compared to something like Maplestory. The translation also feels worse than Ghost Online was all those years back but maybe my memory is just wrong on that front.

im surprised that's even still around
too bad my old ass account is fubar, looks like they just stopped accepting issue reports with old accounts on the 1st and i can't log in to my old shit because the email i used for it was deleted (thanks myway)
rip, guess its time for a new one

played this with my bro so much

Oh fuck you just reminded me of Castle and Murder Mansion and all those shitty DBZ games on BYOND, fuck that's a nostalgia trip I didn't think I would make tonight