How do I get into this shit
How do I get into this shit
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For your own sake, please don't.
You need to have a friend who knows whats up to introduce you to all the things you'll need to know.
Or you can look up guides on YouTube or something.
You don’t t
don't waste your time, get into a real game, warframe it's the best game of one of the shitiest genres in videogames, and it sucks completely, don't play this trash
Stay away from it for your own sake
There are three types of players.
Those who buy platinum.
Those who grind for platinum.
And those who jew others out of their platinum.
Don't bother unless you're the third kind.
With the wiki in a browser you can alt+tab to. Once you get your standard damage mods
>the shotgun one
>the sidearm one
and realize that shields are worthless until much later and that you're better off just pumping the health mod and jumping around like a retard at all times (enemy accuracy takes movement speed into effect) you're set.
As you progress you'll start asking questions that you'll google and internalize and naturally lead you to more questions that eventually has you "in the know." The first of such questions will likely be "Where do I get Neurodes?"
You will then join into a targeted grind lobby and you will realize this is it. This is the next 1000 hours of the game. And that it only gets worse from there.
Plains of Eidolon made me quit.
ignore these fags, they suck at games
this is the right answer. also use the wiki, and learn how to farm plat early, even a new player can make a killing if they know what they're doing. get a few weapon and warframe slots and just level new gear as you get it while clearing the star chart, and stuff will open up to you organically. not the grindiest game in the world but you'll know early on whether it''s to your tastes or not. personally I think it's the best f2p on the market, but it still has all the annoying shit that comes with that.
Unless you’re really comfortable with jumping into a market and haggling as hard as you can then don’t bother. If you have social anxiety and can’t handle the pressure of possibly tricking someone in a trade then fuck off.
I tried but I couldn’t even enjoy the combat
Good luck
I put 800 hours into the game last year. If you want to maintain your sanity and your backlog, walk away now.
Ignore this fag, he's still playing Warframe.
Few games bring together such stunning displays of sunk cost fallacy and skinner box victims.
By playing frames with the best butts.
500+ hours of life spent on gameplay saved
The game's a pretty cool casual romp while I wait for real releases. Sucks that I've maxed my initial frame and have to wait 72 hours to complete my next one, though.
One of those games that has one way of doing things that I disagree with that I can't get into it at all.
Just hate the way you acquire new equipment.
>they suck at games
What ever you Say MRlet
Just use
List something. Get a whisper in game asking to buy it. trade. Done. If they try to haggle, just say no.
Selling rivens is a whole other ballgame though.
Ignore this fag, he resorts to 'no you' when his retarded post is btfo. You can get everything but prime access cosmetics for free by the way.
garbage game for garbage people, play literally anything else if you value your time and enjoyment of vidya
Warframe is a nice game but it's hardly something you can binge for hours and hours for days. It's a game you maybe play for an hour or so every few days. The way the game makes you grind for resources and wait while your shit builds in real time kinda forces you to play that way. It helps with making sure you dont get tired of the game that fast at least.
It's grindy and extremely repetitive. Stay away.
delete it off your hard drive immediately
its going to suck you into thousands of hours of boring ass grinding that encourages you to grind even more so you can grind more
I can stand games like Division and Destiny, I like mindless grinding.
What I want to know is how bad the grinding gets. Getting some exotics in D2 can take a while, I want to know how bad it gets in Warframe.
It's one of the few games I can play where the grinding isn't boring as hell. Couple that with being free and it's not a bad use of your time if you're going to casually play it.
I love warframe
Ignore this fag, his only response to his addiction being called out is to weakly go "no you". Every moment beyond the first couple of hours, thoughts of what better and more interesting games you could be playing will flood your mind, not to mention the notion that there's more to life than playing video games.
Warframe is a game that will suck your soul out of your anus, and not in a good way.
Only the poorest of poorfags actually play warframe, avoid it at any cost
>be poor
>have low standards
>find joy in repetitive, tedious activities
Bonus points if you are a third worlder.
I enjoy grinding too, but this isn't even the good kind. Some games you grind for a while and enjoy the game for a while, but Warframe is too repetitive. There's no point at which you stop grinding and start playing for fun. It's literally all grind.
The whole game is grind, that's the appeal. You can spend 1000s of hours doing nothing worthwhile but pure grind for worthless items. Only subhuman poorfags subject themselves to this.
keep playing division and destiny, thosw are far better games than warframe. I wouldn't even call warframe a game, it's just monotonous grind: grind harder edition
>tfw the most fun across 800 hours was the conclave Valentine event where everyone was forced to use a nikana and shuriken
I like to enter exterminate missions and use a Limbo specter.
ah so nothing has and will not change.
Those games do grinding better. You actually have to play the content and you get a good (or at least fair) drop rate. Warframe grinding is skipping past everything and doing that for hours on end. Do yourself a favor and look up a livestream of this grind, it's fucking boring to watch and even more boring to play. The only good thing this game does is being truly F2P, other than that, it's a boring endless grind.
It's that bad? Is there at least a reason to grind like for PVP or showing off?
+1,000 hours here DE ruined the game don't waste your time.
PvP in this game is a joke, and most of the good cosmetics are bought with real money anyway.
Well thanks for the warning at least. I think I'll go back to clearing my backlog or playing Div 1.
Which helmet is supposedly gurren lagan themed? I haven't touched the game in a while.
you learn the progression loop, and the mechanics.
warframe pvp is horrible, less than 1% even bother with it
It's a shitty, buggy grindfest with no endgame, abysmal balance, and a profit model that makes everything bad about it worse than it should be.
If you play this, you are quite literally throwing time into the void. Doing absolutely anything else, even fapping yourself raw for 5 hours, is more productive and entertaining than this fuckstain of a game will ever be.
>tfw Harrow is finally finishing tomorrow
That grind was fucking nuts. I'm genuinely not sure if I hated the grind for this or Equinox more. At least I'll finally have a new frame that's good. My last two new ones (Atlas and Vauban) were both kinda ass.
Warframe is grindy trash
The initial 40 hours or so are the best when you're exploring and discovering new things but once you realize how little there is to actually do and it all is just one big fetch quest to get materials for your ever growing collection of useless shit, it becomes a chore.
The game is so piss easy that it doesn't even pose a challenge while mind-numbingly running through the levels for the extraction point. The only times you're challenged is when you're doing those infinite defense missions where enemies keep coming in waves and their levels get higher with each stage and you refill "the air you breathe with your fucking remote controlled exoskeleton" and the enemies get so high level they either one shot you or you can't finish it fast enough when their health is ramped 100x from the base value.
Each patch only adds more shit to grind so you can keep that collection updated at all times. None of it actually matters once you've collected the best weapon and frame in slot. If you do want to give the game a try, get yourself a frame you actually like, the weapons you like, and breeze through the "content" and after everything is said and done, leave and never go back.
My thoughts exactly. I quit around the 40 hour mark and never went back
This. It's the easiest fucking thing in the world. If you don't want to play then just play some void fissures every 10-20 hours and sell the parts so you can buy slots.
Personally while I hate microtransactions I think a few purchases in a F2P game I actually enjoy is fair enough. When I get a 50%+ coupon (usually ever 50 hours or so) I'll get five bucks worth.
*don't want to pay
>the enemies get so high level they either one shot you
Which, last I played (over a year ago, I think) could still be mitigated by playing a team of invisible sneaky fuckers reviving each other whenever somebody fucked up
>or you can't finish it fast enough when their health is ramped 100x from the base value.
That was also simplified, you'd get some dude to do a thing and then you'd shove a dagger up their ass for a gorillion damage since it scaled.
The biggest challenge we had was getting five or six dummies I was likely the biggest dummy through babby's first raid for the first time without any prep work besides glancing at the wikia page, and we still pulled through.
If anything it's a great example for what not to do with introducing """difficulty"""
>playing a virtual market for arcade tokens
Get a job, holy shit.
>tfw the virtual market is the best part about the game
But the balding ginger said the game was good!