4craft is coming back and this time it ISN'T run by faggots (Coty Getzelman)

4craft is coming back and this time it ISN'T run by faggots (Coty Getzelman)

We'll start in about a week or two, but while we develop it is there anything you guys would want.

Discord, purely for communication between the devs and players: XSaS3hk

We'll get a Mumble server going when it actually starts, that will be the main method of communication when the games begin.

Attached: 4craft.png (400x400, 180K)

4craft will never be any better than the era of /tg/'s original dorf fort

An actual objective. A flag to steal, object to destroy, a special mob to kill, fucking SOMETHING. Something to make the raids less just knocking the toys over and actually mean something.

Hating on Coty is retarded, he's the only good thing that happened to 4craft

fuck off redditors

i'd rather not deal with Yea Forums cheating and djinra shitting up the game for the nth time

nice bait

Won't happen this time around.

>Yea Forums cheating
lol they didn't cheat you guys are all just shitters

sincerely a /k/ fag

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Try your luck on reddit

>We'll get a Mumble server going when it actually starts, that will be the main method of communication when the games begin.

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Ok then not that dropped

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Good times

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make it free, im a third world monkey

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Requesting /biz/ island has frequent floods, causing it to become a green jungle at at high tide but a large red mesa is unveiled around the island at low tide.

I think an interesting dynamic would be if it was two continents instead of an archipelago. One would be named Yea Forums, and have "countries" named after its boards, the other would be named 4channel, which does the same thing. Yea Forums's territory is a thing, long island surrounding both continents, with admin "island" being in a crater in one of the mountain peaks.

Here's the actual Yea Forums Minecraft server

1.12, moving spawns and moving to 1.13 tomorrow

Up 24/7 on a premium host, very new server

Pure vanilla and pirate friendly

Ip: minecraft.bigbuttsin4k.com
Ask one of the users online if you want in to the shitcord

And it's playable right now no fucking around for 2 weeks bullshit

Have you been visited by Benji yet?

not in a long time

>still assblasted about your butt buddies getting banned
i remember some /k/ fag spazzing on me in vc for being apart of Yea Forums after the ban.

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that server was the first he posted about griefing lmfao

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Only actual interest boards would really need anything.
Nobody is a native of /s/.

Fuck, I didn't knew it was the old comfy server and I joined with an alt, now it doesn't let me join with my old name

>36 members
you guys gotta step it up

Actually I don't want any newfags to join so I'm deleting this post 0w0

too bad fag i have 4chanx
Here's the actual Yea Forums Minecraft server

1.12, moving spawns and moving to 1.13 tomorrow

Up 24/7 on a premium host, very new server

Pure vanilla and pirate friendly

Ip: minecraft.bigbuttsin4k.com
Ask one of the users online if you want in to the shitcord

>too bad fag i have 4chanx
>Here's the actual Yea Forums Minecraft server
>1.12, moving spawns and moving to 1.13 tomorrow
>Up 24/7 on a premium host, very new server
>Pure vanilla and pirate friendly
>Ip: minecraft.bigbuttsin4k.com
>Ask one of the users online if you want in to the shitcord


just kill newfags if there being faggots

Attached: 1504419746408s.jpg (250x245, 9K)

The admin is in the shitcord if you need shit sorted out.

I'm fucked

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last time I joined we waited weeks for the actual thing to start and I checking up because the only reason I used discord was to play this server. what happened the last time? was it fun? If it's fun I might actually play it this time

I'm working on it hold on tianamen

Ok try now

post your hrt collection big lady

It just says I exceeded the max number of registrations

Ok I fixed it for real now log back in with password "nigger" and change it afterwards

I'd consider it, but I'm pretty sure I'd get stuck with the retard who keeps setting his own house on fire as a neighbour

So the size of countries should be based on board traffic, right?

Wait, again?

I wonder if Yea Forums will get banned for hacking this time as well.


I always wonder why people post shit like this