Sekiro Thread: New Bosses and Clips Shown Today

>LONG-ARM CENTIPEDE SEN'UN at 14:30, played by a guy on a channel named Cowchop with a guy named Criken
>He's the Wolverine-looking enemy shown in the last trailer
>He's got smaller minions around him that look like him

>SAME PLAYTHROUGH CONTINUED on Criken's channel with the same boss
>MUMMY/STATUE/CENTIPEDE CREATURE seen in the trailer also show up
>Centipede comes out of the mummy/statue like the snakes come out of the mobs in Forbidden Woods
>The mummies/statues that DON'T have centipedes spit vomit onto you that attracts the crickets in the area and makes them attack you
>Cringe at the end where the Criken guy acts like he wants to fuck that Vaati guy, who makes it cringier still by acting like a tool instead of playing along with the faggotry

>GREAT SNAKE at 4:30, with a pretty cool new event that hasn't been seen till today - stabbing his eye by hiding in a Palanquin
>Obnoxious music though
>GYOUBU THE DEMON, a dude on a horse, comes right after this

>LONG-ARM CENTIPEDE SEN'UN at 16:55 (very brief)
>GREAT SNAKE eye-stab at 18:00 (without the weird music in the other video)

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Other urls found in this thread:

oh shit these are leaks?

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Looks cool and difficult. I'll play it after DMC5. How long did they say the run time was?

good shit user

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You can swim, that's pretty cool. This game doesn't look that good but it should be fun to play.

DMC5 has me depressed, almost gave up on gaming for a sec there.

Nobody leaked the boss they were not supposed to show?

>>He's got smaller minions around him that look like him
Bravo Miya!

Chaining DMC5 into this fucking hell. If Bayo 3 comes out this year 2019 will be the year of SSS

What the fucking shit are those wolverine centipede things? Nice shit.

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>those bosses
Jesus the guy on the horse legitimately looks terrifying to fight. I cannot fucking wait.

You sound like an absolute faggot.

Not leaks. A lot of preview/new information that's been released by jewtoubers that were picked by FromSoft to try out the game


>non-shill thread

>non-shill thread

>non-shill thread

You convinced me to buy it though. Thanks.

There's also the Medieval Knight looking boss.

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So... does that snake just lie there, writhing in pain for all eternity, or what?

>Betrayal to all Dark Souls fans

I don't feel betrayed, buying it on the day of.

End of this

All the centipede stuff made me realize that for all my hype this game is eventually going to make me feel like picrelated

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it's all ogre from here user
embrace the bug life

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holy fuck that's a brutal one

>Stuff not allowed to be shown
The guys in the first video I linked said there was a MINI-BOSS that they couldn't show, which they also forgot to record anyways.
Then Lobos said there was another boss he couldn't reach before his time was up but he might have been talking about the centipede fucker or the horse guy, because he's included footage of those two, but he said he only fought one.
Lastly, it's possible there's some other boss that no one's mentioned or shown at all, and this was the one that From wouldn't let them show.

It's so fucking gross. Reminds me of the Headless Bloodletting Beast. The goddamn spider leg things on this boss' back are nasty. Watch me end up playing it with a podcast or a playlist like I did with my first couple playthroughs of Bloodborne.

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>What the fucking shit are those wolverine centipede things?
Low effort design

sounds like some bloodborne shit to me

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>Gyoubu's entrance
That was great. Goddamn, and finally a boss that makes use of a large arena. Hyped after seeing this.

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>Boss with dialogue about his son, for whose sake he's asking you to put down your sword and not challenge him, since he's trying to find some kind of water for his son
>Youtuber is the Swedish Chef so you can't tell what he's saying

Thanks for linking it anons

C'mon. Fromsoft always had those design and they tell you how much they work and attack.

until I saw those I was worried that Sekiro wouldn't have weird shit since it was a somewhat more grounded setting

I miss werewolves and normal animals

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has there been any definitive information on how dragonrot works, some anons said it only takes effect if you use resurrect but the videos I saw just say every time you die

They'll definitely have their own take on the jap mythos, just like in BB and the Souls series. Very nice.

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The video with the weird music in the back shows him taunting the player after he resurrects by saying something like, "oh you haven't had enough? np I'll push your shit in as many times as you want"
>Interesting note
They weren't allowed to show his death. I wouldn't be surprised if he has a second phase like Nameless King, considering he also has a mount

What's exactly those low and high mid-screen gauges?

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>Fromsoft is obligated to make souls games for the rest of time

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Seems to be death. As Resurrection can be continually gained by beating enemies.

Based Gyoubu. Already really liking this one boss.

>Mfw all my anticipation is giving way to anxiety

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>thread discussing new stuff shown today
>thread shitting on the game because it'snot dark souls

I know which one I'm staying in

The posture gauge. You build up the enemy one to initiate a finisher to take out a health bar. You need to keep at it or it goes down. the lower is yours and they can do the same to you so you need to know when to back off or get fucked. It's the main mechanic of the combat.

It's interesting that they can't show specific enemies.

The headless Kappa from the demo
The one here

I'm guessing they can lead to hints on where the game goes.

it's going to be some weird shit that they want to hide, like how nobody knew about the ayys in bloodborne until they played the game

Started to watch one of the playthroughs earlier but watched a minute and decided I'd rather not be spoiled. The written info and few gifs I saw are are enough. Been sold since day one anyway. Gonna be a helluva game.

This time spamming doesn't seem to be an effective way of offence. Really liking what I'm seeing now.

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Posture. It builds by landing hits/being hit, blocking attacks, and for the enemies if you time your guard right to deflect attacks. When it gets full you can do a deathblow to kill or remove one healthbar from an enemy, or leaves you staggered. The ones with multiple healthbars can only lose them and be killed this way, though reducing health makes it recover slower.

anyone else getting a ninja scrolls vibe?

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At 10:00 in the first video here >>
you can see a cutscene of Sekiroman waking up in his shrine after a death and the Idol Sculptor is coughing because the dragonrot has started to affect him
>mfw all my friends suffer a curse because I can't complete my mission without dying too many times

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I don't even know how you would perfect parry all of the hits from that centipede wolverine asshole. But it'll feel like some seriously next-level skilled play when you do pull it off.

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I feel like watching old school samurai anime now. Suggest me some.

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The new Dororo series would fit the Sekiro bill

Forgot to link this. It's the best video summarizing all the systems and mechanics that I've seen.

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Gonna need to get as good as that time Daigo parried every fucking hit of chun lis super all those years ago in street fighter

Headless looks like this Kappa artwork.

He even rips out your "anus soul" in Sekiro (which is hilarious).

Kappa supposedly give the "anus soul" to the Dragon God.

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Interesting. People are complain about its grunge HUD, whatcha you think?

Doesn't cowchop have a reasonably large following?

Holy FUCK that knight guy looks badass

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HUD complaints are usually overblowed. You barely notice it in the end of the day since you're focused on playing the game.

>tfw just a day ago people were ranting about how casual it is that you don't have to do a death run
>turns out you don't have a death run because you have a 70% chance of just outright losing everything right when you die
>turns out the world gets worse with each death and the people joking about this were actually on the mark

>He even rips out your "anus soul" in Sekiro (which is hilarious).
I remember that. Gamecores put up a video showing the fight with those guys with the Divine Confetti equipped and used but they had to edit it out of their video. This guy used their video in his own video though and you can see it at 12:20
>Ass-soul removal at 11:00
I wonder if there'll be lore related to this in the way Bloodborne's parries and visceral attacks could be very tenably tied to the idea of pulling QS out of enemies' bodies.

that guy looks like he tried to commit sudoku quite often

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looks great. thanks for the links OP.

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The UI and HUD is completely fine, looks less cluttered than the dark souls' anyway.

Actually user can you expound on that demon lore with the souls-out-the-ass stuff and the dragon-lord? What's the dragon lord? The shrine waifu named Emma mentions a dragon lord I believe. What are kappas?

Np user, wanted to compile stuff in one place.

I only ever heard/saw a bit of them years ago back when I used to follow a gaming channel that had them on a couple times. Their guy got invited to this thing in Tokyo so they probably have a pretty reasonable following at the very least.

They didn't. Activision only gave them three hours to play.

I've been feeling that since we saw the wire boss.

>What's the dragon lord? The shrine waifu named Emma mentions a dragon lord I believe. What are kappas?

I don't know what the dragon lord is but Kappas are water demons that are fairly common in Japanese media, they basically live in rivers and mess with humans and shit

I know they only played for 3 hours but I'm wondering how long it is the main game is? They haven't said it yet?

>Actually user can you expound on that demon lore with the souls-out-the-ass stuff and the dragon-lord?

Kappa's are Yokai that live in the water that steal the "anus soul" from humans that come near them (basically fist you and pull out what they're looking for). They either eat it themselves, or give it to the Dragon King/God as an offering.

That's pretty much it for their lore.

>>MUMMY/STATUE/CENTIPEDE CREATURE seen in the trailer also show up
Are you that fag from reddit who kept coming over here to spam your own shit? Because you kept posting this same thing and saying the game would turn into Kuon 2 at the midpoint.

love the rooster enemy

PC Gamer put up a video showing a short fight with one of them and it's the only one where the purple meter is shown to fill up completely and the guy gets a "Terror!" notification right before the headless kills him. Too bad he didn't have Divine confetti.

Am I the only one who thinks the soundtrack sounds fucking terrible?

>In one story, it was said that the kappa paid the shirikodama (anus soul) as a sort of tribute and tax to the Dragon King who lived under the sea and was the lord of all things under the water. What the Dragon King would want with such an item no one has dared to guess.

I'm not but I know who you're talking about. I've been in two of his threads, his name's something like Arachmael or whatever.

The Dragon God, Ryujin, is also the lord of the sea. You'll probably be able to find some thematic similarities to what the sea represents in Dark Souls and Bloodborne.

Yeah I've had my doubts about Sekiro but unless they go and dumb it down for the actual release to please casuals then I'm hype as fucking hell. Actually having long term consequences for abusing the death mechanics are a cool idea and so is the thought of locking the best ending behind a low death run.

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>the Dragon King who lived under the sea and was the lord of all things under the water

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Wait I know you. You're the guy who stalks that girl. GTFO my thread man I don't want it to get derailed. Fuck off, honestly.

I don't know jack shit about Japanese culture so I don't think I'll be able to parse the lore anywhere near as well as I was able to with Bloodborne. I hope sekiro lore threads will be as comfy as bloodborne ones, those are honestly my favorite threads on Yea Forums. Made me realize what a worthless faggot almost every Fromsoft lore channel on YT really is

As a huge lorefag for both IRL and vidya shit, I fucking love how in depth Bloodborne lore actually gets with alchemical concepts. Really looking forward to Sekiro.

Wait are you the bb lore sage?

The lore ecelebs on Youtube were onky ever worth shit because they compiled anonymous posters' discussions on Yea Forums and presented those theories as their own. That's how Vaatividya openly started out but when money started flowing in he turned his back on us. Epicnamebro used to shill his channel on Yea Forums as well. And then Vaati and co started ripping off other smaller lore channel. The loretubers are just a bunch of hacks whose only quality is the patience to gather data i.e rip off other people's theories and edit them into an audiovisually pleasing package. Which is an admirable skill sure but when it comes to lore they're hacks

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No, but I admire how much he knows and how eloquently he ties it together. I notice a lot of shit, but if anyone asked me to actually talk about any of the concepts I would turn into a babbling idiot.

dis gon b gud

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My body is ready

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>umibozu boss
holy shit please let this happen

>game has swimming mechanics
>underwater dudes pulling you under

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I don't know if I can handle sea monsters in a From game. Even the lame catfish monster in Shadow of the Colossus manages to send chills down my spine.

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Kos creeps me out enough even without seeing it in the water. Just the thought of that thing swimming around in the cold black water is horrifying to me.

I have terrible thalassophobia, the hydras in ds1 even freaked me out

The sheer amount of enemies made me stressed out just watching it, then you punished for not fighting everything because you need those beads to level up. I dunno man I might be too casual for this game in my old age.

>the hydras in ds1 even freaked me out
same here but only when it jumped because you get to see how gigantic it really is

Also FUCK my life I just saw one of those hairy caterpillar/centipede looking things on my bathroom floor a second ago

I liked that JSF guy well enough and apparently the Redgrave guy was decent as well. Vaati, in the other hand, is the AOC of lore channels kek. Like a guy who for some reason sees Regina George as a role model.

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I wouldn't mind swimming with kos

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The only time I stopped dead in my tracks playing Bloodborne was when I walked into the caves leading to Orphan and saw the shell lady rush through the water at the end of the corridor. I fucking hate water shit.

I think its just the mini bosses/bosses that drop the beads so you could technically only focus on them and stealth/run by anyone else unless they are in the area for the boss. Gonna be fun watching all these people used to souls walking into a straight up action game where learning the mechanics are required to beat shit rather than banking on good stats and weapon power

Well the giant snake part was unironically laughably bad desu senpai

>I liked that JSF guy well enough
he's good, did you know he does lore podcasts now with some unfunny Canadian girl?

2019 is looking fucking epic. I just hope I'll make it until the end of the year

>enemy markers

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I'm pretty sure From didn't want to show the armored knight.

LIJoe's video ends with him saying he is not allowed to show the mini-boss inside a certain building, but walks all the way up to said building. It looks like the same path that guy walked to get to the armored boss.

The real test is going to be the trophy that's locked behind the best ending. How many fucking deaths will you be allowed for it, I wonder? If there's a no death run trophy... Fucking hell..

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FromSoft's dark fantasy take coupled with the rich mythology of japan is a killer combo. I didn't much care for Nioh even if it was competently made game, I just like FromSoft's style way more.

Looks like shit

is she farting

Yeah she's actually the reason I stopped watching his stuff. Listening to her giggle nonstop and autistically try to turn every single sentence both of them spoke into a joke made me feel like someone was drilling into my ear with a jackhammer.

That flailing

Why don't you like us, user?

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Any PS4 footage?

Nioh always looked cartoony and off

I'll turn you all into powder you fucking crawlniggers

get out of my fucking shower you assholes

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Watching Dororo made me hype for this even though I didn't care about it before this. Too bad there isn't a character creator.

Game looks great, can't wait to play it. Clashing looks fun. I wonder how tight timings are on those parries.

>when he went into a fucking palanquin and the snake tries to fucking peak in only for sekiroman to crit his eyeball
Comedy kino. Wish I hadn't spoiled myself on that

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>jewtoubers that were picked by FromSoft to try out the game
Same thing that happened to MGSV. Are all of them praising it as flawless? I'm not falling for that shit again. youtubers have really flown under the radar. Journalist are labeled shills by everyone, but there are people that still believe youtubers are not shills (perhaps even better shills than journalists).

We all know that spiders are the real problem! Did you know I eat them?

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Is dororo good? I've only ever watched one anime and that's only because of how traditional the themes in it were compared to most shit that gets published in Western markets right now

spiders are bros, fuck off

I don't know. I didn't pay any attention to what any of these fags were saying. I like Lobos' upload because it has no commentary, the second video I linked in the opening post because the two guys bumrush everything and end up showing how chaotic the game can really get, and then the cowboy guy because he's very to-the-point and succinct in his explanation of the mechanics. I can't fucking stand most YouTubers that rely on lazy cult-of-personality shit to herd along an audience. I have a couple who have a very stylized presentation and I dig them because of how much effort they put into their with overall, but other than that I prefer minimal personality shit.

>le based bug man
I want you ALL to catch fire

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I watched Lobos' stream and he was pretty good at explaining the mechanics but I do appreciate that he also put up the no-commentary upload who wanted uncut and undisturbed game footage.

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>tfw i want to go in completely blind, but also want to watch these videos to try and get somewhat of a headstart on the lore

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I get no joy out of tearing into you user but quit it with the creepy stalker bullshit. Mental health and other la dee da made up bullshit is no excuse. >now that i got paid i changed my mind.

You summed it up so perfectly user

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Just two weeks user, you can make it!

i think being anal about spoilers ends up causing more anxiety than i care to experience. that's why i tossed out that mindset a long time ago. i don't think the novelty of seeing something for the first time is so valuable that it is worth preserving at all costs. just discussing a game prerelease is a lot of fun in itself and can make experiencing spoilers worth it, i find.

>that spinning attack from the mutant roosters

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We getting tenchu or nah?


Looks like an action game to me.

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No, don't listen to the zoomer retards who never played Tenchu. The game doesn't have alert phases, that's all that needs to be said.

I was pretty anal about RDR2 spoilers because it was such a story heavy game but for Sekiro I'm okay with knowing some of the mechanics before going in because there's no way in hell I'll survive two weeks of work without Yea Forums.

>tfw a guy talking about a capeshit-tier film for 5 hours says more in one minute than these rambling adverb-addicted pseuds manage to say about a game with concrete mechanics in 12 minutes
99% of YTers oughtta be nuked.

What happens after Sekiro lads? Astral Chain looks promising but won't come out until August. Bayo 3 I'm guessing late November.


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I was watching Lobos talk about Sekiro on stream and he talked about the first area of the game (they weren't allowed to film this part). He said that the protag has both arms at this point, and there's a boss at the end. He said the boss seemed beatable but when he died to it the protag lost his arm. I wonder what happens if you beat the boss.

Is this the new soiboi game?

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>Get Sekiro on PS4
>Realize platinum requires no death run
>Spend ages trying before you finally pull it off
>By now there are fun comfy mods on PC and you can buy it on sale
>Relax and enjoy

Nah, it's a new action game.

Might as well skip it on ps4.

no info on it.

Just go in blind from now (you can watch these). There's not much revealed; the biggest is a "world tendency"-like mechanic. There's some more enemies and areas.

When review copies go out (if they do), is when you turn off Yea Forums, as there's almost always some idiot that leaks details.

He does say he wasn't sponsored. This was a London event where he rode in via train on his own.

>He said that the protag has both arms at this point, and there's a boss at the end.
This video shows him from 00:32 - 00:37 before turning into a sucking off Vaati's dick to court his fans, also shows sekiroman falling to that boss -
>GENICHIRO ASHINA from 00:32 - 00:37 and again from 2:34 - 2:37
>warning - the guy's voice is utter cancer and he sounds like Greg Miller with his arm hooked up to an IV of onions spiked with cocaine

That boss is the rival from the early trailers.

Attudtide of nonbelievers in Sekiro really took 360 after previews

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>Souls reskin
>no coop


always the fucking normalfag shill "influencers" with the previews

>dragonrot and endings affected by it
>no death run actually means that you lose your stuff outright and not that you don't ever lose anything upon dying
that did it

go play Nioh

Yeah I was already going to buy it but before the previews I didn't really feel like Sekiro was doing much new and substantial to make up for the mechanics that no longer were there but I'm definitely very stoked about the ''dragon rot'' shit and the overall mechanics that seem to punish casualfaggotry. Hoping they don't nerf the difficulty too hard for the casuals.

>bosses aren't even real bosses with arenas and special themes like dark souls, it's just some dude running around the scenery

BB2 for the PS5 release.

They close off the area for bosses.

It's just that the arena is bigger for many of them and they can include trash mobs. The Armored Knight has a small hallway. The Centipede Sen'un has a small room.

Nigga have you somehow not even seen the monk boss they've been showing from the start?

>giving money to Activision
you are all fucking retarded

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im paying money for the game because i want to support games that i like and developers that i like. it's never about supporting a publisher.

Don't expect actual thought from that fag. He's been popping up in threads that aren't bait and putting up ones of his own that are filled with bait just to farm (you)s. I don't get what possesses autists to such a degree that they start acting like this. It'd make sense if people were discouraged by the previews, but when everyone's hyped as hell doing this shit just makes you out to be a massive tool desperately trying to attack a game to no avail.

read let that fag kvetch on his own

He just wants to be the Chrischan of Dark Souls, like Sekiro is Sonic's blue arms.

>the way gyubou announced his name

FUCK this is samurai movie as hell and i love it

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I'm not watching anymore footage because I wanna go in as blind as possible from now on, but how good is this game looking lads? I'm excited and the shit that's being described sounds pretty bonkers

its like miyazaki's accumulated game design philosophy + being in his own japanese element turned out to be a really really good decision

Yeah, I hope it can be disabled

It will probably be like 5 years before mods start coming, similar to Dark Souls

Nice. Does it seem to have a lot of cool ideas and enemy designs?

Fuck this looks good. No wonder DMCucks are so seethingly mad.

Why does the main character look european?

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He’s Finnish

DMCfags can't handle the fact that Itsuno isn't actually that good

>having any kind of moral compass
>current year

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Who invented this meme of trying to pit DMCfags and Sekirofags against each other? They are barely in the same genre.

Why would I be mad that I have 2 action games that I'm excited to play releasing in the same month

>buying any single player games

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When DMCucks invaded every RE and Sekiro thread shitting on both games since last June.

This. They're like the annoying younger sibling pining for as much attention as possible. Like fuck, we know DMC is good but shut the fuck up, it's not the only good game.

Fuck off Barry.

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>playing vidya

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>Sonic's arms
What is this lore

Nigga I like DMC but DMCfags are annoying

>single player
>no denovu
they're asking for it

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It's looking brutal as shit with minimal cheeses, so it's going to be very frustrating and unforgiving

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Echos of a future dark soul's fan at sekiro's release

I can smell from here those stinky urine stains.

Chris got so mad over Sonic Boom making Sonic's arms blue that he vandalized Sonic Boom displays in stores trying to ''correct'' the arm color and eventually maced a GameStop employee and got arrested.

Lurk two years minimum before posting

DMCucks who spam their Barry shit are as bad as the retards who cling to their Eric strawman because they got conned over Grinch in Smash.

Original post has a bunch of the bosses and their minions, pretty diverse and fucked up in different ways. Plus they've been tight lipped about the twist, the plague/forces that the Ashina are fighting, those headless demon motherfuckers, so it's safe to say it gets even more unsettling

Quit trying to derail my thread with this kind of faggotry.

Some say kosm

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nobody says kosm

this is a Sekiro thread what does dmc5 have to do with this?

Jesus Christ

Eat shit faggot this is the one serviceable thread on this game that isn't filled with bait bullshit, and is because I wanted to compile all the footage of unique shit in one place for other anons, take your dumb fucking lore and shove it, because you sound like picrelated

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Some do.

Honestly this game sounds like it was made for me. Love action adventure games with a focus on traversal like Prince of Persia, love Soulsborne and love feudal Japan settings. If this is as good as I think it could be it might end up becoming one of my all time favourites.


If you're the one that made the thread then good work. It's great. I don't know why it happens but threads made in the late night are always the best, and shitposters like that user are way less common at these hours.

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Yup. The bloodborne lore threads late at night are so good when they happen. Less than a dozen anons going back and forth, not a lot of bs, some really arguing and not holding back from tearing into each other, conceding to better points than their own when they're made, and explaining their points when they're proven right. Banter and actual debate with minimal shitposting, exactly how it should be.

>>LONG-ARM CENTIPEDE SEN'UN at 14:30, played by a guy on a channel named Cowchop with a guy named Criken
>>He's the Wolverine-looking enemy shown in the last trailer
>>He's got smaller minions around him that look like him
>>SAME PLAYTHROUGH CONTINUED on Criken's channel with the same boss
>>MUMMY/STATUE/CENTIPEDE CREATURE seen in the trailer also show up
>>Centipede comes out of the mummy/statue like the snakes come out of the mobs in Forbidden Woods
>>The mummies/statues that DON'T have centipedes spit vomit onto you that attracts the crickets in the area and makes them attack you
>>Cringe at the end where the Criken guy acts like he wants to fuck that Vaati guy, who makes it cringier still by acting like a tool instead of playing along with the faggotry
>>GREAT SNAKE at 4:30, with a pretty cool new event that hasn't been seen till today - stabbing his eye by hiding in a Palanquin
>>Obnoxious music though
>>GYOUBU THE DEMON, a dude on a horse, comes right after this
>>LONG-ARM CENTIPEDE SEN'UN at 16:55 (very brief)
>>GREAT SNAKE eye-stab at 18:00 (without the weird music in the other video)


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You aound obsessed. Nobody brought up DMC.

>dragonrot affects all those around us when we resurrect
>resurrection comes from our master's dragon bloodline
>"unseen aid" can save us from losing half our shit when we die
>"unseen aid" gets weaker with deaths and your chance of losing half your shit goes up
>your master's been taken away by the ashina to use his dragon blood in some ritual to fight a "supernatural" force that's been unleashed on their lands
>there are demon/ghost enemies that inflict "terror" and steal your souls/spirit emblems out your ass like yokai of lore who steal anus-souls from people in rivers to offer up to their dragon-God
Goddammit I want to know the story so badly. As much as I love environmental storytelling I hope it's explained in a way that's familiar enough to where channels like vaati's take a hit.

Any word on console performance? I still dont know if I should get it on Pro on my 1080 ti beefed pc

Dororo has got me itching for a good samurai game. But FUCK I don't want to spoil myself but the temptation is too much. I want the feeling of finding ayys again

do you hear our prayers?

>I still dont know if I should get it on Pro on my 1080 ti beefed pc
Then you're an idiot lmao. There is one obvious choice.

>gtx 760
>amd fx-8320
>8gb ram
will i make it lads?

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Honestly you're really self absorbed, dude. Its not like Sekiro threads are uncommon or hard to make, you're just a nobody. And that user was right, the CWC arm shit is so common that asking about it (and getting butthurt) make you look like a newfag.

Looks like the ninja scroll game I always wanted

>Literally had no interest in this game when it was announced
>The info given out to date has all but surely pushed me to buy it week 1
Normally I find the old japan aesthetics unappealing, but all the horrible-looking weird shit has sparked my interest. It also just looks really fun to play. Alright Miyazaki, I'll give you another chance after the travesty that was Boring Souls 3.

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>game is literally nioh, but by fromsoft
you soulshitters will eat just about anything up huh

>CWC arm shit
I follow cwc pretty closely, closer than most I can safely say and I think holding that as a metric for newfaggotry is super petty. The Blarms thing happened all the way back in 2014 which is close to 5 full years ago and almost nobody discusses cwc anymore.

>boss is a guy with a spear on a horse

ninja gaiden made me hate this enough already

Okay so bosses we know

>Big Monkey
>Lady Butterfly

Mini Bosses
>Juzo the Drunkard
>General Tenzen
>Long Arm Centipede Sen'Un
>two ninja hunters (forgot name lol)
>Armored Warrior
>Chained Ogre
>Great Serpent (dunno is it's considered)

Anything else? I saw some footage of the headless kappa and they also seem to get the bar at the top corner so they may be minibosses as welll

Its because prior to this all they showed was samey looking enemies with a minimal emphasis on revealing how the game would build upon itself from starting areas. Now we're starting to see that (once again) From put time into making sure that the game keeps things fresh as it goes while changing up things from Souls.

Personally I don't know if everything works the best, though. Jumping looks like it can lack be a little janky at times.

Really? It happened fucking years ago dude, and it blew up to the point where its a meme that Sonic media has personally joked about multiple times.

Do you even kill the snake? It just flails forever.

corrupted monk?

Guys, how long will this game be? 30-40 like Souls / BB or 15-20 like action games normally are?

The previews are making me insanely hype, I was managing expectations really well but actual footage looks so smooth...

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Just a thought but the anus-soul may be related in some way to the root chakra if anyone wants to dig and find some connections.

Oh yes, can't believe I forgot the more obvious one, I'm retarded

Some early foortage shows it ambushing you on an unseen bridge. It may not be now, but I think we'll eventually be able to kill it

>Sonic media
You'd have a point if we were in a Sonic game thread but we're not. So to know the minute detail about what cwc did YEARS ago you'd either have to follow the autist documenting sites or be a sonic autist yourself.

the arms shit isn't really a minute detail about CWC, though, its literally the most mainstream exposure he's ever gotten. Its not like you would have had to go to kiwi farms to hear about this, it was all over the place and still gets brought up semi-often.

Game looks great bummed out there isn't a character creator. I'm glad this turned out well. Don't really have hopes for ghost of tsushima

So if you die but revive yourself immediately upon death, do you still spread Dragon Rot?

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So when are we going to see the boss that uses the revive gimmick, because you know there totally is at least one.

More likely resurrecting on the spot accelerates it/

I think it's just true death that spreads Dragonrot

Juzou the Drunkard uses it to my understanding. It was even shown in trailers where the player kills him but he resurrects.

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So, the dragongod causing us to spread dragon aids is going to be the final boss, isn't he?

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Don't reply to me in the future.

Am I the only one who feel this game is stepping back form previous games especially in terms of presentations. I cant believe Bloodborne was before this game will be released. It feels outdated even by the standard of their samey soulborns

You're rushing the fuck out of Souls if you're only getting that much time. They said the size would be about the same as previous games. This isn't a short mission based game, there should be lots of exploration and content.

How so? I think it's more likely that their saving the more visually striking areas for the later parts of the game.

It's by far the smoothest gameplay, and the particle effects look amazing, and everything is as detailed as one might expect, dunno what are you on about

40 hours for a Souls game playthrough seems somewhat typical for a first time through. Maybe not for 2 but that game is bloated.

I think 40 hours is a fair estimate for Sekiro. If its longer I'll be genuinely, pleasantly surprised.

I have no idea what you're talking about. This looks excellent, get some taste.

Kys Barry. DMC has nothing to do in this thread, are different games

Post the hottest pic you have of her.
I know you're a psycho and you have one in mind.

calm down faggot

You're definitely not exploring enough and doing enough npc quest lines if you're only getting 40. These games have a lot of content, no need to rush.

>doing every NPC quest on your first playthrough
Oh okay, so you used a guide for a completionist run, you should have specified

>tfw hyped since day one
Fuck you Johnny come lately fags
never doubt Miazaki

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the aesthetic of gothic victorian architecture is more striking than ancient Japan to you. that's what you're noticing. the graphics of sekiro are of course great but it perhaps doesn't leave as brash an impression on the average player.

In the same boat. One of my most anticipated games since it reveal. I've been wanting them to move away from Souls more since DaS1

I'm in the night shift at work so I'm not at home on my pc where I have the insta thot pics of her that I wank to. I have this pic of Lobos' ex fiancee though.

They also said that Sekiro is supposedly open ended like Dark Souls 1 pretty much.

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The only people who think ancient Japan has cool, non-played out environments are the Japanese. Thank Christ this game seems to be doing some cool fantasy things because my God its bland.

Also the music is like the worst of both Souls and YOOOOOOO combined into one terrible generic cacophony.

Just bought it on cdkeys. Seriously, why cant from say what res and fps are they aiming for consoles? Guess Im better off with 2600x, 1080 ti and 16gb 3200mhz ddr4 and m.2 nand 970 evo to boot

I was just hooked to the dark fantasy Japanese setting as we don't have much of those nowadays. I was blind on info until now, after watching OP's videos and learning the mechanics I'm more excited for the game

Fuck you centipede, I'll eat you.

What's this meme about people complaining about the setting being too generic, and why didn't I hear any about this when FromSoft made 4 games with an european medieval setting that is easily the most tired, overplayed setting possible

No I didn't. Did you read my post wrong? I'm saying I take my time exploring the environment, going back to talk to NPCs, and just trying things out. At the very end of the game I'll check to see what shit I missed and what I can do before going into NG+. I guess 40 is reasonable for just beating the game but my point is that there's always enough content to get you plenty over that. Sekiro will be the same way I'd imagine.

Because their fantasy setting was an interesting take on European medieval folklore. Also loads of people were complaining about how reliant it was on Greek and Norse mythology in favor of more interesting takes.

Meanwhile tons of Japanese games jack off ancient Japan. I didn't give a shit about this when I played Otogi, because that game had cool monsters - something Sekiro was lacking (at least in terms of presentation until recently).

And what makes you think Sekiro's fantasy won't be an interesting take on Japanese Sengoku era and japanese mythlogy? Is this the new shitpost format you niggers came up with when you failed to pit Sekiro against DMC?

Because it’s called Japan in Sekiro, it’s not a world inspired by japanese lore, but actualengoku era Japan with demons, like Nioh.

Because its fucking fantasy so I know I'm going to be dealing with more than dudes with katanas for 60 hours. If this game didn't have monsters I legitimately would not buy it.

It was clear from the get-go that it was not just going to be a more ninja Ghost of Tsushima. What were you trying to even prove with this post. You didn't make a single point

Other than lifting a few names, Sekiro is doing its own thing and it's not world history faithful in any way

The dragons are not guilty. It's a problem of humans misusing the power.
Wolf himself is like D4C Love Train who redirects his bad karma to other people, Ashina clan probably does the same which turns even local animals into complete monsters.
But i'm sure the final boss will turn into Yamata no Orochi out of desperation.

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>It was clear from the get-go that it was not just going to be a more ninja Ghost of Tsushima.
They haven't showed any cool monsters aside from the snake until very recently. You're just being incredibly obtuse right now, the complaint about the samey human enemies and bosses is not new at all.

Any hint about a season pass? Have,they talked about dlc in any interview? I’m holding off on pre-ordering it because I feel like a deluxe (game+dlc) edition might pop up before release.

Give me a quick rundown on the Ashinas.

If you thought at any point that a Miyazaki game was just going to be regular samurais for the entire game, you are total retard. Also, corrupt monk and the headless kappa have been known for a long while

As for human enemies and bosses, it's already known that there's a giant monkey and Bloodborne never showed anything related to cosmic horror pre-release. So you either are a huge newfag or just shitposting for (You)s. Wither way fuck off

We barely know anything aside from the fact they've abducted a heir of dragon power for some sort of a ritual.
MC wields a part of his power too and by dying makes everyone around miserable, so imagine what happens if ritual is actually allowed to happen.

I never said that, I said this game looked bland as fuck until they started to actually show cool stuff. The headless kappa enemies have terrible designs, oh boy headless humanoids.

>As for human enemies and bosses, it's already known that there's a giant monkey
Yeah, I said RECENTLY you dipshit. Fuck off, I was playing Otogi 1 and 2 before you even knew what From was.

Reminder that sekiro is bloodborne prequel

It's time to start avoiding Sekiro threads.
Not because of the spoilers, but all the shitposting.

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It comes out in like 2 weeks, we'd know about a deluxe edition by now

The dragons have been confirmed, so it's actually Dark Souls prequel.

Dragons themselves are divine.

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But all we've had before these reveals was shitposting.

>dropped by a Divine Heir
Does it mean the cute shota? You have to murder him to cure the NPCs in the hub?

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They probably cut him.
This item is rare as fuck, the one who was found by streamers was sold by a secret merchant who only accepts his own currency.

There's no real spoilers outside of the World Tendency.

Most of it's shown in trailers (and stuff in trailers isn't here), and the Game Informer footage/details.

>"They plan to make use of his bloodline"
So the villains are literally bleeding the cute shota out for their own evil schemes?

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So how's the parry timing?

And does the combat system actually reward you for going on the offensive at all? It seems like you can just stand there and parry until the enemy's posture is broken.

Well, we already knew that much.
The MC and the bosses can resurrect (have multiple HP bars) because they partook of the shota's bodily fluids.

Divine Heirs might be what they call the bosses in Sekiro similar how when you kill a boss in DS3 it says ''Heir of Fire vanquished'' or in Bloodborne it says ''Prey Slaughtered''. Alternatively Divine Heirs are special bosses similar to Lords of Cinder or Archdemons / Old Ones.

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It's once you die and get sent back to the Hub after using up all your Resurrections.

>literally spoiling as much as the game for yourself as you possibly can before it comes out

fucking zoomers i swear to god

In the GI interview they said the parry timing was tighter than in Souls, but I call bullshit. Considering how perfect blocking is integral part of Sekiro's combat, it's probably more lax.

Everyone knows the best part about Souls games is not playing them blind but watching streamers and their clickbait videos, bro!

After playing Muramasa i really won't be surprised if Sekiro will make japanese mythology completely terrifying, the fight against Tokugawa who turns into a giant hell dog that transforms into a wall of infinite teeth alone was creepy as fuck, and in Sekiro we have Miyazaki's bizarre vision.

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>stand there and parry until the enemy's posture is broken
Nah there are unparriable attacks that you can dodge and if you're not aggressive enough the enemies will regen posture iirc.

It's only spoiling if you don't enjoy it.
It helps me to get hyped for the game even more.

It's nice to see a preview to gauge whether or not you want to buy it though

>Durr you only play games once.

>Graphics straight out of last gen.
>Animations janky as fuck.
>Generic looking enemies.
>No characrter creation.
>No multiplayer.
From really drop the ball. Not sure if it's even worth pirating.

Honestly? The game looks pretty bad.

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yeah, I think so too. Probably like Metal Gear Rising, which, contrary to popular belief, had a very lax parry window.

Does the main character speak? If not why is there not character creation.

>implying multiplayer was ever a 'feature' in souls games

The stuff is meant to be "spoiler" free, and it is, as it's almost all in trailers.

The things that were considered spoilers weren't allowed to be shown.

Unblockable thrusts can be perfect parried, but can't be blocked. You can also dodge into them.
Ublockable grabs must be dodged, like before.
Ublockable sweep attacks you have to jump over.

Enemies can also parry you.
The basic combat routine for Sekiro seems to be as follows:
>mash the attack button forcing the enemy on the defensive
>they get tired of you building up posture break on them for free and parry you, breaking your combo chain
>you parry them back, giving you some free attack button mashing time again
>and so on back and force
>with some use of prosthetic tools and dodging against tougher/hyperarmored enemies

Yes he does, with Guts' voice

Absolutely loved the folklore and tales in Muramasa, what a game. I wish they had toned down the repetition during exploration.

Yes, you can see it any of those previews

I don't give a shit you fucking weeb who voices him in English

Hijacking this thread for my shitposting, is DaS 2 worth playing?

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the fetishization of the virginal first impression is so boring. intelligent people know that the most rational judgement of any given subject comes with lots of time spent. there's no denying that seeing something or experiencing something for the first time can be a nice surprise, but it's not more important than the sort of understanding you get after experiencing something several times past the first impression.


I remember MGR parrying being pretty tight compared to blocking, but I recently watched some gameplay videos of that game, and despite the player being not very good at it, he was getting perfect parries relatively often.
I guess in both MGR and Sekiro it all comes down to knowing the enemy moveset. If you do, you can anticipate their swings. *clang* *clang* *clang* Like a rhythm game.

Only on sale. Its no where near as good as Demon, Dark 1 and 3 of Bloodborne but its 'fine'.

thats not to me, at least. I like the atmosphere of ancient Japanese as much as victorian displayed in BB. I like old sengoku setting in games, for example, I loved onimusha that was really well drawn in detailed and believable way. the problem to me is the level of sophistication, the world and map feels empty and not as dense and completed as BB, I wonder if they rushed out to release the game.

Sure, it's not the best of the series but it's far from terrible

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Sure it was buggy as fuck but i really liked my jolly cooperation.

It's still as worthwhile to play as it was when it released.
Which is to say, not.

>the problem to me is the level of sophistication, the world and map feels empty and not as dense and completed as BB
Did we play the same game?

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yeah, the rhythm game comparison is oddly appropriate, if you look a tthe combat footage in Sekiro it feels like a coreographed dance, really cool


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Is it in PC?

no, wii game

Yes. PC, PS4, Xbone.

Well story revolves around prince and his bloodline
In xbox exclusive

just play dmcv

Does the game have side quests/side location/optional bosses?

The best about SoulsBorne is the hidden content shame there is so little of them in all of those games, and as Sekiro is more action oriented its probably gonna have even less of them, right?

We're talking about an entertainment product, not some fucking documentary you mongoloid. In games powerful moments are often preceded by mood / atmosphere setting material and the player enveloped in immersion whereas watching it in an out of context clip a youtube eceleb / twitch soiboi screaming at the camera destroys the immersion and taints the experience.

>No leveling, no builds
>No character cutomizing
>Weeb setting
>Cinemetic kills, focus on epic trailer shots
>B team Dark Souls 2 level trash
>One weapon
>SJW story and characters
>Casual mode, deaths don't kill you
>No multiplayer

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It's always great when a game comes out on PC. You know why.

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Yes, and multiple paths you can take, just like Souls.

>SJW story and characters

How so? Are there non Japanese characters? It's okay if there's a few whites, but they better not include anything more.

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Women in the trailer are treated as equils, no rape or mistreatment.

They're waiting for their sony and microsoft overlords to give them the false statistics maybe?

Cute demon

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sure. i hope you aren't saying that because you watched some basedboy on youtube enter irithyll for the first time and have an absurd reaction to the vista means that when you reached it yourself you would have some sort of flashback to said basedboy and the moment is ruined. for me personally seeing something prior to playing the game myself doesnt change the experience much- all that is done is a transporting of that "wow" moment to prior to playing the game myself.

Well I guess you're just different. For me knowing what's to come removes the delicious mystery about the game and what's there to discover.

>watching it in an out of context clip a youtube eceleb / twitch soiboi screaming at the camera
You're literally the only one in this thread suggesting anything like that.

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It was like that most of the time back then, though.

Are you for real?

Looks like shit. From soft is a one trick pony clearly.

101% for real. Stop replying to the trolls, baka.

I'm not sure who you think is the troll here. I know I wasn't trolling, but I don't feel trolled either. I guess it might have been silly of me to entertain the idea that user was right in saying the story was SJW. There was no harm in asking for elaboration, however. I guess I did let my imagination run wild when I thought he might have meant that everyone in the game would be a diversity hire, too. But it's still fine to ask and have that cleared up.

>red eyes meme like dark souls 3

>i've never played in other games in the series yet i must shit on ds3 like a mindless drone

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Shit Souls 2 didn't have the trademark red eyes enemies because it was less of a true Souls game than Sekiro was.

I want to smooch her on the lips

Not really the same, Sekiro seems more built around the ninjaish gameplay, where Nioh is more like a samurai but with ninja abilities as a school of magic (the other being Onmyo)

I thought they already said that there would only be like 7 bosses in Sekiro, so that seems more like a 10-20 hours game.

So do we know how you can reuse a revive again after using it or is it a one-&-done deal until you die again and get sent back to the hub?

>7 bosses
>already spoiled 5 of them
Ebin,simply ebin FromSoft

only 7 bosses in Sekiro?

>with a guy named Criken
i want neo Yea Forums to leave

>yellow arrow everywhere
getting closer and closer to garbage interface such as assassin's creeds

So Sekiro is just another wank game from Miyazaki, with his obsession with wolves and Guts, perfectly encapsulated in Artorias, his obsession with Berserk in the other Souls games, and now the MC nicknamed "Wolf" voiced by Guts, what a fucking joke.

They didn't say anything like this

how are all the souls environments not as played out? FROM didn't do anything new with them, except for make them really cool.

I swear they said something like that a few days after the E3 reveal, but I can't find it.

you cant find it because you made it up

>muh ebin troll isn't relevant no more ;_;

i have a pretty big dick, its only 6 inches but the head is huge and the girth is 6.5" circumference.

i still remember the first blowjob i got. it was with my mexican gf in high school. i say 'mexican' but she had really sharp beautiful spanish features and long legs. and beautiful long hair. she was slim, too. not your typical hot cheeto gobbling beanera.

we were on the school bus, in the back. and i just whipped it out. i stil lremember how her eyes boggled. i asked if she thought it was big, she said duh, its fucking huge, now put it away.
i grabbed her hand, and put it on it. she started stroking and stopped complaining. she loved it.

for our graduation trip, we went to six flags. i remember waiting in line with her, and i got a boner because she smelled good. so i flipped it up my waistband and pressed it against her stomach. she gasped, and she looked at me with her eyes now half closed, mouth slightly apart. she leaned in and whispered 'how does it reach up so far.' and i shot some precum.

when she jerked me off on the bus, she was too scared to swallow. so she let me cum all over the floor, and she spread it around with her shoes to 'erase' the evidence.

the first time she decided to suck it, she bent down and swallowed it whole. i remember looking up and trying to pretend to be normal, ignoring the fact that the girlfriend that i was just sitting next to no longer was there to other people.

i love my thick monstrous orc dick. it might not be 10 inches or even close. but the thickness and hardness of it, it makes every girl i dated go crazy.

in college i dated a chinese girl. the first time we had sex, she said she probably orgasmed more than 5 times. i wouldn't believe her but she couldn't get off the bed. she had to drive home though, and she said she doubted she could even operate the gas and brake pedals. i asked her if she ever had sex that good, she shook her head immediately.

another girl i dated soon after, a korean girl, she was a real nymphomaniac. or at least i made her into one - i was her first. i say that because she was a heavy squirter, we had to prepare two towels to have sex otherwise she rmade a huge mess. my favorite was giving her the mating press. she was such a cockloving slut that i wanted to make up for my lack of length, so i piledrived her while holding her legs up to my ears. she always writhed with pleasure and made Huhnnn noises until i felt something expanding in her vagina. Something was shoving my dick out, so i pulled out, and fwoosh, out came the fountain. One time I was doing this, I was so horny I just pulled out briefly to let her start squirting, and then put it back in. if you ever messed around with the tip of hose, it was like that. it got everywhere.

she fucking adored my dick. she'd do anything for me. i'd drive around and she'd give me road head all the while, happily sucking away.

i love women and i love giving them my orc dog dick.

Looks like Steiner from FFIX

The grapple indicators also annoy the fuck out of me.


freeaim would be too slow and finicky

Every single one of them have only been praising it. I haven't seen a single one of them with even one criticism. Only,
>10/10 easy
>It's not like Dark Souls it's like MUCH better
>throwing souls under the bus as if they're simple babby games ignoring that they've spent half their lives building their career on souls games

Where did I say anythibg about freeaim? The grapple indicators look obnoxious and appear when you're not even looking at them or in range.

>video isn't loading
>not even an error, just a black screen

FromSoft themselves had likely no involvement picking these guys, it was likely on the publisher aka Activision side. They picked good goyim that had shilled FS games loyally in the past. They've all been bought.

Lobosjr at least was pretty sensible and gave a mechanics breakdown unlike ENB that was screaming in a girly manner and jumping up and down like a switch soiboi stereotype.

>have to clean webbing every week


>that stylish as fuck enemy step that deals posture damage
>works even on the charging ogre
Fuck, the combat system is amazing.

So, wait, the Sculptor dude is missing the same arm as the Wolf?

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I bet you can just run by all the enemies

>Miyazaki worked on one NPC in the entire game
>It was a guy in a barrel who only sticks his arm out and sells you shit

Damn right

Why is MC's master is referred to as "miko" if those are female priestesses?

Mc's master is a shota prince

It's Mi-Go.

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What's this H P Lovecraft shit?

MGSV was made by Kojima you retard, FromSoft and Miyazaki are actually talented and care about making good games

Why would you ever assume a Miyazaki game is not imaginative as hell?

First souls game I will not buy, lol

>implying he isn't gonna appear at the end implies that Sekiro is set in the same universe as Tenchu

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do you really only get the katana?

people shat on nioh for only having a few weapons, but that had tons of combos, stances and moves

Good thing I'm not a Dark Souls fan but a Miyazaki fan. I want to see a new and original kind of masterpiece from him every time. I hope they never make another Dark Souls again. That is what Miyazaki certainly hopes too.

Gyobu's horse is named Onikage, but nah.

you mean abuse one overpowered move the game

Not sure how in depth it is, but you have a secondary weapon too. I haven't looked at all the videos but from what I've seen there are things like throwing daggers, an axe, a lance, and a short range fireball that also lights your weapon on fire. But yes, you do seem to be locked into using the katana as your primary weapon.

Same exact thing was said before BB released but there were 17 in the main game and 21 in the chalice dungeons. Don't fall for shitposters

You can, but then you get no exp.

Not sure yet, might be only Katana + secondaries. But there are a bunch of sword techniques to unlock

This is false. It has been known for months that it is about as long as Souls games. So, maybe like 30-50 hours, depends which Souls game they meant, since DS1 and 2 are much longer than DeS, DS3 or BB.

But that boss is trash in Nioh. Like every other boss except the frog ninja.

Half of me is worried about activisions involvement and wants to see all the new stuff on youtube, the other half of me wants to just buy it and play it totally blind, what do Yea Forumsros? (I'm leaning towards just buying it on release)

Character design done right.
Compare this handsome fucker to the hideous gook mongrel that you play as in that hentai Ghost of Tsushima. Americans can't do anything right as usual.

Mods literally came within the first week after Dark Souls was released on PC

Wait was it? One of the item descriptions mentioned "Occultic upgrades" for the prosthetic arm.

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pirate it then buy

You do know that Miyazaki didn't make DS3, which is exactly why it was kinda boring for the most part? It was a Tanimura game, and Miyazaki designed only 3 areas for it (High Wall of Lothric, Irithyll and Cathedral of the Deep - all purely coincidentally the areas with the best level design).

>game is literally nothing like Nioh, and is clearly a thousand times better
You retards can't see the truth if it hit you in the face huh


They said same length as Souls games.
For me, DS1 took like 70h on first playthrough because I loved exploring the world very thorougly.
DS3 was like 35-40h though even though I did the same.
So, maybe its something in between, which is pretty damn good. Even 30 hours for an action game is really long.

>activision won't be sending out review copies before the game's release
I'm not worried about the game's quality but what if they are trying to hide microtransactions? I know they said Sekiro won't have them but I don't fucking trust activision.

What do you mean? Considering this looks better than Bloodborne visually?

I can see those dragon shit tears being buyable

>Because their fantasy setting was an interesting take on European medieval folklore
Yes, and their feudal Japan setting will be a very interesting take on Japanese medieval folklore, duh.
Why would you think it WON'T be? This is a Miyazaki game, you'd have to be pretty dumb to think the guy will ever make some basic ass game where you just fight humans.

>what if microtransactions
Don't buy them if you feel so faggy about them? You guys are such babies, crying about every little thing. I'm going to bed.

But they are obviously Japanese serpent dragons, not western ones, so no.

>dude lootboxes are totes fine lol xD just dont like buy them lmao xD

Lousy bait. Especially the B-team part, its an A-team game with Miyazaki as the director.

the souls jewtubers might have got more content covered if they stopped fucking rolling

That's genuinely good, less leaks that way. I know it will be good.

Who gives a fuck lmao? It's a singleplayer only game. Like sure, gating content behind a paywall in a full priced singleplayer game is gay as hell but it's very unlikely. I am worried that Activision will be hesitant to release dlc because retards don't understand From expansions are really good and will start shitting themselves the moment Activision as much hints towards DLC being a thing.

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Stop samefagging. They've made it perfectly clear the game is "at least as long as Souls games" which means it will have 30-40 bosses.

[citation needed]



Nioh combat had tons of useless moves, and you would need to spam 1 or 2 good ones for the whole 90 hour game.

Yes. There is a few more layers to bloodborne lore and Quicksilver is a key aspect of every yharnam citizens blood. There is actual mercury in their blood and using caryll runes you can pull it out of them.

>basic ass game where you just fight humans
Combat against humans with weapons is way more interesting in FromSoft games since they have shields / sword parries and generally similar techniques as the player. Fighting monsters generally seems to boil down to whacking hp sacks with no real defensive means.

When you see a guy with a long spear you have a reasonable expectation of their combat style, same with when faced against a guy with a sword and a shield whileas some blob monster you have to just guess what their attack is going to be, whether they have any defensive means etc.

Well judge the game when we have it in our consoles and not by some fucking reviewrs.

Yea Forums is so weak when it comes to spoilers
Afraid of spending 60 bucks on a game and not liking every single little thing about it?
Grow up


>when we have it on consoles
dont tell anyone to grow up while playing with kids toys

>I saw that there's a guy with a weapon in the game, it's officially spoiled for me
A spoiler would be a plot twist like the young lord getting killed or something, not seeing an area or eneny

>centipede boss
>samurai fightan
Very good Nioh, very good... HOWEVER

But you have no runes when you first wake up.

I'm uncertain why quicksilver was added to the blood vials citizens consume but reminder that regular bullets do jack shit agains beasts. Quicksilver is a force that can damage beasts.


Blind play trough all the way for pure excitement and unexpected twist and turns

because it's poisonous

Seeing how a boss fights or how enemies, passages and secrets are laid out in an area is a bigger spoiler to me in a game like this than story spoilers but each to their own I suppose.

From has been desperately trying to protect the game from spoilers to a point they only decided to reveal new bits of info 2 weeks prior to it, it's a great decision which will minimize the leaks.

Yes. A regular visceral restores rallied HP and doesn't increase HP or Bullets.
But after learning runes your viscerals can increase HP and restore bullets.
>wanting to give mercury poisoning to your customers
I'll admit that the healing powers of blood will usually counteract damage the mercury does but idk why they use quicksilver.
iirc Quicksilver is representative of one of the key great ones (Oedon or MoonPresence).

Oh I see what you're saying

Fucking centipedes trigger the shit out of me. God fucking dammit can i go through a single souls game without some enemy with a billion legs showing up eventually?

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I have good news for you, user. The dude isn't actually a centipede. He just has some metal hooks sewn to his clothes that look like centipede legs.
Or maybe they're grafted into his flesh.

Yeah but then theres the old monk ladies with literal giant centipedes coming out of their vaginas in the same video.

Just like Dark Souls used generic fantasy stuff, yet it was presented in such a way that it became its own style that everyone praises and tries to copy
Sekino will be the same

What video?

The first video in the OP, 15:50.

Source? This is great for me. Don't have to worry about spoilers. Also From are self publishing in Japan, so unless we're getting a drastically different game I wouldn't worry about it.

so is the dub/sub going to be an option you can pick? I dont want autism tier dubs

>no review copies = no leaks
Are you guys actually retarded? How does it stop leaks? Some Arab faggot will get a game 1 week before release because they don't care about breaking street dates there and will stream it to completion in 2-3 days like how it happened with every Souls game.

I think so

I didn't consider this. Hopefully From/Activision will be able to crack down on that stuff ASAP to prevent too much from getting out

I said MINIMIZE and not stop you brain damaged monkey, any chances at stopping more spoilers flowing into the net are good.

It ain't gonna minimize shit, my man.

It definitely will. It's easier to crack down on a few Pajeets a week ahead of release than chase down people who got early review codes


Based. Fuck Soulsfags

This game is going to be ascoigne all over again I can feel it

The dubs gonna be Engrish or what?

The thing that looks absolutely amazing so far is how they integrated stealth into the gameplay. It doesn't feels like the game forces you into it, if you're extremely good you can just walk through the level murdering everything on your way, but stealth gives so many tactical options and ability to overview the next encounter it's just insane, like the fact you can get a jump on the miniboss and remove half of his health before the fight begins or pull off his adds and remove them first.

Is this a mini-boss or actual boss?

Is all this shit still just the first area/zone?

Yeah, DSfix and retextures
Actual content mods weren't possible until recently

Were shitters crying about Gascoine at launch? I got BB like a year and a half late

Nice bait

We've seen about 3 zones so far, still relatively early into the game.

He raped first players raw for hours

Both are interesting in their own ways, and it would be less interesting of their games only had one or the other. Which is my point, these people thinking a Miyazaki game would only have one type of enemy in it. How stupid are they?

It's one of the mini bosses that are in place between major boss fights. I'd suspect to be dozens of them, if they aim for 20-30 bosses like in previous titles.

alot of souls faggots didn't understand you needed to use a central mechanic to defeat him and cried about it everywhere

The very fact you need 4 prayer beads for a single HP upgrade and the space for HP bar looks like it will fit 3 bars says a lot about the amount of unique minibosses who are going to be present in the game.
That's on top of skills and other upgrade parts they occasionally drop too.

Well yeah but that's because it takes a long time to make stuff like that, usually it's just one guy making it all on their own.

lmao, how did that knight get into japan from europe?

This is a great point. There will probably be encounters and bosses later where you'll have a really bad time if you don't sneak up first and take stock of the situation.

Apparently Lobos managed to defeat the fatass drunkard boss simply by going stealth and slowly murdering his gang first before wrecking the boss himself.

seems like a good fit, in souls I was always very careful when progressing and trying to not fall into traps or aggro red knights.

Yeah he said he couldn't beat Juzou the Drunkard by just charging him and his band, it was too hard.

>those gnome things
>they can jump around as well as MC himself

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get ready for epic memes calling him a weeaboo

Yeah it's how I barely died throughout the series on my first playthroughs. When I watched other people play Souls games I wasn't surprised to see the ones who'd die the most are the ADHD players who would rush through everything.

There were japanese replicas of western armour
Very rare though.

Is he wearing some form of the Abyss Watchers helmet? Holy shit Dark Souls 4 fucking confirmed.

The Cowboy guy also mentioned about a midboss general being surrounded by six other guys and aggroing any one of them aggros the whole gang, which makes the fight more difficult. He had to use stealth to take out all of them, but disliked the fact that if he died, he had to sneak around to get all of them again

Just like all the countless medieval Europeans that historically did? You know, by sailing to Japan.
Europeans came across Japan on their explorations in the 1400's, and were trading with Japs ever since then. Some of those European explorers actually became samurai and settled down and lived in Japan for the rest of their lives. For example William Adams, who you play as in Nioh. He was a British explorer and adventurer who decided to stay in Japan, took the name Miura Anjin, learned swordsmanship and became the emperors good friend for the rest of his life.

>Honestly you're really self absorbed
Speak for yourself, Sherlock. You're the one using a sperglord's weird autistic news stories as a metric for judging other anons. Have fun collecting the entrance toll once you've physically fused with the board, oldfaggot.

I mean, if you become a fucking god at this game you can probably just walk and assfuck the whole gang but it's cool that you actually need to strategise a bit because you're a single person who goes against an entire clan full of supernatural shit.

why does this look like a ps2 game

I miss you Suzy

Fuck it's like a combination of Hollow Slaves + those shitters who pushed you off ledges in the Ringed City DLC

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If it does, better. The PS2 was the only console ever worth getting anyways.

Ps2 games were good. What's the issue?

Because you should get your eyes checked

probably some Spaniard

Reminder that all Combat Arts also get aerial versions.

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Who were the nanban?

>lol it has more foliage than a ps2 game you see?

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Very nice.

One interesting thing i've noticed about the resurrection powers is that they always either impact other people or are impacted by other people. You restore them by taking other lives and if you keep dying and resurrecting too much other people will take the toll instead of you.

It sounds almost like equivalent exchange.

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>you can actually perform shit midair

>complaining about graphical fidelity
maybe TLOU 2 would be more up to your speed

That trailer only shows sekiro resurrecting after Juzou kills him, what're you talking about? And again, get the fuck out of the thread with your lunatic stalker shit.

>mfw I'll be playing it 14 days after release because of work and shit

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so you always get at least 1 free death? that sucks
does that death still affect the world tendency at least?

What if there are bosses that have like 5 healthbars and each phase is tougher than the last by a lot? That wolverine motherfucker looks crazy fast and the Monk's already been shown to have three bars.

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Kek. This post made me pre-order.

I have my uni finals I need to study for. Shit's wack.

>Game releases Friday of my Spring break.
>Whole weekend to play it.
I'll post screenshots for you guys.

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Don't ever reply to me again, friend
Good luck user, don't spoil yourself

There's one guy who recorded ps4 footage. I'm not big on souls personalities but he has a yellow pic and his name is something like sunlight iron or some shit. He has a nigger voice of that helps.

Ask Vaati. He sent me some.


>For the sake of my son, put down your sword.
>I will not.
>You are a fool.
Fuck the protagonist talks to enemies during battle?

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Do you think there's going to be a secret final boss?
>inb4 all game events were manipulated by a dragon

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They also react if you come back to fight them again.
The janitor on a horse says he will murder you as many times as needed.

Here's to hoping the trophy list is not retarded as fuck

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I actually want From to be creative with it this time around and go balls deep into specific hard conditions for beating bosses.
Like not using stealth to get past the second Monk phase.

Welcome to Sekiro!
>die once

>never die
>save all NPCs in boss battles

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Yes dumbfuck, no death is free because it always comes with consequences to the world. Also even the on-site resurrections don't get you back your lost XP and money.

We'll fuck the plat trophy then

Criken a cute