When did you quit pokemon?
When did you quit pokemon?
Never did but I only buy third versions of games and dont visit /vp/
Ultra moon was fine and Ill wait for Pokemon Gun
Skipped DPP, haven't played one since B2W2.
The moment it made the jump to the switch. I'm not buying a switch.
childhood is playing for the pokemon
adulthood is playing for the pokegirls
After Heart Gold and Soul Silver
Skipped LGPE but I'll be getting the next gen
In 2009. Fuck me it's actually been 10 years since I stopped playing
I temporarily quit after the huge shit BW was then come back on ORAS and then quit after the shit SM was. Fuck Masuda
that seems about when i stopped - diamond/pearl fucking shit on my heart...hear it isnt any better..gold/silver is best in my opinion
Give me the sauce bro
I didn't. I bitch about Pokemon but I know I'll play them anyways.
I'm still hanging in there for the spinoffs.
Haven't bought a game since XY and not sure I'm getting SS though.
Pearl. I got back into it with X, fell back out with Moon. Probably won't get Shield unless they fix the multiplayer. That plaza thing ruined Gen 7 for me.
Once I stopped buying consoles altogether. Now I just draw them and that's good enough for me.
OR/AS was the last straw
Never really started. Played one of the ds games. (I think it was silver) and though
It was garbage. Pokémon is a bad series. Story is bad. Graphics are bad. And most importantly the gameplay is bad. Turn based combat is hard to make Interesting and Pokémon battles are way too simplistic and boring. I think Pokémon could be fun but the game has to change
After Yellow.
Picked it up again when X and Y dropped because my friends all decided to get it and I thought it would be nostalgic to trade and battle pokemon again.
Beat the league in Moon, and since post-game was shitty I just dropped it soon after that. Haven't touched a pokemon game since.
Couldn’t Finish moon I quit about the entrance of the Victory road I just didn’t have the drive to play it anymore I tried again with ultra and quit at the elite 4 And I entirely skipped over let’s go I’m willing to give sword and shield a chance but I’m not holding much hope for it.
D/P when my old toaster could not emulate properly the newest gen. I have a better PC now but there's so much new stuff to learn and new pokemon designs look awful I won't bother trying them, now I just look for lewds of the newest pokegirls
diamond was the last one I took seriously. I got invited to some local places "pokemon tournament" when I was maybe 13, 14. A bunch of 28-30 year old men shitterstomped me with fully iv/ev trained mons. I didn't mind, cause I didn't expect to win, but it disillusioned me on the prospect of playing it any more seriously than hanging out on marrilland and fighting other people who also didn't take things too seriously. I also just lost interest in the games, I'd played and as much as I possibly could, 100%d all the games up through d/p/p. So playing anymore wasn't an interesting idea in the slightest since all my friends had stopped playing too.