Redpill me on NL and the crew

Redpill me on NL and the crew.
What are the dirty secrets? The rumors? The gossip? The drama?

>e-celeb threads are cancer
Sorry to interrump the onslaught of template and waifu threads only tangentially related to videogames.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They all suck at videogames. The end.

Hot take: egg daddy is an egg

Dan is indisputably the best member of the crew and the most enjoyable streamer on twitch


There's not much really between them, some of them have stuff going on in the background such as NL giving part of the ad money to Nek for whatever reason and Nick quitting the show but that's all I can think off at the moment.

All of them are most of the time really down to earth even though their perspective and opinions vary a lot depending on the subject

Austin is completely insufferable and can't handle when things don't go his way.

NL is great. I used to fall asleep to his Issac videos back in college when he had a few thousand subscribers. Happy he made it big, it's rare to find someone who can fill 35-45 minutes of time just talking to himself and make it entertaining


surprised no one has posted the hungry skeleton yet

Is this Prime Minister Shido?

dan fucking sucks

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Yeah, better interrupt them with a thread not at all about video games.

NL > Dan >>> Josh > Rob = Baer = Nick > Cobalt > Malf >>> POWER GAP >>> Austin > Hafu

Cringe and Nickpilled

remember nick?

nl's pretty based

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The only based Canadian
Top lad. Still the best BB winner
Genius level intellect but he holds it back to fit in with the gaggle of tards that is the NLSS crew
Literally worse than SonicFox. Gay furry who is so insufferable but can supply good bants.
ResetEra poster personified
just...meh. He's pretty gross and powerful stupid but sometimes he makes good bants
Twitch whore. Cool guy but is really just a sellout with bad opinions
Literally who?

I don't think there's much to know honestly. There's "drama" about Nick but it seems like it was his own decision. Afaik, he felt bad about "being in NLs shadow" instead of doing his own thing as well as personal problems. His mom has cancer and he's taking care of her or something like that.

But other than that, it seems like NL is just friends with everyone else at the least.

Also, unrelated but in one of his recent Isaac episodes he called out some fag on twitter who replied to NLs tweet about smash something like "A grown man playing nintendo games... I've lost my faith in mankind". NL said something like "I have a suspicion what forum this person frequents"
Top kek

Austin hates the word fursona because he wants his fursona to be treated seriously
Dan laughs and makes fun of homeless people when he walks by them

>e-celeb threads are cancer
you are aware of this yet still post it here like it's acceptable?
I've gotta ask why do you come here in the first place?

>NL calls himself a 30 year old boomer
Why is he so based

>literally has a twitter dedicated to transformation fetish
>wants to be taken seriously

I'm glad chad Daniel puts him in his place frequently

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>so i'm not the only one

damn same but i was taking a year off to teach english in korea. felt lonely as shit in my cozy one room apartment sometimes during the weekday so i would grab some soju and beer, some snacks, and watch NL as i cracked open a window and my patio and smoked cheap korean cigarettes

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did you at least sleep with some hot korean chicks while you were there?

Baer is one of those people I do really like but watching him is hard.

yeah i had a great time there during the weekends but the weekdays were kinda quiet and lonely because i was in a small town/village. it was really comfy overall though

sounds extremely comfy

>Been affraid to watch his live streams due to how shit most of them are
>Watch a golfing with friends Vod
>NL going fucking wild snapping at nick for not liking a condiment
I love how petty NL is when it comes to food.

NL's channel is im the fucking golden age.

That civ series managed to be entertaining as hell even he though he sucked dick.
Team Unity Minecraft makes me feel like I'm twelve again.
The tetris videos are fucking lit.
The NLSS aren't just golf and jackbox games anymore.

If only he could stop sucking at slay the spire.

He married an Asian that looks like a 14 year old boy that hasn't eaten in a few months but that's it.

it was a wonderful experience despite me wasting my time for the most part dicking around. would recommend to young morons from english speaking countries

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Mathas can be annoying sometimes. Nick went from being a cool dude to being an unwatchable autistic manchild for some reason. Other than that no major issues.

Based and Danpilled

The golf with friends tournament when they first started playing it was excellent

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I’m glad NL is getting bigger. He’s one of the bigger streamers on twitch now. He’s one of the few people I think deserve to be in the entertainment field from video games

Glad Nick is gone honestly. Rob and Cobalt are the only other ones I dislike. Rob's voice and laugh are extremely grating to me and he's pretty stupid a lot of times and not in an amusing way like Dan. Cobalt just flat out isn't funny and he doesn't really click with anyone on the show.

>that nlss where rob and Austin shit on NL for not being interested in the colonizing of Mars
>they said the bio major just doesn't like science

top right btw

team unity minecraft has been solid

nl + josh + malf days are literally the best possible combination you can ever imagine
constant and undisturbed banter for 3 hours
plus a healthy amount of gay sexual tension

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The fact that these dudes have know each other since high school makes the bants flow like wine

Much better than getting cucked with a typical canadian hamplanet. Also his wife is one of the few legit gamer grills on twitch that isn't just a thot.

Is Nick gone forever? I hope so. Also hope NL isn't being a cuck and still giving him all the ad money even though he's not on the show anymore.

She’s only skinny because NL won’t let her eat the cats

It's a podcast pretending to be an LP series.

What did Moby do?

this is your daily reminder

Minecraft somehow has managed to usurp New Vegas' crown as the best series he's ever made. Now all I need is a miracle that makes them interested in playing strategy games again, the banter in Civilization was the greatest thing, and Dan needs more opportunities to stretch his manipulative mastermind muscles.

i dont know my guy new vegas was pretty damn good
minecraft is fun but i can't imagine thinking it tops new vegas

Never forget the disunity

If nothing else, it's the only thing I can think of that comes even close to doing it, which is an achievement by itself, insanely enough.
The Dan/NL Cold War arc was golden.

Still need to get rid of Cobalt.

>NL is actually going to do a podcast of him reacting to Neon Genesis Evangelion
Oh god.

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His Smash videos were golden and you could actually see how he kept improving. EVO champion 2019.

i haven't been keeping up with this lately, has he said anything more about this since the Netflix announcement?

I miss rolling A

Somebody asked him in the Subnautica stream if the Evangelion podcast is still in the pipeline and his answer was "yeah, isn't it coming to Netflix this month?"

Man, I should really get around to watching it then

Josh > Dan

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I miss Nick and his jellies

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Nah. Josh is Nick tier.

So is he gonna upload those to his YT or will they just be a twitch stream? Hopefully YT, never able to catch egg's streams

jellies era was really good


just watch vods on twitch either way

There is no reason for it to not end up on YouTube one way or another. I'm more interested in knowing the format. I wonder if he'll go for a single hours-long marathon of the whole thing or break it up in smaller chunks.

Josh is way more charming and funny than Nick has ever been.

>I have a suspicion what forum this person frequents
hes been mentioning this place a lot lately
i hope that the evil hasnt pulled him back in, he deserves to be free

I miss Nek in general. I genuinely hope things go better for him, and that maybe he can come back to the show in the future a more stable, happy person. But still willing to take Austin behind the shed with a shotgun like he did in that one golf segment

Hot take: I don't really miss Nick on the show and I do feel bad about this thought

>>literally has a twitter dedicated to transformation fetish
people keep spouting this but ive yet to see a single link to it

NL's one man banter is unrivaled. His one man commentary is something of a marvel.

Hi Rob, I know you check these threads. Ignore any hate, I think you're the best.

Fuckin hell dude

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Same here. I hope he ends up in a good spot but the show really isn't missing much.

>the egg somehow managed to do probably like 3000+ episodes of BoI
>managed to do basically 2000+ hours of solo commentary
>excluding every other single player roguelite he plays
Literally how

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Which one?

Kory, is that you?

Sorry user, I don't have a link for it, but hopefully somebody else does.


>its real

I think NL should get his brain studied. We might figure out a way to revolutionize human existence.

Almost as bad as that time Jerma literally mentioned Yea Forums and talked about how he frequents their "crypto currency board"

I think Austin is a really good fit for the group but god damn he's a fucking degenerate furfag. Gives Dan some good ammo tho.

Or at least know how a man can have so many movie references ready to go in his head.

Hi Rob, I know you check these threads. I really dislike you, I don't enjoy your humour, you pretend to be smarter than you are, you browse reddit and talk about it all the time and your girlfriend sucks and isn't english because she's a southern poofter cam on norf fc.

Hi Rob, you smell haha

hey rob how's the lung nuggets

>NL giving part of the ad money to Nek for whatever reason
Nick was the permanent co-host so NL felt part of the money should go to him. Remember we are talking about the man that paid for a winrar license and i think he said he donates to wikipedia.

Hold on I know you're watching on youtube right now i gotta go alert my wife

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I haven't watched the NLSS since nick left desu, I really can't stand austin and rob who've pretty much replaced him. I like hafu, damn she was hot as fuck, the things I would do to just meet her and say I enjoy her streams.... Cobalt might be the worst streamer on the planet. Josh is funny but it's good he's only once a week, can't let his bits get stale. Malf is great because he and NL have good banter. Baer is good on the NLSS but bad on his own streams.

Indiemaus is bad at art and hasn't improved in like 5 years, why does anybody look forward to his thumbnails? Seriously you can find 20 people better in /tg/ drawthreads and they'd draw thumbnails for pennies

Nah, indie is really good. You're thinking of Draculafetus

Austin is not the worse furfag though, he rarely mentions it and when he does it's to make fun of himself and it mostly comes up when people are making fun of him for it and he goes with the joke.

indiemaus isnt the one doing the thumbs its draculafetus
indie is now like a big shot clickbait youtuber guy but was a nl fan who used to do intros and things for him back when he was first starting out trying to get his name out there which i guess worked

who /seashanty2/

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yeah i was thinking of drac.

Delet this nephew

NLSS is objectively trash.
Dan is the best.
Isaac is the only God-tier series, other series are mostly bad.
Tetris stopped being good after three episodes just like every other series where NL has to focus on gameplay.
Austin is a whiny baby, his chat is a cesspool.
Waifu threads are better than e-celeb threads.

try me bitch

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The car ad nl created was fucking comedy gold.

>tfw no thirsty asian wife

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>doing heavy lifting in gym while being nearsighted and having high intraocular pressure
What an idiot.

Kate looks a thousand times more attractive when she has sunglasses on.

>that time when Hafu was a thot

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No shit chad boomer NL is sexier than asian bugboy, evem if NL has out on some weight lately.

Aight Yea Forums I just found NL's stuff about 6 months ago, what are some must-watch series from the past?

cute nl

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I had no clue about this. More?

binding of Isaac. all of it.

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Fallout new vegas

danger dan

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New Vegas.

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Leaked nudes from several years ago, yes it is her.

>It's okay to make a thread that's against the rules because everyone else is doing it!
Fuck off you underage faggot.

Hi Rob, I know you check these threads. I think you're okay, just stop screaming.

Been watching the eggboi since the early BoI(original) days

i think we can all agree Unity minecraft is pure kino

>the founding of Thor's hammer
>NL finds a silverfish
>the teamkill and ultimate redemption of NL vs Dan
>Ryab finds the thanos glove
>the resulting Disunity war
>baby pigman redemption
>NL learns the portal spell
>trickster NL
>beginning of stream surprise meta
>k-kona-zee in chat
>the fucking space-time rift

pure kino

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watching him improve on his tetris skills have been pretty neat
as a huge tetris autist, I can't wait until he starts doing t-spins

any wrenches in chat

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UCH. Geoguessr. Contradiction, Shape-shifting Detective, Until Dawn. GTA5. FNV is good but sometimes dips to bad.
And, obviously, Isaac.

>NL now by far has the highest power level out of Team Unity because Thaumcraft is broken as hell and he's mastered the destruction and rift focus and can now bend reality to his wheel
>MALF's Blood Magic is not likely to get anywhere close to that level
>Dan's spent all the streams leveling up cooking instead
Honestly at this point the only way this madman can be stopped is if Austin builds a draconic reactor and holds the entire server hostage by threatening to detonate it.

>Honestly at this point the only way this madman can be stopped is if Austin builds a draconic reactor and holds the entire server hostage by threatening to detonate it.

Austin already has like a level 5 or 6 reactor set up

It sucks watching the Tetris videos at work because I can't stop looking at the screen, really hard to get work done.

Thanks friends. Good lord the Isaac backlog.

Keep in mind that the countdown's been restarted at least twice now.

Just poses or does she takes a dick?

I want another moment like when he surrendered to the army he defeated in CK2 Multiplayer and sent his empire into an unrecoverable spiral that ruined him.

Was some good shit.

I think Dan put more thought into Tetris in his first video than NL in all his plays combined. NL never understands where he fucked up and rarely even realises that he did.

im pretty sure its been like 4-5 times

That's just a big battery, not a reactor.

yea but can they beat the absolute power of canola?

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You don't have to watch everything, they're good background noise though. There are a few highlights that are must watch like the first time he played as The Lost and the Dry Baby one.

The best NLSS is the first Meatboy race


No dick, just like 6 photos

Basically one of her ex-boyfriends posted a lot of the pictures she sent him/took for him. Not a good dude.

>MALF dips into ProjectE instead of Blood Magic
>figures out how broken Equivalent Exchange is
>silently spends an hour or so mining diamonds, then drowns the entire universe in canola while laughing maniacally

I haven't watched this series in a while, last I remember was Malf setting up a big canola farm for whatever reason. Worth catching up on?

remember when NL carried the Millionaire game without letting them know


>for whatever reason
user, give two more episodes, and the Canola Engines are going to be powering up the sun.
Yes. Yes it is.

Nick left because his mom was diagnosed with cancer and he's been taking care of her. I think he says he hasn't done the show because he doesnt want to ruin the feel of the show


there's a pretty dull episode about two weeks back when Austin went missing because he got salty that NL was gonna play an intervention bit for his Auto-Chess spam, but it's still a decent background banter episode. This week is definitely worth watching even though Dan is missing (dealing with new studio stuff)

Can somebody retell the story with Dan and NL and the homeless guy?

thread theme

It's funny how judgemental Austin is in general, especially to animefags despite being a gigantic degenerate who wastes thousands of dollars on commissions.

>This week is definitely worth watching even though Dan is missing
Really? I dropped it after about thirty minutes, what was good about it?

This song by itself made that flight simulator segment 100% worth it

All because NL called it pop science and had Rob eternally seething

jesus i forgot about the plane series, that first episode is really one of the best videos he has made

real thread theme:

NL's reckless release of flux finally opens a rift and chat blows it out of proportion. He freaks out and struggles to try to fix it in time while it gradually grows

The egg opened a rift in spacetime

>because he got salty that NL was gonna play an intervention bit for his Auto-Chess spam
Was this confirmed?

They really need some catastrophe to shake the series and make them actually build some stuff together.

Yeah he said something about it in his Discord. They smoothed it over behind the scenes quickly it seems

>mad about a really good meme
why is he such a little bitch?

Yeah them all doing different things is making for weak streams. Doesn't help that most of the chat has no idea how thaumcraft works and tells him to do worthless shit constantly.
Hoping for some more Twilight Forest content or something

Gee, user. It's a real fucking mystery, ain't it?

that one 3-min break when he played troutman and stopped right before it slaps

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absolute BANGER incoming

I know plenty of gay furfags who aren't that way. Though to be fair they're pretty much all from here.

NL I know you're in here. I know you get linked these threads and you browse them because everybody here likes you.

>played the same game for like 100 hours in 1 week for 2 weeks in a row
>wonder why his friend is concerned about it

NL if you are here, reupload and continue Poison Mushrooms.

aw fuck i completely forgot about that shit

Gotta say though, when they played it on NLSS i kinda wanted to try it, i looked kinda fun.

We like his videos but we know that deep inside he is a total piece of shit.

I actually have been thinking of trying it out too. I don't know why NL hated it as much as he did other than Austin and Cobalt not knows how to explain things at NLs level.

>oh other people are posting offtopic bullshit too!!1!
Doesn't invalidate the fact that e-celeb threads are cancer. Remove.

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ya seethe?

You three are weak.

It looked pretty simple too, it amazes me how dumb NL can be when playing new games.

>remember when NL carried the Millionaire game without letting them know
It's sad that something can't happen anymore because chat would immediately snitch on what NL was doing and ruin the fun

Watched a 2013 episode with NL/Josh/Nick, hurts a little inside how the show has fallen. There is so much antagonism that goes beyond friendly banter now

Brah the old NLSS streams were basically Josh saying stupid shit and NL shitting on him for 3 hours.

Imagine having yellow fever so bad you move to korea for a year

Wish austin wasn’t on the show so regularly. The man lives in the thinnest of glass houses despite talking shit all the time

Do you think Kate talks dirty in korean when shes getting fucked

i hope so

>neglects his own chat to keep his eyes glued on NL’s chat
>forces any disparaging remark toward him as a discussion topic

Anything with Kate or Austin is unwatchable.

They're extremely milquetoast and as such serve as good fluff to listen to on the background.

If you actually follow them attentively, you better be like 10 years old.

Also NL's wife is ayyy lmao tier.


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Poison Mushroom was kino, I miss it

Acquiesce yourself.

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when are they gonna make a little elliot roger brahs?


when NL hits 1 million subs

nl peaked on his new vegas playthrough

I miss EUIV bros... his multiplayer with Mathas and Arumba was the best

Kate has such a terrible personality. I remember watch an NLSS either last year or two. After the stream NL hosted kate and were going to play a coop puzzle game called we were here. Most of the stream was kate failing to understand the game at a similar level as NL (both players have their own puzzles and must communicate to solve them) while simultaneously badgering him for small mistakes. They finally get to a puzzle that is really stumping them where Kate has to give NL instructions around a circular maze. Its taking them a while, and from the stream’s PoV kate wasn’t giving instructions well. Chat started suggesting what to do, which seemed to really get to kate. She got quiet, basically stopped communicating with NL at all, and eventually went crying to NL in real life claiming chat was calking her retarded. They eventually resumed by switching places so NL was playing from Kate’s streaming setup and Kate on NL’s machine and finish the puzzle, which ends up being the end of the stream. She ends up tweeting how she was disappointed with how the chat treated her, but afterwards her mods including originangel who also mods NL’s channel reviewed the chat logs and came to the conclusion nothing kate claimed happen like calling her retarded actually happened (she lied) and the chat wasn’t roudy or rude either.


Pretty sad but I gotta give her a pass since she probably wasn't sure to how convey the information in proper English.

>I think Dan put more thought into Tetris in his first video than NL in all his plays combined.
This is the man who thinks that good tetris strategy is to group colors together and doesn't realize you can instadrop, you realize.

Wasn't she born in the West?

Without know i sincerely hope not, that is some really butchered English production

born in korea and moved to canada at an early age, as far as I know


Yes, she was born in Canada and has lived almost all of her live there. Her English problems are baffling, especially considering she's apparently fluent in Korean and Japanese.

>been rewatching those old VODs because I hate myself and want to remember what can never be again
2013-2014 NLSS was fucking god-tier man
NL, Josh, and Nick arguing about random shit while NL invaded low level scum in Dark Souls was the greatest YouTube content ever made.

When you stop being a little faggot, son.


So what happened? Did he finaly snap?
Did his irish "girlfriend" break up with him as it happens in literally every long-distance relationship?

you have to be known to be an e-celeb this is just e-randoms

that reminds me of this gem intro

His mother has cancer, as described by other anons earlier itt. Nigger.

Yes, but his strategy has more potential than NL's 10-line deep wells. Also, pretending to group colors is just memeing and Dan utilizes all pieces and doesn't freak out at square blocks.

>The original sandwich argument while NL scums some kids in Undead Parish

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Couldn't it be anything else? Why did I ask? Mine too, I know it since Tuesday.

NL has literally won multiple games, his strategy has more than enough potential.

He's actually in Ireland with her right now. They seem to be very happy.

For all we know, her Japanese might be as good as her English. Also, her family speaks Korean even when Ryan is there so it's no wonder that she sucks at English.

Wait, which is it? Or is it both and he took his mother to ireland?

Oh, I meant that he's his girlfriend in Ireland right now.

nls fine at tetris
his makes a few mistakes, mostly putting l blocks against walls and always prioritizing low line clears, but hes not that bad

>tfw born in America raised by Spanish speakers yet I'm shit at Spanish 22 years later

He is his girlfriend in ireland? Damn, he finally lost it.

His win-rate is laughable.
Tetris doesn't take much skill or thought to be 'fine' at. NL just picks one strategy and banks everything on it instead of thinking steps ahead.

You're just another Wyatt keepin the bald man down

>His win-rate is laughable.
I didn't realize we had fucking wumbotize in this thread, post your win-rate then.

Reminder NL has two female mods

Female (male), I presume?

No origin and spyro are both qt milfs hunting in his chat for some /ss%

Is that's why they both are insufferable cunts?


And they do it *for free*?


a tetris 99 streamer with a >95% winrate over 800 games

God of Tetris, you moron. Look it up on youtube.

I'm supper late but poison mushroom is great

Oh sorry, what an idiot I am for not knowing every twitch streamer on the planet.

If you're late for supper why are you still shitposting here ya idiot?

kys op nigger

No, you are stupid for failing to figure it out on your own.

>Sorry to interrump the onslaught of template and waifu threads only tangentially related to videogames.
lmao don't even try to pretend you niggers are any better. Who the fuck is even NL and his crew. You'd have to suck some serious dick to even care about this garbage

you're the one criticizing people's win rates on tetris br, as though people are just expected to be good at puyo puyo tetris.

Arumba is awful now though, so I feel like if it were to happen again it's gotta be with Dan so he can manipulate the shit out of everything. Or just fuck up a bunch and cause hilarity.

That's not me, I know who wumbo is.

threads have more than two people in it.



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Is Dan actually stupid or have I been rused by him
He really just seems like a big child in his problem solving

says who?


He's a savant, he's completely retarded in some things, an absolute genius in others, and a genius masquerading as a retard in the rest


He's the wolf in sheep's clothing.

I want to believe that but it seems too much to be an act at this point

He has the galaxy brain.
He can't understand normal things but ridiculous things us mere mortals couldn't dare to grasp are simple to him.

Looks like you're about to get eaten then.

How do you think he won big brother effectively twice?

He's a genius that's been pretending to be an idiot for so long he can't stop

The little numbers in the top and bottom right corner of a thread.

Isn’t it more of a popularity contest? Never watched it

Ever watch survivor? Kinda like that except inside. Lots of playing around people and using them to get ahead.

I fucking wish it happened. Too bad machinima went down the shitter and probably won't allow him to have any rights to continue or re-upload

Pick only one

is Dan the American Karl Pilkington?

Did this really happen? I thought kate was dope. Y'know, she's still cool. People change

I'm always surprised at how well NL is at making engaging commentary even on the 100000000st Isaac episode. His witty insights, refrences, funny jabs, and overall demeanor and tone almost feels like he scripts every YouTube episode and NLSS

Is this a joke?

I never saw how they are actually cancer. Early Game Grumps and maybe PewdiePie were the only ones that managed to ever get more than one thread at a time.
Otherwise E-celeb threads are slow moving and selfcontained unlike the newest controversial breaking shitnews on twitter or gaming sites.

No, they get attention

>Nick finally quits but now Justin and Corey are frequent guests and Austin has filled in Nick's spot as most prominent co-host
Ultimate Monkey's Paw

Justin is fucking great

>I never saw how they are actually cancer
that's because YOU are the the cancer

You have to socially engineer and manipulate people in order to not be voted out of the game by everyone else. Dan may be old school and kind of a jock head but he knows people and how they tick inside. He's a God at emotional intelligence and manipulation.

I love Kate

I've been here for over a decade then and the site still isn't dead.
Maybe people that need to annoy other people in threads they don't like, instead of getting them deleted by taking the risk of a ban, are the actual cancer?

>nobody mentioned Dark Souls
that's the series that i found him from, and i actually got invaded by him when he was doing the invasions part of that series before i really watched any of his stuff


single greatest NLSS episode and it's 4 and a half years old

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I find it hilarious that Kate was born in Canada and has lived there her entire life, but sounds like she's fresh off the boat. Have they ever addressed her speech problems?

>Every streamer or youtuber needs a hyper-ballistic personality in order to enjoy

How's keemstar drama alert going bud?

>Dan and NL seem like very close friends
Do you think that NL gets some pointers from Dan or nah, or does Dan get some pointers from NL.

I really fucking hate Austin, he's Reddit personified, a furfag, has an annoying laugh and has the worst opinions (i.e. thinks everyone who says they like alcohol is lying)


Contradiction was fucking great
>does THIS mean anything to you?

Pretty sure she was born in Korea and then moved to Canada with her parents as a child. She grew up in a home with fluent speakers so it's not that surprising.

He's literally too retarded and/or lazy to cook something.

I don't watch any Youtubers.

They're all shit in some wway or other.

also noticed nobody mentioned XCOM, another of his best series by far

I thought FNV was his best series. His playthroughs of the other 3D Fallouts are actually great examples of why they're bad games.

Nope, born in Canada.

AND YET Simon owns a screwdriver!

Same, havent watched anything with him in it including team unity minecraft. Everyone seems to like it though so that might have to change.

>if you disagree with me politically you are scum, don't watch my show, don't comment, don't tweet, kill yourself
What a spastic faggot

In his normal life he is a landlord, college football coach, and some other thing iirc, can't be that stupid if he's making bank that way. Plus, he won BB twice essentially and you gotta be damn near genius to work around other people who want to win half a million bucks. When it comes to some games and technical things he's a bit of a dim bulb but socially he's a juggernaut.

Loki had a medkit...

I miss anybody, any day they aren't on the show. Except for Ohmwrecker. I don't really understand the obsession everybody else has with ranking members and stuff. They all have their charms, except Ohmwrecker.

Someone got the comic of "Robert" explaining how to boil spagetthi to Egg?

I used to watch his streams from time to time back when he played dark souls regularly for the banter, but then Josh quit and the stream went to shit so I dropped him

From what I've seen all his new friends are complete faggots, as is NL now

do you think rob is actually racist or just accidentally racist

Josh was the lifeblood of old NLSS. Nick has always been cringe personified, but he was tolerable in that trio.

I betcha anything NL learned some irl hustling with Dan and NL probably taught Dan some youtube shit

What the fuck? No, this is totally false. He literally just forgot, and went to sleep.

I think he just drunk to much during college and became retarded.

Prolly accidentally. His impression of that deep japanese voice crack me up. People are just way too sensitive about it nowadays. Love me some Rob humor.

This man speaks the truth. I swear Yea Forums turns into /r/conspiracygrumps with any streamer. It's cringe

He's about as racist as most people, he just isn't a complete bitch about it like most streaming people. How the fuck can austin stomach dota auto chess? Its pure garbage.

Why does he huff instead of laugh?

He tries to laugh like a wolf

*dumb dog

He was okay in PUBG, because he was the only one trying.

>austin goes full nick
>dan becomes cohost

A man can dream.

I feel like Nick kept Austin in check, eventually Austin will go full Austin and that will be bad anyway.

>Glaucoma saga
How is this gonna end fellas?
Is he gonna go blind? Or will he simply start taking blood pressure medication and monitor his salt intake while continuing to work out like a sensible person?

I hope we can all agree that Cobalt is a massive faggot.

Without Nick NLSS went to shit.

>his fucking Autobahn Polizei review
One of the earliest high-points in his career

Definitely. I did enjoy watching him and some other guy who I can't remember the name of doing non-stop marathon unlocking and finding everything new in Binding of Isaac Rebirth when it launched. They literally slept in shifts and just kept playing non stop.

t. nick

>every e-celeb thread is filled with the shitty things that go on behind the scenes
>NL's threads are just people reminiscing in the memes and suggesting things to watch to newcomers
How the fuck is Eggdad this based

Attached: Canadian Egg of ABS-ing.jpg (480x640, 92K)

Dick Hammer

Nick left of his own will, and has said that he still watches, and enjoys the show.

It's impossible for an educated wealth man living in a first world country with a socialist medical system to go blind from glaucoma, at worst he will have to have surgery.

Because there legitimately don't appear to be any shitty things going on behind the scenes.

Reminder that Dan unironically lost Big Brother to a Yea Forums autist.

because nl is actually interesting without needing retarded drama to talk about like sbfp

>that back-to-back tetris dinner
oh baby

>Yea Forums vs Yea Forums
>Yea Forums wins every time

He deserved the win. You're a cunt

I'd impregnate hafu desu

I dont even remember when was the last time I watched any NL videos, I think I peeked at the first part of Subnautica quickly. I just dont really care about Slay the Spire or Isaac anymore and I especially dont care about NL's friends so all thteam Unity stuff completely misses me. Still subscribed though, I admire his work ethic.

>literally cannot even boil water
kids either going to be morbidly obese at 4 or a literal stick his entire life

The only things that have unironically gotten me mad are
>uses only paper/plastic plates
>can't boil water
>can't cook so orders doordash constantly
How the fuck do these people survive by themselves.

Fanboys donating 3 digits figures to them on a regular basis.

Nick quitting the NLSS has been the best thing to ever happen to the show. He can drown in all his indieshit for all I care.
Such a fucking faggot


Fuck off nu-NLSS fag.

>nick poster

I have been watching since the first Dark Souls runs. Nick just turned into an insufferable faggot over the years. too much indieshit and resetera sniffing

>unironically liking Nek
That's a yikes from me, chief

Nice projecting.

Thats not how projecting works

The only NLSS member who deserves to be hated is cobalt, fuck his retarded ass.

>Nick "My Girlfriend lives in Zimbabwe and goes to another school" Reineke

NL hatred of cow milk has made him completely miss the point on why cows are the quintessential farm animal and not drinking their milk is wasting a resource.

Seriously it feels like mods do whatever they are in mood for.

thoughts on Bisnap?

The LA Noire playthrough was peak NL

I haven't watched the NLSS in forever. Hearing nick is gone is saddening, his retardation was always a bouncing off point.

Does anyone actually watch him anymore? I used to watch his Risk of Rain videos but then he started only playing Borderlands 2 for years.

Tell me Yea Forums, what's the next Resin Rivalry game?

How can one guy always be so wrong and sound so full of himself at the same time? What a pisshawk

Literally is lol. Kory is best NLSS Guest anyway and Cobalt and Austin are both awful. Austin is one OwO away from NL throwing him off, he makes arguments all the time.

You're not wrong. Nick almost always goes for the throat when Austin gets too into his "character"

So Nek finally nicked himself?

Having Austin and dan together is great though cause dan never stops shitting on him at every opportunity.

He fell for the liberal meme and is now (((depressed)))

He was depressed since before the NLSS though.

Mom got cancer.
I think he got diagnosed with something as well but I don't fucking know.
Cat is getting old and slowly dying.
Long-distance relationship.
NLSS isn't as into indieshit games anymore.

I think that's about it.

Thats what happens when you waste your entire life playing shitty games

He speedruns now so he has his own niche of viewers

NL is a capitalist in a sea of communists


Jerma on the nlss when?

NL is 100% unbiased, and has no horse in politics, til the moment anything relating to homosexuals or women pops up. You could practically feel the Hongcouver indoctrination kick in. Also, his lingo being practically identical to pic related makes it hard to watch sometimes. I'm just glad he got over "YASSS QUEEN" at least.

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egg is actually old friends with etalyx, it could happen

Wrong, there was a discord screenshot of him talking about it during NLs practice run


What other e-celebs aside from the NLSS do you listen/watch to Yea Forums?

A lot of his most vocal subs are Chapofags and I think that rubs off on him.I've never really been annoyed by any of his takes other than taking the Judd Apatow stance on Louis CK joking about Parkland though.

I don't watch NLSS though. Just Sunday, Tuesday and non-Isaac Youtube.

The saving progress podcast was peak NL.

Bosman and Huber from east allies. Funhaus for Elyse. DanG.

I stopped watching when he started making 9 hours long Borderlands 2 speed runs. I don't even know why I even started watching him in the first place, while he might be a better player than NL he is so fucking boring.
At least his Ratched & Clank playthroughs were fun.

Used to watch him a lot during wrath of the lamb. He was good.

Also, why did people want him to play Subnautica so much? It's pretty boring.

Also I'm going to get deservingly shit on for this but I've recently gone back to watching the yogscast this past year and honestly I surprisingly like it.

Also not Yea Forums related but Forgotten Weapons

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Whats the deeplore on Tarkov? will they be playing it more?
Also, Mathas, NL, and Dan are secretly the best combo in the whole group.

Also, reminder that austin actually browses here and had NL look at a thread about him during the NLSS

Gamesnight and Lewis & Ben, and Angor are the only good channels.

Is it any surprise that someone as annoying as Austin browses this board.

You got me. Those are pretty much the only people I watch aside from Sips and the Triforce podcast.

I don't know what happened but Lewis has become fucking 10/10 golden entertainment.

Which NLSS?

He does it ironically though
Not saying it justifies it but it at least detaches him from the actual pieces of shit that use that language seriously.
It may be this one, but I don't know.

Ryan you are not fooling anyone
You just don't "check to see what they think of us", that's not how this place works

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P sure it's somewhere in the first segment of this one.

I actually love how NL cherished him.
If you ever watch some videos with him in, NL likes him so much. I find it cute.

He actually mentions a thread here in one of his streams, I remember him saying that we're alright besides the fact that we feel he is wasting his seed on a asian

I know, that was an actual quote of him

Gang Beasts

Season 14 Dan is actually the smartest dude I've ever seen.

Pokemon Apex is a refreshingly adult take on the Pokémon universe, grounded in reality and full of real world problems, in which you play a young boy who finds himself able to travel to a strange world full of powerful demons called Pokémon.

Too bad the NPCs couldn't handle their feelings getting hurt in a fucking game about social engineering.

Hello, is this Mr. Toshi's Sushi?

The BB finals have always been retarded but that one hurt so much I haven't watched it since.

Thanks bebs. I'll just watch both.

I need a job.

Nek was a weird dude. Post-old Dark Souls era he was a horribly inconsistent member in terms of entertainment quality.

Nek on a good day is fucking god-tier. Bounces well with everybody. A complete savage. And says some of the most of the cuff shit you wouldn't expect from a liberal cuck.
Nek on a bad day however is horrendous. Actively brings down the show. Whiny fucking cunt. And let me tell you those past few months before he left the bad day nek showed up more often.

If he ever does come back to the NLSS as a guest every now and then I hope it's good day nek that shows up. If he never comes back again then that's more than fine too.

She does in my head

He's been bad since the election. He has Trump Derangement Syndrome. That gif of the liberal screaming in the street always reminds me of him.

Yeah that was probably when it all went downhill for that dude. There were still moments of glory every now and then before he left but they were far and few between. A shame really but whatever, not my fault people get fucked in the head because they care too much about politics.

>Nek on a bad day however is horrendous. Actively brings down the show. Whiny fucking cunt. And let me tell you those past few months before he left the bad day nek showed up more often.
This is unironically the thing that made him leave the show. There was a mountain of shitty situations of course, but he knew he was bringing the show down and left to preserve its quality. He might have been whiny, but at least he knew it, and at several points, made an active attempt to try and improve that area of his life/work.

Good Nick is god-tier though. I go back and watch the "grounded in reality and full of real-world problems" Pokemon Apex stream once every ~4 months or so.

Remember way back when he did Super Feet Boy and actually almost reached the final area? Mad lad.

I member!

AlChestBreach is the only other person I have ever seen to spew such a constant and high volume stream of randomised word excreta. It's honestly inspiring in a kind of demented way.

I'd really like to know NLs opinion on the chinese fucking up the housing market of vancouver.

He always bounces around the subject but i feel serious vitriol whenever housing is brought up.

>when your city has been so chinesified that all spam calls are in chinese

>not even a good off topic thread
fuck you /r9k/ whore.
Best recent nek

lmao really? link?

He's a saint, stop talking shit

which of you faggots keep linking these threads to reddit.

Fuck off

One of the minecraft episodes, don't remember which though sorry.

>Yea Forums complains about reddit
>400+ replies about reddit youtuber

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the biggest stoner in the universe, lord aris

NL is /ourguy/. He just doesnt want to get banned by Jewtube so he pretends to be a good redditboy

Hell yeah beb

>redditor is mad that another redditor linked a reddit thread on a reddit board to reddit proper

I remember a time where e-celeb threads got either told to fuck off or died with no response

Nowadays they hit the bump limit

everyone hates the chinese

>Top lad. Still the best BB winner

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>everyone else
only his solocontent is worth watching

Found it, it's on the first few minutes


He basically says he aspires not to be rob lol

I like how NL has adopted this fake Italian-American accent. He reminds me of dunkey, but without the added African-American colouring.

also, it's a pity that NL hasn't done anything more with arumba cause that was the ultimate meeting of the cool guys

I love the NL crew, but I feel like they are all in relationships with horrible people (except NL)

Rob and Nick's girlfriends sound like total control freaks and also just incredibly obnoxious about fucking everything.

Idk, Dan seems to be a fairly happy family man

Wish he'd do another Civ series

Pretty sure Nick's gf cucks him. That's why he flips out about the word.

Nick is unironically the least manly man on the planet. Of course his gf cucks him

They have long distance relationships, it's kind of obvious what happens.

Daniel is living the American dream and I couldn't be happier for him.

who's the better son?

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Ryan and Josh are the best couple.

Tomo because he looks like my cat except fatter

Kate has some work to do, she overreacts and is quite domineering. But, everyone does, certainly not a slight against her just some things to work towards.

They are both cats and therefore cannot be Ryab's biological children as far as I am aware.


The one without poop on his face

Malf is the best boy and I used to watch his lets plays long before this crew assembled

First four minutes you lazy fag.

>Thinking humans can't impregnate cats
You'd be wrong.

Thanks NL.

lol fuckin hell dude

dude that one month when his gf was with him you could tell shaggin that irish broad made him so happy. Honestly some of the best banter I would have never expected from Nick

same here brother, I feel like a dick about it though. Hope everything works out for him

This, People shit on kate way too much. But holy fuck at least she's no fucking SSSniperwolf or some dumb fucking cunt like that.

>emote gets removed because it was used to spell C U C C

dans playthroughs of the souls games have been incredibly fun

He repeats himself a lot, and describing runs as they happen takes up most of the commentary time

I fucking love danspeak so much
>If Captain Amurca showed up would it be a k-konzies moment?

I'm really not into her content or her coop streams with Ryan, but I like her as a whole anyway.

Also maybe she could get a secondary mic so that we stop getting those segments mid-nlss where she just tells an almost impossible to hear story in the background so instead we can actually hear the fucking story and actually get some banter from her too

>People hate bear in 2019
I get if you think he's the male equivalent of an twitch thot.

Holy shit i forgot she still does that, She just yells at Ryab about stories. From what ive seen she's pretty good at banter.

Baer is just too fucking loud, he is a lovable dude but the shouting out of every single donation and sub is grating

>He repeats himself a lot
I remember when he started the AB+ series and mentioned being an adult in almost every single episode for months on end.

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He calls them arcs, we just got through his school arc so for three months he kept bringing up school and his weird college stories. Also Mathas is too fucking slept on.

It's really ingenious, he can discuss anything without people realizing that it may be contentious or offensive and if it too touchy he just drops it under disguise of ignorance.

I don't hate him, he is just meh.

Vinny is about it. For some reason 30 year old boomers really resonate with me

Reminder that Mathas is a literal felon.

The recent Egg, Dan and Mathas shit that's been going on has been pretty top tier. He's definitely under-appreciated.

Shit ive been missing out

>you're not hiding illegal animes of the state, are you?

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mathas worked at gamestop
mathas massively stole games at gamestop
mathas got caught, didn't go to jail but had to pay a lot money back

>fucking over gamestop
Hell yeah.

that was actually the funniest shit
the fucking nfl gets twitch to remove his emote because people were spelling things with it in their chat but the guy who has two matching emotes of tom brady tonguing his son gets away with it

Tomo-buddy, everyone who says otherwise is a poopface.

Tomo might as well be a plushie, fucking hate cats like that
Ryuka at least has some flair and attitude

Real talk, was it one of you guys who sent them a box full of condoms?

Fuck Nick

since when did billie joe armstrong go bald

pretty great how there's consensus on Yea Forums that NL is and always is BASED. I still can't believe how he made 20/20/20 ascension on STS though. he's genuinely retarded at that game

After beating the heart on 20/20/20 and watching joinrbs I just can't stand NL playing StS.

I don't know how i keep getting JUSTed at this game yet nl made 20/20/20

>doubting the pro gamer Northern

> has duvu doll
> gets a chance to duplicate
> he duplicates a regular curse instead of ascenders bane.


watching him play spire is at least entertaining even if hes not so great
you have to be a psychopath to watch him play a fucking fps though, holy christ

Baer on the NLSS is pretty fucking good most of the time but his solo streams are insufferable.

i only really watch his spire content nowadays and he's only gotten that far through perserverance, he's on something like a 50 loss streak on A20 currently

Honestly NL's StS vids kinda bore me recently, nothing but bad back 2 back play, I can just assume since it's a roguelite, he got some extremely lucky run like back in Isaac, so he could manage to win despite on various mistakes he made along the way.
Btw, anecdotes Isaac vids are 100/10, prove me wrong.

he's fine when he's relaxed, but he constantly screams and shouts as the most minute stuff to the point where it's hard to listen

I wish they'd invite mathas more.
He stole money too, I think.

the reason why baer solo is shit is his constant interrupting with new subs and obnoxious effects

That's why i said i get why people think he's an e-thot. He's normally great with others, but alone he's gotta ham it up i guess.

>I wish they'd invite mathas more.
I think they would, but he doesn't want to appear on the NLSS

His tetris videos have been master pieces


If I remember correctly he said years ago that he wanted to create his own "brand" so to speak and didn't want to be one of the NLSS crew

funny how I'm both rooting for him to win and got trash pieced altogether

He is like THE Darkest Dungeon guy and I would really like to watch him more because of that but he is just too loud and manefactured for me.

hate him all you want, but rockleesmile is the Yea Forums everyman

Different user but he wants to make his own brand and not get deeply associated with the nlss which usually leads to relying purely on the show for exposure

aka he doesn't wanna be Rob

CockLeesSmiles is resetera incarnate

>He stole money too, I think.
It was the GM of the store who stole money. He's made a post about it.

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does Rob even stream
what does he even do

the reason people like hafu, sinvicta, mathas, etc arent on much/at all now is mostly because they dont want to be, egg isnt like ghosting them or anything, he just makes no effort to be like "please come back i need people to talk to" and they arent like actively trying to be a part of it

I always hear him talking about his gf and movie night, I don't even care at this point

He plays random vidya and watches movies and gets like 300-800 viewers

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure Rob is one of the guests without a failsafe really. Nick has his niche with indie games, malf and josh have real jobs so they just stream for fun, baer has his voice acting career and darkest dungeon, austin and others have they own separate group of streamers, cobalt as well as other cases are big enough to do his own thing, but rob has NOTHING.

Fuck Nek
And fuck furries

I should correct myself. I didn't mean the politics but the reedy voice and the lack of a chin.

>Waterproof bluetooth speakers changed my life in the shower? If you really wanna change your life, bring your stereo in.

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this user gets it. Unless the egg actually wants them to be back, there'd be no reason for them to appear on the NLSS.