ITT: actually bad remasters (no spyro, no SotC)

ITT: actually bad remasters (no spyro, no SotC)

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not saying it's a bad remaster but it sure is looking dated

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It hurts

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Spyro's good but the SotC remake is fucking trash

>game series sells millions
>let some shitty company handle its remasters

its like they just stopped caring one they were done with the batman games.

Spyro is better and you're blinded by nostalgia if you think otherwise.

Why the fuck didn't they just port the original without touching it? It was fine.

Is this a mod?


Still the king of terrible remasters.

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the voice acting is better.

What game is this? Looks comfy.

Post the one with the emoji


As much as I like some of the actors who worked on the redub, fuck no. It was soulless as fuck.

black ops

Kill yourself you dumb cunt.


Spyro 3 is borderline unplayable in the remaster you fucking retard. OP Is a gigantic faggot just like you.

Somehow manage to fuck up the did this happen? Ah well, glad I had the original and all the DLC on a deep sale before they pulled it from thr store

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I don't understand why they changed the models. The environments and weather effects do look nice in the remaster, though.

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>replacing one of the fonts with comic sans

jesus, why?

I know people like to both demonize and defend tomm
but why couldnt they outsource this to Blue Point who does excelent HD re releases without needing source code instead of trying to force a mobile studio into doing a task that was much far above what they could do

What happened to his hair?

Is this the moon level? WaW is the extent of my Zombies knowledge.

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Looks better on ps4

Konami is a greedy company and probably didn't want to spend more money

Spyro's 30fps is just shit honestly, i hope it gets a PC port, Crash felt 10x better at 60

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yeah, they "remastered" it in BO3 and it looks like dogshit.

60 fps that doesn't shit the bed is literally the only upside of this remaster. All the particle effects and overly shiny shaders look like tacky garbage.

Firelink Shrine looks worse, but some parts of the game look better and most parts of the game look basically the same.

Surely a swastika flag is fine in a game mode that's LITERALLY about Nazi Zombies.

It gets worse
the studio who did this travesty had to sell itself for konami to pay the damage for this remaster flopping
The more you read about it, the more you start to think that this was a calculated move to get an ok mobile studio for almost free so you could pump some mobile games later that would make the company way more money

Konami is pure evil

That game sucked more dicks than OP at a brony con

Yep, adding that Vaati watermark completely ruined the scene.

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You know what fucking kills me? They went back and completely redid ZoE2 on PS3, giving it one of the best remasters ever, but only did a small patch for SH that didn't fix shit.

Did they at least make all the cutscenes realtime in Asylum? The original's had blatantly terrible compression blocks on it.

But the original games had 30FPS. It's not that big a deal, it's more the smaller little things like the heavier glides, and the subjective factors like the art style and scene alterations.

>download the demo for the original onto my toaster laptop
>runs flawlessly
>buy DE because surely it runs the same
>it fucking chugs
Refunded and pirated the original instead

user, please dont praise ZoE2 when Highvoltage only redid the PS3 version
360 owners got jack shit
Same with the SH HD 360 owners, they got jack shit

That was Microsoft's fault. They would charge stupid money for devs to push updates.

wait, whats wrong with the ff6 port? i never played much of 6 to know how it plays out


360 owners got cucked because Konami is jewish but the PS3 re-do of ZoE2 is worthy of praise. Got a nice bump in resolution, redid the 2D assets, and runs at a rock solid 60fps outside of some super demanding scenes. The re-do wasn't done by High Voltage btw, it was done by Hexa Drive the same people who did Okami HD.
On a related note, the PS4 port of ZoE2 is even better. Faithfully redid all the textures so you can actually read the tiny text on the mechs, runs at a 100% locked 60fps, and even comes with a nifty VR mode.

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Didn't the fog not even work?

is that the steam/pc version?


>all this effort for a old good new bad pic

Are there any good remasters that aren't Resident Evils?

>no fog in a Silent Hill game
Jesus, how do you fuck up that bad?

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the steam and mobile version are the same

Do the Kingdom Hearts collections count?


It was made years ago prior to the 'old good new bad' meme spouters.

It was just an ugly technical disaster.
The original Fable wasn't a masterpiece by any means, but the remaster did absolutely nothing for it.

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i'll admit that I don't like how SMB3's stage play idea got tossed out entirely in All-Stars, but the rest are subjective. not to mention SMB2 is a dream, literally anything goes.

Certainly not the ps3 collections which had load times longer than ps2. ps4 maybe not there are still some sound issues with 2FM that were never fixed

Persona 4 Golden made the gameplay better, but the added scenes were pretty cringey and the new voices are just bad

It looked the same to me just at a higher resolution with a playable frame rate. The only thing I would say is shit is that they didn’t really do much of anything it’s barely a remaster.

Left 4 Dead 3
They canceled it

Most of Capcom's output in general has been really good. The current-gen rereleases of RE4-6 are basically straight PC ports at 60fps, Dead Rising 1 was almost flawless (I did notice one music looping issue), and Onimusha was really well done.

Eh, the good outweighs the bad in either case. You're still getting more content, and the remastered music.

The Shadow of the Collosus remaster was fine (PS3). The remake is the one that was shit (PS4).

Nah, new chie is better
and the new scenes are harmless

2FM is basically perfect now. The game with fucked up sound is KH1. Play PS2 and PS4 side by side and you'll hear the muted, sometimes dropped sound effects vs PS2.

Modern warfare remastered
>timed exclusive to collector's edition of a game no one wanted
>cut out the dlc
>sell it back more expensive than a decade ago

Konami lost the complete source code and the devs had to rebuild parts of the game on a limited budget and with little time. Konami only has incomplete code insuring any future remasters will be fucked.

The patch only stabilized the duct tape shitshow, so people can say "DIDNT CRASH IN THE SEWERS FOR ME ITS FINE NOW STOP COMPLAINING LOL".

How did they put that trailer together and release it? The new one was so obviously worse.

Let me guess you own a ps3 and not a ps4.

and they're going to do it again with mw2 remastered

Metal Gear Solid HD turned out fine without source code.

The Steam remaster of Killer7. The anime cutscenes look like shit because they're low res GameCube video files being blown up to HD but otherwise it's nearly flawless. Not much in the way of graphical options or anything like that but that's to be expected considering the game's graphical style.

I'd say they're overall good, but both the PS3 and PS4 versions have some issues that aren't total gamebreakers but should be noted.
PS3 has longer loading times especially in II, some missing sound effects, and framerate can be a problem sometimes.
PS4 fixes the loading times and runs at a locked 60fps during gameplay, but is still missing sound effects and the increased framerate can break some stuff (you probably won't ever notice if you aren't hardcore into it, but it's still there).

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And then the fans took the PC version of the game and fixed it up in ways that the "HD" remasters wish they could've done. It's hilarious how few fucks Konami gave about the whole thing and just left the port teams to take all of the blame (though some of their creative choices were retarded too). I understand you can't just break open source code out of the PC version either, but still.

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Different developer, different approach. Bluepoint's way requires a hell of a technical & reverse engineer'r on board.

That's fake right? You just switched one with the one.

>never could get into MM, too daunted to ever try to go too far
>like some of the QOL changes of MM3D but see all the other shit arbitrarily changed or fucked up

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Bluepoint games are more experienced with doing remasters and also given way more time and money. Maybe they could have done it justice but Konami didn’t give a fuck and just wanted it on store shelves.

>So bad that the game files contains a rom for the good version

Yeah but reverse engineering the source code is probably too much to ask of a shitty mobile game developer.
Plus MGS isn't totally perfect, both games have some notable visual bugs. Not really enough to damper the overall package though.

Jak HD Collection is near flawless on PS3. Only ever experienced one crash across the three, on just Jak 2, but that may have been a problem with the OG game since I had issues with it on PS2 as well.

it's a consistant thing in remasters

Any fog, blom, heavy shadows, etc get neutered hard
If I had to reckon a guess, it's because they want you to see all the HD textures they made, and these things get in the way of that.
Doesn't matter how atmospheric that dark hallway was, barely illuminated by your torch light, they need to crank the lighting way up or else how will you see all the new bricks they drew?

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And even that has some quirks, but those are mostly minor and just small easter eggs and extra scenes you can't get into for one reason or another (like the razor in MGS2, or the Guy Savage pitch minigame in MGS3). There's no reason not to pick Peace Walker HD over the original PSP version though.

God fucking bless those guys, I played a bit of their mod and it's exactly what the remaster should have been. Though for my money OG PS2 version on a CRT is the only real way to play SH2, the game really benefits from those inky blacks and I personally really prefer the softer lighting over the harsh Splinter Cell-style per-pixel shading in the Xbox and PC versions.

Jak 2 is just hacked together. You can walk through walls and skip half the game immediately, unless it randomly crashes on the way out.

I honestly think Ds fix souls looks better than the remaster

Your wife benefits from those blacks lol

The devs assumed zoomers couldn't tolerate pixels that weren't blurred and smoothed

You have no idea how bad these ports are do you?

the remaster didn't really improve much of anything graphically, honestly, that you couldn't fix or mod on the PC version, and for all the shit that port got the dsfix and subsequent community improvements covered all the bases. all bamco did was kill the scene for the original release to try to get more money off of a game that had its multiplayer scene die in a month.

>mfw the Switch version would have perfectly fine if they didn't fuck up the sound for seemingly no reason

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Music and difficulty were butchered

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Not to mention the original dlc map pack isnt in base game and has to be bought too, at a higher price than the original pack

Non-Meme answer time
The fact that people praise REmaster is even worse. It's proof that those people are just newfaggots

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that's what he meant by "cut out DLC". not to mention the PC users of the original release got the DLC free, but fuck them too


SS1 Remake
>start the project about remaking SS1
>release demo after kickstarter
>its 1:1 to the original and the only complaints was the blue glares and animations
>halfway through development they restarted the whole thing and changed engines from unity to unreal to make it work on consoles
>ditched the whole remake idea and just reboot it instead (aka taking liberties)
>already blew away the kickstarter money so they're slowly developing the nightmare with their budget

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basically a necessity that makes the HD remaster worth it


>got it for """free""" on PS Plus
>first thing the game does when going online is show me lootboxes
I can't believe I'd ever be put into a situation where I'm nostalgic for fucking CoD4 but here I am

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>non meme answer
>uses the SOUL/SOULLESS meme
I agree with you, but get rid of that shit if you want people to take you seriously

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>supposed to be a pipe and not a cave

The fuck are you talking about? It was always an underground setting. The pipes have always acted as means of getting around from world to world. Other than that I agree with the rest of it. Also the music sounded cheap too.

>I posted it again

>ditched the whole remake idea and just reboot it instead (aka taking liberties)
All the devs' recent work is inline with the original demo pitch, though.

Oh? It was a good 7/10 for me. I was bummed about what happened to the sequel...they were set to make it happen then decided they'd rather cash in on the mobile market by making it online only and doing away with main story in favor of skyrim style procedural missions you'd do alone or coop. Ultimately, nothing ever moved forward and it became vaporware. FUCKING SQUARE ENIX

In fairness, a lot of the stuff in REmake HD had to be redone from scratch. The game as a whole has a much different visual style.

Except portability. I played Peace Walker on a Vita and remapped the controls to work like a twin stick. It worked pretty well.

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I honestly didn't notice any difference from the original apart from the bonfire animation and it being 60fps. It was a great remaster all things considered.

I mean, you can get Peace Walker HD on the Vita.

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I tried to do this but the 20fps cap killed me, I can't be doing that shit after playing the HD version.

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Thanks for posting this so I can be mad instead of going to bed. Of all games to ruin, it is two of the most important.

You sure? they're still calling it a reboot but I may be outdated

Ah, that word meaning "I like it but I'm far too retarded to explain why"!

No you can't, that's just the PSP version. Can't even transfer save data or use the extra analog stick to have an actually good control scheme.
t. bought every MG game on Vita

do the sounds still sound shit?

You can't, only 2 and 3. Which aren't even HD since they run at an internal res 448p but they're still really nice ports.

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I think I used a cheat to make it run at 30fps. It's been a while since I played it though.

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It was a fake leaked screenshot

I never even played SH but seeing the comparisons of both VA and quality mad me already mad

I really need to get into the series

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The devs release development updates every month and all of their work so far ever since they restarted the project looks just like the demo.

well i guess i'm retarded then. still gotta find my fucking PSTV lost somewhere in my household

SH's case was unrelated, but the reason for fog/bloom being adjusted in HD remasters is because that shit was generally calculated per-pixel. If they kept it as-is, the effect would be over-amplified at 720/1080p, so they tone it down.

Anybody looking forward to the audacity that is Borderlands remastered? it's confirmed to not be a port so expect changes

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Last time I asked around yeah
I don't even know how it happened, the filesize is almost the same as the original 360 version so it's not like they needed to compress it.

there's a PPSSPP emulator cheat to run it at 60, but breaks the game quite hard unless more work's been done over the past couple years to try to prevent that

How bad is the Majora's Mask Remake?
I've heard it nerfed the game in its entireity and that it's better to play the N64 version with a texture pack.

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I'll take your word on this, but why would they still call it a reboot?


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>texture pack

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Someone post the Kirby's Adventure remake

It makes some nice quality of life improvements but that's outweighed by the fucked up bosses and atmosphere.
>with a texture pack
Don't do that.


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I'm really not seeing the problem. Neck is shorter so he doesn't look like a giraffe
still got the problem of detailed textures on ancient boxy geometry, but this guy's putting in the effort at least

They didn't really have much choice here since the original actor got busted for something and that shit don't fly in Japan. Also he looks better.

Right looks better

It's not bad. Only issues are the timer is 30% faster than it was in the original and swimming was ruined. Depending on the person boss changes range from it's ok to you hate it. All in all not too bad.

My only problem with Tomm was when he tried to play off the HD Collection as "not that bad". He says its shit now but certainly not when he was trying to move copies.

Honestly, most of the characters look fine in FFX HD besides Tidus. I think Yuna and Wakka look much better.

The problem is that their facial animations are much less expressive. It's really fucked. I don't have a good comparison video or anything, but their faces barely animate compared to the original PS2 version.

>I'll take your word on this
Why? Just look it up yourself.
>why would they still call it a reboot?
Probably because they just view it as synonymous with remake at this point. Like how people use the terms "remake" and "remaster" interchangeably even though they are typically used for different types of projects.

I don't. They've said I should use an HD texture pack but I'm too fucking lazy to mod anything

Oh well

but Spyro is one of the most topical examples of a bad remaster/remake. can't really speak on SotC as I'm not familiar enough

>When a PS2 game has more impressive detail

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OoT 3D is much like WW HD in that it's a perfectly good if somewhat unneeded remake. MM 3D is a travesty.

If I had the choice, I'd probably replay the N64 version

the skeleton dance being changed to flossing was pretty fucking stupid

Admittedly that was a rights to the guy's likeness thing.

Play in release order, last game to play is 4.
Best way to play is on a PS2 with the original releases, except for 2, which you should get the Greatest Hits/Director's Cut release for, and play them on a CRT at night, /crt/ over at will help you there (most retro game stores and thrift shops have decent CRTs).
While you're doing this, you may as well play classic RE as well, in release order, 1-3 (PSX), CV (PS2), REmake and 0 (GCN), Dead Aim (PS2). Dino Crisis as well if you really like survival horror.
Here's a copy paste of the SH PC guide


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial + bare essentials pack:

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.

All the info & links you'll ever need:

Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.

Play the games in release order, and don't play on Easy mode.
Multiple playthroughs per game is very recommended.
Lower the in-game Brightness, crank up volume.
Turning OFF flashlight helps a ton!

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Wow, what the hell?

Doesn't everyone hate the newer Twinmold and Odolwa?

>Copy map
>Rotate 180 degrees
>Floor transparency 50%
Reflections aren't as special as you think they are.

I have both. The PS3 version is an excellent remaster. With the remake they just rebuilt the same game worse. They had the option to do something like the latest RE2 remake and instead they just elected to copy somebody else's homework badly. It has less than no reason to exist.

Are you blind? He looks like a South Korean plastic surgery addict.

Hold on, seriously?

Twinmold is the only one I prefer in 3D because in the original it was just
>turn giant
>slash like a madman with no strategy
At least in 3D it does something different.

I dunno if you're a bot or not, but I'm glad you exist. Yeah I got the PS2. Should I get the collection or something?

Kiwami 1 was basically just a quick hack of 0 but christ almighty Kiwami 2 is a fucking disaster. They cut out an entire fucking area.

This makes me wonder why modern devs are so afraid of mirrors then.

Doesn't the PS3 version make the game slightly harder? I think I've heard that

I don't like Windwaker HD one bit. The graphics are crisper, but the added lighting destroy the entire cellshaded look.

Don't forget that it has the worst netcode and servers of the entire series.

Doesn't the remaster have bugged gripping?

Kiwami 1 benefitted from it because Yakuza 1 was kind of minimalist game due to a lack of dev time and budget. Yakuza 2 doesn't have that excuse.

They stopped caring during the development of Arkham Knight, did you forget how shitty the single player missions were?

I actually like how HD looks at night, but yeah day scenes aren't good.

Mistakes were made.

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No, it wasn't, retard. It was from one of Valve's presentations and was confirmed to be from the canceled L4D3.

WW HD isn't bad. Streamlining the game helped. The lighting is debatable though.

top looks better

Honestly a part of me is glad they did this because if it was 100% the same then how could I possibly justify buying it? Also, HD doesn;t look bad on their own, but the choices they made don't work when contrasted with the original.

the top is literally better outside of BLOOOOM i don't get it

Technically the look they went for isn't "bad" and exaggerates the shading in a very different way. However, it's still a fundamental art style change that wasn't properly accommodated for in every possible way. The way the sharp shadow lighting works technically tried to recreate the idea of cel-shading in a very different and more dynamic fashion.

They probably could've spent their time working on more proper shaders instead of just over-emphasizing the fuck out of bloom and tossing out the classic clouds though.

>Should I get the collection or something?
If it's cheaper for you. It only comes with 2-4 though, doesn't include 1. 1 was only released on PSX and never rereleased outside of PSN emulation.
I believe the version of SH2 contained in the Collection set isn't the Director's Cut version, but really, the differences between original and DC are minimal. You just miss out on an optional half hour side campaign and an extra joke ending you can only get after 3 playthroughs.
Also, if you're interested, SH2 and 4 do have Xbox versions, and 2 on Xbox has all the extra content, if you wanted to play that. But, the Xbox version doesn't do fog effects as well (same with a few other effects) and it has more bugs than the PS2 version

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>completely changed the visual style, mostly for the worse with muddy textures and worse lighting
>shitty generic blood effects compared to the heavily stylized anime blood in the original
>controls are way clunkier and the framerate is somehow worse than the already choppy original
>glitchy as fuck
>cut out an entire portion of the city
And that's the western release, the original Japanese version was even glitchier and had a terrible Japanese dub.
The North American Wii version is the only version you should be playing, it's the only uncensored version of the original and is Suda's preferred version.

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Well anons watch the video tell me which one looks better to you guys


To be fair, they toned the brown n bloom way the fuck down in the final version.

source 2

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Hold the fuck up, I have WW HD and there is nowhere near that much bloom in the game.

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>"Aha! Is this our chance?" shitters are still allowed to exist

Fine I'll get individual releases. Might get the collection for the sake of collection if I'm a fan of the series someday

Thanks m8

Least he looks more accurate to his CGI model in that case. That shit stood out so bad on the PS2 where all CGI had them more Asian than their ingame models.

You got no replies because you're wrong

See , the final product you bought had less bloom than the preview shots.

Was that a remaster of the first WA?

Odolwa is unbelievably easy in 3D, Twinmold is kind of lame but not really 'worse' unless you love the N64 one, which a lot of people happen to, and there's nothing wrong with that


Because making an actual reflective mirror means doubling the graphical process needed to render the area.
It's literally another world on the other side of the mirror.

A complete remake, complete with some new content and I believe Calamity Jane as a party member. However, while the translation of the original game was iffy, the remake's was about as questionable in completely different ways. Alter Code F sure as fuck is more anime, though.

>Never heard of the series before

>People hyped up thsoe games

>Play this
>Loved it even though it crashed a bunch

>Years later I see how everyone is saying the remasters are shit


Is it worth replaying them again in their original forms? I don't think I can tolerate replaying the games again.

Because they've gotten too reliant on shitty screenspace reflection effects. Hitman 2 had really nice mirrors though.

>Is it worth replaying them again in their original forms?
Absolutely 100%

Never forget

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The pepperoni man spawned randomly in the original game as well. The HD textures and design just made him way more fucking pronounced.

In some cases I can appreciate it when a dev knowingly leaves a bug in from the original.

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the SotC remake? I watched a playthrough on twitch and it looks better than when I played it on ps2 and emulated years back.

Really? NPC in cutscene wasn't permanent?

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It was a terrible remaster all things considered, they changed almost nothing and doubled the price


Nothing wrong with it aside of nu-Wander's dumb face.

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Fundamentally speaking, it's not "bad". However, it also doesn't do anything new or different besides visuals, and physics/control changes. The thing is that the series has some steadfast, diehard fans that took a western developer remaking this game to be a travesty. There are some weird and stupid things, like the obvious possession and raggedness of Wander being nearly removed and far less pronounced, but you'll forever have people bemoaning that they destroyed and tainted the original idea and visuals intended for the game. But by being an otherwise 1:1 remake, that means that it's pretty subjective about whether this actually makes it bad.

Yeah, the NPCs in that cutscene were randomly generated pedestrians if I remember right. Or at least that fucker was. He could still spawn in the original version and he looked fucked up there too. Though the remaster still doesn't look that great.


The Colossi somehow look worse and they fell for the "let's just put foliage EVERYWHERE" meme

I think SotC PS4 remake is fine. Higher framerate benefits gameplay immensely. Maybe it's because I replayed original PS2 version not that long time ago before PS4 version released and I didn't have nostalgia goggles on.

Fucking imbecile. Sleeping Dogs is one of the best open world games in the history of the genre. Get your head unjammed from your asspipe ya nincompoop...

It's not really bad, it's just there's literally no reason for it to exist. The original has aged like fine wine and will probably age better since it's more stylized and the remake adds literally nothing new to the gameplay.

how is it one of the best?

Nah, it's probably the best gta clone out there.

>Shadow Of The Colossus Remake is bad
>Bro the absolute gray and hard fog wall on the horizon was part of the ATMOSPHERE BRO

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Decent framerate alone made remake worth it. Original pushed PS2 to its limits.

right looks like actual yakuza

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It's not a yakuza member, he's a cop.

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That's what the PS3 version and PCSX2 are for.

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Nice foliage draw distance lmao

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>that help message
Kill me. Worse than Skyrim quest markers.

Did the devs not understand what made the second half of the game legendary?

>dude look at these landscape shots!
Ok, now post any of the characters or bosses up close

How different is PS3 version from PS4?

Nice foliage at all lmao
The nostalgia fagging in this thread is disgusting. The original game is one of the best PS2 titles and the gameplay holds up to this day, but you are not gonna convince anyone that this looks better than the remake.

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Keep moving the goalposts, you dumb cunt :)

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It's not a remake, it's a port of the PS2 version.

You're the kind of fag who looks at those awful UE4 Zelda demos and unironically goes NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN

They did a worse job at remaking some things like animations.

PS3 version is just straight up performance and resolution update. PS4 is a complete remake with new visuals. The gameplay that everyone claims to love is still there as it always was, but nostalgia fags like are going to try and make you think that objectively better visuals somehow make the game worse.

>Original game on had a somewhat decent engine for being an early Dreamcast and ran at 30
>Port the game over to Gamecube and completely change the models, texture's and lighting making the game look like a rubbery mess
>it runs at 60 with no regard of how hard it screws with behavior
>Port that version to PC with more issues of it's own
>Port that version to PS3 with more issues of it's own and run in letterboxed 4:3
>Port that version back to PC with more issues of it's own and still be letterboxed
SADX is a bad port that ruined the reputation of the original. There's an entire wiki dedicated to it's flaws on why it's such a bad port

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Stay mad

Go on, post them. Surely you aren't scared that people will notice how awful the bosses look in the PS4 version or that Wander's face got fucked up are you?

What? how do the colossi look worse?

Attached: SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS_20181108001935.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

>NEW THING BAD the old one...??? Lmao like why the fuck do you care if there is a remake if you love the old one so much? It isn't gonna vanish from your collection.

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The problem with the remake is we already had a solid port on PS3. If they actually did shit with the remake, such as consulting with the original developer and adding in some (or most) of the cut content from the original, then it'd actually have something to offer besides just prettier visuals.

>ctrl+f Sonic Adventure
>0 results
I expected better from you

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Wander has a chipmunk face in the remake, but the bosses, as with literally everything else in the game, is 100% an upgrade and there is no way you can deny it with a straight face. You are a retarded pile of shit and should have had your dumb ass scraped form your mom's rotten cunt and discarded before you could plague the Earth with your retarded thoughts.

It was a sad day when you slithered out of the abortion bucket, bitch.

Don't forget the PS3 version was a port of the buggy Pal region code where wonder gets shaken a lot more easily. No where near unplayable, but certainly something noticeable when going to the PS4 and PS2 versions

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no one's seeding those torrents, but thanks for the ddl

Look at that fucking bald spot lmao, how do you have worse fur than a fucking PS2 game?

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t. never had a pork bun

Yeah fuck having a good, timeless artstyle bring on the grass and realism!

The studio who worked on the remake did not have the power to add in content to a decades old game. They were tasked with simply remaking the visuals to match modern day games, and 60fps at that. They did add some easter eggs that weren't in the original with shit like Sword of Dormin and whatnot, but they certainly couldn't program and add in entirely new bosses.

I would say it was necessary but only because I wanted Ocarina of Time on a handheld since I was a kid

>We've reached a generation that looks upon brown/gray and bloom with a powerful nostalgia that warps their brains in such a manner as to find this timeless

Attached: lmao.jpg (735x400, 30K)

>Code Veronica on PS2

Funny saying this in a thread about bad remasters
CVX on PS2 has that stupid Matrix Wesker, play the original instead on Dreamcast

user i already did

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The FFX remastered characters really bugged me initially. And looking at them side by side they still do. Its like someone inflated their faces and made them all fatter/rounder.

Playing through the remaster I more or less because accustomed to it and it didn't look that bad. But seeing the original ps2 one still just looks better for whatever reason.

>shitting on the original's artstyle
Kill yourself zoomer, this is the kind of person who praises the SotC remake. Probably saw it in a Dunkey video.

More bloom pls

I'm leaving the thread now that I've BTFO you nostalgia cunts good and hard. But I'll leave you with this: If you love the original so much, then play it and stop throwing a hissy fit that we got a much better version for those of us who don't want to play at 12 fps and get a migraine while playing the original version. Stick with it if you think it's so great, I'm fine with the superior versions. Consolefags are truly the worst, you dumb fucks are the reason gaming is being held back.

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You seem extremely mad for no reason. Why are you defending this remake like you have some personal stake in it? The game does look better from a purely technological standpoint, that is obvious. But it failed to retain the artistic touches that the original had. By introducing a global lighting engine you make for a more realistic environment but the game ends up feeling a bit different since it no longer has the pale light and otherworldy feel that the original had. It was clearly made by people who wanted to modernize it but had no clue about actual design or interest in staying as loyal as possible to the original. Much like the fog in Silent Hill became so iconic even if it was only added to reduce performance issues, SotC graphical sensibilities and the limitations that came with them were part of that made it great. True art is born of strife, of adversity. So yeah, bottom line of what i mean is that you can remake a game with modern technology, but it will be a cold, heartless imitation.

>t. dumbass gwailo with no taste

PS4 version is the most buggy though, even i ran into a bug where Wander flew up into the air, but actually landed on Avion, so it was kinda cool, but still Bluepoint could have polished it a bit more, plus fixed Wander's potato face

actual autism

>60fps at that

Only on Pro

Is there any faster sign that someone's opinion isn't worth shit?

>Is there any faster sign that someone's opinion isn't worth shit?
Using stuttering as an argument.

Positively seething lmao

I enjoy it for the aesthetics. The original's fog and lower res gives it a kind of dream-like feeling, especially with the less realistic character models. I don't want to move gaming back to the PS2 era, just feel that the remaster couldn't capture the atmosphere of the original.

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Don't bother trying to reason with him, he's shitposting hard.

I bet you are one of those Pc master race types that complain consoles hold gaming back.

Wait wtf did they make him look more chinese?

>no one's posted the king of awful cashgrab remakes

Attached: TonyHawkHDArt.jpg (220x263, 32K)

>you mad?
Looks like I won this round.

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>talk about art style's
>But PC!


Because THPS5 came out and somehow managed to be miles worse

He was found innocent. Only rumours destroyed him and he said fuck the industry.

Well shit, that sucks. Don't blame him for telling the industry to fuck off.

Got this for around 12$ with all DLC on steam. One of the best purchases I ever made.

>I bet you are one of those Pc master race types that complain consoles hold gaming back
Not him but consoles do generally hold gaming back. For example, one of the main reasons Doom 2016 utilized combat arenas was because having enemies wander/chase you around stages like in the original games caused the game to chug on consoles, so the devs resorted to combat arenas in order to easily control how many enemies were running around at once.

Also talks about how the ps2’s limitations made that art style.
Keep up fuck wit

This is why new Ace Attorney Trilogy port makes me mad, they were obviously going to show something else and quickly made a sloppy remaster as a placeholder. It was so bad that it crashed during presentation stream.

Yes but you are talking about your personal taste if you had the ps3 and ps4 version running side by side and you just asked which one you rather play every one would pick the ps4 version

Return indeed

Ah. That's just what happens when you try to discuss soul, I guess.

To this day I still question whether or not these images are reversed

The Steam/PS3/360 Crazy Taxi remaster
Removed both the in-game ads and the Offspring and Bad Religion soundtrack.
A travesty through and through

Attached: 204506-crazy-taxi-xbox-360-front-cover.jpg (219x300, 22K)

I don't. If anything props for him for not shaving his head and apologizing for rumours. Fuck Japan is fucking crazy.

If it's determined by people's personal tastes that can't be true. I'll acknowledge that the PS2 version is absolute ass framerate wise, but I know a ton of people who play it based on the art.

So on the subject of shit ports I know the Splinter Cell collec and PC versions have issues but I'm not sure what they are. The real question I have though is what the best way to play them is. Are the collec and PC ports bad enough to where I should just try and play them on original xbox (or 360)?

Did you not see the PC port of Knight?

Got it off plus. I'll replay the campaign but I doubt I'll even touch multi knowing how much they fucked it up. Can't wait to see how they fuck up MW2.

Didn't even notice it when I played through it. Honestly it's a small price to pay for getting all the stuff in the Euro release.

That's SRII or The Simpsons Hit and Run

They also removed analog steering, it's digital now

fuck nintendo and fuck aonuma

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hehe genuinely fuck valve though, give me source 2 on csgo and a new l4d

I can't believe they're still using the shitty iOS art and not even offering an option for the original sprites.


This game is terribly bad
It' SOULLES as fuck

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Can't speak for other people, but i like to have as many of my games in 1080/60 on one/ my current console

PC versions with dgvoodoo2 & widescreen fix, perfection

PC ports of Splinter Cell are good, just require a lot of set-up on current machines. PCGamingWiki is your friend.
PS3 collection is ass, it changed the HUD and menus and runs like garbage. Avoid.
Xbox versions are good too especially if you have a CRT, the shadows look amazing paired with a CRT's deep blacks.
Don't even bother with PS2/GCN, they're super downgraded.

Don't forget MW Remaster takes up a fuck ton of HDD space. Original MW was roughly 7GB while the remaster is 70GB+ literally 10x more than the original. Fucking devs can't into compression.

It would look better if the bloom was turned down a lot more.

I got it for "free" on PS Plus and I couldn't fucking believe it when the download size popped up. What the fuck is all that space being used for?

All they had to do was fix the fucked up grind/wallrides ending up in a bail half of the time when the OG Tony Hawks would magnetically attach you to them no prob.

Good thing dedicated modders made it the definitive version in the past couple years.

valve is caught in a loop on source 2.

they want to make a game to ship with source 2.

so they start to make a game
they get to a certain point and need to commit to an engine
they realize source 2 isn't finished, and finishing it means they won't have a game made for it
their other options are source 1 (not happening) and unreal
then they get back to the original point
>why are we making this if its not to ship with source 2
finishing source 2 will take a lot of time
another project shelved.
You can’t seriously believe that people would pick the ps3 version I posted the video again I am sorry if the gameplay is the same I see no reason why anyone would play the ps3 version over the ps4
Other than nostalgia.

Learning how fucked the DX version was was a hard pill to swallow since that's what I grew up on.

You can also beat Twinmold in the original N64 game with just the bow. Make sure you have the best quiver and full arrows and the structures Twinmold breaks usually drop arrows.

It objectively improved some things (number of pedestrians, clutter, shop windows and general PC port things like alt+tabbing not putting the game in windowed mode and better controls) and objectively fucked up some things (lighting, Wei's hair very slightly lagging behind him).
I own and played both to the end and 100%ed DE (not DLC). Only being able to find the DE is not a reason not to play the game.

You could argue that the intense bloom from the neon signs in the original was uglier in done instances as well.

There it is, there's that word again.

did the Dreamcast version not have that scene?

shit opinion

>Bluepoint could have polished it a bit more, plus fixed Wander's potato face
Have you considered that Wander actually is a Mr Potato Head? It may have just been hard to tell on the PS2

oh come on, that's barely different compared to many others in this thread

No. That's why CVX has a X in it's title

>chad face vs chubby babyface

Yes it is nostalgia the ps3 version is objectively worse than the ps4 version.

There it is! There it is again!

it was fine spoiled rotten faggot

The ice part genuinely fucked me off as a kid

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Meg Ryan threatened to sue, they had no choice.

this, nearly perfect on a gameplay level. In terms of grafics, it still needs some very minor fixes

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>wanting pixellated bullshit
this isn't Hotline Miami, NES graphics in 20-this year isn't going to make me remember the zoomer memories

I've got the games and an Xbox but it's busted so I'd have to get it fixed. Think I'll just try and get them running well on PC I guess.


The only one shitposting here is (You)

Everyone that lived at the time when the remaster came out would all say the new is better. under the microscope of 2019, the new car smell bias is no longer an influence.

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What's the best way to play Half-Life, assuming I have all the versions available on Steam? I've heard that newer patches of the original fuck things up.


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Reminder the Modern Warfare remaster charges you for decade old DLC.

Original, it can be buggy but still way better than Source and Black Mesa.

I already had the whole SH2 game modded with everything already in here

Weird that they removed one flag but not the one down the stairs

Black Mesa

I will never tire of this image.

Holy fuck the amount of autism it took to write all that is astounding. Informative definitely, but holy shit

I only played the Dreamcast version for years.

Weaker says something fucking weird in CVX that made me lose my shit. Something like check out my hook little fishy I forget the exact line.

I remember playing all stars as a kid because i didnt own mario 2 or what we called 4 (lost levels i guess the real mario 2?) but i dont remember that lego brick shit holy fucking christ that looks so fucking bad lmfao

I will never get over how motherfucking HIDEOUS that retarded green cave in SMB3 looks. The remaster is entire galaxies better.

Black mesa is a mess. The design is cluttered and the weapons dont do the same damage.
I had been following the game for years like everyone else, but the free versions were genuinely better made then the paid has been.
Its honestly pissed me off how bad this version is.
Play the original. It looks bad, but it plays better than the other versions.

Jesus fuck I was so excited to get it on my phone and it's fucking impossible to look at.

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Why they gave an unnecessary weak spot for every boss in the 3DS version?

I don't get making a 1:1 remaster of it. The original just got a sourceport, too.

They ditched the reboot idea and reorganized the whole team. I knew it was coming when I saw a tech demo showing off how proud they were that enemies could freeze and then you could smash them to bits realistically. Completely pointless.
That being said, actually reboot the goddamned thing. There's no point in a 1:1.

Technically not a remake

>let's take the game famous for analog controls
>and put it on a system without an analog stick

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Yes. Don't listen to the people saying Twinmold was not that bad or better in the remake. It's horrible. The first half is a cool upgrade, but the second half once you get the Giant's Mask is clumsy, irritating, and goes on for fucking eons. Also Gyorg went from one kind of annoyingly bad to another kind of slightly less but still annoyingly bad, and Goht is still pretty good, but a firm downgrade from the original N64 version.

Also there's the fucked momentum physics of lily pad hopping with the Deku Mask, unnecessary difficulty drops like the moving platforms in the Deku Palace becoming stationary and Skull Keeta moving at about a quarter his original speed, the annoying way the game stops everything dead and takes its sweet time to show you the Bombers' Notebook updating any time a character so much as fucking sneezes.

>implying spyro and sotc aren't actually bad remasters

At least the minigames made it worth

They're not THAT hard on a PC, some games usually just make them a portal that renders at half-res, but anything that's sharing a game with consoles will never have reflections beyond simple wet/shiny surfaces

I'd rather have actual MSAA back in games again

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I'll play devils advocate: I enjoyed not having to deal with random encounters. That's about it.

the game was on snes, and the graphics are still good. Your opinion is unimportant

>The Steam remaster of Killer7. The anime cutscenes look like shit because they're low res GameCube video files being blown up to HD but otherwise it's nearly flawless. Not much in the way of graphical options or anything like that but that's to be expected considering the game's graphical style.
this can happen quite often on PC, with cutscenes made to replicate console settings, and the gameplay on PC looks a fuckton better, Deus Ex HR is like this, Alan Wake, there are other examples I'm sure

that's an edit, right?

No abilities and random encounters are a better experience than the mainline games. But everything else is bad.

Nope! The HD Collection devs got an unfinished and supremely unpolished beta code of Silent Hill 2, since the finalized source code had been lost, and then apparently had no access to the original assets for any proper remastering either, so shit like that happened.

had it launched instead on the 3ds it would have been fucking killer. Still has those weird graphical changes, but the controls would be perfect

Cringe and bluepilled

just played System Shock 1 for the 1st time last year, had a great time and yeah, a remake makes no sense, the geometry of that game isn't suited for a 1:1 remake, they should just make a spinoff of SS1, same core mechanics, no stats/skill leveling that 2 has, but keep theitem progression that has that metroidvania like aspect of the first SS

parts of the plus patch come to mind

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>remake of garbage game turns out to be garbage
Aw gee, who coulda seen it coming?

unironically looks worse than rpg maker shovelware

he looked like a fag before and he looks like a fag in the remaster

>no spyro
LOL thread?

they removed the cel shading of it, and added realistic lighting to a game that tried to imitate a cartoon

Bravo Aonuma!

>everything is garbage because I said so

This insult reads like it was made 9 years ago

>it's another thread where Yea Forums does'nt understand the difference between a remake and a remaster

Play the original, Black Mesa has inferior gameplay.

2 reasons exist for this:
- using premade effects instead of hte old specific ones. Those remasters usually use a cheap engine, like Unity or UE, and because the point is to remake and not program, they use as much default library materials as possible. The batman beard and most of the hair rape in remasters comes from this, same with plastic textures and climatic effects changes. it's a custom vs generic problem
- art direction didn't rethink the scale up of the game. It's a funny thing in digital art, but the value of an image changes if you look at it full screen or zoom in/out on it, because the pixel value is averaged. textures that were done to fit a low res game will not look the same if you just change their size and render them at higher res. You'd need an expert to slightly correct the colors and keep the fidelity to the original. Many shaders effects too will behave differently, sampling on a 5*5 grid (or whatever) doesn't have the same impact if you run it on a 640*480 picture or a 1920*1080 one.

tl;dr : pajeet and human studies "coders" aren't fit for the job.

Drawn by the same artist that did the original sprites.

There's minimal advantage to moving csgo to source 2 while there being max potential to fuck up core mechanics with an engine shift

I refuse to believe that right isn't mspaint

At least Spyro 1 is one of the best remakes (don't know why they call it remaster.) so far.
Pic related is a remaster. Spyro, Crash, RE2... are REMAKES.

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Go to bed Tom.

Oh no, that's real. The bluray transfer of Sword in the Stone is fucking horrific and easily the worst "HD" transfer Disney has released. They cropped the image too so many scenes aren't even framed correctly.

only spyro 1 remaster was enjoyable, 2 is completely botched and i didnt even bother with 3 because even the original wasnt that good

wtf are australian dollars transparent?

That's awesome actually

Oh yeah this guy's really good, nailed the aesthetic and his video on shit the remake fucks up is also worth a watch. That being said, it's not out yet, so there are NO good texture packs worth a fuck right now.

if youre a fat american

the game is based on the PAL version, which is still piss easy, but you have slightly less grip.

That's Sonic fans for you, their unending autism is the blessing and curse that keeps the series going. Even as a kid I noticed SADX looked and played worse but reading in detail how thoroughly they fucked everything up blows my mind.

canadian dollars do it, too
I believe the UK might also have that but desu I don't use physical money anymore

t. has never eaten a pork bun

It's a port of a port of a port if I recall right, was first released on the PC in the early 2000s still featuring the product placement but with a DIFFERENT licensed soundtrack, featuring less famous bands like Pivit. The Steam/PS3/XBLA version is a modded version of that now with no licensed music, no brands and of course completely unoptimized running at an unstable framerate on every possible configuration. The best version will forever be on DC it seems.

don't they melt if you like forget them under the sun?

and how can gangsta rappers light up cygars with them?

Tomm got blamed for everything when realistically he was the lone person just barely keeping shit as together as it was

Well if he said it was shit back then he'd have been fired, of course he wasn't gonna say anything

I'm pretty sure that was just a flaw with the early ones that they've amended, even if it was just them baking in the 43c heat under a windshield acting like a magnifying glass

It's not bad in the slightest.

also >artist
implying there is one single guy who grafixed the entire game.

The best version is in Crazy Taxi 3 on Xbox.
It's hard to go back to OG Crazy Taxi after playing 2.

Funny how I never liked how squeaky clean the HD remaster looked, now I know why.

Except that all the fucking vending machines needed reworking because they couldn't detect the clear strip

Reminds me, all the vending machines need to be reprogrammed in Canada because the new $10 note doesn't have the standard design as the other bills because they put a woman on it and made it a unique design.

>"lets redesign the $10 note AGAIN, but put a woman on it and change the standard bill design"
>tax payer foots the bill for the redesign and printing
>companies who make bill-readers have to redesign/reprogram their machines, costing them money

The new models looked too cartoonish, especially in Asylum, where it's supposed to be grimdark. I still liked it cause I can play them on PS4 now instead of busting out the old console or playing it on PC.

> Shotgun moved further ahead
Don't do this

Attached: Black-Mesa-Source-header.jpg (800x450, 92K)

blame germany and their dumb censorship laws