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I personally find this image magnificent
Look at that perfect floss form. Firm, yet loose. Wrists go with the motion, feet firmly planted. Perfect rythym. God damn.
Say something mean to me
Sorry bro,cant
you have no friends and your parents are very disappointed in you
Why didn't the Avengers just distract Thanos with a dance-off?
the one good thing to come out of fortnite
Fuck video games and fuck video games.
something mean to me
straight yeeted on that goofy nigga
The dab and the camera movement are just perfect
There's like a million dances now. I'd love to see thanos do some of those
Ah Fortnite...The True Ludokino
Pure art
He would serve the Avengers and you know it.
Why did Thanos blow bubbles in MvC2?
Does anyone here have the webm of a boxer doing this dance after knocking out his opponent? That one's hilarious.
Reality stone
What the fuck is this thread? Zoomer central? Jesus fuck off with Fortnite garbage
Get dabbed on gramps
You sound like a huge fag trying so hard to fit in
have you tried flossing? be honest.
Yes, its the most important way to clean your teeth
>there are people who think he won't get susie when he has moves like that
This posts actually slightly frightens me because soon there will actually be people that can say that without being shitposters,
>not the orange justice one
its the better meme dance
I floss at work. Makes the zoomers seethe
do you think if we went back 10 years into the past and told people they'd have thanos dabbing in a battle royal game, they'd believe us?
To be frank with you, there are likely many 14 year olds whose first console was a ps4 already on this site.
I think if you went back 10 years most people wouldn't know what that means
is dabbing that new? i could have sword i saw rappers referring to it back then. then suburban kids took it and made it into what it is now.
OP is underaged
user stop you're scaring me
lol what is that picture from reverse image search says its from some game called fallout new vegas but i thought they started the series with 4???
I mean Thanos. 10 years ago the MCU consisted of Iron Man 1 and the Hulk movie. Sure some people might know Thanos from MvC but they would be a small minority along with comic nerds.
no you are too cute
In all honesty, what is it about "Flossing" and "Dabbing" that seems so infuriating?
Kids having harmless fun makes boomers seethe
post that webm with a Russian woman punching a zoomer
Probably the same thing that made people hate pogoing enough that the song Safety Dance as written
>that dab at the very end
Thank you very much! I was looking for this godlike reaction and now I got it. May the greatest of fortunes come upon your soul!
I remember when that happened with Pokemon. Soon there will be a whole generation whose first game was Pokemon Let's Go.
Nobody cares about Fortnight anymore.
Fuck off Hortler, Couldn't even holocaust correctly when people have been doing it for millennia
Fuck you Hitler.
>phoneposter failing hard at trying to fit in
>calling anyone underage
I don't care what you think, that dab before he destroys that nigga is 100% pure comedy gold.
what is wrong with boomers? just fucking type fornite you god damn diabetes ridden, ugly nigger
I forgot you guys are old enough to post now
I love this webm
The camera and the timing are so perfect for the comedic effect
As much as I enjoy watching some zoomer faggot get punched, what the fuck was that bitch's problem?
She probably thought he was pelvic thrusting at her
You're wasting the best years of your life on videogames
Probably just one of those days where you're on the verge of snapping all day and that zoomer faggot pushed her over the esge.
This is the best one.
Because he can.
He rockin that gucci and straight up stylin on these nibbas
She assumed he was air humping and decided to assault him, because she is a cunt.
Is this borderlands 3?
deserves it for being 20 years old and having those noodle arms
Can't wait for Zoomers to take over in the future and shit on the next gen games.
Any name for those after Zoomers?
I'll be honest with you, I stopped giving a shit and just looked at it positively. There's all kinds of dumb, shitty games I look back on with rose tinted glasses and I don't think it's that bad that kids do the same for shit games.
I've got nostalgia for the first time I popped in MGSV and how fucking let down I was. That doesn't mean I won't remember the hype leading up to it as a big memorable event, or my childhood being Freedoom. I think people should ease off the kids having nostalgia over stupid shit. It's not a bad thing.
no, zoomers will be the last human generation
>He missed out on Kung Fury/Altered Beast Werewolf and QT Cowgirl from Season 6
>He's going to miss out on Ninja Lizardman and /fa/ AS FUCK Pirate
Aren't the babies that are being born now the thing after zoomers?
no, those are mole people
>he plays Fartnut
>tfw you end up having more respect for the loser who got his ass handed to him
>He doesn't
kirby is gorb, you ninny
>he does
I have extremely low standards and even I wouldn't touch Fortnite. You should be ashamed of yourself user
dabbing is relatively new, if told me he was doing the jerk i'd kind believe you
I don't remember asking you a GOD damn thing
Literally NOTHING special about it except ''muh graphics''
looks like a snobby aggressive hispanic woman
I entered a Fortnite thread and I am mad that these people are discussing Fortnite!
God is finna boutta dab on you with some stage 3 colon cancer, go get your ass checked boomer
I love this image because it represents gaming as a whole:
>Giant oversaturated genre of skilless drone game matched with giant lowest common denominator movie villian.
Its almost too perfect and him flossing makes it even better. Man gaming as a whole is shit these days.
I remember people cheering for Fortnite to take out the mess that was PUBG but then the kids came.
It's like Minecraft all over again
>Literally NOTHING special about it except ''muh graphics''
That's still more than Fortnite has
Not even close. Fortnite has the shitty building meme which is gay but still fairly unique in a BR.
Paragon was just Smite with graphics.
what the fuck am I looking at
>He doesn't like top tier Waifus and Husbandos
Yo who's watching this in 2019? Can I get a thumbs up? Lol!
I am 20 years old and have been wiping blood for the past 2 weeks, thanks dude.
>Ywn be a zoomer hyping the shit outta this with your zoomer bros in class
>Fortnite has building
I thought we were comparing the good aspects of each game. Apparently not
>The fuck is dabbing?
>The fuck is a "battle royale"? That book the Hunger Games ripped off?
>Thanos? Never heard of him.
You LITERALLY cannot refute this.
>>Thanos? Never heard of him.
why exactly is a purple space ogre now a mainstay in popular culture?
yeet means to throw, you moron
I can't, I wanna have SEX with you!
culture appropriating wh*toid detected
hahaha yer cute
In 2009 they hadn't even started teasing Thanos in the MCU. The MCU was barely a concept at that point. Let's not pretend American comics were popular enough to have wide recognition outside of Spider-man/Iron Man at that point.
Because about 40 years ago a World War 2 veteran needed a paycheck, and a comic book company needed a new villain of the week. So Jack Kirby plagiarized himself. Then in the 90s said comic book company nearly went bankrupt and had to sell image rights like crazy to survive. They were then acquired by the earthly incarnation of all mortal greed, which became supernaturally adept at creating just-barely-above-mediocre movies that have massively broad appeal. And now here we are.
yeah the little shit should be paddled
>Yea Forums too low IQ to play STW
>Yea Forums too old to play BR
The absolute STATE of this "video game" board
It's a simple yet direct attack on one's manhood, a reminder that you just got beat by a fucking child, and there's no good counter to it. It's this generation's teabagging.
>dabbed on
Post more zoomer thanos pls
Why is fortnite still being discussed on this board?
There’s no fortnite discussion here because everyone here is too pretentious to try it out and only know epic dank maymays
>pubeshit and flat tummy
Keep your sauce.
>boomer dad using up his big chance to embarrass his daughter
Incredibly based
Who here dabbin on Taynose
what happened to her jaw? is she a zombie?
Wow Fortnite's really taken a turn since they included Thanos.
>Laugh Track
I do it every time I take a shower
>He said as he returned to his e-celeb twitter thread
Are you a devil?
I floss every time somebody says something rude to me on www.4channel.org/v/
i thought you were too old to type or read
Anyone else surprised the CP spammer chose the cat thread over this one?
what are those pigs from? They're familiar
She didn't want to be part of his epic youtube prank video. There's a dude filming right in front of her. I'd have punched him too.
Professor Pyg,
the same game as the character in the center you magnificent idiot
give me sauce you faggot
I floss then convert it to a dab
I also make a fart noise when I dab to add that extra seethe
Thing is I don't recognize him
Father the third
The sheer absurdity of this never stops making me laugh.
Okaasan san
Typical Hitler.
The comic fags would probably be disapointed it would take 10 years of films to reach infinity wars, of course they wouldn't know how formulaic and shit the MCU would be.
We're entering an era where whites ironically worshiping black hip hop artists is starting to seem dated.
Youre a Jew
>caring where someone posting comes from
I want Incineroar to sit on my face.
Only when Zoomers dab on me
She's pretty attractive and so she probably assumed he was air humping her.
not today
>I cant be objective because if I was you'd have a point
Remember to take your medication gramps
>Zoomer threads
fuck Yea Forums
You don't know shit about comicfags then. Anyone that gave two actual shits about comics before the MCU would have died and gone to heaven if you went back and told them that these movies would happen within their lifetime.
this is how singularities are started
/vg/ is laughing at us bros!
You need to be 18 to post here buddy
Nice paintings man.
You were not supposed to mention that bro...
real unlucky kidney shot
That DMC dance is literally an edit of that tf2 video. Flossing is a dumb gen z meme, and the Japanese humor webm is just one retard that thinks if he spams it enough it will be funny one day.
>Imagine not being in kindergarden and flossing in 2019.
Back to the retirment home grandpa.
I mean, let the kids have their fun. You probably did loads of dumb shit when you were in middle/highschool, the only difference is now everyone has a camera. Be grateful you can forget the dumb shit you did, the next generation won't be as lucky.
Blessed be technology, I may now never let some one live down the mistakes they made, while hiding all of mine.
Nothing will ever top being in Kindergarten and not doing any particular dance in 2006 because I wasn't really into music at the time.
I don't recall being in to music either, but these days I find older songs I heard when I was little, and they're some of the catchiest stuff. Maybe it's because I heard it when I was little, or maybe it's just because they're really catchy.
Its over now old man. 4channel belongs to the zoomers now.
>kids are having fun doing something I don't understand, so I don't like it.
You have become what you hated Yea Forums
>family gets a computer with Internet in 2006
>write terrible Pokémon fanfiction on a public site
>burn it all years later
>doesn't come up on Wayback Machine when I look for it
There's probably still some cached version of it on the web but if I can't find it then it's unlikely for anyone else to find it. Feels good.
But they were always faggots.
You were alright all along.
isn't the Floss actually like a super rare dance emote to have nowadays?
>saying someone's a part of the actual master race
What'sth did'sth thou'st mean'eth by'yth thus't
Since the kid sued, yeah.
back to the top with you
I thought it was more like because you could only have attained it during a short period a few months before fortnite really blew up
have any of you ever flossed in public? one of my zoomer coworkers did this the other week at work.
Seriously, HOW do you even stop him now?
>psh notin personnel kid
Fortnite might be shit but hell they do know how to meme, I'm fucking mad (in a good way) just looking at that gif.
I can't floss real talk
Why is fire coming out of his ass?
Bald boomer BTFO by fortnite scrapper
he got buttblasted
>orange justice was battlepass exclusive
sieg heil
Do you our parents thought the same way about the robot that we do about the floss?
listen to this retard
Thanos is in MvC
orange justice was in the free pass tho....
10 years ago, IM1 was just coming out. Comic nerds would be amazed that a movie built up to having like 20 avengers onscreen, let alone having built up to Thanos after like 6 years
Remember when they used to make those jokes about cod4
He said that though
If you are gonna go to all the effort to make this why not put in the extra effort to avoid clipping issues.
>exactly a minuite apart
At least make it look like it might possibly have been organic