Dragon Quest IX

did you play the original? will you be playing the remake?

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It’s being remade?

What do you mean rema-

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Yeah I just played it a couple weeks ago
It was great

I'd love a remake honestly.
It'd be great if they added online functionality so you could drop in on friends or randos.

If they remove the bullshit map stuff and make the multiplayer more worthwhile, sure. I liked DQ9.

Source? Is it actually being remade?

Source right fucking now.

No because I dont play phone games

Also, yeah, last year bought a legit copy of it because I fucking love it.

For phones yeah, I dont think it was properly announced yet but they did confirm a few months ago they were working on a 9 phone version

I've tried it twice and I always ended up getting bored a few towns after getting the boat. The plot's a bit too aimless for its own good.

It’s not been confirmed, it was just something Square Enix said they were interested in.

This being said is buy it day one, IX was amazing. Can’t wait for swapping grottoes with you niggers

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How will all the end game stuff work? I remember a lot of it being inaccessible after the DS Wifi shut down.

It'll probably be a straight port then. The most we could hope for is improved online functionality, but it's more likely to be gutted than anything.

Very easily? the reason to bring it to phones is exactly to be able to replicate the streetpass experience of exchanging maps which became a sensation in Tokyo

Nah my money is on that they will remake it properly

Could be done with a free download from any App Store.
Not even that is truly needed, since all DQIX DLC was actually on cart. You could activate everything with a save game editor.

They will probably fuck up again the multiplayer experience in the west.

Is it at least in 4k HD full remake with online capabilities?

>Did you play the original
yes, one of the best DQ and definitely has one of the best postgames of any game
>Will you play the remake
I hope it is going to be for PC

But the grotto was what made it fun.

I really enjoyed the original

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Yes probably not but if they made it possible to be any starter class in the beginning I would.

aww man, i was hoping we'd get a proper remake and not a phone one. fucking loved ix


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Based, I'll be playing this for sure.
I've always thought 9 was criminally underated.

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I own it but never played it.
It depends on what the remake is for.