>start Dark Souls
>huh, this isn't that bad. I guess artificial difficulty was just a meme after all
>reach Blighttown
Okay fuck this game.
Start Dark Souls
git gud lmao
I upgraded a black knight halberd to plus 5 in anor londo and every boss from OnS onwards was fucking cake.
DS is only as hard as you make it
> black knight halberd
game is easy bro, just use cheats lmao
The only thing truly terrible about Blighttown is the framerate on consoles. Play it on PC and it's on par with the other areas.
Can't you just go around blight town if you need to?
Dark souls is a casual game and niggers complaining about it need to stop playing video games.
Just take off your armor and you can roll into everything. You piece of shit.
These games are only difficult due to trial and error level design and purposefully gimping yourself by not using good armor and equipment.
The fuck is this video? I-Is that shit in the bowl?
Chirst, I can't beleiv how many people have trouble with blighttown. It is not difficult you pleb. Almost all of the dartmen are easy as fuck to avoid, and even if you do somehow get toxic, just use a moss clump. Everything else in the area is the same as the rest of the game. Git gud.
I feel like my soul has been tainted further. thanks
>quits when reaching Blighttown
What the fuck is wrong with you? going down Blighttown is fucking easy, now if you were to quit when trying to make the nightmarish climb back up, then I could understand you.
what even happens in the video? like does the cat shit itself or something
Kill yourself.
>use speedrun strats to farm a build
>enjoy your op gear that it only took an hour to get
[Spoiler]This requires that you get gud first[/Spoiler]
you are a big fat nigger
>tfw played Dark Souls last month by the first time with no prior knowledgement of the series and finished it in two weeks
Is this ok? I heard that i kinda cheesed it by choosiing pyromancer
Is DK2 really bad?
Cope harder toxofag
Damn, I love cats but this is peak "reeeing" material, so saved.
DS2 isn't really bad, it just suffers from artificial difficulty, ugly ass graphics where you can't see shit since it's TOO dark, and bad hitboxes
Is that thing literally drowning in its own shit? Based
I pity Soulsbabies. They're the epitome of casuals. The player who got BTFO from fighting games and action games, but are ADHD kids so they can't play a proper rpg. So they flock to the garbage that is Souls. Just slow enough for them to follow, no insane execution required, no intelligence required to understand it's mechanics and "plot". But just enough action for them to get those dopamine highs. Every Souls thread turns into a rank list thread, no exceptions.
Hope you brought enough purple moss because I sure didn't
get the ring from the asylum