Surface tension > everything >interloper

Surface tension > everything >interloper

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Half Life is shit


xen is the best part of the game.
>most complex movement mechanics
>combination of grunts, slaves, and controllers require peerless skill to avoid attacks
>oozes alien atmosphere no other game has come close to

Questionable Ethics to Forget About Freeman was definitely the peak of HL1


yall remember natural selection?

that was a dope game

>on a rail above anything
try again

Give me the best half life speedrunner.

Most people hated it for the odd level design with its numerous platforming sections. I thought it was the climatic way to end the game and is quite underrated.

Correction, half life's FANBASE is shit.

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Only Blue Shift and Opposing Force made Xen interesting and enjoyable to play.

hell yeah, shame about 2

Anybody played Hostile Intent?

It was like CS done right.

I might replay the game over this thread.
>all the survival horror shit until We've got Hostiles
>Blast Pit ultimate kino ending
>power up being the same map you had to run over 3 times
>on a rail being over long and sobering, as you hear the guards talking about you
>apprehension is legit scary, youre back in this shit after getting out
>Residue processing is starting all over again
>Questionable Ethics is hands down the best part of the entire game

This and only this.

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Yeah, Xen is the best part and easily most interesting part of Half Life for me

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Half-Life 1 > Half-Life 2

Compared to?