>39 years old
>lives in a $70 million house
>not married
>no kids
What went wrong?
>39 years old
>lives in a $70 million house
>not married
>no kids
What went wrong?
Sounds ideal to me, user
>What went wrong?
Absolutely nothing
>not married
Why would he want to be a half billionaire while paying for someone else to live in a 70 million house?
Just needs to buy Yea Forums and then he is set.
one time he sent a message to me on twitch
Wrong? He is based as fuck and probably fucks some Stacie's from time to time
>his wife divorced him as soon as swedish law would give her his money
>marriage lasted one year and two days
Yet all he does is bitch on twitter. If you're a billionaire you're not allowed to be depressed.
He got lucky when Valve posted his little building game on the TF2 blog. Literally that's it.
I bet notch is in this thread
Holy shit, I didn’t know that Yea Forums was filled with delusional virgins and incels. Getting married and having kids is one of the biggest joys in life.
Didn't he already get divorced, that money will go quick with too many wives and frankly someone who looks like him and is rich can't trust the motives of women
Because he's socially awkward. Being socially adept is true wealth. It lets you have a good lifestyle even if you are poor, because your rich friends will give you money for free.
Yet here you are on Yea Forums
Why the fuck would he move to LA though. If I got 70 million dollars, I'd buy two nice but not needlessly large penthouses, one in each hemisphere. Then I could live in comfy winter all year around.
>ten million cameras and make her sign a hookup contract cause ain't no bitch hitting me with false rape charges
He got outplayed by a gold digger and is probably too seething to trust women ever again.
Success only breeds jealousy.
Having kids yeah
Getting married fuck no
Money wont save you from divorce. Jeff Bozo's ex wife is now the richest woman in the world thanks to divorce
You can do it in 20 years, let the man live his life
> I didn’t know that Yea Forums was filled with delusional virgins and incels.
I want you to read that back to yourself slowly.
> incel
Absolutely living the dream
>wealthy as fuck
>not married
>no kids
Living the dream.
>all that money and he didn’t invest some of it into crypto
Loooool, are you a fucking idiot.
Yeah, sure, I want my genetics in some offspring, although I couldn't give a shit about other humans.
He's living the fucking dream.
Not getting married was the second smartest thing he ever did with his life. Though he should consider getting a couple kids through artificial insemination and anonymous donor eggs.
money doesn't buy happiness. Markus, if you're in this thread, I'd recommend heading to church for some meaning. Call me a Christcuck, but none of us want you to Kurt-Cobain yourself
>Getting married and having kids is one of the biggest joys in life
Maybe in the 40s and 50s.
>39 years old
>billionaire from making a little indie project on Yea Forums over a few years
>lives in a $70 million house to do whatever he pleases
>not married because he understands it's a waste of time and money. If he wants pussy he can get any he wants with his money
>no kids because he understands the current society and world situation is not one fit for children
>based and sends redpills on twitter all day
>still makes games and shitposts on forums in his free time like the old days
nothing went wrong at all, he's literally what every Yea Forumsirgin aspires to be
You're retarded for both statements
I would happily never see another perspn again if I had a billion dollars to live on.
Fuck getting married. He should adopt some kids but not some ebola ridden nigglets. Some aryan kids.
Do you honestly think anything was going on behind the mind of a post that used incel?
>no wife
>no kids
no old friends
>needing to validate your undying love for the person you care about most by way of government recognition and paperwork
>wanting to endanger the one you love by having them shit out a parasite-person who is going to be a drain on your money, patience, and time for 18+ years
Why would you want to literally cuck yourself instead of living your life to the fullest?
Maybe in some other country but in the US you're taking a huge gamble when getting married. 40% - 50% national divorce rate.
fuck off with this bluepill
t. woman
having kids can be fun but they absorb all your free time and money.
Yeah, I bet that's what Notch said too. Now he spends all day failing to convince everyone that he isn't miserable.
>I want you to read that back to yourself slowly.
why? what is there to be realized or epiphanized?
LMFAO no it isn't. I enjoy my freedom, sir.
and remember
you mean for the entirety of human civilization?
Well, Kurt Cobain was quite addicted to heroin and had some serious issues from a fucked up childhood and what not, so you're sort of comparing apples and oranges.
Plenty of rich folk who are not satisfied with their lives despite all their wealth, but only a minority an hero due to the ennui or their depression.
The structure of society has changed.
Imagine if you were a girl. Would you marry him for any reason other than money?
crazy to think that just 1 million, or even 100,000 of his dollars would completely change my life. But him and ever other rich person would rather poor people slave away at McRonalds than give away 1% of the money they will never be able to spend. Fuck capitalism
I mean I already do that. Money can only improve my happiness.
>>no kids because he understands the current society and world situation is not one fit for children
cringiest post on this board right now
He should find a greater purpose, he has the time and resources to do great and meaningful work in the world. Redpilling the masses on important topics (globalist agenda, etc), something like that.
What's with the US and divorce? I thought it was one of the most socially conservative countries in the Western world?
There isn't a single western country I know about that doesn't fuck over the man in a divorce
Do women marry for any other reason than money?
All it would do is create another "billionaire woman" who can earn money only through divorce.
Kill yourself.
Marriage is a family new ritual actually. If you're married you might as well be religious. It's nothing but a legal binding nowadays. Been with my girlfriend for 20 years, and couldn't be happier. Our friends with kids can't even do anything social anymore.
What about Saudi Arabia?
I want a family, most women fucking dont. And I can assure you most if not all pretty women my age all want to ride the cock carousel right now and then marry some beta in her 30s while fat and having a bastard child.
What did he mean by this?
Yeah, this is it. The final incel post I can take for today. See you retards tomorrow.
I'm glad at least some of Yea Forums aren't marriagecucks. Women were a mistake.
Yea Forums keeps getting baited by the same tranny that comes and shitposts exactly the same shit it shitposted 700 posts before.
They just pretend they're conservative, in reality they're just as degenerate as yurop, even moreso, with all the hollywood pedophiles.
Disregard this. I don't know how to read.
Please be patient with me.
Not that I hate children, but it's really effective propaganda. It gives you a sense of accomplishment for something anybody can do, even lowest of the low 3rd word hut dwellers can do it, and it locks you into paying into the system for decades at a time.
>passing down le genes is a form of genetic immortality, a living legacy that you existed!
The generation after the zoomers wont even be allowed to make genetically un-altered children because it'll be seen as unethical to have a child with asthma,heart problems, low IQ, etc dooming them to being left behind by their peers.
No amount of money can cure neckbeardry.
Dude like him just can't get married, roasties are too fucking awful and the one time he did it he got burned. You'd think that putting up with a fat autist in exchange for living like a queen would be enough but for roasties it's still not enough...maybe he's REALLY shitty to live with but I doubt it, women are just so garbage they can't put up with any amount of inconveniences.
Likely he just bangs 10/10 prostitutes after making them sign contracts or whatever, that's what I'd do. If he's careful enough about it he doesn't even need to worry about contracts and shit because the chances of some random escort knowing who he is seems fairly low, he looks like the typical guy who would frequent escorts anyway.
Five minutes of pride and joy in a hospital room followed by endless years of suffering and regret
What would you do if you had such a room in your house Yea Forums?
Would you invite your friends over to play some video games on the screen on the wall and have a party?
notch is in this thread
>all these seething faggots trying to refute this obvious statement
>all stating that kids are a time and money commitmemt and they want to "live their lives"
>will simultaneously sperg out when becky says the same thing
the merchants guild won.
>Actually believes women are capable of loving
Lmao look at this faggot
How would you determine which 160 people would get 100k from him? What would make you deserve that 100k over anyone else?
he believes in Qanon
pretty sure he was donating like hundreds of dollars on brotes stream and calling out jews on twitter last time i heard him
Imagine being this spooked.
Everyone my age who has kids is completely depressing to interact with. They're all miserable and can never socialise. It's sad.
You're an idiot. Kids, women and marriage is not the answer. It's having passion. This passion can be for anything, including family and kids. But you need passion for something and he does not fucking have it.
>"Persson is a member of the Swedish chapter of Mensa."
>>No amount of money can cure autism.
I want a family but i would not marry
I'm married and have kids. Having kids is pretty great, but being married absolutely sucks.
Is this you?
>I didn’t know that Yea Forums was filled with delusional virgins and incels
I bet you didn't know water was wet either.
Who the fuck is Becky and why would I give a damn about what she thinks?
you shouldn't have kids while living and working in America if you don't have a stay-at-home mom or make at least $200,000 /year
This is the ideal situation imo.
Yes, fuck yes. I would also add a huge alcohol cabinet filled with every beer, wine, and spirit that every man could want
I don't have any friends.
If anything she got outplayed. He became a billionaire after the divorce. She lost out on a ton of money.
Because he's a talentless hack that did absolutely nothing but struck gold by plagiarizing infiniminer.
Notch got insanely lucky with Minecraft, yet he's an absolute turbo retard with no actual skills of any kind.
I have a hard time believing this.
It's like expecting one of us to get over the 120 hump.
It's probably because he's autistic as hell.
Getting married is basically saying 'please take all my shit and then some'.
>and he's a billionaire while you, me and most people on Yea Forums still live with their parents
Asperger's is a benign form of autism, and lots of smart, extremely focused and well-off people have it.
I'm just speculating, doesn't mean it's true. One doesn't mean ergo the other.
He is a "weird guy" that just happen to have a hit...nothing can fill the abyss between you and a normie once you spent enough time alone
>autistic fat neckbeard fedoralord that browses Yea Forums on a regular basis, especially Yea Forums and /pol/ is somehow an autistic retard too
gee user
>autistic for being correct
>get wake up blowjob from your one in your legion of Sexgoddess 5000 pleasurebots
>have pizza and ice cream for breakfast
>swim with dolphins in your private water park
>work some off that pizza by bending a maidbot over a table
>watch Marvel Avengers #300 [Subtitle] while skydivin
>play the most dangerous game
>go home, eat some lion steak while nutting into your Shiva series pleasurebot with infinite undulation memory material hydra pussy
>post on Yea Forums and send assasinbots for whoever won't stop derailing threads for shit you like
>do it all again tomorrow
God I want to be that fat fuck.
>wanting to not have any money
>wanting to live with human parasites that consume money by the hundreds
fuck no
i'd prefer a sad, lonely life then a stressful one
Ok Berniefag
Surprisingly reactionary for a Swede.
Became billionaire by being insanely lucky, not because he had any sort of skill.
I am not impressed nor envious, because i know he's a talentless hack that feels miserable 24/7.
I'm nowhere near his monetary wealth, but at least i'm not as miserable as him.
i'm sure it is, bro
t. AIDS-ridden povertynigger
>9999999 movies and stories talking about how christmas is more than just a expensive party, even without religious context
>Close to 0 movies teaching little girls that marriage should be more than a hole to burn truckloads of money in a very special day all about them that they will all DESERVE when they reach a certain age, or just a excuse to everyone in the flick to dance until the credits
Makes you think, right?
nice bait, mate
>fuck you
>pay me
sounds like heaven. hope he has in his will to burn all the money he has in front of poorfags.
Who says his life is stressful? He's not some CEO or an investment banker working atm. He literally invested in some real estate and is living off his bank account.
I for one mean it.
are you 12?
what the fuck Emma
>want kids
>have already seen the effects a bipolar fuckhead of a woman can do to the soul before, during, and after divorce of the wonderful man that is my father
Please make artificial wombs faster.
Americans are frequently sold unrealistic and idealistic views of life. In Europe, people tend to be a little more realistic (or, as we Americans think of it, pessimistic) about things. They know their spouse isn't going to be perfect, that their lives are sometimes going to suck, that they're not going to make as much money as they like, that their kids aren't going to turn out the way they wanted, etc. As a result, when hard times come, as they naturally do, the tendency is to weather the storm, rather than bail. In America, however, hardship is seen as a deviation from the norm, rather than part of it, and when one party in a marriage feels unsatisfied with their life the overwhelming tendency is for them to blame their spouse, regardless of what the real source of the dissatisfaction is. I should clarify that this particular motivation mostly applies to the middle class; for the lower classes, reasons for divorce usually involve more serious problems like drug abuse, domestic violence, and the strains of living under the steadily fattening weight of the American economy.
No, its just irresponsible these days.
This is weak bait. A shame so many bit.
Are you burned out and miserable?
>people think that marriage is about law
>people itt spewing the male equivalent of "i just want to find myself"
merchants guild charisma got too high. we need a balance patch for this shit.
>could travel across the world
>sits in his dank basement religiously browsing Twitter and being miserable
Autism is one hell of a life
I'll be your friend
>Getting married and having kids is one of the biggest joys in life.
If you're too much a failure to contribute anything to the world then yeah I guess missionary for 15 minutes is a great feat to accomplish.
Put me in the screencap
>implying this is what a depressed incel looks like
How do people who have over a million dollars become depressed? Sounds unfathomable.
Sounds like a smart man to me. Fucking whores always trying to get that alimony.
i think he has sex with hot people all the time, a model I have known for a long time said she (identifies as a man though?) went to a Halloween party at his house. There was a DJ and a shit ton of different activity rooms.
>the model is 23 years old (maybe 22 at the time)
>really slutty-ish in general and hangs with slut types
>it just makes me think....
I dont like Minecraft. but Notch but be a player. I can dig into my instagram DM history for details if need be, this was like 2 years ago or more maybe
>eat a plant based diet
>codeword for eat an unhealthy diet until you die 30 years earlier than the average population
>all these absolutely TRIGGERED autistic virgins
Kek, well played. Weird how notch threads brings them out like rats fleeing a sinking ship
God damn you must be stupid. Have fun always being poor, dumb ass.
Lmao at all the children in this thread
Goes to show even if an autistic retard gets wealth, they'll just squander it instead of bettering themselves. Notch is proof enough for me that my dreams of becoming a chad if I just had a lot of money are complete horseshit. I'd be as useless as he is.
>missionary for 15 minutes
>not prone bone for 30
Wish he told it to fuck itself, since no one will.
by realizing that money is an artificial construct that will NOT make you happy if you're a depressed neet
burn bright, angel
only to fall down to the abyss once again
Humans did it for hundreds of thousands of years. Hundreds of your ancestors did it user, how else did you come to be here, at this precise time and moment?
Lots of Africans are having missionary right now, and lots of babies will be born.
>How do people who have over a million dollars become depressed? Sounds unfathomable.
Money does virtually nothing to change your psychology. The amount of suffering you go through when poor is virtually the same amount of suffering you go through when rich. It's called the hedonistic treadmill.
My wife comes from a wealthy family and I lived in a trailer park as a kid.
Whoever wrote this is a cuck and a doormat
cuck: the picture
Why would he get married after the first time
So what you're saying is I should marry another man to further intensify our manliness? At all makes sense now.
Doesn't the production of an electric car leave behind a larger carbon footprint?
>literally doesn't have to work if he respawns 100 times after this
Your stupid and jelly are showing
>and lots of babies will be born.
and lots of babies will die because there are literally not enough resources on this earth to sustain the current population
You must be a handsome man
>Real men raise other's children
Why did you substitute "men" for "cucks"?
That's exactly the point, it's not hard to do. I would much rather have a gay genius like Alan Turing be born than a million average-IQ children.
>marriage isn't all about law
this isn't just wrong about this but pretty much every society on earth...if anything I think life would be really better if people threw the love farsade and went back to marrying just for heritage
Those candies rotted his brain
>is virtually the same amount of suffering you go through when rich. It's called the hedonistic treadmill.
how so? When I started to earn good money, I was able to afford more alcohol and unironically it makes me fall asleep at night, makes sex better, allows me to get through work and makes me happier unironically.
Greed is good. And the material satisfaction it brings makes me content and happy.
Please god notch buy Yea Forums, save us from Hiro.
Notch is living a life entirely unique to himself. He’s a fat nerd who gets to live lavishly for eternity because of a passion project.
Go on, list your great achievements since you're above taking pride in continuing your line, and partaking in white genocide.
He's also losing his fucking mind and depressed as fuck.
With his money I could be. Why? What would you do? If you're gonna lie and say cure cancer or some other dumb shit don't reply.
>several European countries with also high divorce rates
>not getting Amazonian raped for days "to make sure"
Getting married is the hell you go through to facilitate the joy of parenthood.
>A piece of land thats like 5 km long is in the top 3 of crude divorce rates
Except being rich gives you access to a lot more distractions it's still better
tranny newfag fuck off
The body is always seeking homeostasis. A happy night of drinking leads to a miserable morning.
>y-your j-jelly!1!!
It's good to see zoomers like you that did not remember Notch posting on Yea Forums when Minecraft was still in the infdev days.
We made his stupid game perfect.
We made it popular.
And all he did was throw come badly coded shit on java plagiarizing a game that was basically the same.
>game blows up among the normies
>suddenly he's a billionaire
Golly fucking gee, user.
every white man's dream
cry more whore
>Men will raise someone else's
20 buckaroos this was made by a single mother.
burn it all down
money is the opiate of the paesants
My only good trait is my height. I’m 6’2, incels don’t understand the issue isn’t women it’s their childish demeanor.
That’s not to say all women are garbage, I’d say a majority of American and European women are, but there are women out there with good upbringing and actual values.
>Yea Forums cries about "tfw no gf"
> lol fucking virgin incels
>Yea Forums doesn't want a gf
> lol fuckin virgin incels
A woman wrote this.
you'll never accumulate his wealth no matter how hard you try in life
cry more
So what? The people with those bad genes don't deserve to continue.
the election ruined this board. please go back.
>Stopped working
>Isolated himself from friends
>Spend all time on twitter
He clearly is on the way of suicide soon
He's too smart to get married, a women would no doubt leave within a year with half his monies
He probably just bangs really expensive whores
>be notch
>get married to some roastie
>she insta divorces you, takes your kid and half your 2 billion dollar estate
Notch is smart to stay the fuck away from women.
And good for him staying anonymous. We're all equal here in the devil's anus.
>women complain about the unrealistic expectations of men
>yet they have the exact same unrealistic expectations
he should kill himself. he's a piece of shit and won't improve.
Holy stupid.
I don't give a fuck.
Stay mad, you fat swedish bastard.
I'll gladly uncork a good one once your suicide makes the national news.
I thought they never had kids. Did he seriously have a kid in the span of a year and a half of marriage?
>site goes down
>never gets back up
Not to mention he's a sucker for bootlickers stroking his ego and would make anyone a mod, especially 8cucks
10/10 bait. I actually laughed.
>>not married
>>no kids
gee I wonder if a rostie is behind this
Russia and a lot of other ex-Soviet countries have the "Soviet male" problem. Basically, in the aftermath of WW2, so many men had died that the few men who were left were greatly in-demand, that they got to act like huge assholes and they'd still get wives. As a result, existing attitudes of men being superior to women were hugely exacerbated. In other words, men treating women like absolute shit became the norm, so seeing a ton of divorces in those countries doesn't surprise me. No idea what's going on in Belgium though.
>woman may take his money so he bangs expensive whores
absolute state of Yea Forums
zooooom zooooooom zoooooooooom
What an utterly useless chart.
Out of what, 100? The entire population?
>i don't care
>proceeds to shitpost in thread
Plenty of people on Yea Forums have jobs and lives on their own. Most come here to let off steam and call people like you a faggot.
>tfw notch is probably in here
>he could buy Yea Forums and save us from gookmoot
>but he won't save us from this hell
>we're truly here forever
wake me up from this nightmare