just started with devil may cry, beginning with DMC 3.
what am I in for? also how do I use royal guard?
just started with devil may cry, beginning with DMC 3.
what am I in for? also how do I use royal guard?
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>what am I in for
Feels and style
Royalguard isn't a good style to start with since it's reliant on you knowing attack patterns and timing. Start with Swordmaster for the most fun.
You're in for a good time. Just don't spam moves - get creative and juggle enemies. 3 is a fine place to start, since 1 is kinda jank and can turn people off from the series. 3 is the most like the modern games.
Use the style button to block attacks. If you time it correctly, You mitigate all the damage. Do it incorrectly and you'll take a bit of damage and it'll break your guard.
Stop and play 2 instead
Swordmaster and Level 2 Trickster are going to be your best friend throughout the game. Trickster is helpful against Beowulf and a few other bosses.
Isn't the window for RG 100ms or something silly like that?
Regardless, the best RG bosses are Agni+Rudra, all the Vergils, Beowulf, and Doppelganger.
>what am I in for?
A great fucking game.
>also how do I use royal guard?
I agree with user suggesting to use Swordmaster instead, but generally, you should remember that both royal block and release have uncomfortably tight timing. However, against bigger attacks you can make things easier by rolling/jumping into them first and then immediately blocking/releasing. This way you'll be canceling the initial invulnerability frames of jump/roll directly into the corresponding Royal variant of the move.
they told me 3 and 4 are the core games.
>skipping DMC1
he's just shilling
aight I'll change to swordmaster instead.
this, stop playing 3 immediately and play 1 first, it's not that long.
Fuck dmc1. The series started with 3 as far as I'm concerned.
No. DMC3 is the best way to be introduced to the series.
DMC1 isn't that dated to be unplayable after DMC3.
Start with 1 you fuck
I still feel that it's clunky enough with the camera angles that someone whos played 3 first might be put off by it and not play it
let me try to figure out the game first dude, this fucker already killed me 5 times.
To be honest, DMC3 has a pretty bad camera anyway. Even DMC4 is far from being perfect, so DMC1 fits right in there.
Hell, Bayonetta has a complete utter fucking garbage of camera and people still play it just fine.
Man, I love mission 2. It's still fun to just go in there and kill shit.
Remember that jumping has i-frames on the startup. After the grim reaper dude blocks attacks and reels backwards, he'll always follow up with a slash; you can completely mitigate this by just jumping in the air after the deflection to get some free hits on him.
>how do I use royal guard?
You have to press circle button
1 is nice to, it just is a little jank
1 is good. Enemy design is still the best in that game. They can't mix enemies in the same room so every enemy has a range and melee attack. Marrionettes are still the best enemy that is a non boss in the series just for it's moveset. This is something I've wanted in Itsuno DMC games for a long time now.
It's okay. Just don't drop the game on the next boss - it's the biggest scrub filter I've ever encountered.
DMC3 was my introduction to the genre, so I died 5+ times on almost every boss. I also was playing on Yellow mode because that sounded easier than Gold...
This is true. I'd say to stick to it until you get to the first Vergi fight in mission 7. If you're not feeling it after beating him, the game - and the series - are probably not for you.
Tell him to learn how to switch target lock on. You can do it while moving in DMC3 so I don't know why it's not in 4 or 5.
why would I drop this game? Its getting real fun.
Swordmaster against Beowulf is great at well. Use circle to smack the cages back and get a small healing or out of them.
Make sure you get Trickster 3 before facing Vergil for the last time. It'll make your life alot easier.
>Enemy design is still the best in that game
No, that's DMC4.
DMC1 had the best enemy concepts which are evident by the enemies being good enough to reuse even in the modern games.
However, game-design wise, There's plenty of shit design decisions made for DMC1 enemies.
Marionettes are the most powerful "basic" enemy the series have, but they aren't that great on their own. Non-telegraphed attacks out of the LoS aren't an example of "good design", and the fact they're universally encountered on their own means the player eventually just starts fighting them in a way that prevents them from using any of their extensive moveset, essentially bypassing them as a threat entirely - which is a reoccurring problem with almost all DMC1 enemies.
*blocks your path*
>starting with DMC3
Cheers, user. Welcome to the party.
Hope to fight along you in DMC5, if the coop works right.
Remember to never ever use items. It's a crutch that serves no purpose because it will always fuck your ranking.
Don't even know how to use them
*blocks his path*
Fuck Bayonetta, seriously.
I gave up on replaying missions over and over again and started "brewing" lollipops.
>tfw can't wait for popular streamers to play DMC 3 or 1 and see them struggle.
really want to see a DMC 3 stream made by someone that never played it before
>that DMC3 Cerberus fight music in the intro cutscene
All hype.
Rember that time a soulsborn player played dmc3 and hated the cutscences
I keep trying to get into this series but it never clicks for me. Starting with 1 of course. I was wander around the castle solving shitty puzzles while enemies respawn.
And the jumping is weird, I'll hammer at a wall for a solid minute and just assume I cant get up there and then all of a sudden I make it? It doesnt seem consistent.
I tried it on the PS2, PS3, and PS4. I sold back the PS2 and PS3 versions. Well not back I used Ebay of course.
How do I understand this game because it feels like I'm missing out.
He spammed Stinger, too.
Damn shame. I love those games, but DMC is played so differently from other games that people really can't grasp what the goal of the game is when the first jump into it.
It's not to kill things with damage - it's to purposefully be "extra" for style points. Spamming Stinger is very effective, but it's certainly not cool.
Not gonna watch it. A couple of the reviews had short King Cerb clips, that's enough for me. One of the reviews pissed me off because it spoiled a boss I had anticipated but had not confirmed.
Well game crashed when alt+enter and didn't save. But now I know how to beat that fucker.
Try DMC3. DMC1 is jank and a bit odd, and you can honestly appreciate everything it does more if you play it after DMC3 - unless it hooks you at first. In this case, it didn't, so you might as well give DMC3 a shot, since it's much more combat focused and not so heavy on puzzles.
LobosJr. Yeah, that was bad. Sad, because his Souls playthroughs are really comfy.
is this the non shitpost thread bros
You could make it that.
I think DMC3's camera is often more annoying than DMC1's, at least during certain boss fights. I don't think either game has a great camera.
Is this V's alt costume?
Mod it in and we'll see.
Trickster is the best novice style
Tier 3 is pretty neat
Just time your blocks bro. Also swordmaster is the most fun and useful style.
>what am I in for?
A shit game
4 way the only good one
Just remember, you aren't a casual until you give up.
I just got to doggy and he killed me, didn't know I had to replay the whole level tho, kinda trash but oh well.
Guess I'm gay now.
A damn good time. Swordmaster is best for the second boss since you don't have a large arsenal yet and it's the only way to have a mid-air attack combo.
>Try the DMC5 demo, even though I don't normally like demos
>I died to the boss and nearly died again before I beat him
God how much shittier did I get in half a year?
DMC1 is a shitty game, don't let anyone tell you otherwise
Are you playing on Yellow, my man?
Play on Gold so that the boss rush level at the end of the game doesn't cuck you out of an hour of your life. Yellow makes it so you need to restart the level if you die - Gold sets you to a checkpoint.
I still fucking struggle with Cerberus and I don't know why I find him so difficult. You'll get a new weapons soon enough, make sure to upgrade the Revolver attack it has, it's pretty fucking good and looks cool.
>mfw I beat him by the skin of my teeth
I immediately deleted the demo, then went back and replayed the whole series, which I hadn't played in a decade. When I download the game tomorrow night, I think I'll do a bit better.
oh shit.
Let me give it one more try and if I fail I restart with gold difficulty.
Yea. You're still early enough in that restarting is painless, so you might as well do it now. Especially if you're new, you're gonna die a lot.
Yellow can definitely be a fun challenge after you beat it, though, since you retain all your upgrades and weapons when you move up difficulties.
I used to argue against Gold Mode because the original American release only had Yellow Mode, but all of the other games use Gold Mode now, so it's fine. Just remember when the game asks you if you want to use a gold orb, say no. It's an item use and cheapens the boss.
>I still fucking struggle with Cerberus and I don't know why I find him so difficult.
I find the camera in that fight makes it hard to judge distance. It's so obsessed with the smell of Dante's metro asshole it can be more difficult than usual to avoid shit.
The American release gave you Japanese Hard as its Normal. I know some players find fun in punishing difficulty, but vanilla US DMC3 should never be held as a standard.
How did Cerberus become such a scrub filter?
I got up to date on the series last year and even then, I saw you could just chill on the left side of the area and just light him up with guns and run up the wall to avoid his attacks.
I liked how I could use the same tactics on all difficulties with relative ease
Guns are boring as shit to use as a primary damage-dealer and you can technically cheese every enemy with them but at the cost of your humanity and enjoyment.
Most players try to go in for melee, only to find that unless you're really good at Trickster dodges or Royal Guard blocks, you're gonna eat shit real fast. Cerberus is kind of a weird brick wall in that a lot of people know the more bigger or nimble battles, but here's a fight that is more about dodging shit and shooting back. First-time players will get reckless and get curbstomped because everything up to this point let you slash and shoot pretty recklessly.
I should know, I just beat him with pistol spam 20 minutes ago after a first run with RG and sword use didn't work out.
He probably he has the fastest tells that you don't notice when you aren't use to it. His paw swipes are dangerous. They have fast startup. His charge makes him shake and move back abit but it's not completely obvious. His frost breath on the ground's range is hard to gauge and poeple don't realize shooting guns in midair slows your descent. Putting him at mission 3 is pretty brutal but makes the whole game easier since you realize how the game plays.
I just started playing 1 the other day. How long is this game? Last level I beat was the ghost pirate ship.
2-3 hours more. Somewhere around that range. DMC1 is short.
DMC1 is extremely short. You're actually pretty close to the end.
It's one of those games that's made to be replayed and screwed around with, like all the other games in the series, actually. You can beat the entire game in about 3 hours if you know where you're going, and that's without using speedrun tech - that's just moving quickly.
i'll bite. it's really not, the series was in it's infancy
it came out in 2001 for fuck's sake. perfectly ok for the time
Ok, cool. That's about how long it took to get to that point.
I think I like that. Beating this game in one sitting seems like a great way to spend an afternoon.
DmC has okay gameplay, and the Definitive Edition improves it just a smidgen, i'd go so far as to say that DE is better than DMC1 and 2. Nothing can fix that plot though.
It's still good. I don't like being attacked offscreen, Griffon, or the camera in Nightmare 3 but it still a great game. It's a pretty balanced game.
The game has 23 missions, and as you've noticed some are boss only. That should give you an idea.
seriously user, once you play the game a few times and learn how to easily build DT and lv2 stinger/DT run everywhere, you'll have runs around the one hour mark
>mfw when I found out how quick Royal Guard + Spiral built up my stylish meter when yeeting Cerb
Being attacked offscreen doesn't usually matter because the sound tells are great. Griffon 2 is shit, I'll give you, but 1 and 3 are great fights. Nightmare 3 isn't any more of a problem than 1 or 2 if you know how the cores work, but he's always a cunt on your first run.
Because the game encourages melee. Ebony and Ivory and the shotgun don't really do as much damage as Rebellion, so people will feel more inclined to get in close.
I must've played DMC1 over 50 times and Griffon, during Griffon 3 always get caught on the bridge, fucking the camera to high hell. is this supposed to happen or what, Griffon 3's 1st phase ruins it
Yeah, the camera can fuck itself a bit in phase 1, but phase 1 lasts for all of 30 seconds, so it's not a big deal.
man rolling is so hard, any tips?
Jump. Rolling is situational. Jumping is the go-to dodge.
DMC2 might be more your speed user
Having to input direction based on where Dante is standing and not just standard based on the camera is kinda hard to get used to at first, but once you play DMC long enough it's like second nature. You can also jump to dodge, since it has i-frames at the start.
>Just started
>Plays 3rd game
Don't roll. Jump. There are only certain attacks you need to roll.
>he doesn't start games by the third entry.
I guess I will since I still have the collection, thanks.
>want to play DMC5
>feel like I need to play the previous ones
fuck, why do I wait til the last minute to do this
did the same for KH3 and never ended up playing anything
nude mode is
You are free to start with any game you want, but playing 1 genuinely helps understanding the challenges from 3.
You need to play 1, 3, and 4. They're all short. They're each 8-12 hours long depending on how fast you're grasping things. It's worth it. They're all fun, and it'll let you understand all of the callbacks in 5.
Jump into it if you like. There's a video catching you up. I actually prefer it since the game would be more challenging that way. Come back to the other games if you like it.
jumping gives i-frames as well
lock-on and move to the side, then jump, you get used to it but it can be awkward since it depends on where you are and where the enemy you lock on to is. if you want more evasive/defensive options you got to use trickster or royalguard. royalguard is advanced but mission 2 is good practice, especially hell vanguard, he becomes fun to just absolutely destroy with rg. you'll probably still want to stick with swordmaster since royalguard's timing for a perfect block is only 6 frames (100ms, 1/10 of a second)
also listen for audio cues, most attacks that could come from offscreen (like the red enemies) have audio cues. if you get used to the timing for each attacks audio cue, you can dodge them without even looking
start with DMC1, but I will say I'm sorry in advance for putting you through mundus if you do play 1, but here's a great commentary on DMC1:
I want a combo webm thread.