The only game since HGSS that lets Pokemon follow is a Kanto remake with only a little over 151 being able to follow you

>The only game since HGSS that lets Pokemon follow is a Kanto remake with only a little over 151 being able to follow you
>Yo-kai Watch 2 and 3 let every single Yo-kai you befriend follow you. Up to 698 different choices.

Come on GameFreak, you're being upstaged by a company that clearly doesn't have its shit together

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Other urls found in this thread:


>698 Yokai all have unique attack animations, guarding animations, technique animations, inspirit animations, soultimate animations, walking and running animations, and four or five different victory poses
>meanwhile in Let's Go the 153 pokemon can't even be assed to have attack animations

how many bait threads are you gonna make?
This is like the fourth one you made today

He just wants to discuss the game m8, Yea Forums just don't care about the franchise tho a real shame since the games are good.

Every gamer deserves to see what's in the Y Files

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Have fun with your recolors

>Game is good
>The combat is shit
at least Pokemon got the gameplay right

People aren't playing YKW for long, drawn out strategic rock-paper-scissors turn based combat.

It's more about coaching the team and making sure you have the right players on the field.

Also you can have any yokai, they don't have to be in your party
post your bros

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I love 3's gameplay but 2's story just seemed so much better. There was no moment in 3 that was comparable to visiting old springdale.

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>every single new pokemon game that comes out is met with "it's okay but there's literally no fucking postgame"
>meanwhile YW3 has literally more content than every 3DS pokemon title put together

Not everyone is playing Pokemon for the competitive I'm just saying the game play fucking shit, commanding your characters is RPGs 101

keep in mind that pic related is pokemon's fanbase. they literally don't care about postgame. they'd still buy the games even if the credits rolled after they press start.

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n o s t a l g i a
is a hell of drug

Yokai watch gen wars NOW

>super cool, Devilman-esque design
>ability makes him randomly fuck off and not come back for the rest of the battle

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Aren't there like 200 unique Yokai and 498 recolors though?

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all the (you)s that retard got were other fans calling him a dumbass though.

sure, but the sales figures of pokemon's recent games show that brainlets like that guy are in the majority.

Probably, 50 percent of those recolor are variations of Jibanyan as well.

Have a look for yourself

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3's shitty gun is such a downgrade from poking the Yokai for affection in 2
Just let me fucking pick whether it goes into Friend Mode or Foe Mode so I don't have to stall for ten years for it to refresh until I get Friend Mode

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I will say as someone who enjoys both 2 and 3, 2's pacing was overall much better. 3 feels like it can really drag on at certain parts, especially considering you don't get the actual Mirapo until chapter 5. Also having your story be cut between two characters where you don't merge until chapter 6 can have some drawbacks. I got Nate super fucking strong early on because of Blasters T, but Hailey was always struggling with shit, and I honestly think that's the reason her content is considerably easier, because she has less options.

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Hailey gets more Yokai friends with Cupistol. And if you use QR codes to get coins you can have a much stronger team before chapter 6.

Are QR codes cheat codes? Should they be avoided until after you complete the 3 story?

sorry, i dont play fujomon

If you're patient and know about him, you can get Snartle almost immediately as Hailey, all you need is to recruit one of those little pointy chestnut-looking dudes in Sparkopolis and use it, Treeter and Usapyon to inspirit spam him to death. It only took me like ten tries to actually recruit him even with no friendship ups.

>Are QR codes cheat codes?
Nah, they're available to everyone from the get-go and getting good Yokai from coins is more of a luck of the draw than anything else. If you want to consider it cheating then go right ahead, you can also get the Yokai from the coins but only put them on your team when you unlock the Watch rank applicable (So if you get a B it "unlocks" B tier Crank-a-kai Yokai for you).

It's sort of like asking if Wonder Trade is cheating, ultimately it's your decision if it is or not because you can get good stuff from that as well.

there's like a million recolors in yokai watch dude don't get ahead of yourself. other than that though the franchise seems to be constantly improving with each iteration. wish I could say the same about pokemon

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unfortunate that a few redditors decided it was cheating and got them all taken down

>Are QR codes cheating

Honestly the Yokai Watch Dream is so fucking busted that you can one-shot shit like Jibanyan S, before he can even do anything, and if you played Blasters T at all you'll have a Forbidden Fruit to use on him.

>there's like a million recolors in yokai watch dude
Pokemon literally has recolors too, enough with the double standards.

but it's true that bombarding a game with content isnt necessarily good

Do whatever you like, I personally always play with the self-imposed restrictions of not using any Yokai higher than my current watch rank, and not using S-ranks at all until postgame. It keeps the game's difficulty a bit more balanced. I also didn't use the Yokai Watch Dream's blaster to damage bosses or harder yokai fights at all because that thing is retarded.

>been trying for too damn long I stopped counting the tried
>tfw no Snartle friend

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I've got an old 3ds xl and I'm fucking loving 3 (except why couldn't I pick Katie over Nate goddamnit) but good FUCK do the minigames drop frames. Blasters T, Zombie night, Terror Time, even the goddamn raft isn't great. I managed the second instance of Zombies yesterday but Blasters T honestly feels unplayable.

New 3DS works great!

Blasters T doesn't really need 60 FPS to be playable but I'll agree that it's really fucking bad frame-wise.
Also you can kind of be Katie in a few sidequests.

also tfw no /ss/ Zombie Night doujins

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>Super cool lion samurai
>Incredibly strong and able to equip two items
>Skill makes it so he just stands around for one to two turns

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Equippable item that suppresses a Yo-kai's skill WHEN

Yeah the Katies sidequests were what made me pine for her. She seems pretty good as a yokai though.

Glad to hear it, honestly didn't realize it had that much more horsepower.

Honestly that might end up being too busted. I'm pretty sure that they removed the Soldier's Soul in 3 because negating all loafing is just too powerful.

>also tfw no /ss/ Zombie Night doujins

What's her name?

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>because negating all loafing is just too powerful.
Aren't there a bunch of Yokai that do this, like Faux Kappa/Tigappa?

I believe so, but that's an entire slot dedicated to one specific Yokai in your party. It's like how Sgt. Burly got nerfed to hell in 3.

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>they have every single pokemon modeled
>SS trailer shows no following Pokemon
I'm so tired of GF.

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I got that mask nigger with two swords in Yokai Watch 1 incredibly early and he completely broke the game for me. Sraggle? Snaggle? Can't remember his name.

It's fun to feel OVERPOWERED
no one wants to get punished for playing a game

>Flying Pokemon still just awkwardly hover in the air despite there existing basic idle animations for them
>Still using the same sound effects for like a decade now
Not sure why people still expect any amount of quality from GF.

The Zombie Night doc? Francesca Stein/Riri Furanshi

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>Red Room from Twin Peaks
What other 90s stuff did they include? Also is Level 5 trying to make Japanese kids watch these shows because good on them.

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>I have to go now, my planet needs me
>Note: Hailey died on the way back to her home planet

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>Francesca Stein

Her favorite food is Caramel Peanuts.
She wears the same perfume her mother wore.
She hasn't seen her dad in 10 years.
She made the Whomper from parts she ordered online.
She finds Necromutt annoying.
She likes to make candy in her spare time.

In most languages, her name is a reference to Frankenstein.

Attached: Francesca.jpg (993x2187, 324K)

The Spewacopter was such a bad idea, honestly about the only thing in 3 that I outright do not like

>that Kimi no Nawa parody but the Koma brothers play the protagonists
What did they mean by this?

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>Star Burger is love! Star Burger is life!
What did they mean by THIS?

What do you call these two FBY agents?

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Thanks for reminding me of cookie clicker

Blunder and Folly

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Rounder and Squarely

>Blunder and Folly

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>Reference to Ashita no Joe
>Renamed to a Rocky reference

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Spewcopter and Dream Blaster are both garbage.
>did the tutorial quest for the copter and laughed at how it was veering around wildly
>funny joke, now I get him the candy and he'll fly normally, right?
>mfw finishing the quest

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YW is so lame that its boosters here always to use Pokemon to bait replies.

That's acceptable.

give him shrooms
give him shrooms
shroom him shrooms

>Ashita no Joe
What's this?

Dream Blaster would be better if you could just choose what you wanted to make it do. Instead you just have to kinda let it run out of time if it lands on something you didn't want. It should be that tribes determine whether you'll have more a chance to shoot hearts than damage.

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I didn't say it was a bad thing, user. There's a reason I called him my bro.

Yokai Watch has a nut shota game so I can't really complain.

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>Dad's trophy

It should just be "pick friend mode or foe mode" and give it an RNG chance to activate the "super" mode if you HAVE to have RNG in it somewhere.
needing to have a stall team when recruiting Yokai just to wait for the blaster to refresh because you get foe mode 4 times in a row is horrible.

More like Yea Forums is so lame that you have to start a thread with bait to get replies.

Honestly I feel like they just tried to balance out befriending in this game with the Forbidden Fruits. It can take some time farming them, especially when you aren't get Clu-T-Facts, but it's still worth it in the end. Still, you'll ultimately need dozens of them. Even with having a Popularity Yokai with the Superstar Soul, feeding them the best version of their favorite food, and maxing out hearts, I'll still end up not getting Yokai. At that point it needs to be a guaranteed chance.

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Popularity and Superstar Soul don't stack iirc, but I've been feeding the superheroes the best version of their favorite food, using the befriending aura and a popularity yokai, maxing them with the blaster and sometimes even getting heart wisps and after a week of doing that daily to all of them I've still only recruited one. The rate practically demands you use fruit on anything remotely rare to fight like the Merican Legends.

I love these games but imo a big part of the reason they've never really caught on over here is the ridiculous obtuseness of the 'catching' mechanics. Shit's dumb.

being honest they should implement something like the dexnav in oras the more you figth certain enemies more probability to get it

I dropped blasters because of the retarded RNG

That's party of the "mystery" of Yo-kai.

Humans can never understand ghosts.

Obsessive compulsive collectors can relax and enjoy the experience.

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I'm not even obsessive-compulsive though, it just gets mechanically obnoxious after long enough.

And if they're supposed to feel 'mysterious' the devs could probably do a better job making that the case instead of a really basic rng.

>some mynyan parts require you to win online battles
i'm not going to be killed over and over again by sadists with 2 sun god enmas

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Fairly certain that Popularity/Superstar have always stacked, don't know where you heard that, but there's no real good way of actually testing this sadly. I'm Sushi/Justice, and I can use Forbidden Fruits on everyone except D-Stroy, which doesn't really make any sense. I guess he befriends you after the battle like the Onis in 2.

I'm not surprised. In Pokemon it's as simple as just throwing a ball and you'll know no matter what if you catch it that's the end of that. I can definitely see people getting turned off by it, and honestly I would not be upset if they downsized the amount of food items or made it much more simple in 4. I understand that you aren't catching them but earning their trust and befriending them, but still. It can be very frustrating for kids that they don't understand why they can't just get a cool looking Yokai.

If you keep donating to the shrine at Mt Wildwood then you'll sometimes get it where it'll say that you'll make more friends, so there's that, but yeah.

but they don't stack, it even says in the game that superstar souls and popularity don't stack through kainet

Keep throwing money in there to fight Greesel who's an auto befriend.

Who has best art?

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>Still very little info about 4 in general

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>>Still very little info about 4 in general
Imagine a World Wide Release for 4

Is this the best option?

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It would definitely put western fans worries at ease. Even if it was delayed by a month it'd still be acceptable, rather than having to wait fucking 3 years like we had to with 3, which in that time WibWob died and I guess they just said fuck it, don't make a new mobile game for people like us.

Yeah it's not entirely reassuring. There's clearly a game there, but hearing about shit like a bunch of employees leaving Level 5 plus the delays is a bit concerning.

Yes, but I doubt they'd be able to pull it off.

>but hearing about shit like a bunch of employees leaving Level 5 plus the delays is a bit concerning.
Don't pay attention to meme articles.

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Every company has layoffs and re-structure-ings.

Enmas were a mistake
Though I guess if they didn't exist online would still be Shogunyan + Gleam city, or just Shogunyan + Last Nyanmurai now

>Yes, but I doubt they'd be able to pull it off.

I believe it's possible!

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>game doesn't tell you that you can only get the gysahl greens as Nate even though you can pick up the quest before you unlock that

Is it a bug I got it too early or a mistranslation? 3's loalization overall feels unpolished.

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The localization seems _okay_ most of the time.

My only annoyance is when words are shortened with a period.

There are a TON of minor misspellings and oversights in the english script, nothing dealbreaking but they really needed to have someone go over everything one last time.

It's definitely really weird. I had my suspicions early on that you'd be able to travel from one continent to the other as a single character, but the game kept implying it over and over again and sure enough it finally happened.
>Accept quest to find 46 pictures from that fat weeb
>Start finding them in BBQ

How are the localizations in the games overall? Any censorship?

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Most yokai (aside from the fucking nyans and some outliers) have only one recolor, that's kind of the standard.

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Can i start at yokai watch 3, or do i need to play them in order?

as far as I know the only stuff that's been censored in the games was the Busters stuff being changed to prevent a lawsuit since it's all direct Ghostbusters references
They even poke fun at that in 3 at one point
>"We're the Blasters, not the Busters! Get it right!"

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The answer depends on how much of the anime you've watched.

Buy physical copy of 3 before it disappears if you need a physical copy.

>BBQ shopkeepers saying HEWWDY

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>love yokai watch
>hate the south, southern accents, cowboys, howdy, y'all, fucking all of it

the bbq portions trigger me

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now that they're likely going to be in 4, which one is your favorite?

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As someone who actually lives in the south it's fucking hilarious to me

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Yokai of the wild when?

Post your yokai husbando

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>the bbq portions trigger me


It could have been _different_

All snartle variations are top tier

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Ever since the first game

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2 is basically a recap of 1 and an overall better game, Psychic Specters is the definitive version from this
with 3, there's things like characters and environments that would be more special if you played either of the first two. that said, if you're only going to get one game, this one has more content and a (subjectively) better battle system

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the dub can't really settle on a voice for him but whatever

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He has the saddest backstory between all of them, all he wanted to do was care for orphans but instead he gets thrown in jail

Japan's most crazy stereotypes about us are the most flattering. Though I'd appreciate it if this game quits with the food, it gets me so hungry.

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>it gets me so hungry.

I enjoy being roasted by the Japanese