Is it really worth playing all 6, or are they all really similar?

Is it really worth playing all 6, or are they all really similar?

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at least 3-4 of them are worth playing

1 and 4 are skippable. They aren’t bad, but they aren’t as good as the others in the series.

2 and 3 are absolutely fucking god tier.

5 and 6 are a step down from 2 and 3, but still excellent. Some people like these more than 2/3 though.

Star Force is also worth playing if you really like the series and want more. 1 is decently good, 2 is kinda annoying, and 3 is excellent

Play 1 if only for the introduction to the series
2 and 3 are essential and godlike
4 is shit like 1 but 5 is a direct continuation of 4 so at least one playthrough is good
5 is hit or miss depending on if you like liberation missions. I liked them a lot
6 is godlike and on par with 3

As it turns out, I already played star force 1 when I was younger.
I definitely enjoyed the gameplay, I think I’ll follow your advice then do star force 2/3 if I want to play more.
Thanks for the advice


3 is great, play blue version

>5 and 6 are a step down from 2 and 3, but still excellent. Some people like these more than 2/3 though.
I'm one of those people. 5 had liberation matches which were plenty of fun, and 6 had puzzles that were kind enough to turn off random encounters and fusions that don't waste your chips every time.

such a legendary series, I wish there was a mainline console effort

What versions would you do for 4/5/6?

This is a well rounded post. I even liked 6 more than 3 and you're correct.

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For 5 it's definitely the DS version

I went:
3 Blue
4 Blue Moon
5 Colonel
6 Falzar

Only two I can say without a doubt that you should play are 3 Blue and 5 Double Team DS

4 and 6 don't really matter too much. For 5, go the Double Team DS and pick Team Colonel

why would you make a thread that is literally the same you made moments ago?

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Play 3, 4 and 6. Drop the rest.

>Skipping 2
>Skipping 5
>Recommending 4 over 2 and 5

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I enjoy 1, personally, but it's one that I'd definitely play first because it's a bit frustrating coming back to it after the quality of life improvements from 2 on if nothing else.

Definitely can give the post-game stuff a pass or cheat the chips, though, it's not like it's thrilling material to slog to the deepest internet zones and bum around for hours trying to get Pharaohman's drops.

>1 is decently good
Dude, fuck Star Force 1. I got to the final boss or 2 and 3, but I got to the trash section of 1 to find the lost green dudes in the trash, and even tho the orb was flashing red, which meant I was close, I pressed a everywhere, and non popped out. Fuck that game.

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Star Force 1 was comfy. The hell are you on about

It's good. I'm just still salty after a decade of that dumpster section in the game.

I played it up until 5 nad got bored of it. Souls and Darkchips arent as fun to use as styles and the games just kept getting more samey. I was going through the motions up until 5 and skipping dialog, so I decided to stop and play the other Mega man series and go back to finish 6 when I'm not as worn out.
So far Zero > X > Classic > Network. Don't know if Legends Zx or Star Force are any good

I also recommend Double team DS. Which it's even better since you can get some unique crosses based on what you have in the GBA slot. Boktai 1/2 gives you Sol cross which is personally my favorite, and iirc a completed save of either or for the GBA gives a different form of Bass cross which has unique charges.

>recommending 4 for any reason whatsoever

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Never understood why people consider 2 and 3 the height of the series. 6 blows them out of the water by a longshot.

>1 and 4 are skippable
Aside from the fact that the events in 2,3 and 4,5 don't make any goddamn sense without playing those games, both titles are absurdly easy to exploit. Fucking pleb opinion, top to bottom.
>5 and 6 are a step down from 2 and 3
6 is the most mechanically perfected title in the series. 5 is legitimately slowed down by the stupid strategy zones but the core netbattling aspect is fucking lightyears faster than anything in 2 or 3.

It's like you people don't even think about how actually good the Megaman Battle Network series is. Fashion Punk faggots

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Nobody played 6 after the shitshow that was 4 and 5

I don’t dislike you user, because the fact that you like the MMBN series means you’re automatically a good person.

This. Started with 2 (still my fav) and went back to 1 sometime after 4 or 5. It's not horrible but the QoL improvments from the sequel make the first one tough to play.

I know I'm just mad because I'm angry

Stop being so angry to a dead series then