Assuming both are coming out in the same 2 month period. were will you be?

assuming both are coming out in the same 2 month period. were will you be?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not giving money to either, thankfully

I would go back to wow if I could get back together with my old vanilla guild. I'll probably play shadowbringers until I beat the story. Farming the gear and shit just isn't worth it.

Nobody cares about tranny fantasy xiv

Shadowbringers obviously.

I’ve played Classic enough on private servers to know that it’s a dogshit game and that most people who even mention Vanilla are doing so because they wanna seem like an elite gamer, not because they actually enjoy the game.

If you really are stuck playing MMOs then you play FFXIV to finish the MSQ and fuck off given how little value any kind of gear tends to have and then play WoW for Classic and its endgame.
>but FFXIV is better
No its just a new WoW-clone with a Weeb skin that is just as shit as WoW, they're both destined to be the same boring trash and in the end is really the same argument that people have had between American Cartoons and Anime. Pick your favorite aesthetic and let the Sunk Cost fallacy take hold.


WoW classic is overrated and nostalgiafags will remember how shit it is once they start playing.

Plus no updates for classic. Ever. No thanks.

Classic for sure, fuck all the trannies and furries in final fantasy gay.

Vanilla, not playing some chink garbage with anime characters lmao

We're finally going home bros. Everything will be okay.

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has blizzard even said anything lately about wow? im pretty sure this is their last chance to get some faith back from their fans

No significant releases from Blizzard in 2019.
It is 100% getting delayed. With how buggy the demo was that’s probabky a good thing.

Classic because I'm not an obese weeaboo tranny

yeah you're just obese

Shadowbringers until I clear savage, then WoW classic

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FFXIV isnt any different from current retail wow they are both really shit. Theres just alot more trannies in 14

XIV is just an idle simulator, and I'd also rather not do 300 hours thru a shitty overplayed story line.

I'll take Classic, thank you.

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Cunny bunnies > 2004 furry horse cock garbage

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If we were still in Legion I'd agree but you're smoking crack if you think BFA is anywhere near the level of XIV.

I mean, they're both shit, but BFA is blatantly shittier. XIV is at least a polished turd.

Too bad they aren't cute at all like that and look like shit.

Pretty much. FFXIV still has the advantage of the reboot being young and still being able to change course but given Yoshi-P loves Blizzard and anything related to both Diablo and WoW chances are that won't happen leaving FFXIV destined to be a Polished Turd till another shinier WoW-Clone appears.

But we don’t even know what the little bunnies look like yet? Going by the old concept art they’ll look exactly like that.

FF14 playable races are the lamest shit

WoW has better races overall but nobody plays them because everyone is a Human or a Blood Elf.

Different things for different people I suppose.
You like furry bait with 2002 graphics and I like pressing more than 3 buttons in a raid with actual mechanics.
It’s nice we both have a place to call home.

Shadowniggers since Classic won't be out in time

Read Both games are shit and regardless of the number of buttons you press there rarely is any depth to these 2 MMOs that have been streamlined to hell and back. Hell even XIV has a system in place to minimize most of the main combos into one button thanks to the PvP overhaul so we could see XIV really bring that bloat down. Either way WoW is a slowly decaying corpse and if Yoshida doesn't give one of his 2 roles to someone he'll take it down the same path eventually.

True but having variety is still nice. FF14 is just different sized humans with animal parts attached to their heads.
The fuck are you crying about, you retarded tranny

Shadowbringers. I can’t stand WoW in any form anymore.

I wanna get into FFXIV but the sheer amount of faggotry waifu erp shit I see on the threads here is keeping me away from it.

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global cool downs

I'd play FFXI if they released a classic server, not vanilla wow or a shitty modern MMORPG with a 4m+ release cycle

classic. no contest

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Are a good mechanic and adds a lot of complexity to rotations

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new content or a rehash of something avalible on private servers

Soon bro

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classic. Ffxiv is only better than modern wow because you can’t get lower than bfa. Classic is still a real mmo with a world that isn’t tiny segmented zones with absolutely no players, nodes that aren’t unique to each player, isn’t a queue simulator, has actual dungeons that aren’t just hallways and raids aren’t just a circle platform you queue into.

It’s also just a monthly fee and doesn’t require purchasing anything but the base game who everyone in the world owns.

I can't wait for Classic to remove all the shitters in XIV that literally can not function without a machine doing callouts for them

Play FFXIV for story then play Classic for raiding. Go back to FFXIV for patches like usual

>Play FFXIV for story

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>dude Sylvanas is so frickin' epic and such a strong womyn!!

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>playing either of those turds

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Sorry, I stopped playing in like 2008.

Regardless PvE is about orchestrating battles with other players, it's not about showing the most your individual class can do. It makes sense to use only the skills that output the biggest DPS.
I'm sure you know what it's like to have 40 man raids in XIV, and how fun it is getting everyone on the same page. Oh wait, XIV doesn't have 40 man raids...

PvP is where the individual shines, and you can use all your skills that make the class unique in order to fight another player. Using the appropriate ones, sometimes popping multiple skills back to back within seconds of each other. Something you cannot do with Global Cool Downs. Games like TERA really shined with PvP and dungeons were mostly for just getting gear and weren't all that difficult. I'm sure you understand the difference between PvE and PvP... oh wait, XIV doesn't have solo PvP, shoot. Forgot it's only 4v4 because the game isn't actually class-balanced.

I know you're just shitposting here but really let's be honest. XIV is about playing dress up dolls and idling in your company house in jacuzzi's and nude mods. WoW Classic is where the real gamers are going :^).


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>thinking any of the 2 games are complex or have any depth
FFXIV's most complex class is only complex cause its become ping reliant and the Devs don't know what to do with it. Both games are shit and you're just fighting over artstyle at this point.
>thinking having no decent story is any better
>thinking anything that isn't the lead up to Heavnensward or Heavensward proper isnt shit
The story was shit for the 1st half of ARR and the majority of Stormblood. It had one good expansion story and thats it, don't hold it on such a high pedestal.

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Shadowbringers because I'm 27 and not trying to live vicariously in the past by playing an outdated game with outdated mechanics, graphics, and gameplay in a feeble attempt to recapture my wasted youth

also because Alisaie is my wife

>Oh wait, XIV doesn't have 40 man raids
it literally got a 56-man raid a month ago dumb-dumb

>mentally ill waifufaggot is staying in his gookshit containment zone

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>hidden behind one of the most hated pieces of content to date
>content with less than 10% of the playerbase even done with 3/4th of it
>can't enter as premades due to bad design decision
The Baldesion Arsenal is only ever "hard' cause of the raise debuff. Remove that and its as easy as any other dungeon.

I'm sure it's great and not a clusterfuck of skills and particles everywhere and a bunch of screeching trannies.

>a month ago
wow only like 9 years late amirite lmao

>its just nostalgia bro

>moving the goalposts this hard
>getting BTFO so thoroughly
just stop posting any time drone-sama

>not trying to live vicariously in the past by playing an outdated game with outdated mechanics, graphics, and gameplay in a feeble attempt to recapture my wasted youth
>old game bad

>(1) 40+ man raid in 9 years
>somehow moving the goalposts
lol. Aren't you late for some ERP session or something? You will never be a girl.

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Why dont you answer given the points are pretty spot on. It'd be great if it was part of the Ivalician Raid series and not another carrot for hated content.

I mean he didn't say it was a good raid, or hard. Just that it took a lot of people.

>FFXIV's story is the best of all time!
Followed by:
>This is my first real MMO!

Who are you quoting?

he's quoting me, i thought the story was tolerable and it was the first mmo i put any real time into besides runescape, which has a much better story

>I'm 27 and I'm not pathetic enough to relive my youth by playing video games, that's why I'm playing video games in my late 20s

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The one with the bunnies.

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Both suck dick. ESO for me its the only mmo around I can tolerate all the others are generic trash.

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Playing WoW 8.2 because naga are cool

i prefer xiv over classic and bfa
i also dont want to support blizzard
ive played enough classic in all variants to no longer care that much
xiv also lacks the mandatory daily login shenanigans and lockouts every mmo nowadays applies to keep retention. if i dont feel like playing, i dont have to force it

>the worst combat system in an RPG put into a barebones open world
>only one you can stand
This could only be more fucking goofy if you said F76.

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Why are blizzcucks always so insecure and defensive?

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Pretty sure everyone hates blizzard, they just like classic

FFXIV 2.0 was lots of fun, but after that it was just content drought after content drought, and big quality dips. Its like Yoshi P saw WoD and wanted to emulate it's every aspect. Either way classic obviously, its gonna be huge, and I love vanilla wow anyways.

Would Classic be worth giving a go if you never played WoW before at all? Or is it purely for the nostalgia for veteran players?

most of those people are from xivg and most of those people play on two of the many servers the game have both which often get locked off,stop making excuses like a bitch