Defend this

Defend this.

Attached: 1551248552345.jpg (800x565, 74K)

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what do you call that top she is wearing? It looks like something a leatherman would wear.

looks like a furry Android 18



This game came out before your time so what do you care?

she? nigga you gay

Alice was better

So are the Furry Roar games any fun? I'm not really looking for anything special, just flashy and competent enough that I can enjoy myself the way intended.

>Design a girl
>Make it a boy

Why would the Japanese do this, and then proceed to give his furfag form thighs like a broodmother?

Attached: 1547083064386.jpg (640x426, 21K)

>Because of 4 we will never see a bear, frog, owl, or mouse zoanthrope

Attached: 5d4.png (680x686, 653K)

>British twink
>European release calls it a girl

Attached: 1551023424441.jpg (1024x768, 202K)

Trannies eventually turn into furries I guess. Who even owns the bloody roar op now I remember people talking about 1-2 but after that nothing.


fucking konami, so look forward to bloody roar pachinko someday, maybe.

What happened with 4?

i wanna fuck her
>its a boy

It was so bad that it killed the series.

If you were a Bloody Roar character, what would you want your beast form to be?

Based Raizing

Attached: b0b7275a5b0258faa8eb4311857d863a.png (500x600, 161K)

Shitty well maybe it’s for the best like I said I really only remember talk about bloody roar 2 people seemed to like that one.

Tiger all day.

would fug

you sure?

Attached: 1379209273.zabraxas_fox_2.jpg (985x1280, 209K)


Who even made these games?

HudsonSoft. They got absorbed into Konami and the IP was forgotten about.

is that bloodyroar?

Fuck. Literally pointless in hoping, then.

because gay people are everywhere, even in grolious nippon

Bloody Road went to shit after 2

3 was alright.