Nintendo are tainting the VR brand

VR has been rolling high these last few years and is becoming a widely accepted for of gaming. PSVR is the main runner and is delivering fantastic games and experiences such a RE7 and Astro Bot. Because of this, people are starting to take VR seriously and more than just a "dumb gimmick", which it is not.

And now Nintendo are throwing their shit into the ring with more cardboard shit that is going to make VR a fat fucking joke again. WOOO I CAN BE AN ELEPHANT WOOO I CAN BE A BIRD. This is not VR. This is not what people should think of VR and this is not the impression that it needs right now as it is making progress.

Basically, nintendo are fucking up the public perception of VR just like they are fucking the public perception of gaming as a whole by making cartoon children shit that people look at and don't take seriously. Fuck them.

Attached: img_vr01.png (629x437, 391K)

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah but when are we getting porn of the cardboard bird ass

VR is a joke, fuck off autismo.

It's funny because this is exactly what PCVR enthusiasts feel about PSVR babbies
You guys can piss in eachother's sandboxes while PCVR does the actual innovating

No. VR is fucking gay in every form right now. The only use is for porn but even that loses it's gimmick after a couple uses.
Nintendo's cardboard kiddie 360p vomit inducer is just another one of them, but cheaper.

Labo will make vr popular and affordable.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will probably get a VR update like it did with previous Labo kits

This will make VR popular

stop thinking VR is this fragile lmao
not even google's best race to the bottom efforts were enough to kill it

What is even the point of this bullshit? A cardboard bird attached to a VR headset? What does it even DO?!?!?

Attached: 1547606994247.jpg (2317x3001, 609K)

Based Nintendo.

VR is currently a gimmic for neckbeards with no life. In other words, grow up

BASED Nintendo taking a fat shit on Sony’s face

Watch them make Metroid prime 4 a VR Trainwreck just like they did with prime 3 motion controls.

Could be worse.

Attached: download.png (1100x884, 119K)

Go easy on OP, he's just a child.

>vr botw and other Nintendo games
Sounds based

Could this set back VR as a whole? It might be a fairly subpar experience, so if this is people's first foray into VR it could color them unimpressed or associate it with being a gimmick or whatever.

It is a gimmick. Nintendo fucking loves gimmicks, so of course they have this now

anyone who buys this shit was already a lost cause

it's an irrelevant toy in an irrelevant series of toys that no one buys, I didn't even know labo had other kits other than the first one

it could be cheaper than $80 too

Attached: e28da424dae3c92dca464db7dec5419e.jpg (599x640, 60K)

>4M Sold
>Nonbody buys

>Nintendo are
Fuck off ESLnigger

6 4 89 Winnie the Pooh Great Leap Forward

VR isn't a brand it's an idea dumbfuck, I think they could have tried to do an actual VR thing instead of cardboard but I'm not autistic enough to complain about it ruining VR as a whole. Jesus.

LABO is about as much VR Nintendo will be able to do with the Switch. They're testing out the waters in the worst way possible though.

Could be dope for a Pokemon Snap VR experience.

Just like PSVR did for Sony consoles. Honestly this is a genius way to get kids interested in VR tech

basically what google did years ago

Attached: muddy water.png (632x430, 58K)

>And now Nintendo are throwing their shit into the ring with more cardboard shit that is going to make VR a fat fucking joke again.

based and redpilled nintendo saving gaming from this retarded gimmick.

Good god the stupid shit poorfags say to justify buying cheap shit will never not make me laugh.
"Hurrrr VR bad, I tried cardboard with my 150$ phone!"
Jumping jesus christ hahahaha

Attached: 1522106372628.png (762x448, 603K)

Based Palmer Luckey
Godspeed chasing down those filthy wetbacks

don't you have phones?

The screen is 720p. You can get a better experience from phone.

PSVR is not affordable

People aren't seriously taking this bait, right? People don't honestly believe 99.98 percent of everything VR aren't horribly made clearly in alpha stages of indie games, right?

Attached: 1520549734748 2.gif (365x205, 1.64M)

How much of Dan's schneider do you think Miranda choked on during her 8 years working for him?

I'm hoping all 14 inches

Attached: 1550913971653.png (547x359, 313K)

Dan is an outstanding gentleman. There's no way he'd ever do anything creepy to those child actors.

PSVR alone has more good exclusives than the Xbox One. There's lots of garbage being made but it's improving rapidly. It's not unlike the beginning of CD-based media and people thinking CD games were all FMV trash games.

>PSVR alone has more good exclusives than the Xbox One.

PSVR is the new PSVita a failed thing that sonyfags will defend until Sony pulls the plug. Pathetic but also hilarious.

>if I keep saying it, it will eventually become to truth!

Attached: 1549410886429.png (600x600, 193K)

I am disappoint

Depends on what exactly they are doing

If they can format this to allow me to play Mario Kart in first persons that would be dope

I'd give my remaining nut if everyone at Sony died of a brain hemorrhage all at the exact same time on April 14th, 2019 at 4:36 PM.

It's the kind of dedication you get when their time isn't worth any money.
Not like there's a downside to wasting their own time other than amusement, and if they're wrong, they can just slink back and pretend it never happened.

Oh come on you fags use the same arguments.
>b-but it's actually selling fine
>b-but it does have games look at this shitty obscure games no one playes

Nintendo yet again innovate by actually making use of VR to let you be something instead of just a first person roller coaster

>Armchair retards can't see the benefit of VR being easily accessible and targeting children/families for an audience that wouldn't care otherwise

Imagine being this fucknig stupid

The sad thing is that this is such a paper thin gimmick that it will have no impact on real VR eitherway, however it will shit up nu/v/ even worse than usual for months

This is from resetera, isn’t it?

Besides Tetris Effect and Beatsaber I can't really think of any exclusive VR games I'd play. A LABO VR headset also isn't a big investment like the PSVR. Nintendo is just dipping their toes in the water. I'm sure VR game devs would be glad to port over to Switch seeing how the user base buys games at an very high rate compared to other systems.
Also nobody gives a shit about games looking like "cartoon kiddy shit". I thought we moved past this mentality of being an insecure mong about what video games you play when we graduated middle school.

Oh boy, more Labo shitposting clogging up the board. Here’s what’s gonna happen: this crap will come out, nobody will buy it, Yea Forums will spam Labo Wojaks acting like it’s the height of comedy. Real VR will keep trucking along with its subpar tech demos. Nothing changes.

>$180 cheaper than PSVR
>low specs of the switch mean bringing back the soulful aesthetic of 32X flat shaded 3D games
>both sets (full and basic) come with the blaster, meaning a VR FPS exclusive could be in the cards
Pre-ordering the full edition day 1

Fuck off, the average pcvr user here larps in VRchat and jacks off to porn. Meanwhile, we're playing the best VR games and will soon have Dreams, the ultimate creation tool with VR support day one.

VR’s biggest entry point is price. It takes hundreds of dollars to get something decent. That’s why the best selling VR isn’t on console but on mobile. Cheap Chinese headsets and literal cardboard are beating this 300 dollar equipment

It is if you've already got a PS4. The headset bundle is cheaper than buying/building a VR-capable PC plus an Oculus (though I hear it's all getting cheaper, especially if you get another headset like WMR)

>Dreams, the ultimate creation tool with VR support day one.
I bet it'll flop even harder than LBP but enjoy. I give PSVR another year before Sony decides VR isn't worth spending money on just like the PSMove

>Also nobody gives a shit about games looking like "cartoon kiddy shit".
Funny how VR's 'watershed' moment is cartoony shit.

While Nintendo's previous "contribution" to VR killed the market for a long time, I highly doubt something like this will be at all damaging to the VR market or Nintendo's success.

>VR has been rolling high these last few years and is becoming a widely accepted for of gaming.

Attached: 1375506851429.gif (227x224, 12K)

Bros, is there yet an image of basedwojack with a mario hat and labo VR that I can spam on every nintendo thread?

>While Nintendo's previous "contribution" to VR killed the market for a long time
It really didn't, the technology was nowhere near ready until Oculus rushed it out a few years ago.
In truth VR has been a pipe dream until recently.

>make the only modern device without cameras
>sell a camera cosplay kit

Who else but Nintendo!

>I have never seen the bottom of the right joycon

IR=/=Visible Light

Why is that a problem? It's fucking VR.

VR is the most annoying thing because they jumping in with both feet instead of pacing themselves.
They just need to make headset monitors where you just have a screen tapped to your face. Once that becomes the norm you can add motion control.
With the headset you just need something to play but with the motion control you need to fork over +$600 and make a special area for it.